HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 322, August 5, 1929N, .-.. ProcecdPaducah of City of Paduca ,t. -;7 U 5,. 12 9_ At a regular moetir_' of !ho t:oord of Cor.,mis•si.onrrs held in the Commicsionrrs' .•-!lber in the City Pall Puilding, in tl,c City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on ,'ie 5th dry of *.urust, 1929, '•:,yor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follc•^ine sne�rcred to t',eir rnan-,s; Connissicnera Lradsbm^, lfan-din, Ilelscn, Putter and ''ryor Lnckey, (5). "Inutee of the previous meetings -.,ere adopted as rend. Cors,ircioncr Fradehar o0f red motion *hat a resolution entitled, "A RF OLUTTOII `�dar:sIOV_.._':G :'Ci; 7117 CC' -£""'CT F (F'v'L £-R' T TIL CONCR:TE CURDS, OUTTkRS GILL 28th to rrT. I^1: Cr r � r, , 29th St, v� ... . r grnvol, - .._� Ci: T, !•. �. :rL FST CU1B hlTf^ 0. 7`.'P11TY-1-:IGHT11 TO TFE ._.I: TT..._ -, _...,,....__,Li"a Fqr -T, IT.' TI-ir CITY Or�::: ii _.:..UC',. , ItcCRACEF.n COUITY, Y, C".7 --i! "'I`]? iaa Ir C ,.:;.FY '.'!f101�1 , ?:-.7;I' , C'.TCH L'ASINS, 'E -:FR AND DPA111 PIP=." ...� T. 1r C'_"":,".RY ,.'iCli:-., R17G, Pt' V' I: TiM i.' G: C f sill CLFRICAL SFFI'ICL IN ?S:I 'T ^p CC: T -Tl FT OP'--CY 0 ' nD z! OV -I, I'9G TPAT :7 B"' 00,17' T: U OF 7' is ).;(,R Pi:Y:•-:'T PLAN" be introduced a jjd lay over. A. opted on call of the ro`l.: Yens; Commiscinners Brade'w•, Ha,nin, nelson, Futter ,nd ?leyor Lackey, (5). Co•mission r Hannin offered t);e follcv:ine motion: '!.F..Ham having applied Ham lot in for deed to Lot 7o.28, Block 11o.1 in 1.'ausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cetneter'y in the On': Grove City of Paducat, i,'cCracken County, Kentucky, I no; move that decd be issued to the said -•Ham to s -:id Lot No.28, Block No.1 in t;ausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery upon prymrnt to the Co7nissioner of Public Finance the rum of :;1250.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners 1.radshas, Hannin, nelson, Futter and '.'ayor Lackey, (5). Conr:issioncr Uelson offered me' ion t rt th report of J.'.S1nu-joter, Fire Fire ::ert. ,hlef, for 'he sontb of duly, 1929, be receiver' rand file,'. ;dorlted on call of e';t.July the roll; Yea.^.; Oo--:-:irsion, rs Bradahn-, Hannin, 'Nelson, Futter end 17nyor T.•ckcy, (5). Comr..issionr:r Valson offered motion thnt the *oport of Gus 5ogera, Chief of nt.z,,pt„ Police, for tl•:e _^.ont:h of Jul;:, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Cc ^i..c •>r.: rs , rridsha•••, Pan. 1n, Velson, cutter and Pryor ''ackey, (8). � or, r :lei son o 're; e•? n!o' Ton + • : i the• rerort of Tom KinZ, City Jailer, ,Vty Jail r,pt..':'.-r -. Tull , if+F9, Le i- ceiv•,d nn-� filed. F.doptoO. rn cell. Of ,.... ro i l: Unnnin, Nelson, Fatter rind ". ^yor °rickey,(6). r i,i ger Offered motion thrt the claim of El-•ocd & ,'aglnnd for ::1:•,x G. n'T.,n-' n n'' :—v.rc S.. plies, havir.;- been duly so-so^ed ['or pnTrPnt, T !'-•,t 1 im to a'7c:•`d :.i. ir-`rner of u::lic 1'1nnnce be r:uthorizod. to -.nt eapte3 on call c'' roll: r nz' nyor cl: J, (5). „ rcir.tnrzed ly ch-.ck a:te. Aeopte" on es'_l of 'he roll.: tnnr. rid Payer 7%f -key, (5). No. 37.3 Proceedings of- - ''"' - `'` ' City of Paducah.: I.utce 'il?ia.