HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 456, February 13, 1930N". 456 Proccedingis of BOA?P_ of cove ISsIONT•rS . City of Paducah -,FFBRUARy_13,1930 At a call mooting of the Board. of Co-micnioners held in the Commissioners' C+ -amber in the City Hall Building in the City of Pnduenh, Kent'lcky at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of r'ebruary, 1930, Nnyor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follo-.,ing nnswere,' to ,their names; Commissioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (8). Ynyor Lackey stated reason for coli, to -crit: For the purpose of adopting assessment ordinance on Jefferson Street from 25th street to 32nd street, and on LaBelle Avenue, from Broadway to Jefferson °treet, and such other business as may come before the board. Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: Carey -Reed Company, Jefferson St.,25 contractor;, having completed the construction of paved streets on Jefferson to 32nd and LaBelle ' Ave.,Bdw to Jeff Street, from the west property line of 25th Street to the west property lino of St. paving accept- ed. 32nd Street; LaBelle Avenue, from the north pronorty line of Broadway to the south property line of Jefferson Street, and notice hnving heretofore been given on the 7th dry of February, 1930 that the Board of Commissioners could in the forenoon on February 13th, 1930 inspect said street and all work incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of February, 1930 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City }tall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed In accordance with said contract, I now move thnt said street And ell work done in connection therewith be accepted; some being knuan as Street Paving Contract No.l, Carey -Reed Company, Contractors, And that the Engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finfnce for collection; And that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance asseseing the property As shown by the Engineer's estimates. Adopted on cull of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Nelson offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN Jefferson St.,25 to 32nd and OPPTIU•NCE ASFFSSINO TFT' A1••119 TNG PF.OT" RTY ON DU 11 FIDES C^FJF FFRSON STRi FT, FROM Ln1:e11e Ave.,P,dw to Jefferson Ft. VIF !'•`EST PFOPFRTY LINE OF T'9ENTY-FIFTH STRFFT TO THF WEST PROPFRTY LINE OF 4saon,7ent Ord. TTTIP'''Y-SECOND STRFFT; AND ON LaBFLLE• AVI1Itr, FROM THF NORTH PPOPFRIY LIVE OF B^C'-G'"FY 70 ':111 SOUTH PI'OPFRTY LINE OF JFFF7nCON STR"IT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, XcCRACKFN-OUN-Y, KITYTUCKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUC'PION OF PAVFD STPI,LT 'VITH CTT! -B, GUCTFR, DRIVR::'AYS, rMNHOLFS, INTAY.'_'8, CATCH BA:'INS, DRAIN ..HJ ALL NIiCI:SSAPY T1IGINEFFING, ;,!-WF'I°ING ATH) LT -..(,AL VT COBUINCTION THFRFIITH AS POLL C" ; 'ZC! VP9 Till ON 77 ?.; ""' TIT(, FT.... $6.',43160121 PER AHUT I110 FOOT err r ;G FT .... $7.660032206 PFF APT1T7iNG FOOT 11 .0. $7.71020Cn00 F R A 011.1 14 FOOT i F.6.11G0000000 PFR AP.U711ING FOOT 10.97:'F4ai10r, 13 AB11T'1'ING P'OrT' 6' ..17 ........... PI -11 V>T,..ING ?CAT 1'fG r ........#0.713819605 PFP F.BIT.-ING FOOT 1f FT 1 P -r ABUTTING F OT .50.1'1076620101520:::.'1 Pr .i'OTLAP C(7:.TTUC I011 COST No. 457 Proceedings of P.Orr_ Or °0? -'1T City of Paducah ,—KT'_NrUCKY, FrMrARY 1?, 1930 CV.T OF FNCINFFTING PTV IN P;•'CTION........�-$0.039455450 PFF DOLLAR CONSTRUC`LION COST COST OF INTFFEST..........................0.016534154 PFR DOILAR CONSTRUCTTON COST COST OF CONCFFTE GUTTER ......... ..........tO.30 PFR LIN. PT. CO.T OF CCNCFFTF.PRZVi':7'YS................ 0.25 PER SO. FT. COST OF CONCRFTE CURB STRAIGT'T............ 0.50 PF.n LIN. FT. COST OF CONCRETE CURB CURVED .............. 0.60 PER LIN. FT. AND PROVTPING THAT TEF COST OF SUCH CONSTPUCTION, INTFPTPT, FXTRA FORK, AND ALL N]PCFFF�.PY ENGTNEFPING, ADVEF' IFING AND L -GA. AM) CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TF.FFF7ITH BF CHARGFAPLE TO PND ASSESSED AGAINST THF: PFOPITTY RFCEIVTNG Ti3F BF NFT+IT OF SW-- AND ABUT".T :TG UPON EFAID IYPFOV"kFNT, AS SHOM BY THF rNGINFF.R'S L•STT?4bTFS ON FILE IN TPr OPTITCF OF 4I11 CO'.^'ISFION--R OF PUBLIC WORKS, AND PFOVTPING THAT SAID ASSrSfr.'r•NT ' MAY BE PAID IN TEN EOUAL IM TALLMFNTS, BFING ONE EACH YEPP FOP A PTRIOD OF TFN YF? RS. Ado nted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and.Mayor Lackey, (4). Hamilton riayor Lackey offered motion that the claim of the Hamilton Tractor k Equipment Tractor Co. Company against Merkle OontractinglOomudny:ford®mount of $107.73 be received and filed. claim vs Adouted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Nelson,Rutter and Yayor Lackey, Merkle Cont. (4). Co. On" motion meeting adjourned /�/ _��`/�;�J// ADOPTED ��L /`/-- 1930 APPROVED; eLef tuts Mayor