HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 174, March 27, 1933N0.P_ege-l7A___— Proceedings of- IEE_iIOARD._Q)`CO+S:IS�lOPIFJi;.-- City of Paducah_''NTSLCK I_nrch A7th,_L9 _ I At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hnll Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P,t%i, on the 27th day of March, 1933, Mayor Scott presided and upon cnll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mnyor Scott (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Report of !' Mayor Scott offered motion that the report of the Paducah Mater Water Works for February P Works (Municipally ovmed) for the month of February, 1933, be received and received and filed, j1 filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, I Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). i Communication ldayor Scott offered motion that the communication from the Board. of from Board of Education Education of received, the city of Paducah bearing date of March 23rd, 1933, together � filed and I; with the certified copy of the resolution making levy for school ourposrs for spread upon the ,ry'I m!nutes of tre'I the year 1933 be received and filed; and that said resolution so making and Board. A fixing said tax levy for school purposes at Ninety Seven (10.97) Cents on each one, hundred collar valuation of property subject to school taxes for the ymaintenance of public schools and Twenty Three ($0.23) Cents upon the one hundred dollar valuation of Such property for the purpose of creating a sinking hfund and paying interest upon the school bonds and paying the obligations of it theBoard of Education, be snread upon the minutes of this Board. "The following resolutions are a part of the minutes of the called meeting of the Board of Education held Thursday night ].larch 23, 1933. " "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky that there be and there now is imposed and levied an ad valorem tax of ninety- seven (971) cents on each $100.00 valuation of real and personal property of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1933, the same being necessary in the opinion of the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, to produce for said year of 1933 the .total estimated sum necessnry to be raised to support and maintain the public schools of the City of Paducah I Kentucky, less the estimated sum to be received from the State Common School Fund." "BE IT PFROLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, thst there be and there now is imnosed an ad valorem tax anon all the real sad personal property in the City of Paduenh, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1933, of not exceeding twenty three (23g") cents upon the '100.00 valuation of said property, name being necessary to create a sinking fund for Payment of bonds of the City of Paducah, Kentucky issued for school purposes, I dated January 15, 1920 and January 15, 1926;1 Arcadia Graded Schobl bonds dated 6; t January 1, 1924 and October 1, 1926, and for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds when and as due." 1 We the undersigned, 71. F. McMurry, Jr_ president of the Board of S F.d,ication of Paducah, Kentucky and Ethel M. Rice, Secretary, do hereby certify thnt the foregoinv resolutions were duly adopted by the Board of Education, of Paducsh, Kentucky, at a called meeting held Thursday ni�-%ht March 23, 1933, end same is hereby certified to the lion. Mayor and ComTis2ioners of and i� city .err tt�e attention of such Board as the law directs. { W. F. Me '"urry - President, YCAnD OF FPUCA'rION, Pnducah, Kentucky. Attest: Ethel Y. FYce - Lecretnry 1i"7i,b;;. r,r. -ia(,... i r,j Pa*n,cah, Ytntucky Adopte3 rn call of the. roll.. Yer,s; Ccmznlssior.r,rs Bleck, Pradotuww, Rieke and Payor Bcott. (4). i rao. _..P.age...175_ _--_ Proceedings of_TRI• BOARD OFCO?,tt+7;sI(�•,JF^ ___ City of Paducah ---n ._March 27th, Report Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the report of the Commissioner of Com^.iss- of Public Finance regarding the