HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 219, July 20, 1933Proceedings of_'' _?:0 _ ____ C'.. 1,...I:�!: `-_ City of Paducah ', "•r`lt1j,'Y .lily 20th, 1333. At a onll mootine of the Board of Commirslonnrs },old 1n the i Co---.isalonern' Chnmbcr 1n the City 11511, Pnd+.tesh, Yrrt+.,u:]^r at 2:f0 o+elock P.M. on the 2001 c}n? of July, inn, ].:ayor Ccott nresidc', nmi ur:on call of the roll the following answered to their names; Comrianioners Bleck, Hradshm^, Ricko and Ynyor Scott (4). Court Costs nllo••:ed in suit of ifnseaebusetts Protective Lif Assurance Co., va., City of Pnducnh 5.50 Claim of :'ears Green Gnrnge alla.7ed C1r.1m of '--ton for n. uto sunn110 allor:c•'.. torIa .ripprt for •ncntt Of J,• t 1,,t ,.erei vers fi]C'l Payrolls for fir -t 1nlf or 1983 r � Payor Scott stated reason for call to -wit: Por the -turpose of nlla.•:inC the payrolls end bills. Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the amount of ;. 5.I:0 rc- allo::c•l for Court Costs in filing suit by the City, vs., I!nssnchusntts Protective Life Assurance Comonny, and that the Commiarionrr of "ubl.ic Finance be authorized to pay same and chArgo to Coate and E:uttn funl in thr+ Department of Public Affairs. ddoote(I on cull of the roll: Venr- Commissicners Blacic, Brndshn,s, Rieke n1nd L'nyor Scott (4). Commissioner Rielre offered motion thnt the claim of Searn & Green Garage for amount of .18.40 be allorve•t, same ),nvin}r been dvly unproved for allowance and payment, and that the Comminsioner of Public Finance be autl,orized to pay same and chnrge to the 'Inrk Board in tLe Department of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of the roll- Yens; Corr-issioners Block Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Commissioner Ricke offered motion ''hat the clai- of f:r. •'.J.:'eston A-sistsnt City Physician for -count of v 20.50 for Auto Suoultcs furnished. for m-nt-h of June 1933, be nllo:•led, same lrnving been duly n^moved for allowance and Payment, and that the Commisnloner. of Public Finonc. be nuthorizr'J to pay name and charge to Health Deportment supplies in the Deanrt:rent of Public `.ffrirs. Adonted on call of the. rol.l: Y - n- Co--innionern Rlocd,, Ts-dshn^:, Rieke and P:yor Scott (4). Co,r-aissioner Rieke offered moti,,n 'het the Auditor's renort of collectior.n rnr'. disbursa,;:entn for t1,' rontl-. of Jim 19:1% be receiver' and filed. ant.<:r on cnll of ttle roll; Ynnr• Cn.r•.7aicrcra -'locl-, Bradnhn,•i, Rieke and Yaynr Scott (4). Coe:-issinner Rieke. offerr'd roti -n t}t t t;_e an••rn11s for the first half J+.rl1, ;5,. , be slloocd in tte r. -+.aunt of 5406.05, and tlr t ttie lssicnnr of ?iblic Finance be a:itorizcr! t^ by c;ecks for, r,, 1111t . .S•^r npd to pay the remnitxler of :.` 2638.C:C ':itl Paducah In6ustrivn •!ficates. Adonted on en]1 of the roll: Yens; Co is^inr;,..rr: and 1.,,,.:.�,• r:nt.� (4). "Ti r..'! . . . rt,. ; , "itrr.e:l. ' _=y_�,t..�_�_,y Lia'. ••'