HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 142, January 10, 1933NO. Proceedings of—-ntT ' _ _ _ City of Paducah ;ccs r.77.<:x•: Cowzissloner R1fke offered motion :hat. the Com.•assioner of Public Flnr.ree to authorize,] to pay the later, st Co,.r�cns for six m,tiths on the 8ei:ool 7: 0 T:asrOvcrent Ponds of 1926, vri,ich M-11 Locoms duo ,un Jsnnory 15, 1933, for nnmait of c; 71.'.5.00 . Cutstanding 132,000.00 i Interest rote 4-3/41; Annual Interest 0,270.00 3 ."..em:-P.nnual Interest due 31�15.00 4 r,inD•;,.'cn cnll of tar,• roll: Yens: CCr-d.: sLirern P•1:,.^::, I'rodshnw, R1oLn and ti "3ayor Scott (4). Trensfer fun^s rroqrPunct eneral PLakd to ,'.irklnd Fund at, reoploo Co' ^1st1,•r.r:r 1'of-- i , .,I - .,.t:.n t1•.at the —, -n h..;• -,wile Finance Le auti•.nriaed to transfer f'r;,:., t..= r. r;earol Tun:• to t?,e "Peoples ti,; tiuna I t+r.:,:: , " 'ohool Improvement t r;ndn of 1920 . .•in, cheol ILaproesment :encu of 192E rca^.la . c''orl T . ..,., i 11 4000 0'1 At nn adjourned meeting or the Board of Commisslonors held in the Com!aissicnora' C-hambcr in the City Holl Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.?'. on the 10th day of January, 1933, Mayor Scott hhh� presided and upon call of the roll the foll.or^Ing answered to their names: �• Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). b Minute:: of the previous meetings wore adopted as read. Procee(is from Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of sale of rer^ainder of bonds oro- Public Finance be authorized to pay out of the nroceeds received from the sale rated to r1soec- tive L'arils. of the last block or remainder of the Paducah Funding Bonds, totalling 56,000.CO. the fol.lowin� amcunts: Citizens VavIngs Bank ^.' 30,500.00 Peoples Notional Bank 10,200.00 Chemical Bank & Trust Co,pany 15,300.00 -ss ;0ao---0a to be applied as payments on notes executed to those respective banks by the City of Paduenh in the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; i Commissioners "lock, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Pcott (4). Allowance of Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of bank's charge for handling Public Finance be authorized to pay the Citizens Fnvings Bank the amount of remainder of funding bonds, 17.57 in settlement of the charges due the banks for handling the shipment of the remainder of 3 56,000.00 Paducah Funding Bonds ,i72. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissiorvrs Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and t'ayor Scott (4). Pro nate nsrt of Cor-.:issioner Rieke offerer' motion that the ComnIssioner of Public the I,,mrovo.ment bonds maturing Flnnnce In compliance :vith certain ":.'cCracken County, Circuit Court ore'ern, January 1, 1932 al'_o"red, be authorized to pay out; of the Droner funds, on prn.nentntion, the Pro Rate part of the Improvement Bonds, mntnring January 1, 1932, on Buff:'Iclent funds have been collected from tax nnyors to mote disbursement. f:dr!'-d nn 9 call of tho roll: Yens; Commisot=mars Block, Bredshnw, Rieke an,! " :•r :c ;: (;). • ;ccs r.77.<:x•: Cowzissloner R1fke offered motion :hat. the Com.•assioner of Public Flnr.ree to authorize,] to pay the later, st Co,.r�cns for six m,tiths on the 8ei:ool 7: 0 T:asrOvcrent Ponds of 1926, vri,ich M-11 Locoms duo ,un Jsnnory 15, 1933, for nnmait of c; 71.'.5.00 . Cutstanding 132,000.00 i Interest rote 4-3/41; Annual Interest 0,270.00 3 ."..em:-P.nnual Interest due 31�15.00 4 r,inD•;,.'cn cnll of tar,• roll: Yens: CCr-d.: sLirern P•1:,.^::, I'rodshnw, R1oLn and ti "3ayor Scott (4). Trensfer fun^s rroqrPunct eneral PLakd to ,'.irklnd Fund at, reoploo Co' ^1st1,•r.r:r 1'of-- i , .,I - .,.t:.n t1•.at the —, -n h..;• -,wile Finance Le auti•.nriaed to transfer f'r;,:., t..= r. r;earol Tun:• to t?,e "Peoples ti,; tiuna I t+r.:,:: , " 'ohool Improvement t r;ndn of 1920 . .•in, cheol ILaproesment :encu of 192E rca^.la . c''orl T . ..,., i 11 4000 0'1 NO. _ _._.Q.-..__,. Praccedin a of____- '� :'' T 'i" City of Paducah! -i'' '`"'" 2 th, •' s i --_S= ry-1 - — Comm:issiener Rieke offered motion thnt the Co;Af:,;ionar of _ _ ...c bo nuthorized to drs•^ r chock on tiie Cennrn.I I+und to the Plrr.t . ..c'reasurer, for the Pnducsh Board of ":ne tion, 7.ensi Sank, Pnyfield, Fentuc,rg, 'Cr —, ir.t of 2749,18, in settlemenl•of tb^ smount due t}'n Hoard of i'drxestinn -1 'and, on tbo f�encral Tex Collect for the month of December, 1932. ed on call of t'.^c roll;Yeas; Co:w Ticslcners Block, 'Bradshaw, Pickc snd ?er Scott (4). "pte for Cosaissioner Rieke offered motion that the ::ayor and Commissioner o' Public Pirsnco be suthorized to execute a note for t,.e Cit;/ of Pniu Mr to tLe r,`.i.'.•__ Citizens savings rank fora loan of '; 25,000.00. Adopted on call of the roll: _... Yens; Co:rrissioners Block, Bradshaw, Pi.eke and Mayor Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Conaaissloner of Public Hance be authorized to purchsse from the Paducah "ndustries Committee, Inc., certificate stamps to the amount of h 500.0o as an anpropriat'ion to the '7orthy ;'anufacturing Company, for the ourpose of s 9vertizirs the City of Paducah's trade, Co•-m'.erce and nnnufacturc and co,rcercial resources. Adopted on ^oil 11'�e roll: Yens; Commissioners Block, Prsdohsw, Pickc and Linyor gcott (4). Cor•nissi^ner Rieke offered motion that the Comnlosioner of Public Tinancebe authorised to pay the Citizens Savings BanY.•the amount of _.. interest for 30 days on the note executed by the City of Pad ash, this day, to said ror airount of :? 25,000.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Pieke and Mayor Scott (4). "nyor Scott moved the ndoption of a resolution oneltled T'--r-°n. TO nlT' ITT: mr tCP 7:xeTTT L. POIN ^ roil; Yeas; Commissinners Block, Brndshw::, Piekc anal n ,1-n ^.c r.., cttng nd•journed. A r" P CVID (Yi �-af " .�t;;...•a \4� _ . '_938. 1 -r