advertising and sale of delinquent tax bills for the ioner of Finance City of Pnducah, Kentucky, for the year 1932, be received and recorded upon the received and minutes of this meeting. Adopted on enll of the roll: Yens; Commissioners recorded Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Llnrch 27tb, 1933. Hon. Wayor k Board of Commissioners, Paducah, Kentucky. Oentlemen: In accordance with the advice of the City Solicitor to delay as lonE as possible the advertising and sale of the delinquent tax list, and give the Citizens and oroperty owners every relief possible, the advertising of delinouent taxes was delayed from the customary time in December of the current year (1932) until Friday, the seventeenth day of March, 1933. All delinquent taxes for the City of Paducah, Kentucky, were today offered for sale, pursuant with Kentucky Statute #3187, at the door of the City Hall at or about 12 o'clock, noon. There was no one present to take less than the whole or interested in buying any individual tax bill, therefore the list was sold as a whole, and there belting no other bidders, was bought in by me as Finance Commissioner for the City of Paducah, Kentucky. I trust this action meets with your approval. Sincerely yours, Chas. C. Rieke CO'd": "S tlx: • +OF pi7B - IT C F'TA?ICF CCR:LTD i 6 months', Commissioner Rieke offers,,] motion that allowance be made from the interest allowed r General Fund and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay the on Pad. Tenn. six (6) months interest and bank collection charge on the following bond issue t< ALF. R.P..tovu for total amount of v 1127.81 due on Anril 1, 1933. . issue Paducah, Tenn., & Alnbema R.R. 0/3 45,000.00 Interest rate 5 Annual Interest 2,250.00 Semi -Annual Interest v 1125.00 Bank. Collection charge ', of 1% 2.81 Total v 1127.81 Pnyment to be made t rough the Citizens Rnvings Bank Oencral Sinking Fund to the National City Psnk of New Yor1-, Ilew York, before April 1, 1933. Adopted on csll of the roll: Yogis; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). r ,,=lin CoTT1n^irro:' Rieke offered motion that allowance be made from the -1. 9er,Frn1 Rin' •:ra t}:a Cc—insioncr of Fubl.ic Finance be authorized to any the e me ^.Sz (G) n . "c In—re<_t nn the following bond issue for amount of 144.;8 glue '•aril 1st, 193.',: Orndec' Schcol N<. Dnnda 0/S i 5400.00 t'II Lb 51 S t e rf V. t 288.75 71 Interest 144.38 I ,Int to Le rado- thr?.ugh tY.e Peoples 411=ti=4.al Peak_ :'•i!:kin,, Fund. Adopted on ,f t*n rc;l: yeas; Cc^ .Sarirrarc [•ince, hrn,10.nw, Fieke an! Mayor Scott (4). j --is o r Fieke offc'rea r:odor. that Jana _Manley to ex.)narated fr•ev: 1 tax ct.arr=. ofn 1. E0 r: c i ren• tax t;i.11 $..F84 far yi+nr 1932, j) as t e 'c:.:l r=>> ertcr,-r,,;a1y zn'r: ;t in tY.e name of 3QM3 ^tanley instead of [ Ss :e .' "nlf T er.' 2' e 12 -ct su iect to tte t.arrent of a poll tax. Adopted cn call No. Page 1.76 Proceedings of__71iE. BQAFfi OF CO'"?IS�IOP_1F_RS^City of Paducah ENITGCRY March 27th, 1933. of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Brodshnw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Emory Williams'Commissioner Rieke offered motion t.hnt Emory ':Yilliams be exonerated exonerated from paying f from payment of the poll tax of 1$ 1.50 charged on each of the tax bills poll tax becaure of against Emory VUV:iams L. "Pife as follows: Bill 175816 for ,year 1929, Bill duplication. #5931 for year 1930 and Bill #5890 for year 1931 as there was a duplication 11 of thia'poll tax charge made on Bill 115824 for year 1929, Bill #5939 for year 1930 and Bill #5898 for year 1931, in the name of F. C. Willinms, whereas Emory 'Williams and E. C. '71111ams are one and the same persona Adopted on �i call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Player Scott (4) IFI MeetingMayor Scott offered motion that this meeting norr recess to meet again recessed to 1' meet again ii in adjourned session at 2:00 o'clock P.M. Thu raday March 30th, 1933. Thursday ,. . March 