HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 617, January 26, 1931Proceedings lssIo niRa Gitg of PaduC,;j)T :K11,TTPUCKY JANUARY 26. 1931 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m. on the 26th day of Janunry, 1931,in the absence of Mayor Lackey Commissioner Nelson presided as Mayor pro tem and upon call of the roll the follo.,ring answored to their names-: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Anna His- Commissioner Hannin offered the following mbticn: Anna Risby h•,ving by -deed to lot in applied for deed to Lot No.37, Block No.4 in Oak Grove,Cemetery in the City of Paducah, Oak Grove McCracken County, Kentucky, I now novo that said deed be issued to the said Anna Risby to said Lot No.37, Block No.4 in the said Oak Grove Cemetery in Paducah, Kentucky upon payment to t're Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of $40.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw., Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). City of Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance Paducah 1930 Fund- be authorized to pay the interest coupons for 6 months on the City of Paducah 1930 Ing int.Bonds paid Funding Bonds due February 1, 1931 for amount of $4824.53: Outstanding $175,000.00 Interest rate 5 Annual interest 9,625.00 Semi-annual interest 4,812.50 Bank's Collection charge, n of 1% . 12.03 Total due 6,824.5a To be remitted through the City National Bank to the Chemical Bank & Trust Comnany, New York, N.Y. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin Rutter and Mayor pro tea Nelson, (4). Bond iht. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that allowance be made from the General Fund and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay bond interest on the following issues due and payable February 1, 1931: $109,000.00 Street Imp. Bonds $2180.00 interest 21,500.00 City Hospital Bonds 430.00 " 21,000.00 Market House Bonds 420.00 " TOtak;� Paynent tc be rade through the City National Bank to the Trustees of these -articular isa:oa in Cincinnati. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw , Hannin, Rutter and 3!ayor pro tem Nelson, (4). F•'rcnk 'ion- Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: It appearing from the Isle judr- ^n: si.: ntatt^_ont of the judgr..ant, costs, interest and penalties 1n the case of Frank Konkle va. City of Pa6ucah that the total aro,znt thereof up to and including the 26th day of Jnnunry, 1931 in $5,832.16, nn' that the Judgment, interest and pe-naltios amounts to $5,769.18, an': that L.B. Aloxander in attorney of record for the plainti!'^, I now novo that t^e ,or-;iasloner of Public Finance be authorized and directed to Isnue checlt to L.B. AI` watiller, attcrnoy for Frnnk ✓.ankle, and Finnie Konkle as guardian of Frank Kenkle, for #5,763.16 in f.:ll satisfaction of ani,, Juwigment, intei,at. and non,,ltien, an: further ,mcvc that, sa11 Co-z,isa.)%';r of P,ti;lic Finance be authorized to isaue his cl'e'•a to the Clerk or tre Cairt Aon=:als for $22.45 and to the Clork of the McCracken Clrcgit Court for j40..5:; In rill net+.ler,ant of tt,e: r_oatn of t.hln case. Adopted on cn :1 :, t:.e rola: Yea_; Co..--lnsiom:rs i:radsi:au, ;!nnr;in Ftuttnr and Mayor pro tom Nclnc-!, (4). hrOeeC.dings Of_ BOARD OR 40r,!IS:3j0=S--Clh) Of Padue.a11-TkmA!Y—2fz, 7031.. Mayor pro tem Nelson offered motion that the annul report of Carnegie Public Library annual Carnegie Public Library for the year ending December 31, 1930 be received and 1930 renort filed. Adopted on call of the rol.l: Yeas; Com^iission-rs Brnd31-1--t, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). On motion meeting adjourned. ^.dopted ,1931. APPROVED: n i/mss Mayor T City Clarlt