HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 213, July 10, 1933Proceedings of_'_`.._ .._ - - - City of Paducah t•"^+"ncl<v EJuly 10th, l CMy, 1'eetinv ndjoti until Tueadny July 11th, Report of Chief of Police for month of June 1933. Renort of City Jniler for month of June 1933. N Report of Fire Department for month of June 19,M received on,1 file,?. Feri.'rnnticn or Tilton i. 7'isher accented, ns Vest and !'ilk In.aoector. r! , .arner -ncinted Event nra fink Y At a regulor me -ting of the Lonrd or Co—isninrern +,c1•' in the Co�:rd3rioners'Chnnber in the City Fnll, Pnducah, Sentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.l!. on the 10th dny of July 1935, !'nyor Scott -resided oral ,non toll. •.r thv roll the folla.7ing onnwored to their nnmos: Co,rminsionors Llock, Rieke and l+ayor Scott (4). Commissioner !�rndshne: being absent, Mayor Scott offered motion that this reg�il.nr me•-ti.ng no•^ rete -s to meet again in adjourned session un Tuosdny at 2:00 !•clock P.k'. July 11th, 1933, dispensing with the reading of the minutes until Tuerdny. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens: Comiscioners Block, Rieke and Royer Scott(3) The meeting reconvened at 2:00 o'clock P.V. on the 11th dny of July, 193Tz,_and anon cull of the roll the follo�?lnp, ans^rerod to thoir names: Commis^inners Ploc'c, Bradshnri, Ri4cc and 11�7ror Scott (4). ilayor Scottoffered motion that the report Cf the Chief of Police for the Police Department for the 'nonth of June 1933 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll. Yens: Co-n-iszioners Blocic, Urndshnrr, Rieke and Vayor Scott (4). Unyor Scott offered roti^n that the report of the City Jniler for the month of June 1933 to received and filed. `.donted on cull. of the roll: Yens; Com:^issioners Plock, Urndshn•-, Rieke and I:uyor•Scott (4). Vayor Scott offered motion that the renort of the Fire Department for the month of June 1933, be received and filed, Adopted on call -f the roll: Yens; Commianioners r'.lnck, Prodnhwa, Rielcr, nn' 11nyor ^cote (4). Vnyor Scott offered the-folio^ir.q motion: ;Shares 1-11ton R. Fisher has tendered his rnnignntion nn feat nnA 1`1112 Insnoct-.or to l•ecn•-v effective July 1st, I move that the n—"n be nccontce. Adooted on call of trn roll: Yens; Com' lssioncrs ['lock, Rrodshnw, ltinc(• and 11•:7or Scott (4). M^yor Scott error(,.(] ot•ion 'hot '.r. f% ,, ^rner of Pnducah, Kentucky be np'1ointoc !lent and !-tl.k Tnsnctor for :Ise ; ^l^^.cr of the yenr 1P3:5, ?Contod on call of the roll: Yens; CoTM Isalo-CIrn `.loci, ! rncishow, Rieko aild Unyor `:^0t1. (4). o�fe0fX.'^ Tr. a CO"Zltgtlpr,�r Rieke offered mo+lon t''—t + -'ssionor of allorpl ... Sitizena .. ... n,.., ace. Le u1;.. orized nk. a to noi},e „qtr for ,pr0,00 eanr.,�teA Ly t1 --e C11.. ,r Pc•'h.irnh ' o Ile 'I'L-c.ns „n A'c'. ruary 10th 1C'. a .. 