30th,, Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Bioko and 1933. Mayor gcott (4).. Meeting recessed until 3:00 o'clock P.M. Thursday March 30th, 1933. .) The meeting reconveried'at 3;00 o'clock 'P.M.'Thursday March 30th, 1933, and upon call of the"roll the following answered 'to their names: Commidaioners Block, 'Bradsharr;'Risks and Mayor Scott (4). Fidelity and Mayor Scott offered motion that the bond heretofore executed by the Deposit Company! " released from fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland in behalf of A. Y. Martin as bond of A.Y. Martin. Delinquent Tax Collector be released as to future liability as of January let, 1933, but not as to any liability that may have occurred prior to that date. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Claim of Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the March 1933 statement of the Falteman Insurance Fslteman Insurance Agency for amount of a 115.00 be allowed, snme having been Agency for amount of duly approved for allowance and noyment, and that the CoTmissioner of Public 2115.00 allowed Finance be authorized to pny name and charge to Bonds of Employees in the Department of Public Pronerty. Adoptod on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Blank, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). L'eerl granted Coamissioner Block offered motion thot a deed be granted to F. Boyd to E. Boyd Sr. Oak Grove for a Lot 937, Block #5, in Oak Grove Cemetery, upon payment of forty Cemetery. dollars (140.00) to the Commissioner of Public Finance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yesn; CoTmissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Player Scott (4). •�lr'�. .- Mayor Scott offered motion that this adjourned regular meeting now recons to Fact ngaln In ndjourne d soroion at 2:00 o'clock. P,° Friday . March 315t, 1:n.,. Advpted on call of the roll: Yons; Connissionors ....•�7, Brhr)show, RSefo and Pdayor :tort (4). Yeetir,a recessed until 2:no o'clock P.M. Friday March 31st, 1933, l:e ..,..tin" recr:nvrned fit 2:00 o'clock P.P. Friday b;nr^_h "'let, 1933. call ,f tr., rail t't;r, folio=+:n,.. answered to their nerves: Cor*:missinnera bra Crsm, i'ie e ant usyor ;oott (4). No. ... 3age. 177. -- Proceedings Proceedinga City of Paducah-'NTILChY _ _¢larch 31st 1933 Anticinat I Mayor Scott offered motion that the statement of the anticipated ed Rev- enues revenues of the city of Paducah for the year 1933 be received and filed and re calved filed spread upon the minutes of this Board. and spread upon the ATFTICIPATFD RFVENUE FOP CITY OF PADUCAH minutes FOR THF. YEAR 1933. Franchises......................................................... $ 69,000.00 Bnck Taxes ......................................................... 60,000.00 Penalties ............ ........................... ............. 6,000.00 Poll Taxes......................................................... 3,000.00 General License .................................................... 58,500.00 Automobile License ................................................. 17,500.00 Marketi House ........................... :........................... 3,000.00 Dog Licenses....................................................... 700.00 Riverside Hospital ................................................. 23,000.00 'Oak Grove Cemetery ................................................. 2,000.00 Oak Grove Burials ..................................... I............. 2,500.00 Police Court ....................................................... 3,500.00 Building Permits ................................................... 500.00 CityScales........................................................ 500.00 Street Department .................................................. 300.00 Sewer Department ............................................ .... . 500.00 Sundry Collections .........:....................................... 500.00 Bank Taxes......................................................... 