HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 152, January 30, 1933NO. Proceedings of–T"-TQ"1vR^ City of Podac�L :_tic.S.Y ,Tr,nu�.�•-r ;iOt';.. ,,t. r, r•rCular T-cotln of the Board of Cam,nissionors held in the Commissioners' Chnmber in the City !Tall Ruil.ding in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:00 o'clock P.!,% on tl:e :50th dhy of S�:rnary, 1033, "ayor : C,ntt presided and anon call of the roll the folloed.ng ansvierad to thoir nnmes: C,="-'issioner•s Clock, Bridshnva, Rioke and Yayor .^eott (4). ?:jnutes of the previous aTcetingr vacre ndonted as road. Annunl report i:nyor'Cott offered notion `hnt the nnimnl report of the Park Board of Peaucnh Pnrk Board for the ycar 19;52 be received and filed. Adooted on cell of the roll: Yeas: received nr.d filed. Co-71sslorer= Plock, Rr^ca-^'•, Piek9 and i`nyor fcott (4). Annual report &ayor Scott offered motion that the annual report of the Pare of the Fire Depart.^..ent Department ns submitted by the Chief, .T. `laughter, be received and filed. received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Co:r-�issioncrs Block, Brndshavr, Fiche and itayor'cott (4). Claim of Commissioner Ricke.offered nation that the Illinols Central P.R. I111nois Central R.P. Company claims for frcirbt ebargas on a car of se,!. -r pipe c64.Of1 and 10 drums for freight charges nhphsIt ,,; 20.19, total 84.13, anme having bec.n duly approved for nllocrance allo;rcd. and •payment, be allmod. and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay save and charge to the Street Denartmcnt, Fund in the Department of Public "'orks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; r-3--'isstoners Ploelc, Bradsi,aw, Riekc and ':Snyor Scott (4). Claim of ;r Commissioner Fielre offered motion that thr bills of' ::Oodall R• o•i "'code 11 F Melton for current premiums due on bonds to ti,c Pity for for $160.00 allowed. E. C 'Cott, S:nyor 50.00 Chas. C P.leke, Com. of Finance 100.00 lrsdy Sto^aart (Back Tax Collector) 10.00 160.00 same avinjL tc,n ::,inrom] for nllo,.,ance and payscni, be, ,illosed !,1: `nt. tho CC7-irnioler of Put.lic l'inanco be sutliord:rd to pf,y some anj: Char;_.' of 7mployees ?uu,i in the Dcpnrtacnt of Pti,11c Pra^erty. .adopted r -•n call of t.l. roll: Yens; Com-:tszionera Hloc', Prndahr.•a, Pick- rad 'favor Cott (4). i,r{;+.cr's Co'.':19slonc,r Rieke offered moti,n ttv;t t.... :,Oltor'* nn%u"l reoort r,r-up* re :ort . -^ C:;"^r.ti of cal^ctSr... Irv! ,linburserento for the ye:>r 03: be rcee.ived ane? flled. a nl x -ars r9 e4sr,, i,7c,.,. cn .r.l' r..r the roll: Yens; Com:.•issioncre F3 !":& .'.lee ria ^i. n<,.,:Fl j'• ^jet'_{. offerej -otic". "not the 1: .!Pr'ce Le f.',j t -r. (,7'17.9 •' ..r excUae or rr.mit. '.)analtl" i.n nl resit+e9- 13t3. 1:cenR.U6 fr2' J1t 6Q .. f *i:n rel l: V i,... ,:'O.1• ... , .. at. ..:.0 Cr; - .. 1- iAL•WR.fYR+IIM.Y..�. .' eJ• NO.---: T" Proceedings of- City of Paducah. ofrcrco I, -n that the Cor. 3-0toner of .-tn-nce bo vuthorized to t_­nsrcP frOr the Ii,provement Tnx F—d a/c "C" the amount of 40,3,119.0 Cunt to 7 -'In Fun"' n/C "!T" in or6er to racuitate t., p,,7cwnt of TFr,n', 1:)32. from �nspecial clockine nocannt. Adoptc,' Jlll�,,' 1st, Floe!., Ficke and ",yor I;nott (4). offered xotl;?m tbet tnc loner of ?,uLli c i an . 7,� Circuit17ourt orders, to cc Qc.rtrin I.JeCrncKon County, orceer fun0s, on pr—entntion, the '1 0 'n ta UAI't of the n V-.3turilir, July 1st, 1932, an hich sufii.cicnt fund: ve boon i to Y,:nke crent. AdopW on call or tl,c roll- Cc-%- _-.,jcnors Fr,­Isba'a, Plr •,m! 61.nYor Scott (4). cc­'Icrlcn�-r Plock oifti,cd '-of.lon tl:nt a certain of ccriwyence on tr.r I." -r.ZT of Jewzary 1933 from Sue A. Fornsloy to Ernest F.011 cnveyln. f,- '-'ce:t one half or Lot 31 in Block V in Onk Grove Cereter-Y be rovVd. dciopcec on cell of tI_C roll: Yens; Cap—isEioners Bloclk, is (3). Con,itsvioner Fiehe voting nay. 3 nt ?ronerty r RlocI7 offered motion t,at the Tnwmtory of -ntc7 .9, vI the City Parket Fouse be rmn. ived and filed. 1..10V 1--rern 15locIT, vnd Y", 3 . Com f 1. i,, I the, Inventory of -.o and Invc ri t . . .. . . of i'­_r,,rl ovtr. "n", I — I I Grove i" ,:errs Bloc]:, interert counells due July Int, 293 an<,untir, to City of Paducah FI.,a.qQo In oci c-,3- ,7,thorizei to pay out of' t -,,,o fund U 1032, nmountlnS to ., 2130.07. HCries I.erlos Series Ax AP1 A44 A f.25 1-.45 A8 A28 A46 11-11 A35 A51 A20 A36 A56 A58 On �rotlon the reeting recessed to meet in nn sd.jourr.cl . =.ttng at 2:00 ofolock 7ebruary 31st, 1933. C -J— 1933 ,Citta,TFrTc