1.U: 'n•:I, r.,r ,tt Gill n" .. Yena; Ce—inn ton0rs ;,t tl1 31*. (t;) - n!'s r:n the -. •:r.1.or':n 'a!, r' Poli: Yens: r%o- isal•ners ;.c s Proceedings of__'-.. _:.L 1--'T r.1-' ' T_=T'" " 1 ;. City of Padueah_C_'`��^^? Con:^°snl,ner P.irlcc offered motion that the Co-•-3ssio•or of Putlie .- Flnance be to n•'y Ole int -rest Coupons for six (6) months and the .. School Iiprovc^ent 1 ond^ of 1926, which will become due on July lbt}; for .^,znt of : 3136.00. Cutst'nneing 132,OCO,CO Interest rate 4-3/4" Annual Interest 6,270.00 Semi-annual Interest due f' 3135.00 Mooted on call of the roll: Yews: Commissioners Block, Brndsher7, Rieke and I'.nyor Scott (4), ::r Co^-'-.issionor Rieke offered ^•otion that the nnplient-1on from A. 11. l.i. c/aC -t.,-- Prtbeck South 3rd St.,for n license to permit the retailing of beer and light R^beCk -Ines be granted upon pnymcnt of the nroper amount to the Co^missioner of Public ' Pinnace. .4dontcd on boll of the roll: Yeas: Commisricners Plock, ­rndsharf, Rieke ^nd Payor Scott (4). i Jas, Scot'; Commissioner Rlelre offered motion that Jns. Scott %+1:01 Park Ave., exon r - . 9 fro- to cxonernted for a poll tax asses^sent of " 1.50 n tnx bill 414747 for the yenr nol l s r"n his1133, as he has rot been a^^esred •••ith n ool.l t^x mince 1-e renched thr Doe ii,*it, 1933 t^x bill. 'cut wns nrrc=sed for a poll tax this year through error, and that tre Comrissioner r 'u of Public Finance be authorized to refund him the amount of �1.50 poll -sx laid on said tax till and charge same to Tax Refunds in the Department of Public Finance. F Adopted on call or the roll: Yens: Commissioners Block, 8radnbov, Rieke nn,' t i'.a701• ScOtt (4). Co::•,issicner Rieke offered motion that: Lum Sn,:s, colored ;,"2 Harrison c r.' re1`a t Pros! poll; Street, be exorernted for a poll tax asaosrment of w 1.50 on tax bill 1,'6722, for 1. '.1 x on :,ill 6701 year 1933, as he has not been asresse,.l with a Doll tax since he reached the nge limit, but :'.•ns nn=c ned for a. noll tax this yenr through error. And thnt the Sonar of ?,lblic Finance be authorized to refund him the amount of 1.50 poll tax rsid on sni? tnx bill nrrJ charge same to ?ax Refunds in t) -c- Dernrtrrcnt of trance, danted on call of the roll: Ye a, Co,�,:isnioncrs Plock, Pr �1-n. ti,nw, - issioner Pick(, offered moti'n that I'rn. Gilliam lie rxorel'^tn•t ns��•�.^...... nt of ip 1.10 on tax bill "1805, as silo jr, rt cui jact to a n call. of the roll : Yeac, Cor •issir,ners P1^.c'r., °'a••. ash: Rieke - odea 'hat ' . Y. Ragnecc, 2105 Guthrie Ave., rl. nnresnnont on tax bilis :'32fb for 7,ar .1^ Gl., total 7.53, ns be has filed an _.. .. llv«a i,1 r• Win County find ,nyinc, taxes there for the - .. r.?1 Of -11: Yaa.s; Cor,::•,isslee,u+r•a Vlock, Pradahavr, - ..A 1, - _ ... .. -...- . _, .m, ter,. „ _, S;xn•• , ... � " .. _. .