HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 476, March 31, 1930Na 476 Proceedings of _ BOARD_ OF COMMI88inNFRS City of Paducah ,.M/+ CH_31L 1930 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Nall Fuilding in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 31st day of March, 19•'O,May or Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the Collo^:ing anserored to their names: Commissioners Bradrhaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the csevious meetings were adonted as read. Commissioner Rutter offered motion th9t the report of the Paducah 'inter Paducah hater Wks ' Company quarterly Works Company for the quarter commencing Jnnuary 1, 1930 and ending Marbh 31st, report 1930 be received and filed; and that the amount of snid bill, $10,974.41 be allowed and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to draw check in payment thereof. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Brodsh-w, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the cash orders in the amount of Cash orders - $99.87 be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed by chock on the General Fund for amount of $99.87; same to be charged to the proper funds and departments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiesioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: The following claims Claims -Sundry having been duly approved for allowence and payment: Department of Public Affsirs Yancy Brothers -.Parks $424.97 DRPARV,711T OF PUBLIC WORKS F.M. Northington - Street Department 33.12 Total T58 I move the same be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same and charge to the proper departments. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Clerk. St.,16th to Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the city's part of the cost 17th -Rouse Cont. #5 alley- City's on the J.M.Rouse Contracting Company's Sidewalk, Driveways, Curb rind Gutter cost Cottract No.5 for an alley on Clerk Street botwcen 16th and 17th Streets, for amount of $140.1.0 be allowed and charged to New Construction and the Commircioner of Public Finance authorized to pay some from the General Fend for deposit In the Special Street Improvement Fund in order to mnke final settlement with the contrnator. Adopte'' on call of the roll.: Yeas; Comminrionerc Bradshaw, Rennin, Nelsen, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Con,ds.aioner Public 'Tote-kechanica of Bank. paid Finance to authorized to pny the note executed to tre 7eohanlca Trust and Snvingo Bark by the "syor and 00^ iEn•ioncr of `%blic Finance on January 4th, 1930 for smeunt of w5000.00, which mnturos on Anril 4, 1930. Adopted on call of the roll: Ycnr.; Cocclsnlonnra 1srndnhaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and T'syor Lackoy, (5). . Cont. CO--nI�sier.Cr P.u!+ar off,:red motion that the N'onthly Fstlmntu for work done .Pause 1^-siiewal+,etc • ,:nring tie c:cnth of parch 1.930 on Contract 11o.10 for ridowalk, driveways ,.-t�ly esrc to ':i , curb and gutter c-natnictod by J.M.F:ouso Coatractitur Co^'•.rnry, Contractors, be r-celve' and filed', r;n' tl_ot t)e. Cam"larlon+•r of Public Finance to instructed to isaue T'nP:0v6r.e:rt '':arrant tl^rrefor in the aur'. dr $•356.41. Adopted on call of tre roll: Year; CO --i- rionrrs Firo iet.aw, Fs^nin, Nalson, Putt, r and Mayor L9ckey, (5). Ne. a^7 Proceedings of _ BOAPh OF c�rz 1�:Iorr Ps City of Paducah ,.ISRr'TUCKY, PARCH 31_1930 Mayor Lackey offered motion that the communication from the Board of Board of Fduc11tion Education of the City of Paducah, bearing date of ?larch 11, 1930, together with the school levy -1230 certified copy of.the resolution making levy for school purposes for t'e year 1930 be received and filed; and tl•nt sold resolution so making and fixing said tax levy for school purposes at One (w1.00) Dollar on each ;100.00 valuation of property subject to school taxes for the maintenance of public schools, and Ten (:'0.1.0) Cents upon the y�100.00 valuation of such property for the purpose of creating a Sinking Fund and paying interest upon the sebool bonds and paying the obligntibns of the Board of Education, be spread upon the minutes of this Board: "The following resolutions are a part of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Education held Monday night March 11th, 1930." n BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky that there be and there now is imposed and levied an ad valorem tax of one .dollar ($1.00) on each $100.00 valuation of real and personal property of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1930, the some being necessary in the opinion of the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky to produce for said year of 1930 the total estimated sum necessary to be raised to support and maintain the Public Scrools of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, less the estimated sum to be received from the State Common School Fund: BE IT -RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that there be and there h6w is imposed an ad val^rem tax upon all the real and personal property in the City of Paducah Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1930, of not exceeding ten cents (100(1 upon the F'100.00 valuation of