HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 185, May 1, 1933Proceedings of—TIT I -n•U Cr_CZW.I UEFZS City of Paducah_HTNTU -AI _ )piny, 1p,t,_19:i3._.__ At a reRtlnr meetinv of the Board of Commissioners held In the Comm issloners' Chamber in the city•Dall Building in the City of Padues', Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.1,1, on the 1st day of Yay, 1933, Mayor Scott nrecided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Block, Brndshsw, Rieke and P+'ayor Scott (4). 'Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. rap -eats Mayor Scott offered the following motion: Whereas, thirteen (13) of toxea allo-rrod. tax payers tendered settlement for their entire 1933 city taxes after the closing hour of the Finance Office on Saturday April 29th, and whereas, all said tenders of tax payments were actually made in the month of Anril, I move that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and directed to accept said checks and monies on this date allowing said tax payers the 3% discount as provided by law. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, is Bradahar.•, cnd Mayor Scott (3). Commissioner Rieke was present but did not ) U vote. Cash or- ;! Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Cash orders in the amount of ders allowed. a 19.56 be alload and the Commissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed by check on the General Fund for said amount, same to be charged to the oroner funds in the various departments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens: Commissioners Block, . Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). t a :+ Mica Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the eight (8 pnlications for p. 8 ) tins fore beer licenses received for permits to retail beer and light wines, as per list of licenses grnr.ted. names rere•rith submitted, be granted upon payment .of the proper amounts to the Co-1^sicner of Public Finance. Adopted on call.of--the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block,, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Soott (4), 18.24 Conmissioner Rieke cffored motion that the amount of 'A 18.24 be a _ d oaeed .for allowed for printing 6,000 government envelopes, and that tho Commissioner of envel•*en Putdic Finance be authorize,1 to pay game to Rex P. Corneltaon, Postmaster and i c'rarge to Printing, Postage and Supplies Fund, in the Department of Public Finnneo. hacpted on call of the roll: Yeas; Con-;nissionera Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mnycr fcott (4). •;lai•• c" Ca-<saasicrer• Rieke offered motion that the bill. of Marshall Jones, Wers:.. . 'rrrr:a for n .amt of IC.rG for aerviaoo rendered in reporting evidence in the :ase of dl000d. 11b.iun, et al, Vs. Cit, of Paducah be allowed; same having been duly n •;ro.•!. for nd.losanee and pa;� nt, and that t',o Commissioner of Public Finance ^rizc9 tv, pay sa e an'! ctarae to Costs and Suits ',,and in the Dopnrtment cf .t!.ic ,.;fr,ira. A?opted on call of t?•r. 1.011: Yana; Conunissionors Plock, ira•!a ar., 'la. nn! N.ayor "cot.t (4). C,lei-c C-_-•sai^ ...:'a cffere. ;t•2tn ^iaL •. w•.:nunt: or .•.C•0 Lo nllo"Ved Poe Kra, 1lcw t -6i^. .,a.- CrI�' a 1 .,wera, `?. Fr:sttlos A"nins.101, e city, . t; _ ."y _.tr.. '.3 ...... :.. .. r -Ise s at. :i019 Jef'fr,r'arn �.' l '.y a _..•:` .. -•,'.�.+cfn'. cna w- 1.1c c c..Rnioj, uport-? t,,rr.!n:r some' rash, isacc• cf .:rar.co to witnorizea to pay same an,! c:r, •Ze In t•... :. nnrc yn: of :`,JXdic Finance. Adoots•i cn cal: o*.' t?:e ro".1: Yen-: 1aa1 -n.^e .lc^'a, .rad—z"aw, rieke sni Mayor 'cott (4). Proceedings of 2l3F.. POt•Fn cr Cc :'_L i _ City of Paducah `,T1111'ruv my. I at 1933. - -- - — - --- - - - — - -- ----- - Clals of Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the amount of 14.00 be allowed Eldra `.;filler allo"cd. for the purcenae of two tons of hay from T1dra Miller, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same enol charge to the it Street Department in the Department of Public '.Yorks. Adonted on cell of the !j roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). I G. R. Davis Ij Commissioner Rieke offered motion that G. R. Davis be exonernted from exonerated from nailing ]]p payment of the Poll Tax charge of $ LPO on his.tax bill #1201 for the yenr Poll tnx on li account of 1' 1933, on account of his havinS reached tre nge 11mite. Adonted on cnil of age limit the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). H. C. Leech Commissioner Rieke offered motion that H. C. Leech be exonerated from exonerated from paving payment of the Poll Tax charge of v 1.50 on his tax bill # 6516, for the Poll tnxea year 1933, having reached the age limit. Adopted on call of t"a roll. - Yens; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Magor Scott (4). Deed granted !� Commissioner Block offered motion that a deed be granted to Eva Porter, to Eva Porter in Oak Grove for Lot #45 Block #5 in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon payment of $ 30.00 to Cemetery. p the CommlsAioner of Public Finance. ,Adopted on call of tra roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor S cott (4). on motion the meeting adjourned. i AP PR OVER ayes 4 ADOP4F.D_o...,_g44J„ 1933. � Y 1