HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 68, May 8, 1928No. E8 Proceedings of_- _ . BO-ULV Or CO—,'l- - 1CIN: Fs City of Paducah , .=-NTucI:Y, L1AY 8TH, 1328 At an Adjourned ?!acting of the Board of CoTrm:issionors hold in the Con:- missioners' chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at ten o'clock A.LL, on the 8th day of tray, 1928, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following ans eyed to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and MayorrL''aaackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the amount of $55.00 be allo^red Chas. McClanahan for last half of April salary in the Fire Department, which was Meclan ahan omitted from the regulxr'payroll through oversight, but npproved for payment by order Z:r lnry for of the Fire Chief, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay pril same and charge to the proper department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yean; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, !Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the amount of $12.92 be allowed Brndy Brady Stowart, back tax collector, for NON commission on collections of 0129.23 for Stewart Back delinquent taxes and penalties- year 1927, and that the Commissioner 6 Public Finance TsxCol. be authorized to pay same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hn nin, Nelson, Rutter and F,�7or Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion, "I move the adoption Borrow on an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINMICE AUTHORIZING AND LFPOCTRING THC CITY OF ?Toney PAUUCAH TO BORFO:: UPON THE CR --DIT AND RESOURCES OF THE CITY, THE SUM OF EIGHT McKelvey judeng- THOUSAIID 7T.10 HUIIDRE'D SEVEN AND 30/100 ($8207.30) DOLLARS.' Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and !Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of J.M.Slaughter, Fire Chief, for the month of April, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Tom King, City Report Jailer, for the month of ARril, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the City Jail roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin,' Nelson, Rutter and Payor Lackey, (5). April Report Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of taus Rogers, Chief ?Olice o: Police, for the month of April, 19'8, be received and filed. Adopted on call of T:ept. April the roll: Yens; Commission.-rs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and F•'ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following: I move that a resolution fi`e- entitled, !!.'':IOP PRG': IIG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRM -'ID7..,ALKS ON BOTH 1% 'T 1- :--,.T PROPFRTY LINE OF IIIVETEENTII STREET TO A ^! LINE OF TWENTIETH STPFrT, IID CONCRETE 'yth `o < lot. ,:,z` ..- EIt;G;Ot; STPFLT, FLO?S THE WEET PROPERTY LINE O? ?:i?:: ?' H ."i' T _0 :H?: L..... -TJIiB LINT: OF T,EMTY-FIFnT SITFI'rT I': In' CITY OF F:,: -U 1,Y, "IT?? ,". L::.:,_.... .iY '7!.T1T0LY:;, IIITAK-3, .FCtERS, CATCH BASINS AND '!PE, IIMLU-150 ALL N7T;:.:.: P.f::' .-.iT; IMIG, ADVERTISING AILD LEGAL "IiD CLERICAL vv-,cE It: ':r"C;`: I:ll t.T n' "ITH, .<< ::T I. :'Ci TV' `L ON' AT THE CO T OF HF: 07hFRS OF ?:T'; P30PERTY, AND FOVII:IIIO ::';.T . L'.h EJ.Y IA: i'AID FOR UPC.!] 'i Lr ^a ]T'4R PAYM-311T int--o+"icel and icy over." Adopte-) on the rnll r.;f Qw 1,011: Yeas; Cor_ 1ecL...._... a.,<.__. 1•x, Hannin, F.uctcr and "ryor Lackey, (5). Na.___09 Proceedings of BOARD Or CO_ LIONERS. City of Paducah ,KY,MAY 8,1928 ' I Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following: I move that a resolution. entitled, "A RESOLU4ION PROVIL_NG FOP. TETT° II:PPOV' VEtIT OF '%1ASIITNGTOIT 1'/ASNiiigton Street l9th to 21st - • • STRI T -T, FROTd THE 9TE8T PROPERTY -LIVE OF NINETEFNTH STREET TO THE EAST CURB grading & gravelirV LINE OF Tl;BNTY-FIRST STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACCE•.N CGUNTY, ' - h-ENRUCh'Y, BY ;NE GRADIIG AND GFUVELING OF SAME, 71IT'H ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, IITTAI=, CATCH BASINS AND SE:7ER PIPE CONNECTIONS AND ALL NECES£ARL' iiIG111EI'M NO, ADVFRTZSIIT6 AND LEGAL AND OLBRICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TH7131:iITH IT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY Oi77TERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED tl � IIPOiT THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). ! Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that an ordinance entitled, I :"adison Street, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDr'yALKS, CURDS side:ral"s, curbs and gutters AND GU':TERS AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SE'TERS, CATCH BASINS AITD SE'.11EF PIPE ON BOTH SIDES OF MADISON STREET FROid THE :TEST CURB LINE OF THIRD STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF FIFTH STREET AND FROM THE 17EST CURB LINE I I OF EIGHTH STREET'TO TFE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF ELEVENTH STREET, AND SIDE:7ALKS 01,1 BOTH SIDES Or 1,1ADISON STREET FROM THE :'LEST CURB LINE OF FIFTH STREET TO TIE EAST CURB LINE OF EIGHTH STREET, 71ITH ALL NECESSARY DRIVE:lAYS, IIT THE `.ITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, INQ.UDi:-G ALL NECESSARY EIIGIITE-RING, ADVERTISING AILD LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN CO"NECTIOIT TIPRE''ITF., EXCEPT THAT PORTIOIT OF SAID SIDEi1ALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS INHICH HAVE ALREADY BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE 7:7ITH THE CITY LIRE, GRADES AITD SPECIFICATIONS, SHALL NOT BE Rra CONSTRUCTED AND ARE H`REBY EXCLUDED FROM THE ''NORK TO BE DONE UNDER TI?IS ORDIIIA TCE AND ATL TO BE DOITF AT TIT; CO£TOF THE ABUTT ING PROPERTY Ol'RIF.RS AND PROVID3110 TEAT SAME 7 -AY BE PAID FOR UPON THE TT. -1,N YEAR PAYI_'INT PLAIT," having been introduced and laid over for 1 week in its completed form, I now move that said ordinance be adopted. Adopted on the cal'.of the roll: Yeas; Commission re Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayolrr Lnekey offored motion that the copy of the judgment Co1ry of judirrent .arson vs.CPty in the case of Tuthor Carson etc vs, the City of Paducah at al be r received & filed , , received and filed. Ado-tod on the call of the roll: Yens; CoLmfissioners Bradshaw, H-nr.in, Nelson, Rutter and Wnyor Lackey, (5). ari •nort of VAYPX• Lackey offered motion that the report of the Board !'^nith for i%pril of Health fir the month of April, 1928, be received and f11ei1, Adopted on the c,.11. of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, tannin, Nelson, Rutter and "nrcr sckrey, (S). Gn -o`i,,n in•'ting ndlournod. % / .TO'R'T