HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 445, January 27, 1930V,,. 4'15 .. _... Proccedings of BOARD OFCOWI£_SIONFRS City of Paducah,_KENTUCKY,JANUARY 27, 1930 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commiscioncre held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 otclock P.M., on the 27th day of January, 1930, Mayor Lackey presided and unon call of the roll the rollowin,,7 answeredto thoir names: Commissioners Bradshnw, Hannin, Nelsen, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. P of A from Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the Power of Attorney from the AmericsanAmerican Surety Company authorizing George Steinhauer and F.C.Boone, or either of to Boons k them, to sign Maintenance Bond on Contracts numbers 6 and 7 for 1929, Southern Roads Steinhauer Compnny contractors, be received,nfiled'and recorded. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter end Mayor Lackey, (5). P of A from Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the Power of Attorney from P.dstr,crn Southern Roads Company authorizing R.W.Thomas to sign Maintenance Bond on Contract to R.'7. No.60 1929, be received, filed and recorded. Adonted on call of the roll: ;l, ome s Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). P of A from Commissioner Bradshaw o*fared motion thnt the Power of Attorney from Southern Rds Co., to F.southern Roads Compsny authorizing R."Thomas to sign Maintenance Bond on Contract R.Y1.Tho:ns No.7, 1929, be received, filed and recorded. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeas; Cormissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Southern Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: The Southern Roads Rds., Cola, Company having executed Maintenance Bond in the sum of $12,092.91 with the American Maintenance Bond on Cont.#16 surety Company as surety therein, providing that the snid Southern Roads Company shall be held and fimmly bound to repair and keep in repair all of the streets and drivewnys embraced in Contract No.6, 1929, I now move that said bond be received, filed and recorded. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, H.,nnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Southern Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: The Southern Roads Rdstennl.Company having executed Maintenance bond in the sum of $5 721.76 with the American f�aintennnce � Bond on onFurcty Company as surety therein, prov'ding that the sold sou thorn Ponds Compnny shell be heli end firmly bound to repair and keep in repair nil of the streets and drivewnys e7brnced in Contract Ho,7, 1929, I now move that anid 'end be received, filed on,' recorded. Adopted on colt of the roll. Yong; Comaiar.ioncrs BraesF.nw, Pnnr.in, Nelson, P•ittar sn" V-yor Lackey, (5). Bond Int. Com--iecioner Ru -ter offered motion t`nt allon•ance be made from the Genernl Fund and th,; Co^^:in^inner of Public Finance be authorized to pay bond intert•st on the folly.-lr.g i^hues due rnd pny-.11e Fetr-uary 1, 1930 $109,OCO.00 ^tr,et T_ prove,cent i3cnds $2180.00 Interest 21,,"OO.00 City Fonpitnl " 4'•0.00 ^ 21,000.00 Marker. Rouse " 4^0.00 " Total intHrc•nt Tib W. 00 leym-ntto bt- rade *rough t^.c sty 21000ntl Bank to the Trustees of the Particular i:'auec ir. cinelnnn.ti. Aaoptcd or. cell or the rolls Yeas; Commisnioners Nradnhaw, Rnnnin, Y,I c•.n, 'uttt;- and "%yor Lackey, (5). Bond ant. Cc --!wiener Futter offered mot:0n thnt allowance be mnde from the General Pend and the r.,-.^.issicner of r^:-'.ic Fln%nce be outhorized to pay Mond inter<,at on t}:e foll;rir. g issues rue nr.a rs?at.le Fctr:Va:y 1, 1930, for depniait in the Citizens Genprel Inking .Ind. N.G. do G. Fatirest P.ef.an".Sag ii^nda or 1928 for a20,00.0.00 e n ., h s lntHr est C" 4 1/4% - t.4f`t_00 Adopted c.. :o". c" *--e evil: 'less; Car:.ieei!nr+rs i'rads?