• - _c .. r�e.r ".'i ',ra •�s�T'I x: �;-SCh Proceedings of-t$_r4tTL_G`_CC-' i`==SC':P_ City of Paducah KTTTUcKy July l7.th, 193: _ Plock, F"dshnw, Piek.o and rnyor Fcott (4). Pnr'.rhi?1 Co—issioner Ricke offered motion ihnt T. F. Pnr!:hil1 be exonerated cxonernted fron Derncnni on his tax bill 14000 for,tho ;ter•^.r 7938, the nmount or 'R.r,B for the Jane toxes on tax till /14000.' half and :7,:2.68 for the 06tober half, n total of ..^. 5,56 as he -,..s. ensesaed on both tex bills ;/ 3999 and':' 4000 for the some 1' 200.00 personal property which caused a doubly nrsessmorit. Adopted on cnl.l of the roll: Yens: Cown-innianors Block, Brsdsha'^, Rieke end !'ayor Scott (4). ' Persons - Com"issionor Rieke offered motion that the followin tnx nnyors be exonerated from poll tax exonerated'from paying the :;; 1.50 poll tax charged on their tax bills for the on account of being non year 1933,.on recount of either being non-reisdent or have exceeded the sgo resident or having reached! limit, in the same order as listed belo•:,: the n$c !!-nit I it Cov B. Cnneer tion resident Tax Bill 11 775 �! Leon Chambers 855 Chas . Gordon Glenn " " 1897 C. C. Lyles " 3196 e..1'. Miller 3g6p J. Made " " 5574 IjT. S nn nn" „ „ 5035 Gno'ct. "'e^r els ' 11 5784 Cecil aoFen " 6140 Geo. A. PonOurant Age Limit 476 l.. DuBois " " 1370 John.Lnreent " " 3011 .. Katterjohn " " " 2802 Cooper Smith' Commissioner Rieke offered motion r`at Cooper Smith ;%701 N. 24th ex,nersted � frcm o."yinr• i' St., and P,. J. Finley, 1/725 South 5th St., be exonerated from poying the.." 1.50 Doll tax 'lao T.J. Poll Tax charged on their tax bills for the yenr 1933 as Cooper Smith r,ne Firloy• ✓ u', charged s:ith a Poll Tax on bill j, 4950 and also on bill "4964 as '7. C. Smith, k making a double assessment '.a they are one and the acme -,orlon, Hutt B. J, Finley is a womon, the vr!fe of Jesee :7. Finley 'aho was nlso assessed for n Poll Tax. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Block, Brndshnw, Rieke rand iiayor Ccott (4). t'rs, R. ' Co^-^issioner Riet:P offorod motion that L?rs. C. ''. PcCarty be t!c^nrty be ersrernte,l I exonerated on Tex Pill x'3355 for the. ye• -r 1938, the ,:mount of P. :'.68 for fro-, tnx li June half incl ' 2.66 for thri potot,r hnlr, a tots] of ' S.N,, "or the r^ Ca,r^? r as-erc:r.cnt on P00.00 nornonnl pion,tl;r, ns she hn^ ftle,i an nPfidnvit, th t. t;. ✓ she [nave" to the County in ,Tune 19.'•0. i:,;, rated nn Cn?? rhe roll: Yens! Co:•^iseloners Block, rrodshaw, Rieke nal.. Vnyor .Scott (4). J. 7. tia7.i Co-'-Ssaiener Rieke offore<i motion cbnt. J. t!nll be exonerated o7^ pante!? far t „ :x,17 tnx ne 7.50 chnrged on his tax bill 377h for tike yrv:r 1933 cn�till 7,17`. ; r ):r.. _ r•. c!.-. +.r: 11 -At, and ns 5-0 !