HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 523, July 10, 1930Proceedin IS il)_BOAF`POT' c���r_I� i�rrrr;°_-- .0iij of Paducah r_.n_T=,nr�1, 19 W At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commirsionors held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Rall Building in the City of Pndacah, Kentucky at 2:30 o'clock P.M., held pursuant to a•'journment of Friday, July 10th, 1930, and called for the purpose of accepting gravel street contracts numbers 2,6,7,9 and 11, and such oth<r business as may come before the Board, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Chas.D. Commissioner R,xtter offered the following motion: It apnearing to the Rhodes sewer satisfaction of the Board of Commissioners that sewer construction bills numbers settle- 3995,3996,3997,3996,3999, 4000,4001,4002,4003,4004,9005,4006 and 4007, Koller ment Plumbing Company Contract which was completed and accepted in 1927, are against certain property of Charles D. Rhodes and is located in a depression or ravine, and said property is of such little value that the amounts of the bills against each of the descriptions of property is largely in excess of the value of the property, and the said Charles D. Rhodes as a compro-ire and settlement of any and all possible liability against his property by reason of snid sewer improvement bills has proposed to pay to the City of Paducah in full of sail bills the sum of $130.00, and it nppenring to the satisfaction of the Board of. Commissioners tt-at said settlement is a fair, just TO proper settlement of said controversy and that it is to the interest of the city to accept said settlement, I noir move that the check of the said Charles D. Rhodes for $130.00 tendered in compromise settlement of said se,•er improvement bills be accepted and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to enter satisfaction of said 12 bills and to cancel the same on pert of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, R•ttter and Mayor Lackey, (5). t.dams St. Commissioner Pradshav: offered the following motion: E.L. Beyer,Contractor, 28th to 29th having completed the cons ruction of grov-1 street, and concrete driveways, curb and gravel st accented gutter on Adsms Street, from the west curb line of 28th street to the east property line of 29th street, and, notice having heretofore been given on the 3rd day of July, 1930, that the Board of Commissioners would in the forenoon on Thursday. July 10th, 1930 inspect snid gravel street, and concrete drivewnys, curb and gutter and all work Incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 10th day of July, 1:30 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hell Building in the City of Ps^ucah, Kentucky, to hear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and occoptcrco of anid vork, and the cost thereof as set out in said notice:, and said Boar,: or Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed in accor,!nnce ith said contract, and no one having made or lodged any complaint or protest with ref<,rence thereto nc Provided in snid notice, or at all,, I now mo n t? -at saV cr-.vel street, aryd concrete driveways, curb and Gutter and all work Tone in ecnner_ticn t rewith be accepted; ar,mo being known as Gravel street, -rivrway-, Curb ^nd ,utter Con,ract No.7, ;i. 1,. Beyer, Contractor, gni that the 41nm7in-:erls eetir..nted cost of same t< co -:fir-<:; nn I t,' of acid estiented be turned over to t e Cc--arcriorer of :%'lic Finarce for c,•'11e^t1on, and that the City :'olicitor be irstr•rcted is -ns" an cr`ir.tr.c^ astessin the nMperty *•s shown by the en,inr—r's asti-ates. Adopte' or, r_r,ll r,' tht. roll: Year; Cr. -•-i, .