HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 615, January 19, 1931Pmcetdiuiis of11CAhD. -_c s uta —Citg of Paducah—,E• G;,lir 19,�;•7,,t At a reegular meetin+C of the oonrd of Commisaione�s held in the Commissionerst chamber in the City hall nullding in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m. on the 19th day of Tanunryi 1931, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follovring nrzrored to their names: Com-niscion(ra Bradshaw, Nelson, Rutter and. Wayor Luckey, (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ns read. Snvannah .Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: Savannah .uegeons lot in Oak F.udgeon having applied for deed to the east one-half of Lot No.86, Block 11o.5 Grove in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I new move that said de: -d be issued to the said Savannah Rudgeons to said east one-half of said Lot No.86, Block No.5 in the said Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky upon payment to the Com•aissioner of Public Finance the sum of *25.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Bradshacr, Neladn, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). �i•s.roris Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: Mrs. Lydia Cook -lot in O -k Grove Cook having anplie� for deed to Lot No.33 in Block No.4 in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I move that said deed be issued to the said Mrs, Lydia Cook to said Lot Bo.33, Block No.4 in said Oak Grove Cemetery in the said City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of £50.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Belson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Collection Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the annual report of the 3: Zicburss- monts tnnual collections and disbursements for the year 1930 be received an,! filed. Adopted on report -1.930 call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Claims- Commissioner Rutter offered the following, motion: The following I :trndry clnirs having been Iuly approved for nllosmnee and payment, chargeable to Department of Public Affairs P,rk Board: Citizens Savings Bn.k for 7711 Gibbs x$6.50 W.T.Peoper - supplies 39.25 ?45.75 Department of Public 'Jorka C1-,icago Pavin^ Laboratory - supplies 120.58 Department of Public Property Frt. on cnr cnW cd atone47.43 _ 213—.7—b r -v,, t"•.r. :*.o c7nt•^a to allowe^i acid the Com lissionor of Public Finnn-o aut' orized .'.donto,' on call of tbo roll: Yenv; .r rr LAckey, (,i i..,,,.,j, Co-Sccler.: i ,•.trr c rc ....ion +1, •.t rhn aom*•1:': t,n lq% due si fil re _n •:y !?.Lt!aerC tar_x r=r, r.o:1,etor or ery•.hnr, 19:0, .v7.'ch ns^.unta ' ;'31.C3 to al _s u'. .. ir.c Cc :,,: 1r:. :t i.c nrsce be .:::r: ortzod to p,+y sane and chRrge to t..., pr-:.. rail: fratsYs', iKeI®rn, Futt ant± Ys' uor Ls + , (•: . No 61.6 _ Proceedings of -139 m -co_. I::.,MrZZ ---City of Paducah,, JAIHIAP.Y_19. 1`33 Pnyrolls- first Commissionor Rutter offered motion tear, the umrrollc for the half of Inn.1931 first half of January, 1.931 be allowedin tho amount of ."9682.39, and the Com,..issioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same. Adonted on enll or the roll: Yeas; Com^:issioners Brndshar*, Ralson, Rutter and Yayor Lackey, (4). Special Stre,t Comrissioner Rutter offered motion that tho report of the Special Impv.Fund report far December,131 Street Improvement Fund for the month of December, 1930 be received sn�l filed. Adopted on esll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndshae,, Nelson, Rutter and Mopor Lackey, (4). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTIty ED APPROVED•