-s be,n .old. t,ic, Co,rinrirnor W, 1u;.ltr. ''.,nn' r; is r: n,tt oriveri to rcfand sr s, nr+cunt or. 1. o to Tr.x P„^qsds 'cn Olr, ;,c;-.rt.r;n;, r:f hiblie r`'inanee. Adopted on c"11 of the, roll: t Yen%; Via- issi,nors Llnek, )!rnrishnv,, Ricke OnO l'ryct . Cott (4). riastorcr` Pieke orre;ro4 mo! lon that t! c followtnc, toxos,:rrs be i eaaneratel for the. re'untie.r.s en as^r.ae esi4s on 'heir r snoctSvn t.ny il)la to ttr year v+S.th ttcr'rncken nert,'^rly Court ter^ors, theaeby rednetr.- t.h-m to 'h. arxr,nts listed 1.r.1os: NO..�_�5..'��.-._._...__. Proceedings of._a-:_"��?,L`_'_ �_��'-Tt_'_ -�'_�--� Cityof Pdd.cah iT'17Tt(.`ICX .fitly 11h� 197'.7.., cracrs :,, 9ns Dill itxonorntton dunc,l October, reduct.ic,-.r .T, OTT -1c11 ,',, :lfe756 ,^,` 85.95 42.9E 42.97 In ^sresr- r:c.11 '. owler '' ..759 102.91 51.46 51.45 -dnts "cr-crnon 1603 483.47 241,74 241.73 tg Court i'arthn L.-Fo-O.er 1716 214.67 107.34 107.33 J. ',. Gordner 1802 109.67 54.84 54.83 ,. Mrs. Hsry F. Cnrdnor' 1807 48.27 24.14 24.13 Geo, F'. rood Tan 1931 536.40 268.20 268.20 Yrs. 7' 7. Goodman 19:3 37.79 18.90 18.89 lT,ttic H"le 2089 82.68 41.34 41.34 S. K. Hole 2091 41.41 20.71 20.70 Chris Hnr3lambo ^st, 2157 19.67 9.84 9.83 P, ". Katterjohn 2801 2802 40.88 20.44 20.44 Goorge L•ongstn"f 3002 251.89 125.95 12.5.94 Hughes fcF.nicht. 3425 198.72 99.36 99.36 h Hnble relTichols Oren 3925 15.01 7,51 7.50 h� :'r. -" V. O:rc 3931 8.58 4,29 4.29 Tina Snrsh :enders 4676 61.72 30,86 30.86 Slonn Iir nthera 4931 41.54 20.77 20.77 S. R. Smith -at. 4976 4979 863.95 431.98 431.97 :.dooted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Brsdsbar., Rieke and Hayor Scott (4). Resoluta-n rnvor Scott offered motion that a r,solution entitled " RT'SO?.0^T01' nsk,inc for bids 'ti""C-T"T7�' _ _IPY.CTPIG TF'C CC' IS210-11 CI-"L'LIC ':'PCPI:F7Y "0 ADAT:RTIST: FOR BIDS receives Sinal "0 L-'.£' C:-'cAIII PPCF OS CITY PROPPFTY LOCATF.r UT THR r,CF"'1'P (T i'I?'Tii i„'D I3UR':TTT oarsage. V 7. .S. I'I Siti< CIiY OF ''I,DUC?H, K TT2UCKY rOR A TITIOD OF IO l_:'RS", having been I intorudeed and laved over for one creek in its cor.:nleted form, same no:-: be adopted. Adbpted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Pieko and i'7.7or Scott (4). 1:n7or Scott offered motion that an ordinance entitled r"rT _rC..T..r .. ^IP?'C7T"G 7V 'YOB ..'T C0i""ISrIT-P Or ,_T, .Tr, .1,r... -r ,.OPrr., i"' n•V"iM WIV TP OTTS'1 (`175, 000.00) 'OT i.',r` ':'Or, 'Pl" U"-. _ - - cl,y 0, PADJCAH, CT'"'UCKY, 0 ":(T'r!TT' to .��,_ -in• - -:,r..l. '°CC:" %1D CIRY, :F 'r., ^L" ;r,,- l.. ,.U_F (,n "T.Y - . r•..- .'L" T' : 1933 AS £FCIiFTiY "ITTTItFOR," be adopted. .'c'cncc,l an call of the roll : Yens: Co-Issionorn rloc'.<, i rr,i6r.bn , Hoke and gayer :.,Cott (4). 01"I in n nc,e aonointin Ment an" Milk Inspector 1'• or `.Cott offcrr nn ordAnna cc ontttic, ' 'r--_ r. W, Cc' -.... 1'lt.i; I1'fP1:C?OF li! ?i?.. rT.,.,, r• O'' 'IC' , ,.VALIFPT,:TICCIT; r; G^ FT`rT'.'G be rr onto%. `oeted on Coll of UN roll: Yo,:%n: 'i'i nna Vn7Tar Scott (•1). `7� 1 a Cr-