HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 545, August 18, 19301'rtnecdings.'f ��nrr e- eo_s±i=sze_;_r•r __.---Ciiq of Paducall, UNTUCK , AUGUET__ss lom At a regular meeting of the Bonrd of Commissioners held in the Corr-issioners' Chanber in the City llal.l building in the City of Pnducnh, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M. on the 18th day of August, 1930, Mnyor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll. the fbllovring snsacrod to their nnmos: Commissioners brndahnrr, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Rutter orfered motion th,,t the claim of burns &McDonnell Burns & "cronnell for bnlence due for engineering services in msking survey of Psducah .Yater P7orics clnim Company, ns per contrnet of January 21st, 1970, be allowed in the amount of $3,250.00 and the Commissioner of Rrblic Pinance mithorized to pay same 9nd charge to the proper fund. Adopted e n call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners bradsh—, Rennin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Jeff St. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the City's part of the cost for ?2nd to nlley end street intersections on the Unrey-Reed Compnny contract No.8 for street 35 t'r - Cont r:'8 paving amounting to $2858.68 on Jefferson street, from 32nd street to 35th street L,+ty'n cost and extension to Central Avenue, be allowed and charged to New Construction, and the Commissioner of Public rinance mithorized to pny some from the General Fund for doposit in the Specinl Street Improvement Fund in order to make final settlement with the contracbor. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co-mission=.rs bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Pnyrolls- Commissioner Rutter offered motion thnt the payrolls for the first first half Aug.1970 half of August, 1930 be nllowed in the smcunt of $10476.23, and the Co•-r.issioner of Public Yinsnce authorized to pay same. Adopted on csll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners brndshn:r, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Uol & Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of: the collections Lisburse- mrrtn- and disburse•-ents for tee monV, of July, 1930 be received and filed. Adontod on call July,1930 of the roll: Yeas; Co••--1•_ionera Bradshn-•:, Rannin, Nelcon, butter and Mayor Lnckoy,(5). p^cial Commissioner Rutter offered motion tint the report of the Special Street Lt.Impv Fund -July Improvement bund for the month of July, 1930 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Con-issione.rs urndshar, Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and L'nyor Lnekey,(5), Claims- Co7zrinsioner Rur.ter offered motion that the claims for the month of July, - :'.rly-19.'0 1230 be nllo-sed in the a.^ount of $12219.26, and the Commissioner of Public tinnnen mrtIorizr�' - n nav noire. Pdonted on call of the roll: Yens! Lo^ dssioners Bradshari, !7,.i`cn, iut.t.nr end '^lor Tgckey, (5). fr t.• ..- c n fol,o-ing motion: 'the Cit Pinnan iy, •.•c _ Y i,^^, and `« 1,. :7v ..o. i v •. ltt.ien crer,ting a bns'nFsa zone or ,listrict on ;, f y;....Licyr : v:rnar,, ^. - _lent c to ixt-nth strr:nt, 01111 on Jefferson strret, from 1•".?:* Cr•,rt ^n ...irt• _. anhavinr' enr••Si'irv9 !.. _. .. ,�, c,%t,v nP their resolution au r•_,t!rg ".S •'ITtr1ct to t . of c + ,+•.,, 1 now rove that thn certified `•r•- 1r^ion bei received enc! Cilart, n .. _. ... ;! • ze• , cc nn, rn t rn;!nru, li•,n;r.1n, Nel^on, Butter and No. V6 Proceedings of ;+cern of Cc T:r.Ts,•7yIICR- City of Paducall •AUGTJtT 1L8 -1Q-,0 Mnyor Lackey offered ration to adopt np ordinance entitled, "All OEDIIIANCE fty Lvc., let at DFCI.AFTNG CFEV IN PTOP'T TY ON BOTP FIDT'F 01 uT+ Tirgy AVF'P'UF, F170M FIRST STRFFT to 16th at and Jeff st.lst et TO :IY.T` ITF STP'"17T, Aar, On .7"F?"`RFOft ""TT'T'T, �.rn*,� VIP5` TPT`FT TO ITIPh:T'NTH to 13th st- buslness zone STM:FT, "'0 BT" lii+F'NFF; ^FOP,FTY uror TT- rrCNP:T OF 'Fill- :TTV PLANNTNG AND ZONING cc-?:IF7I0II." Adoptee on cell of the roll: Yeas; Co-riisr.ionora Brsdsh^':, Fa,nin, Nelron, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: An ordinance entitled, Natural Gas "API ORDTNT NCE PROVIDING FOP. TIF. CREATION fP!D SALE OF A FRANCT*ISE AND PFIV iI3'GE Franchise Ordinance sdopt. OF LUHPTTST'ING AND DISTFIbnTING NAtPIIRAL GAS IN IHE CITY OF PADUCAH, ulfiucKY, ed AND PP.OVIDING FOh TIR? INSTALLATION OF ALT, ECUIPNL•'NT, AND OTFEh bT:ANE OF DI:'TRibUIING AND rURNTSHING -`AID GAF: FOh IRE U:T Ob' 1f11F. PEOPLE .,HD CilF7PIFEFFS "iITEIPT :AID CITY, t.ND REGULATING TRF MTTT'OD VID MANITFR OF DIS77+TFUTING SAW, TF.'' PF TCF TO BF CFAPGFD ITI PFFOF, f ND TITE COTIDI'1 IONS UNI?rP ".11WE :AID PTATCITIFE ?'AY BF OP-rTATFD AND TITS TFR7• TITA" IT FMLI. CONTIPIUE" having been introduced end laid over for ono geek in its completed form, I now move thst said ordinance be ndonted. Adopted on cnll. of the roll: Yens; Colmissionrrs bradsbrv;, Ha^nin Nelson, Ru -ter nn' Ynyor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting nd,journed. ADOPTED 2 S 1930 d 01 er APPPOvRD: G,,,/( W`' Ma'yoz'ctl'±