+aF�, 'Innnir., Nelecn, Rutter and lteycr L=Sckey, (5). No 446 Proceedings of BOARD OF, CO:'?'I1"iO;IFFS City of Paducah_,JAi!?IAFY 27, 1930 � Merkin Contracting Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Merkle Contracting Co., finnl estimate for work Company's final estimate for work connected with SewBr Zone 4A amounting to $1,799.75�'which'hns'b,en duly approved for allowance' be allowed and the Commission r of Public Finance authorized'to pay same and charge to the New Construction Fund in tle Densrtment of Public Works. Adopted on call of the IIS roll: Yeas; Co+missioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Laokoy,(5). Brady Stewart ComTissioner Rutter offered motion that the co -,mission of 10% due commission Brady ;'. Stewart, back tax collector, for special improvement tax bill collections for the month of December, 1929 amounting to '$239.91 be allowed and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Payor Lackey, (5). Collections and Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of collections Disbursements and disbursements. for the month of December, 1929 be received and filed. Sdopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and ideyor Lackey, (5). Kin; Mill & Lmbr. Mayor Lackey offered motion that the claim of King Mill & Lumber Co., claim against L.L.Beyer Company against E.L.Beyer for amount of $113.75 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, 15). King Mill & Lmbr., Mayor Lackey offered motion thnt the claim of King Mill & Lumber .. Co., claim against Carey -Reed Co. Company against Carey -Reed Company for amount of $926.80 be receivod and filed. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Harnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the claim of Brondway Motors, Inc., Broedvrny t'otors claim against against Merkle Contracting Company for amount of $52.66 be received and filed. 1.'er'sle Cont.Co Adopted on call of tee roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brad^haw, Hannin, Nelnon, Rutter an-' Mnyor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion thnt the claim of the Boonn Insurance Boone Insurnrce Agency against Agency against 6;erkle Contracting Company for amount of $4156.07 ne received Merkle Cont,Co. and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co•.missionrro Bradshaw, Hn•nin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Kent•icky Utilities Mayor Lackey offered motion that the statement of the gross earnings, Co.,et^tea;ent onerating expenses, taxes and tslance for the twelve months ended c-eptember 30, 1929 of the Kentucky Utilities Company, be received and filed. Adonte±l en csil or tee roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradbhaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutt r ani Mayor Lackey, (5). Yr. Rutter o^f+:red an ordinnnee entitled, "An ordinance authorizing Fuadir,� Grdlrar.ca #1 adopted. the i^seance and aaln of Funding Bonds of the City of Paducah, Ky, in the ng?regnte arount of $171,0:'0., proceeds of which to be used for the pnyrw nt and rode-aei;n of notns, ,pxclga.mts rad claims of the City of Pnducah, Ky. in a like nn::Jnt now outstan'inp, vnlld oolignr,iono of the City of Paducah, Ky." which being read, he moved thnt it be put upon Its final pnsnage. Tho motion bein; seconded ty Mr. Bralshaw, and the question beim•, called for, the Clerk was inatr•ueted to call t?7e roll fox' the vote, whish wns darn ;with the following result: Ayers ?eckey, Ru•trr, Bradshaw, Hannin, Hel.aen. Nnys: None. Ahereupon, the Yayor +eclared the motion carried and the Ordinance .r!nmlly adopted. Na. 447 Proceedings of BO -D eF CO: TIFsIONrrs City of Paducah_._ K'N:UCKY,_JANUARY 27,_ 1930 Mr. Rutter move the adoption of an PAmendment to the Ordinance, designated Amendment to Fund- "Mnding Ordinance No.l"t Providing For The Issuance And Sale Of Funding Bonds Ing Ord. NF1 adooted Of The City Of Paducah, In The Aggregate Amount Of $175,000., etc., which being read, and being seconded by Mr. Bradshaw, the question being called for, the Clerk was instructed to call the roll for the vote, which was done with the following result; Ayes; I.ackey, Rutter, Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson. Nays: None. Whereupon, the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Amendment adopted, and instructed the Clerk to transcribe the same on the Ordinance Book of the Co.=is^ion, which is done. On motion m^etiry ddjourned. _ J / ADOPTED: cnom.% moi' 1330 APPROVED; T Mayor City Clerk