-ion, rs Brndsha;v, Seia:.n, ter and 9:a -,or ?.nekey, (4), N„ 524 Proceedings of BOARD 01' cw-,mis�-I01n•F,'—Cit1j of Paducah .JULY 11 1930 Commissioner Bradbthaw offered the following motion: E.L._eyor Jones St., 26th to Contractor, having completes' the construction of gravel strrot, and concrete 28th gravel at. accepted driveways, durb and gutter on Jones street, from the west curb line of 26th street to the east curb line of 28th street, and notice having heretofore been given on the 3rd day of July, 1930 that the Board of Commissioners would ' in the forenoon on Thursday, July loth, 1930 inspect said gravel street, and concrete drivoi7ays, curb and gutter And All work incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 10th day of July, 1930 in the Commissioners' Chenber in the City Hnll Builc'ing in the City of Paducnh,Kentucky to hear any complaint or protest with refnrence to the doing and ac-rptance of said work, and the cost thereof as set out in snid notice, an' said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed in accordance with said contract, and no one hrv,ng made or lodged any complaint or protest with reference thereto as provided insaid notice, or at all, I now move that said gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb And gutter and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as Gravel Street, Driveways, Curb and Gutter Contract No.11, E.L. Beyer, Contractor, and that the engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the property as shown by the engineer's estimates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Paxton Avenue - Commissioner Bradshaw o"fered t'e following motion: E.L. Beyer, Bloom to Alexander Contractor, having completed the construction of grnvr-1 street, and concrete grnvel st.acnepted driverx,ys, curb and gutter on Paxton Avenue, from the west property line of Bloom Avenue to the west property line of Alexander Avenue, And notice having heretofore been given on the 3rd dny of July, 1930, that the Board of Corrri,sioners would in the forenoon on Thursday,July 1Cth, 1930 inspect said gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb And gutter and all work incident threto, and would be in Aession at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 10th day of July,1930 in the Commissioners' Chamber in tic City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any comnlaint: or protest with reference to the doing and se cptence of said work, and the cost thereof as set out in snid n•tice, and said Board of Cerc,-lsrionrrs having so inspected snid work and finding anme has bran eo-mlai.r_-d in accordanc(• with said contract, and no one h^vire: rondo or lodged any co*::)lnint or protest with reference thereto as provided in said notice, or At nil., I no, move +hat said gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb And au*ter And All mork ^Ienn in connnnt.ion thnrew:th be accepted; same being known As ,rnv.e.l street, Lr1v1,—,-ra, Curb and r!u*.ter Contrnet No.9, E.L. Boyer, Contractor, And t.. the engin--r's estimated cost of same be confirmed And that avid ect'ra.es be .urned dice r, the Cor•.-q!^Ionrr of Fr: lis Finnnaa for co:iF ricn, nrd t�At t r: City Lolieltor br, instrlrated to prepare an oreiinnnee s sessin the drop ty ^:a ai.cwn by the engineer'a ostlm•,tos. l'dopted an cA1l of .he rcil• Yeas; Com issir..nara BrnrlOhn , :.tr:inln, Itel^on, R^.u'trr And '.'nyor• Lacney, (5). pP,CB@I(iuyS of_ BOARD of cn�„'I `�70r7ETt� City of Paducah la-Tn CKY _-mry ,,, ,4s0 Co-^Issioner Dradshan offered the motion: E.L. Beyer, lashing`_on St.21st to Contractor, hnving comnleted the construction of gravel str,et, and concrete driveways, 22nd -gravel ' et.sccertra. curb and gutter do Washington street, from t^e west curb line of 21st street to the gest property line of 22nd street, and notice having heretofore been q:tven on the 3rd day of July, 1930 that the Board of Conrds^ioners would in the forenoon on V urrday, i July 10th, 1930 inspect said gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb and gutter and all work inci8ent thereto, and would be in session at•'2 o'clock P.M., on the 10th day of July, 1930 in the Commissioners, Cha^,bdr in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to '-ear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and