HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 89, June 4, 1928Proceedings of. ..BOARD OF Cn:,,:Ic*S"OM-Rs _.- City of Paducah JMIL.4TH,1928 Payrolls lash iZ L'.ay nl'.o:red Clnims for ny -,flowed Report of Fire Dept.?'ay "i:y Jail Rept '+y �cuthern "'sans Contratt S'3 Me'l :•trn ' t. ll!t� to ir,t At a Ro„alar ;;Icoting of the Hoard of Cormissionors held in the Com- misnionersr Chamber in the City }fall building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on Juno 4th, 1928, Payor Lackey presided and unon call of the rdll the following answere3 to their names: Comvisslonerc Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter end Vnyor Lackey, (5). "inutos of the previous meeting were adopted as read. CoTnissioncr Rutter offered motion that the payrolls for the last half of 1'a7 be allowed in the. amount of '13318.23, and that the.0om-missioncr of Public Finnnee be authorized to nay slims. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and','ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Mutter offered motion that the sundry claims amounting to 02400:88 be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be. authorized to pay same and charge to the proper departments. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Laelcoy, (5)'. Commissioner Nelson o^Cered motion '?rt tie report of J.'.'..Slaugbter, Fire Chief, for the month of I'cy, 1928, be recelved end filed. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas; Oonni:z::loners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and i'.a-'Tor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Ilelson offered motion ti.at- the report of Tom King, City Jailer, for the month of ay, 1928, be received and filed'. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hradahaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and idayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion teat the report of Gus Posers, Chief of Police, for the month of ?day, 1928, be received and filed. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yens; Cozmnisnioners I3radshacf, Ilnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ::ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion ti,at the paved street contract, •:.ith bond for Contract No.3 :•rith the Southern Roads Company for the construction of hard surface streets, ote on Jefferson Street, from 19th Street to 25th =trect in^.lusive, having been duly signed by the t'nyor.and t;T said Contractor, and the bonds hn,ving been rignod by the Maryland Casualty Comrany as surety thereon, be filed. Adoptel on the "Il of the roll: Yen:); Co:v:donionors Bradsha:•:, xannin, ,Irl. -:On, iiutt--r and '..iayor Lac'cey, (5). Cc-^-ircinncr rradahal•: oC,,', 'eW. motion to n'opt ar, orOinanee c.1:t.1t?ed, COJIfl?rltir�'Tirri 0:' _. _ 0'-' !' ?:'I.IG' tTl X';+: "T, G'.q TI:; 0r 17I::CTF!1' l: . :..`T 'i0 -'AzT CUM I:IIIf' a, T .'TTY., rrar, -rr w Ilr•c..f, r. Tr. _.. l',! ITT - - .. .. ':1 L.i ,' .. n 1,lltr pi:L reg? nrt•i ].n i•'� over fr;r:i T' nen ,- ,i ., -. .'+i:. or.:L•:ancu bo aPnpted, .. 1:. .. .. .nt1 J ilr artca IfI-led, - U . Proceedings of r' City of Paducah KEIITUGIa:, JUNE ATH,. 1908 T .":�'-FIP`"T CSP: iCT IN S111; (,I'.;Y OP- : -v .. .. , "RS, (;i:TCH BI.STIIS AND ._.:1'I? PIPE, T: I"O _:.) L1GAL...IfD M-MICAL .."RVIC7 IN .._..._.... _,,. a Cr it 0'?: I:S OF ABUTTTI:G f'OP""'TY, I 1". 7:4Y B' MI':. -'Or UPON TII T:'N 7"':l; T-;�.`.1P�?NT 'PLAN," hnvirr,boon introduced and laid over for one week in its completed form, I now move that s,iO- ordinance be adopted. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Connnissione•s Bradahnw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter,, and Tfayor Lackey, (5). • Coru�Assioner Rutter offrrod the following motion: I move that the Com - G. om-G.::. Kat- missioner of Public Finance be authorised to. issue Improvement ':'arrant to G.P). terjohn I^Pv. Natterjohn & Son according to the monthly estimate submitted Juno 4th, 1928,8, on _.. rant lontract "o.5, for sidevral'.ts, Curbs and gutters, for +$3,193.91 accordinE to sf id estimnte. Adopted on the ea11 of the roll: Yeas; Cormissioners Bradshaw, Felson, ,tannin, Rutter and Payor Lackey, (5). Commicsiom,r Bradshaiv.offerpd motion that a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTIOIT PROVIDING FORTHECONSTRUCTION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS ON BOTH SIDV,S OP SEV-'NTH STREET, !:evcnth r,Oli ;fi7 NORTH PROPIRTY LIN`- OF.)TUSBANDS STrT. T TO THE SOUTH CURB LII:E OF Cf1LD..ELL St.& Cald. _ t.G.& G. STYr-P:, AND, ON BOTF cP.`i �r PITT'."'TT STP^.TIT, FROM THE.'?E^T PROP7RTY LIE OF SEVENTH Ord.intro, . STRZ.T TO THE FA -'T CURB LINE OF EIGHTH STREET IN :ATE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, '.:'ITH ALL NECESSARY I"_ANTIOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SI -7 -TIER PIP7:, INCLUDII:G ALL IT?CnS"ARY ENGIVESRIIIG, A-W—FTIEInG ATPD LEG'L AND CL TICAL SERVICE 111 CO2IIT -CTION T17 P.- 'ITH, AND AL-. TO B7 P07 PT ;TT- COLT 00. S.J' 0' TILS OF A)'UTTITIG PRO'-RTY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME FOR UPON TEF. T: IT YEAR P.'.MT"NT PLAIT," be int4vduced and lay over. Adopted on the c, 17. of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradhsaiv, I?nnnin, nelson, Rutter and Liayor Lackey, (5). - Corrmissioner Brar?shnw offered motion that a resolution untitled, "A RF,oLUTTON P°.OVMII^v FOn ':IT I':P-OV " l:, - OF S;.V "UTI? ' _ S, Gil TNP NORTH CURB T-IITF OF I U BLItDS 7ti' t. _ SO ';) - ?7TH ,:UT'.B T_Ii OF C'U...: ' ._.1.T,..'IID ON CALi '_r.1 _ f;:' 7HE or". intro. .- _-T TO 1' T CURB LTIM OF E 0 I1TI_ r _ , I "- CITY I G , .. iiz', 3K. G; —ING Gl:!.V LT1If; 01' I.>E, :'!ITB ALT_ I?Y 5`;fi2TII0I:'S, - ...:I)D LT•L: 2Ir:"�:� RY "i. �-T."r:, .. .. _ - ?. IN _ _'I'1 1'?i -. ,... COLT OF i'I?I: ",•f:N :7," bo irtro�',aecl e ul lay over. Adopted on ti- c, 11 of the roll: Yenn; 7, nnin., __cn, F:ittcr and Tin;,or Lackcy, (5). G'