HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 138, January 3, 1933N0-2-2-2'"_ Proceedings of "- __ __'_ __— ' T -- City of Paducah "'liC"CY Januar•• rd. 1933. .ureas January 211d, 1932 was tl_e reCulnr rrocting date of tho i;ucr3 of Ce:-a::issionero and it being olao a )'olidny i,he raLnalar meeting trhich is the oreilnary course of events .trulj )r..ve boon hold on that- day '•:.,s i•cld in tho no-r_nissionersr Chamber in the City ?fail Ful.10ing in the City Of 1-.-',ic,h, Kentucky at 3:00 o'clock P.M. on the 3rd day of Janunry, 1032, with '.•'ayor Fe Ott presiding and upon call of the roll the follo^ring ansrcrcd to their names: Csmmissi,ners Plock, Pradshan Rieke and 1.lnyor Scott (4) ^omndasioncr Polt being, nirsent. ;Jinutes of the orovious meetings :',evc adopted no rr.ad. .ix Months intores Commissioner Rieke offered •notion that allos:•ance be :,ado from -.I - end 'bank collectic. charge allowed on General Fund for deposit in the 3rd District Sever Pand Sinkin- 'and, and 0! -- 3rd District of Public Finance be authorized to pay the six months interest So:^•or Bands 0/S Coraissioner and bank collection charee on the following bond issue for total amount 'y 15,037.50 duo on January 10, 1933. 3rd Dist. Sewer Bonds 0/S X600,000.00 Interest Rate 5 Annual Interest 30,000.CO Semi -Annual interest due 15,000.,0 Dank Collection charge 37.50 Total 15,037.50 Payable through the Citizens Savings Bank Sower bond 91nkin7 Fund for remittance to the Chemical Bank & Trust Company, New York, New York before: January 10, 1933. Adopted on cell of the roll; Yens; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and. Mayor Fcott (4). Invostigator's Coavissioner Rieke offered motion that the Family Fervice Society Calory allowed for aonth of be allowed the amount of .^s 25.00 for enlary for investigator as per contract 'ecember 19'2 for Family 4 for the month of December, 1932, and charge same to Contingent Fund. 1., -,cod Er-rvice coelety on cell of the roll: Yens; Cov.s.issioners Block, 13rndshavr, Rieke and n. , rutt-i Claim of F.'. i Com•-:i.•cioncr Pleke. offered motion that the Commissioner of "ublic Graves (i,cting Police Judge) rinnnoe be nuthori:od to pay the trill of F. R. Grnves for survices as noting a l love — Police Judge on Decomber 28, 29, 30, and 31, 1932, in necordsnce :rtth bill approved by Roy 11c1man, Judge of the Police Court, dntad January 3, 1933, for . 33.33, and that the rime be chnrged to :he Continent Fund. Adopted -:n call of *ns roll: Yeas; Coin-,isslonern Plock, Prndshnw, Pietro and M,yor Scott: -4 Tntereet allow'.4 !1n•-issicner Pielce offere•i motion that the Co7:Moslonnr of ?ub11c Citizens 'orin.a Tank on tnlar.ce ^lnnnce cc• rqtP.nrine,l to Pay the Citizens :nvincs nnrk the nmcunt of of rotas executed in year 1071. t Gan a in ne'.tl+.•rert of tl a inter,... t ,rue to Jnnuary 1, 193;, on ?ire retaining talance due .n tike rotes of :; 100,n fl.00 executew' 1>y the City to r:nlo bank in tbt year 19b1. Adopted .:,n call of the rill: Yens; Commi,anioners Block, Pradshar, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). .rt due Co=lasionor Plake offered r -'. :r that. ilio Co!-issio;r., i of Pt.11c of Fduca- Finance be authorized to rirax a et,er.:, Genual. Fun -1 to tiro ;'i:: t ' n _ Tapes rr.••, National Bank, "Yfxeld, Kentucky, 'A ^or tl.r, Pari,r^ali boarr9 of P.duestian, for aWaant of F P.0,73a.f4, tx,t of ,t):c: nmottnt due the collo tog from ti,e • .. _e rn11; Yeas; NO.._.___ _ 1..�._ __ Proceedings of__ :;'(__7 :` 1_ _ CO::_: Z 2I,1: 2 _. City of Paducah -JO iO-CKY—__ January n ;orr.-i.^.sicn�r Block offered motion dint a dood be grnntod to )l.P. ^argent .or ioS ," 5 and "! 6, Plock ."49 in Cnk Ci'ovc Cemetery upon onymcnt of C0.00 to t^e CoT,:isr.ioncr of -ublic Finnnco. Adopted •:n callof the roll: Yens; Co7-13.^.loners '_'lock, Bradshaw, Rielro and ),favor Coott (4). ADOP'!-D ♦cap-� 33 1933 ty i 1e�T Al PPl'-CV1ZG ---•ayot;