acceptance of said :cork, and the cast thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding some has been comnleted in accordance with s -:id conyract, and no one having made or lodged any complaint or protest with reference thereto, as provided in said notice, or at sill I'now move that said gravel street, and concrete driveways, curb and gutter and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as 'Gravel street, Driveways, Curb and Gutter Contract No.6, R.L. Beyer, Contractor, and that the engineer's estimated' cost of same be confirmed and that said estimated be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection, and that the City Solicitor be instnicted to prepare an ordinance assessing the property as shown by the engineer's estimates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Br•dshnw, Ha nin, Nelson, Rutter and Unyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the follrwin,3 motion: E.L. Beyer, Ohio St., 25th to 26th Contractor, having completed the construction of gravel street, and concrete curb gravel st. accepted and gutter on Ohio street, from the west curb line of 25th strcot to the east curb line of 26th street, ^nd notice having heretofore been given on the 3rd day of July, 1930 that the Board of Commissioners would in the forenoon on Thursday, July 10t`3, 1930 inspect said gravel street, end concrete curb nd gutter and all work incident thereto, and •-•oul'd be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 10th day of July, 1930 in the Coe -1 zionersl Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentuclky to wear any complaint or protest with reference to the doing and sccept-ance of csid work, and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Col-ircinn^rs having so inspected srid work and finding same hos bean completed in ac^ordrnco rith snid contract, and no one having made or lodged any complaint or protest frith rcfirence th,reto as provided in and ', notice, or at all, I now move that r,nie'. �rr.vel street, end concrete curb end gutter and all work done in connection therewith be accopted;same being known as Gravel street, Curb �nl Gutter Contract No. 2, :.L. E,yor, Contr•ctor, and tdlrt the engineer's estimated cost of sumo be t•:rned over to the Oorrnisaie er of Public Finance for collection, and that the City Cclicitor be inntructed to prepare r,n orlinnnco anseasing the property as oho-rm by the c.gincer'a estimntos. Adonted on cr,ll of the roll: Yeas; Coi•,itssioners &rdaha , Fannin, Nelsen, Ruri-r, nnl Vayor L,,nkey, (5). Co:.._., ton- r Brr.•,.^.h.., o”, r--,! :-, 1 o to ndnpt: nn ox,11nanc, r! tit1e91 Ad•irvy ,'.t. : C., ., A, __ f f Ct, itd C "T, Cr ... nee.:ir'T, IN ?fI". CITY a OF GRAVXL STRF/4T AND CON,CUTE ,.... %. I •'; ?': :NTA1r_-:9•, CATCH B.h.°TNB, ::PRIN . _ :I`-I':G ND 7,1 T AILD CLv7 .. .... i . Proceedings Of BOARD OF CO's1AIC'.IONcl_- QtI� Of PN(hIC8h- LY ll. 1930 COST OF GRAVFL STRFET .........................$1.25 PER ABUTTING FOOT COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER ....................... .40 PFR LIN. FOOT COST OF CONCRFTF. DRIVFS'1AYS............. ...... .30 PER SQ. FOOT ., COST OF CONORFTE CURB STRAIGRT................ .55 PrP LIN. FOOT ' - COST OF CONORFTF. CURB CURVED ................. .65 PFR LIN. FOOT COST OF F.XFANSIOHI JOINTS.........•............1, 00573420068 PFR DOLiAR COIISTRUCT- ION COST COST OF ENGTHFFRING AND INSPECTION ............ $0.05893484036 PFR DOLLAR CONSTRUC9ION COST COST OF INTERFST..............................$0.01647308429 PFR LLAR CONSDOUCTIOIT COST AND PROVIDING TFVT THE COST OF SUCK CONSTRUCTION, TTrTFRFST, EXTRA WORK, AND ALL NFCFSSARY ENGINEERING, ADVFFTISING AND LFG41, AND CLERICAL SERVICE IIT CONIECTIOIT THFREVIITH BE CHARGEABLE TO AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY R CEIVING TFE BENEFIT OF SAW, AND ABUWING UPON SAID IMPPOVFMENT, AS SHMIN BY THE ENGIIIEFR`S ESTIMATES ON FILE IN TILE OFFICE OF THE COMMICEIONSR OF PUBLIC WKS, SND PROVIDING THAT SAID AS: F.: ST'EfiT ??AY BE PAID IN TEN ECI,UAL INSTALLMENTS BFING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PETIIOD OF TEN YEARS." