HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 430, January 6, 1930No... 430, Proceedings of Bo;,rn or' C0'9-:18. Tour' City of Paducah + RY JANUA6, 1930 At a regular moeting of the Board of Commicsioners held in the Cor-,nisrioners' Chamber on the third floor of the City Hall in the City of Paducah, Kentucky on.Jnnuary 6, 1930, Mnyor Lackey presided and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner of Public '"orks, E.R.Bradshaw; Commissioner of Public Property, George A. Hannin; Commissioner of Public Safety, Jack W. Nelson; Commissioner of Public Finance, Ross Rutter: Mayor, Ernest Lackey, (5). Nelson elected Commissioner Hennin offered motion that Commissioner of Public Mayor pro tem Safety, Honorable Jack 19. Nelson, be elected Mayor pro tem. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Xrzk:omcf Rutter and Payer Lackey, (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the deed of conveyance from T.B.Sonders,etc to Nile F."'nrren T.B. Sanders and •ife, Regina Sanders to Nila E. S(arren to the north half of deed-lct in Oak Grove Lot No.553 in Block No.38, Oak Grove Cemetery in Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, subject to the rules and regulations of said cemetery and subject to the conditions of said deed be now ratified and anproved by the Board of Commissioners, :(dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Ru"�ter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Police Detp. Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Gus Rogers, Dec. 129 report Chief of Police, for the month of December, 1929 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rennin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion "at the report of Tom King, City City Jail -Dec., f29 rerort Jailer, for the month of December, 1929 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaz:, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of J.M.Slaughter, Fire Dept., Dec., 129 report Firo Chief, for the month of December, 1929 bo received and filed. Adopted on cnll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5). Police Dernrtmet Commissioner Nelson o^fored motion tont the annual renort of Gus acnuel 19'9 roport Rogers, Chief of Police, for the yenr 1929 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor•miseioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Y'7or Lackey, (5). City Jail (19"9) Co.-cisnion• Ncl^on offered morion t'nt the annual reporter the nn-ual m art City Jr -11, for the year 1929 be received and filed. Adopted on cnll. of the roll: Yenn; Cormis.n.fow.-rs Brwlahnw, Hannin, Nelson, Hatter end Mnyor Lnckcy, (5). F1rc iept.,(13%'fi) Cortrif•••.fonr!r `In Icon offorod motion tt,nt the nnnunl report of J.M. annual. report `lnua'ae:, Fire Chief, for tl.e your 1929 be received and filed. Adopto'I on Ca'.1. of the roll: Ye,,s; Co-nia::ir,ne,rs I'.rndahnw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter nnci Wy or Lnckcy, (5). cuee Cert. Co"Issionnr Ruttcr o"fered no+inn that the report on th:.+r.. e JRousa "4 ,n,Cni se•tle- ^Ontrnc'tng Cr,_pnnylo Contract No.4 be sceNpted, +,n1 the ComTianionor or Public Fi^.'.rco to fiVL'G^iced to coke final aete'!-n—nt upon snle of the Improvement Bonda to ca eon on the ton y,ar r.a rent plan; and that the Vnvor and Proceeding+s of_. --- BOAR.P_ OF COMUI SIWFRS City of Paducah. _M4TUCKY,_.=UABY. 6, _1930 Co=issionor or Public Finance be authorized to have printel, executed an d sold such Improvement Bonds to the amount of $449.64 in necordsnee with the provisions of Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes governing some. Adopted on call or the roll; Yevs; Commissioners Brnds',.ew, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Mayor Lsekey offered motion that the report of the City Board or Iledlth City Ed.of Realth for the month of December, 1929 be received snd filed. Adopted on cnll of the roll: Dec.'^9 repott Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, F.nnnin, Nelson, Rueter and ILayor Lnckey, (5). Commissioner Brarlshaw offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, Annie D. Jores,etc "A RI'ZOLU':ION ACCFrTING DEED OF DEDICATION FOR ALLEY FROM ANNIE D. JONES AND i;IARY docd of dedication L. JONES." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Sun -Demo- Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION cret of- ficial DESIGNATING TF.F SUN-Dl'b',OCRAT AS THE OFP7CIAL NEt7SPAPER FOR THF CITY OF PADUCAH, newspaper KFNTIUCKY FOR TIP YEAR 1930." Adopted on call of the roll- Yeas; Com.1issionerz BradshaT,, Iiannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, -(5). On motion meet'ng adjourned. ADOPTED i7.y�� �S — 19:0 APPROVED-. � a y� or yultel r>s