HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 14, February 8, 1932No._ P_z,c 14. Procecdinga City of Paducah__ia',__'1Ci[X At n rcL•ular ^:octant, of the Dwirt of C- Ic,_..:.-.^.rs held in the rissionera� Clhambor in the City Rall Builoing in Ai city of Patiuco*, Kentucky at .•'0 O'cleck ., on the St.h day of February, V,' or 'cott pra:sirie:l Ind upon, call of the rol' the folloecang nnawered to 'aYeir n: Gonimiscioners Block, 'r^.d­isc, 7?olt, Rieke . ad 1Cuyor Scott (5). 7'inutes of the previous mcet-ings were adopted as read, Mayor Scott offered motion that '.;. .,. Berry, City Solicitor bo rt:od 1:o take charge of the matter of a suit by James 7.1 -lite and others _. ,ardnor anti others filed in l:;c Cracken circuit Court Februsry 6th, 193^, unci take such action as the city's best interests may warrant. Adopted on call of the roll: Ycas; Corr:•issioners Block, Bradsbaw, .i:xxz":XWT Bolt, Wake and 'tayor ' cott (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the following claims.havirv, bean rld duly approved for alloarince and oa,rment: Claim ;� 352 J.P. Obermark 1.:ulo 60.00 Claim ii 353 �'illiam Burnley Hay 116.10 3 d ;he total amount of ';) 196.10 be allowed and the CoTsriesioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay saiae and charge to the Street Dcuartment Fund in the Dcnnrtment of Public •:!orks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Coruaissioners Block, Bradshaw, u Holt, Rieke and asyor Scott (5). Corrmissionor Block offered moticn ths.,: the conveyance of a portion of Lot r 38 in Gal, Grove Ccmetcry by birs. 1.111e Ri;;gs of Paducnh, Kentucky to of Pec�tcah, Kent;ucin, by docd of February 8th, 1932, be opprovo5. Adopted cf the roll: Yeas; Ccm'llssioners Block, Brr:dshow, Holt, jv..1cz r. i :ntt (5)j •„'nyc, Pieke . ,e:r Block offered r.etton rot a d -J be rtcbo T.ot 10 x 12 feat Tdnrth of iSei.l. hvcnuo ?tact ,f Root C,.'. ;'rovo Cea:ot.! ry oil nn ,.:nt :,£ 30.00 . on on 1.1 of t:c roll: 1%. a, Tor :'Cott (-). Plr. .• 'aygr ..egtt .:,n '..o adopt _ Rcso1w_1c . T' .T: ”' .. —RILIO 'c 1011 ,r Rnr. - t.� 'v (-:rt) ., -._ {.: _,.,r•..r,^) BOlIL� .0 .. t' ..: -. '.. .. .. 1, 1031 0r• lolCa _.... . ,P No.— Page -3 L Proceedings of__ 20EDM' -T City of Paducah 191,111 UC.K V 0 Cor-Insioner Bradslum" offoroc! notion W -at an Ordim-leo ontit1c , ,jTv (q, f7ir T, .-Y, FBCY KI­,.?TT,.T0 WATC111.121.1 AT 8th, 9th, litli VI" S"313FIET, AND, U111011 STATTO', STI. IT) ?Roll[LOT71, FO, be inLroduced and lay over in its co!-,ploixd form until tbo nr;;-.j, 31­�,!fr I of the Poard of Co-rilsslmcr^. CiL;