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshwa, Hannin, Nelson, Rio ter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Ohio Street - 25th to 26th at. "AN ORDI`7ANCE ASSESSING THE ABUT"ING PFOPF.RTY ON BOTH SIDES OF OHIO STRFFT, P1,CM assessment ordinance THE `MST CURB LINE OF TS'TENTY-FIFTA'STRFT[T TO TIT- FAST,CURB LINE OF T`TNTY-SIXTH STRFFT, IN THF CITY OF PADUCAT,T, MCCRACKFN COMITY, KENTUCKY, FOR THF COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF GRAVFL STR"FT,AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, IYITH ALL NECESSARY DRIVE.'IAYS, TAANHOLFS, INTAKFF,.CATCR BASINS, DRAIN TILF AND SF'FR PIPE, AND ALL ITECFSSARY ENGINEERING, ADVFFTISTNG P.NDLFGAL AND CLFRICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION THERE:7ITH AS FOTLC'S: COST OF GRAVEL STR?=FT..............................E+1.47j PER ABUTTING FOOT COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER ............................ .40 PER LINEAR FOOT COST OF CONCRFTE DRIVEWAYS ......................... 25 PER SQUARE FOOT COST OF CONCRETE CURB STRAIGHT ..................... .55 PER LINEAR FOOT COST OF CONCRETE CURB CURVED ....................... .65 PER LINEAR FOOT COST OF EXPANSION JOINTS...........................$0.004282696462 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF ENGIIIFFRING AND INSPECTION.................$0.057744221960 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF INTEREST....................................f0.023020696490 PEP. DO?TAR CONSTRUC^ION COST AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION, INTFRFST, EXTRA !YORK, AND ALL IIECESSARY ENGINEERING, APVFRTI£ING AND LFGAL AND CLFP.ICAL SERVICE IN CONNFCTION TR`R1^ITH BE CIV PGT'ABLR TO PND .ASSFSSFD AGAINST TITF PROPFPTY RFCEIVINO THE BFTR?FIT OF SAME. AND WITTING UPON SAID I�'PPOVI"TNT. AS SHO'',W BY THF 1MGINFFR1S FSTIT..IA FS ON FTLF. IIT TRT 0"!ICE OF TIM COR" IS"IONFF OF PUBLIC :YORKS, AND PROVIDING THAT ,P.ID A"SFS,TPFNT MAY BE PAID IN TFN FOTTAL I'ISTAT.T.MFNTS, B-ING ONF EACH YEAR FOR A 1-'PIOC OF TMT YEARS." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;Cammi^sionera 'rradshnw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter snd May6r Lackey, (5). Co-=Iajsioner Bradslj-- offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Jones st.,26th to 28th -arse -event "l, TI 0' .111,"NO';,Z"" ING TH"' ALUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIUFS OF JONES STRFI•:T, or'' irance PI -OM iT1`. "i. ";T CTTPB LITE OF 26Th STRP:FT TO TT -7 EAST CUPB LIN! OF 2871, STRFrT, III T11F CITY OF FA;.UCPH, MCCRACK aI COUNTY, KFNTUCKY, FOR THE COST OP ., .",`R 5T, AND CONCRETE DPIVE'JAYS, CURB AND GUT -,FR, 'II7H CATCH BA -INS, DRAIN ':TT I% F1--b-:Ti PIPE, AND ALL .ht.I: INA; AND LI'GPT, AND CT. PTCAL—,F'VICv. IN CO`INPCTION T:3 F: ..................61.4.5 FFR AP.TTT'IN0 FOOT _.. .15 PF'P I:IN. FOOT :'.0 P° T:' TOOT ............ i T.'T. POUT 7 IN. ;`CCT 0.00627,:52197 P -l' DO1LAR f-ONSTPUCTION COST .. ....... ....... .. '� �„ 1 Orn - TT T /� 0.04....6957..38 . L0 A1+ CONCTPIIC.I i9 C.OZT .........................;0.01:77233501 PF'R C4'.Td,F COIIFTPU,':JON COST ]}f ni•�'PI�IIIi.�S „� BOARD OF COI'MISPIoil ff,9 __ -Cilt, 0f PaIIt7('7I7_ K`'NTUCKY. JULY 11, 1930 _ ... AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION, INTI'? -FST, EXTRA WORK, AND ALL NECF'ShRY FNOITIF'RING, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AW, CLERICAL SERVICF. IN CONNECTION THF7-e':7ITH BE CHARGRABLE TO AND ASSES.