HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 540, August 4, 1930N�. 540 Proceedings o[ BOr,rD or• c0-1,'T-sI01I*_Rs Qtg of Paducah AUGUST 4 1930 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Comaisnioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building, in the City of Paduenh, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.M., on the 4th day of August, 1930, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Minutes of the provioua meetings were adopted as road, A.H,Henson-deed Commissioner Hannin offered the following, motion: Mrs. and Lir, to lot in Oak Grove A,H, Henson having applied for Meed to one-half or Lot No.3 adjacent to Lot 21o,2 in Block No.13 on Stewart Etrcet in Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCrackon County, Kentucky, I now move that said deed be is led' to the said 11r.' and "rs. A.H. IIenson to said one-half of Lot No.3 adjacent to Lot No,2 in Block Ifo.13, Oak Grove*�emetery in the City of Paduchh, Kentucky, upon payment to the Commissioner or Public Finance the sum of :;30.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Bnnnin, Rutter and Mayor Lackcy,(4). Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: The Commissioner Coal contract of Public Property having advertised fdr sealed bids for coal to be flu nished for city for - 1930 awarded to the City of Paducah for the coining year, and having received numerous Went Ky.Coal Co bids end same having been opened according to said notice, and it appearing that the bid of the Test Kentucky Coal Company to furnish Mine Run Coal at $2.77 per ton, and Lump Coal at $'3.27, is the lowest and best bid, I no,.,., move that said proposal and bid be received and filed and that the Mayor be instructed to sign a contract with the said 'Hest Kentucky Coal Company in accordance with said bid. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradsba-v, llamnin, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Claims -sundry Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: The following claims having been ruly approved for allowance and payment, chargeable to Department of Public Affairs Lars. Anna Baumer, Parks lease on Golf links ?00.00 Department of Public :'lorks I.C.1:.R.Co., freight on clashed rock for streets 103,19 Total 'kV 1�S I move the claims be allowed and tyle Com^isnioncr of Fublic Finance avt oriacd to pay anme and chnrgo to the proper departments. Adopted on cnll or tho roll: Yean: Co^nlssion rs Brndshnw, Fannin, Rutter and Liayor Lackey, (4). F.,L,Beyer Cont. Com�issinnrr Rutter offered motion hint the Monthly Itstimnte for #l-sidewalk,etc wrrk ''one during t'r:,• Tenth of July, 1930 on Contract No.l for sidewalk and nonthly estimate driveways constr-icted by '',I.. Beyer, contractor, be received and filed, and thnt the Co--.,: lon-r of i%L,ic Pift,.co be Instructed to issue improvcT:,nt :!arrant tl`crc,for in 'he num o^ y^^.,00,37, Adopted on call of the. roll: Yana; issirm :s Print:l:c:,, F,rI-nin, f:uttor and L'syor Lackey, (4). r :,tt' r o<'r ru•.' moil On 011:t the cltyrq pert of the cult street �cr sir .. int rcert. .:.: r.ad sl'O a on the five F.L. Boyer contracts for Noe. y Y gr:+vel city'e ,art of, _._ , ..!v.ass.rs, ^•,iTL: Dnl,.int.in,• to.,,'141 0.29 ',a follows: _....pug: Na. f- nio st.f:`•.m 2001 to .:6th at3. s 36.81 tie i orris st.fron Mat at. '.O 2 nd t,,, 509.83 C`•t.from :18t'r to .^9th qts. 106.12 50.9-28xton Avc,,rrr.,a P1 :.m -o Alezandrr 348.63 No.l"-.rnas st.f:om "6th 'c 2Sth eta• 31$.88 Tetn?�4Y0777 ..vr,v_6 ` to New 'o,-,ntn:c•.icn, and the Cc­�•issinn^r o£ t'vbt is > ina^ce N.` ---541__ --- Proceedings ill. Hoard of- coacai�sionarP�.Citt] of P1duCOh �Kentuckv, Aura at 4, 1930 authorised to pay same from the Gonernl Fund for deposit in the Special Street Imn_rovemant Fund in order to make final settlement with the contractor. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com,niasioners Bradshnv, Harnin, Rutter.ani Mayor Lackey,(4). Com-+.icsionor Rutter offered motion that the cash orders in the amount of Cash Orders- $100.53 be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed by check on July,'RO the General Fund for amount of $100.53; same to be charged to the proper funds. Adopted on toll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshn-•,, Hnnnin, Futter and Mayor Lackey, (4 ). . Commissioner Rutter offered motion thst the payrolls for the last half of Payrolls lest hnlf July, 1930 be allowed in the amount of $$14647.90, and the Commissioner of Public July,1930 Finance authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter an,' Mayor Lackey, (4). mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of Gus Rogers, Chief of Police, Chief of Polibe for the month of July, 1930 be received and filed. Adopted on cd -1 of the roll: July rapt Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Mayor Lecke$ offered motion that the report of Tom King, City Jailer, City Jail July rept for t"e month of July, 1930 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Rutter end Mayor Lackey, (4). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the City Board of Health City Bd. ' of Health for the month of July, 1930 be received and filed. Adopted nn call of the roll: July rept Yeas; Co^missioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). ^.7th St. Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion t at an ordinance entitled, "lashing- "All OF;.INANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CCNSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUC.'ION OF THE DRIVF'!!AY I on to Clnrk CII SOTJTH SEVTNTH STP.r'T, FF OM T-,. E NORTH PROF FTY LINT: OF i'lf,S[IINGTON STFT? T TO THE Ord. introdu•:el "OUTH P OPTRTY LINT OF CIAPK STRFrT, IN THE CITY OF PAIUCAH, McCRACKFN COUNTY, FcF'N??A^KY, -11TH AL1. NECFSSARY MAN?IO?FS, INTAKE.', CATCH BA.INS, SF..'!FF AND DRAIN PIPE ANL Al•T. 711'CF,'.`P.FY FNGINFFRING, ADVT-PTISING AND LFGAL AND CLFRICAL SF.PVICE IN C^,''FC'"SIGN TH`P'-"ITH AT THF COST OF THF ABUITTt?G PI,OP1RTY 0"BIERS, AND PROVITTln TFAT :•'.Y FF 40^STI`UCTFD UPON THr T -N YEAR PAYMINT PLAN, Atli) PPOVIDING TITA" SO !4JCH OF TH' :Or7 OF SAID IGTPrOV`1!7!,T AF SPPLL BF APPOFTTO?TPD TO '1'111? COUPT 14011SF FPOPrFTY 0? NoCT'A,r: rN r•OTI*TTY, Kr"'TJCKY �!-!tLL B' PPI^ OTTT OF All APPPOPFTA^ION tvm For, "Urfl FUPPCLF BY T!'' FISCAT rGnJF': o" MOCRArKrt7 COUNTY ON "i'E IST DAY OF JULY, 1930" be intrnd:.oed nrd lny over. Adopted on coli of the roll- Yeas; Commissloners ErnasF.*. 1'a—In, Fittcr nnr• Mayor Lnakey, (4). Or. moticn .:,eetina. adjourned. 19?;0 APPI OW 11,��-fir.-P_�` — dnyor C' n