HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 726, November 30, 1931No. 726 Proeeedinga of 150AHIi OF' COFB•7I:'�IOIUJs 4 ` City of Paducah NO -IMM '0 133 At a regular meeting of the Boar,' of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Charter in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kcntuoky at 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 30th day of I/ovembor, 19311 Idnyor Lnckcy w•osided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners.Brndshaw, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckoy, (5). minutes of the previous meetings were n•iopted as rend. I Phiness Scott Commissioner Hannin offered the followirk; motion: Phineas Scott deed to lot in Oak Grove �hnvin., applied for deed to the cast one-half of Lot No.19 in block No.5 in the Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I now move that said deed be issued to the said Phiness Scott to said east one-half of said Lot No.19 in said Block tlo.5 in the said E'.ausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Pnducah, McCrockcn County, Kentucky, upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Pinnace the sum of • V0.00. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndshnvr, Unrmin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). John T.Dunn to ;i Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the deed of conveyance from C.I!.Hw:ard deed to lot in Oak G. John T. Dunn to C.H. Howard to the north one-half of Lot No.68 in Block AA ratified In Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCrncken County, Kentucky, subject to the rules arra regulations of said cemetery and subject to the conditions of snid deed, be now ratified and approved by the board of Commissioners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rennin, Nelsen, Rutter and ..7,.yor Lackey, (5). International Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the communication from the Shce CO.,-J.F. I'ol:rnn nolice Int,rnational Shoe Company askin7 that police powers heretofore grmited to powers rescinded J.F.! olmen at their request be now rescinded and the surety in said bond ;released, be received and filed and that sn.td request be erm ted. Adoptetd on lcndt of the roll: Yeas; Comnisaionrrs brodsh—, Hnnnin, Nelsen, Rutter end Jkr.yor Lackey, (5). ",ter 'ke. Wi yor Lackey offered motion thnt the finnncisl report of the fir,nrcinl rtoart for cctober Pn^ue h "+ator "'oris, municipnily craned, for the month of October, 19,.1 be received 4and filed.. Adopted on cs11 of the roll: Yens; Co-nisrionFrs Prfsdeharr, Iimin, N d1oL•!cn, Rutter and 7nyor Lnckoy, (5). •inns -Ary rsurmfr � Cor-�.iscloner flutter offered the follo-a3n,,� r:otdon: I move the i,leld-rent for 9 rept. to Vnrch,+.','e nj c.:,ra:o of :,lrC.00 for rent- for Anna t'ary r'au.:er field - noble Park, duo ,:non Unumtr from Lept. 1st 1931 to 1:arch lst 1!'3�, same 1_, vin_', tr,•n s,t'Crized for n,,y:r,nt, en -:i Lhat tho Co:r-ml,�:.Icner of ?uL:tc b'tramcu bo A'�tr%rizod tr n•,y sa•;r- arv' clmrgo to t u P,.rlc L;oard Pun'.'. to t3io Leper•ts!unt or •....ii.c %.f^'i:':.. %.np;r t.e: r,n (.,,ii or the roti: Yena; CO?.'!ills ii. rl:r'a I72`p ^.aha Tr', Earnin, :±elson, 7utti;r orll V%yor Lnckoy, (f•}, Perk boar4-1nt.on :c -issicner Pu, to>r o`.'fered tht' followin no%Icn: I -:eve ti -c *pelport note pd 1 allorence of 41;,0.00 for 61x mo,:ths interest lue Gave -.-'c er '0, 1`i.�J on Park 'Board notes to Kra. John'acelpert (x:,000.r-.); ssrr'. : vine been duly a+!t!;orized ::•i ttst the 00=1eatoner of ::, Le urtf+or'ized to pay :Le to tta Fork board Fund In of P::i:'.1c NO. --_ —.-_. Proceeding of fit•;;h!:_ OF_ CO? 'T"=IC'_F_�-- City of Paducah. --i IT5 U;;1iY NO _TaT•.j Q.�-1�•i� Pn,:ar.,.h Co!rraosioncr Rutter offered motion thnt tho report of the Paducah '; ntor to orke-for the month of November, 1551 be received and filed; and that the amount of r; ,claim sr•id bill, $31786.852 be sllo•.sed and that the Coamissioner-of Public Pin»nco be -uthcrized to cruet check in pnyment thereof. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Cor: -.irslcners.Cradshc•�•, Ffannin, Nelson, Rutter.and [?ayor Lackey, (5). soh .Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the cash orders in tho nmount crJcrs o: .;117.47 be sllov:ed, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed by chock on tha Ocncral fund for said amount; same to be charged to the proper furls. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Cormni^_sioners brndsb: -. Hannin, 14alson, Rutter and 3'.eyor L ckey, (5). i 5.cenory Coz.missioner Rutter offered motion that the claim of the Economy Onrage c1 'r.. for street sctoplics, amounting to X56/63; same having been duly approved for 21o:r•-.nce and payment, be allowed and the Commiscioncr of Public Finance authorized !to pay same and charge to the °treet Department in the Department of Public .!orks. ^opted on call of the roil: Yens; Cocvaissioncrs brndshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and syor Lsckey, (5). On motion setting adjourned. APPROVED: '—ulty uieric