= ACAI:IST THF PROPERTY RECEIVING THE BEtIFFIT OF SAME AND ABU''TING UPON SAID IMPROVEMENT, AS SHO1,111 BY THE ETIGIITF.FRIS ESTIMATFS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TIIE CO".1MII.'IONFR OF PUBLIC T.'ORKS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSES' MTi'TIT MAY BF PAID IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, BFIIIG ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PrPIOD OF TPN YFARS." Adop'ed on call of the roll: Yeas; Com•"iseioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Brndshaw offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, Paxton Ave., "AN ORDINANCE. ASSESSING THE A M",ING PrOPFFTY ON BOTH SIDES OF PAXTON AVFNUF, FROM THE Bloom to Alex- IMTET, PROPFFTY FINE OF BLOOM AVT -NUE TO THF -"FST PFOPFRTY LINE OP ALEXANDER AVPNUE, IN nnder arness- TH-F CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THF COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF ment ordinnnr GF-f;VFL STRFFT, AND CONCRETE DRIVE'TAYS, CURB AND CUTTER, WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, I::TAKEB, CATCH BASINS, DRAIN TILE AND SEi7ER PIPE, AND ALL NECESSARY ENGIN—PING, ADVFF:-I:I11C AND LEGAL AND CLEFICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION THFRF7IITH AS FOLLO:75: COST OF GRAVEL STREET ........................$1.14 PER ABUTTING FOOT COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER ...................... .40 PER LIN, FOOT COST OF CONCRFTE DRIVEWAYS ................... .30 PER GQ. FOOT COST OF CONCRITE CURB STRAIGHT ............... .50 PER LIN. FOOT COST OF CONCRFT7 CURS CURVED ................. .65 PER LIN. FOOT COST OF EXPAI:SIOII JOINTS........ AO.00398350389 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF ENGINE=RING AND INSPECTION........... 0.05498701695 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF INTFRFST.............................0.00906063846 PER DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST AND PROVIDING THAT THP COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCT I011, INTEREST, EXTRA 'YORK, AND ALL NFCFSSARY FNGIT'TTFRTNG, ADVFR-ISING AND LPGAL AND CLERICAL SFRVICE IN CO?i1.7CTION TEE•FF':'-TITH BE CHARGEABLE TO A14D ASSESSED AGAINST THE P.;OPFRTY RFCEIVING TIF BENEFIT OF SAMTE AND ABUTING UPON SAID YPROWMENT, AS S110':1i BY THF FNGIVE-R'S ESTIMATES ON FILE IN THE OF:ICE OF THE COMI2ISIIONFR OF PUBLIC, 170RKS, AND PROVIDING TRAT SAID ASSESSMFITT MAY BE PAID IN TFI1 E^UAL INSTALT.14FNTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PFPIOD OF TFN YEARS." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). 3anhing- Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adapt an ordinance entitled, `on ct. goer, to "AN ORDINANCE AL:FEFIIIG THE ABU-15ING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF 7ASHINGTON STREET, FROM 2nd aseeseTaet THE WY -ST CURB LINE OF 21ST STREET TO THE ':LEST PROPFRTY TINE OF 22ND STREET, IN THE or dins -nee CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COJNTY, KT?ITUCKY, FOR THE COST OF COTISSFUCPI011 OF CRAWL CONr.RETE CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVP':7AY5, WITH ALL NrCF.^'--'ARI thA21LI0L? , IrTAK!'S, Wr!NS, DF"III TILT "ITD °"-'.TF:R PIF', AND AIL NPCFSSAPY ENGTIIF•:RIIII, /,FVIR'TIfII1G i.' AT1:1 C" 7 I.C!L ZFRVIC�. IN COTP'FCTIOII TF7F".11TH A4 FOLLOWS: CP- ;'LziF' T .. .......................$1.52 PER ABUTTING FOOT rU.. ...... ............. .40 PER LIN, FOOT 1FIV'�AYS. ................ .30 PPR S FOOT •(r j, _ r`TJ'B -PTr1i ................. .50 PFr• LIN. FOrT "I C'•T'B CURVEIi.................. .65 PPP LIN. 700L J11I11T........................$0.00457897921 PFR r`OTLAP CON TP.IICTIGN DOST I7C:1... .........$0.057^3724018 FFR DOTL^F CO`1STRUCTION COST 117',......$A.0?.179921176 PFR rOTIAF CONSTPUCTION .......................... COST AND P r,:.....,., _ .. _.. 7 If 1''1'C' ' I'.. i?i I A ORK, ^ND ALI, v ;I,;; 1 A:';'L ri: ';I. ' IGAI; -.l i'JICIi IN C6?t' 'GTION TTG IlF- _ :., L'. Ci° r '. _._ .. 1... 'II" i' r,P !TY 1'.' C: tVINO IW` Ta -IT L;: 0.F N t „T, Jtl .,'f iiF 4It1'. PI`, E: TINATF.I; ON YIT.F. IT .. ,C L' A`... _ T1LNT TC r,. 1'N Y'AR£. 11 1'roceeclings o[ soARn oP coin+i Groh __,Cihj of 1'�ducal�.nuX�],�9a Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Br�idshau, Rannin, Nelson, Ruiter and btayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. Ai.OPTBD� 1930 APPROVED Mayor �t y Cleric