800.00 'I Tobacco Taxes ...................................................... 200.00 Interest........................................................... 6000.00 AdValorem tax. on 1933 Assessment C.?1.50 less Anticipated Delinquencies 204,582.28 462,582.28 'chool Improvement Bonds Taxes levied for Bonds & Interest (,x,0.23) 49,529.95 'c-ool Board Fudget estimated, including advalorem tax of (`0.97) to be collected and paid over by the city 210,52.72 TOTAL FOR CITY ATIP SCFFOOLS 722,654.95 Adopted on call of t%e roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshnw, Rieke and Va-or Scott (4). t'--'•* or 2cott offered rcotinn that an ordinance entitled of ',,:y or0!:-..-.on AN O•T,.LINAN„r. i .,. ... •. 7..1,ry rp ) :. 'F' 10ATION ON PROPFFTY TN VFF CITY OF 1935, AN!; THFF'ATF OF POLI. TAX `."ITT? ',IT,. jlUkPO"F 0u' :AID TF.VY IF;: ''r.,[ :7 :. : IT '"...,' be adr,pted. Adoptod on call of the roll: '. Yeas; Cawlssicnero Rl.c'r., rara:yw, T.ietc• cn,i kjayor rcatt (4). No, Page 178 Proceedings of Till:-. City of Paducah KENTUCKY March 31st, 1933. _ Apporticr.ment Mayor Scott offered motion that an ordinance entitled ordinance for 1933 adopted. ! " AN ORDP.IANC-F FIXING TT7 APPORTTONYrNT OF TRF IUBLIC FUNIT OF T1IF CITY OF PArUCAH FOR TRF Y"'AR 1933," be adopted. Adopted on call of tre roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, and Player Scott (3). Commissioner Rieke voting nay. ' ResolutionMayor Scott offered motion that a resolution entitled closing two or less Fire statin A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO REDUCE TRE PFRSONNFL OF THE FIRE adopted. DEPARTMENT BY TEN 14EN AVID TO CLOSE TWO OR LESS FIRE STATIONS AS OF APRIL 1st, f 1933." be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw; Rieke and Mayor Scott (3) Commissioner Block voting Nay. Ordinance empowering Yayor Scott to borrow $ 50,000.00 from R. F. C. Mayor Scott offered motion that an ordinance entitled " AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND EMP07fERITIb THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY TO MAKF APPLICATION TO TFT RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION OF THE. UNITED STATES, WHOSE 14AIN OFFICE IS IN WASPINGTON, D.C. FOR A LCATI OR ADVANCE OF ^NFY TO THE AMOUNT OF FItiTY THOUSAND ($50,000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE PNRPOFE OF ERECTING BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES HELONGTNO TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO RE USED FOR LA:IFUL PITRPOSFS, AVID AUTHOFIZING THF MAYOR TO FX --CUTE ANY AND ALL DOCU10ENTS NECESSARY OR REQUIRFP FOR TRF PURPOSE OF PROCURING SAID LOAN OR ADVANCE OF MONEY, INCLUDING SUCH.ENCUMBRANCF OR CONVEYANCE FOR SAID PURPOSE." be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Ordinance Mayor Scott offered motion that an ordinance entitled " AN empowering Mayor. Scott to ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND EMPOBTRING THE UJIYOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT OF enter into a contract of LEASING FIITF THE PADUCAH INDUSTRIES COVTUITTEE OF CERTAIN PROPFRTIEE BELONGING lensing with Paducah Indus- 8 TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: tries Committee i! A resolution enpo7v ring Vayor Scott to execute and deliver the applicvtion to P.F.C. for loan descrited Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke' and Mayor Scott (4). Mayor Scott offered motion that a resolution entitled " A PFSOLUTION AUTRORIZINO AVID F.MPO-;P"RING THE BONDRAB!E F. G. SCO -T, MAYOR OF TTLr CITY OF PADUCAH, TO F.XECUTF.AND DELIVER TR-., APPLICATION AND ALL ERETr-.ITS T1!FRFTO AND ANY AND ALL TITR PAPFP., DOMIY1'11T5 OR INSTRUMFNTS THAT PAY BE FOUITD OF DEFIED TO BE NECESSARY ION ITIE PURP0..F OF YAKING APPLICATION TO "ii'i RF•CCNSTRUCTICN FINANCE CORPORATION FOR LOAN; DFSCItIPF.D I14 PAID APPLICATION." be adopted. Adopted on,call of the roll: Yens; Cor.missioners Block, Brndnraa, Rieke and *'ayor Scott (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. APPI OVFD .._ -�. �s�.u�at�7. �;,., -- -----hti iii•