said property, same being necessary to create a sinking fund for payment of bonds or the City of Paducah, Kentucky issued for school purposes, dated January 15, 1920 and January 15, 1926, and for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds when and As due." We the undersigned, E.B: Bell, President of the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, and Ethel M. Rice, Secretary, do he'eby certify that the foregoing resolutions were duly adonted by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, at the regular March meeting held Monday night, March 11th, 1930, and same is hereby certified to the Ron. Mayor and Commissioners of said city for the attention of such Board as the law directs. E.B. Bell, President BOARD OF EDUCATION, - Paducah, Kentucky Attest: - Ethel M. Rice, Secretary. BOARD OF EDUCATION, Faduchh, Kentucky Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion thnt the: Annual report of the Coacis�i- " oyer Pub. Cor^iissioner of Public !Yorks for the year 1929 be recoivee, And filed. Adopted. on Wks.1929 report call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndshaw, Nannin, Nelson, Rutter And Mayor Lackey, (5). Commin.sioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt an or^inance entitled, :"leer- "A'.1 CR:1"AI;CF ACO-P-ING 7 -FD FOP CERTAIN PFOPPRTY FROM CBARLF: SCHMAUS FOR STRTI-T Crarlea 0.1au9 to P71P.TV_'F.S 1.rL PPOVIDING FOP Tl' PAYY NT 11ITt FOF." Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; city Co=i:•n1r..nrr•s Brolsrnw, lianrin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). d'Ayor Lackey offered the following motion: An ordinance entitled, •Ao_t roar.^n t.,lst' to CTA:Ioo T, FLCM FIFBT S'TRF'•'T TO TPSTR STRT-T, OR 10th t'aIt e^s 1,7": 7' Y ON BOTH :-IDE:. OF SAID FTPFFT "jITF'IN THE ,:'P?Y, UPON ^9nr R1C'tl:.^.m OF TN? CTiY PL.41:17ING :'9".1havin t• en Introduced and laid ovrr for one week. in its form, I no:^ -c.e ^l,:t sr,id or,?Ina-,ca be adopted. Adopted on ca`l of the .-: Yea<; cicnere Frndseaw, Fannin, Nalnon, Rutter ane'. Voyor 1-nekey, (5), No. 478 _ Proceedings of _ BOARD OF CO?F.t.+I.`.'IONFrS City of Paducah—March 31,._1930_ I Commissioner Rutter o'fered mM-ion tl-nt the stntement of the Antl.cipsted Revenue Anticipnted Revenue for tie City of Paducah for the year 1930 be received and for 1930 filed end spread q[pon the minutes of this Board; ANTICIPATED REVETNE FOR 1930. Franchises........................................................ $ 140e00.00 IDelinquent Taxes.............................................. 25,000.00 Penalty current year............................................. 1,000.00 Penalties previous your .......................................... 2,500.00 Poll Taxes...................................................... 3,000.00 General Licenses................................................ 50,000.00 Automobile I:icenses.............................................. 15,000.00 Parket House "............................... I............. 4,000.00 Dog "1,500.00 . ............................................. Riverside Hosoital .............................................. 41,000.00 Oak Grove....................................................... 2,500.00 Oak Grove.............. ........................................ 3,400.00 Police Court... ........... ............... .............. 20,000.00 Building Permits................................................ 300.00 Wharf......................................................... 125.00 CityScales... .... ............. ........................ 700.00 Street Department ............................................... 400.00 °or:ors.......................................................... 1,500.00 Interest General Fund ............................................ 1,000.00 Sundry Collections.............................................. 200.00 Maps... . ............................................... 2,500.00 Engineering Refund.............................................. 27,000.00 Taxes (school rate only)........................................ 184.80 Bank Stocl...................................................... 2,119.87 Tobacco......................................................... 574.17 Taxes at 112.60................................ .. ...........6— TOTAL 9,7789.47 , Adonted on call' of the roll; Yeas; tommission,rs Bridshaw, H.annin, Nelson, Rutter and E'nyor Lackey, (5). Apportirna nt Co!­issioner Rutter offered motion to adopt an ordinnnce entitled, Ordln,ncc for 1930. "AN CP'.I!ip.NCE FIX117G THF APPOETIONMPNT OF THE 113BLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PALUCA11 OF Ti" 77AR 1930." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:.:missionors bradshaw, Fannin, Ncls,�n, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Tax Levy for 19cA Commiscioner Rutter offered motion to adopt an or!innnce entitled, "Atl'CRiS`!A!'C?: FIXING }!^' LEVY OR RATE OF Tf}J+TIf`N ON PYOPFPTY IN THF CITY OF 7 fi":Ti:^.FY, , :1i F: YEAR 1930, AND Tlir RATE OF TITF POI.,: TAX, WITH 1fi1E G-' '+Ii; Lt'eY 71?'!b.UM(F.R D5EIHFD." Adopted on enll of thn roil; Yeas; Co-^iasioners B.radshnq:, !'ancln, Nelson, Rueter and Mnyor Lackev, (5). On a:otlon meatinv.. n1j,urned. A',r r1rr_--_ — _ 1930 APTPOVED— ' City ..er - __