HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 460, February 19, 1930No. 480. Proceedings of B;"ARD OF COMMI-':IONIP- City of Paducah FPBritARY At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Ball Building in the City of Pt0ucsh, Kont.uclty nt 2 o'clock F.M., on the 19th day of February, 19Y0, !'nyor Luckey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their nnma: Commia:ioners Ha--.nin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, to -wit: For the nurnose of Pryrolls- 1st Feb. allowing semi-monthly payrolls, a m' such other burin s as mny come borers the Board. Commissioner Fannin offered the rollowing motion: Mra C.D.Jockcon ldrs C.D,Jackson-lot In Oak Grove hnving anplied for deed to a four grave l,t between Besl "tr,ft and ''nnlelown Ccmftery in Onk Grove Cemetery, Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I now move that said deed be issued to the snid Plrs C,A,•Tackson to said four grove lot between Beal Street and Monlelawn Cemeterv, Oak Grove Cemetery, upon nnyment to the Com-ission r of PuLlic Finnrce the sum of $50.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yee.s; Commisoioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Locke,,-, (4). Cormissioner Rutter offered notion t�'nt the payrolls for the first half Payrolls=first half Februnry,1930 of February, 1930 be allowed in the amount of $10,124.21 and the Co-missioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same. Adopted on col.l of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Hannin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that Sewer Bill #3791, assessed on Merkle Cont,no., Sewer Bill #3791 the Merkle Contracting Company Contract for Sewer Zone 4A against the Board of against Board of Education Education for amount of $3514.89, which was not included in the bills previously allowed for the Board of F.duention, be nllowed and charged to New Construction, and the Commissioner of Public Finnnce anthorized to pay sn:m from the General Fund for dcnosit in the Special °.treat Improvement Fund in outer to mnkn rinnl settlement with the contractor. Adopted on cull of the ro'l: Yeas; Com,^issioners Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (4). �:outY:ern Pds.Co., Commissioner Rutter offers' motion t,nt, t:he reoert o❑ the Southern ' Cont.#6-final Foods Comnsny Contract No.6 be accepted, and the Commissioner of Public Finance settlement authorized to make final settlement upon sole of the Imnrovement bonds to be issued t},eroon on the tan year Payment plan; and that the Mayor and CoTmissioner of Public Finance be authorized to have printed, executed nlnd sold such Improver.entBonds to the amount of $471731.32 in accordance with the provisions Of -ectlen 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes governing some. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commission^rs Hannin, Nelson, Rutter err? Mayor Lackey, (4). Co'ttr::•rn ^.c., Conricciorcr Rutter offered motion that the rerort on the Douthern settle.. nt Pon`r C'07nnny Contrnet No.7 be acce-ted and the Co--J��Ioner o^ Public F+..nonce out-ortz«d to make fir -0 settlement uron sole of the Impreverent Fonds to b« is^+,eA 'Fr:f;n on tie ten yHr,r Pn,.ment plan; end tl•at "' unyor and COT.-issionor Of tu'.lic 71^.a-ce be en+ioriz­, '0 lave nrinte!', executed and sod such Improvewrnt, fonds to t'.e n ,zn• of '16,77f,98 in n••..nronn -4th .•ih +1'e nrovl-c,lora of 3aol.Lon '101 of 'r e, r:f. ,:. t.•,,_ _ . ..•, an M!. Adopt«d on cnll of ,-� e fol}: N,, }fun, l', tear enol M-yor 1.nckey, (4). !t .:ne Ce., re.�:�iarifr:� pe..,..re•'. r1,,y , t}�e re, u tol't on 1•'e N. ..;tone aQ"'' F -p nt rry".nn .'.cn'rPet .'i0.9 b.' 7 ar.l .}e ;;fj.-"Sa:liGnr`r' 1`ll•lla Of 1''lnnnce alit:^.arizel tn me)" final setY.letrent nDnn sale of the Improvc.tient Bonds to t•e en F. "n y>;ar. re'•._,..nt plan; and that the v! vor• and Co­.nia•zicner N,. 4. 1 Proceedings of BCARr CF CVYIF'TCArTF City of Paducah _l KENTUCKY, TT_BRUAHY 19,1930 of rhblic. Finance be authorized to hnve printed, executed and sold such Improvement Bonds to the amount of $16,429.77 in accordance with the provisions of Gect•Son 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes g6verning same. Adopted on cn11 of the roll.: Yeas; Go^missioners Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lnckoy, (4). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the claim of the Paduenh Iran Company Ps,'ucah Iron Co., agninet L=erkle Contracting Company for $93.15 be received and filed. Adooted on claim ngninst cn11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hnnrin, Nblson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (4). Merkle Mn-ror Lackey o"fered motion tt-nt the claim of Michael Hardrmre Company Michael Hdrie.,Co. , agnine,t '°erkle Contractinp_, Company for n-o'.int of #424.76 be received and filed. clnim vs "rrkle Adopted on cnll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOFTF.D� �L_ 1930 APPROVED: Mayor — V w