HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 345, August 28, 1929No. 345 Proceedings of_... F304R1? O7?- W-JTS^TON'„ t7 City of Paducah -ASCG1f; T_28,1929, At a cell meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners` Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 28th day of August, 1929, 18ayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answorod to thoir names: Co=issioncrs Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of receiving sidewalk, driveways, etc., on 'Rest Broadway and the Lovelacevillo Poad, under Contract No.l, and passing aasessment ordinance on same; and such other business as may come before the Board. Commissioner Bradshaw, offered the following motion: George W. Broadway -28th St., to LaBelle Ave., Kntterjohn & Son, Contractors, haviru3 completed the construction of sidewalks and on Lovelnce- ville Fond-Bdw an,] driveways on the South side of Broadway, from the ':lest curb lino of 28th to Adams St., sidewalks,etc. Strect to the junction of Prond'aay and the Lovelaceville Road; and from thence accepted sidewalks, curbs, gutters and driveways alone the East side of the Lovelaee- ville Road to the North curb line of Adams Street: and sidewalks and driveways on the North side of Broadway from the West curb line of 28th Street to the East curb line of LaBelle Avenue, and notice having heretofore been given on the 22nd day of August, 1929, that the Board of CoQmissioners would in the forenoon on August 28th 1929, inspect saud street and all :cork incident thereto, and would be in session at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 28th day of AuFust, 1929 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paduabli, Kentucky, to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said -ork and finding same has been com-leted in ac ordance with said contract, I now move that said sidewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters, and all work done in connection therewith be accented; same being known as sidewalk, driveways, curb and gutter Contract No.1, George 1.9. Kntterjohn & Son, Contractors, and that the Engineer's estimated cost of same be confirmod And that said estimates be turned over to the Cornisr.ioner of Public Finance for collection. And that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the proprrty as shown by the Eng.ineerls estimates. Adopted on call of the roll; Yons; Coa1:*isstoncrs Bradshn;^, Tlannin, Nelson, Rutter and ilayor Lackey, (5). Co7idsaloner--radahsw offored the follovirr, cation: I move the adoption T Awes ,... r;ren of an ordinance entitled' "AN ORDINAITCE AKr,S-ITTG THt' ABUTTING ITOPEFTY ON THE Edw.. %` o {;l' r.rpt: 7AY, F OM THE ';:R.T CURB LINE OF 2871; STM I T TO TTti JLRICTION LaBelle Duel-.: ;v7 ! -u T 'V"It, EVI' LE Pt ROAD FOR THE COIT Cl CO. IN..T.. CTION f... ,.F?+r, to ' 7--A,7tY-';A111) FPOM Vq--1C': ALONG TE— FACT ZIDF OF ITT: 1:OVF CURB TIM' OF AMY" P. R `. i , FOR 11$Co: T OF -.. _ '"r= 7 n'"Illi", CU 'i FR. TND DRIV`.'±'.`AYS; ANI Oil Illi! NCR9'H ,,I :, OF 28TH t;TL:'•-T, 0 T}" ?'A.::7 C1II T5 1.711P (±F Lac' . . , T1;UC" LON OF - I:. ^AI K: %M, i' -f%q , IN 'P}a.; Y. .. .r .11 -KY. fIr .±I: :IFI:F:. AGY V.*N1 :,t' - „t ''1. mcm.,:ARY .SLliTI:`-F'1NO, A: 1"o, J .: -------------------- i ------------- ..,1 ... - .. ,. .--•-----------•-- N,• .:G Proceedings of ". c;:' T: t City of Paaucah,�1 CHY, AUGUIT 28,1929 C0:'T OF FXPAN:ION JT:., FOR 111U.-NALR ONLY ---------------- ;0.019:61 FER DO'TAR CON%TI-UCTTOV COST MT OF FRFAHSION JTS., FOP "•IDF:.'ALK, CURB &: GUTT7R ------ x`0.020672 rER DOT LAR CONSTRUC" 1011 COST COST OF I77,1T 'PIM &. INSFFCTIOi.'-Xy0068958 PFR DOIIAR CONSTRUCTION COST CO`T CF I1iT1`RFST &. EXTFA ':.ow ----}j0..020169 PFR DOLLAR CONSTRUCTION COST AND FROVI,1170 TFAT TH1' CO'T OF .UCH CONSTRUCTION, INT?'RFST, E?TRA PORK, AM ALL FGFSSARY F?IOIS�FIFING, GPVERTISING ANF LFGP.L MID CLERICAL SFRVICE IN CONNECTICN TIT'R7"ITH B'' CRAFGsABLz TO AND ASFFSSED AGRNST THE PROPERTY RFCFIVING THE Bi:11I:FIT OF S,'317 PND ABUT9'ING UPON :'f.ID IMPFOV7,141311T, AS SHMM BY THF FIMINEFRTS ESTIISATF!' ON FILF IN TF-- OFFICE OF THF COM.'TIS.' IO"FR OF PUBLIC WORKS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSES'MFrT MY BF PAID III TFN FQUAL INSTALLMFNTS, BFING 01IF TACH YEAR FOP A PrF.IOD OF TF'N YEARS. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com^issioncrs Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Futter and 74ayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned ADOPTED J J ` _1929 ty lerl -- APPROVEDi 'a or