^.ls_ i i Co­ Ircloner Putter offered motion th• t the 'onthly ',stdm^te for non t. , No. 3,'7ontt, l y i's ti-nte Tork cone (Aurin-; th,r. month of Jul., 1929, on Contract J;o.3 for gravel strcrt conntrncted by Auto Tivery Com --any d: Duke Williams, Contrnctors, be received and riled, end thet the Cosvnisrioner of ^ublic Finnr,en be instrr,cte•' to iscue Trrrove!!::nt dsrrant t`�rcfor in the :um of $789,31. Adopted on cull of the roll: Yeas; Com-nicrioners Dracshae,, Ynnnin, Jlelson, Futter red ?'ayor Lackey, Cor.:!irsioner Fu ter oilfered motion ti^-t the Monthly estimate `-eutl- rn Pdr.,Co. onti-ly for %,ork done ,l,iring the month of July, 1929, on Contract Vo.3 for street pnvinv _F- i•-nte constructed by £outhern Roads conpnny, Contrnctors, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of PuLlio Finance be authorized and instructed to isrue I,„provea:cnt '•Tarrant thcr, for in the sum of 011.,692.48. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yens; Commissioners=radsha:•r, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter nnr ?.'nyor Lnckey, (5). J.,.-case 'ont.Co., Commissioner Ruiter offered motion tint the "mthly Fstimnto for =art .:?1-..ont,,ly _ii^ate --ork done d-1rin- tt-e month o+' Jul'%:, 1429 on Contract No.1 for alley paving constructed by T.7.Fouse Contracting Company, Contrrctors, be received and filed, and t1•et the Co: cissioner of Public Finance be instructor' tD issue Improvement ::arrant therefor in the sum of *'.11,1.40. Adopted on cell of the roll: Yeaa; Cor-miesion,rs Brndsha^, Nannin, nelson, Rutter and ilnyor Lnckey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offere' motion 1­1 the "onthly Lstimnto for cur,1`rn "os 'o•, ;'ont.#4-' rnt'-l; work done during the month of July, 1'29, on Contract Ilo.4 for street paving -Etirnte constructed by Southern Roads Company, Contractors, be received end filed, and thnt the Comnission..r of [tiblic Finonce be instxuctod to issue Imnrovenont Warrnnt therefor in the sum of 010,140.89, ndoptod on call. of the roll: Yeas; Co,misrioners Bracshnw, 11nnnin, Nelson, Rutter and "ayor Lackey, (5). Cor-nissionor Rutter offered motion that the :onthly Fsti.anto for ^ ;.l- ont ly nork done during the month of July, 1929, on Contract No.1 for street paving _ 1 crrstxucted by Carey-Reed Co•m+nny, Contractors, be receive' Taut filed, and th^t the Co^^drrienrr ^f "iLoic VInnnee ba inctricted to longe Tnnrovercnt 'arrnnt tl rcfor in the rum of 03063.93. /:donned cn call of r roll: Yens; ssionrrs Draft"'., Hannin, Belson, rm'+.•r nn' 7nyor L ckey, (5). :o=lrsionrr F,u ter offerer+ :notion '}rt hr•. `'entl-ly 's' Innte for oJul, , 1929, on Contract Iio,2 for :rcct pn vin c; .' n ..curs Comrnny, Ccntra:torc, be 2, ceiveri :nd filed, or 'rullic Finr.nce be ir.st:urtc1 to i::t"te imnr•r,v,::int ':m Of *;13,714.53. Adopte! on 'I o" _i ri rr,tl ^nein, lelson, Rutt:-r en!! "^or Lac:e'Y, (5). r offored motion the t th tirr tc +'or yon,.... nn-ontrnct Vo.4, for ntt.n1. •-P a . - - , con, t.. r � c:e.r rf. t; ,.nrur,ntr•tri.ors, be �.. ,. .... _ .. .. • ... L}': inEtril aLC+$ !., , . .. lt• .. ltt nrr?n. .'r In _ 'l.ii4. ..r10j:.ti..-1 ,:.n .,11 C: ..iI.l: •ig!r , - - , ..- , 1 an, i'cz,ta.r nn•l ,Tor L`wkey, (6}, . Tryar ,.. 7w,. .-. . -.., .. ..!. . .. •ort oft: t'e ity Ilonrd Of 9f ;tely, 1829 be rfr,Eivt' fled. pt f, or. _^i'. of -I. Proceedings of_._.1 s,• �'_ _- {-. - -- —._ City of Paducah_' Iiryor• Larkey o'fer•ed motion '. nt 1.1', noel. of the PnOuc-4) 'otor ::orks Pad. ::n :c ter --,ikc!:Co. Connny on r,air^ and Iire plugs 1,,iP rnd comnletrd".ton of July 26th and rc�ort 27th, 1929, be received and Piled. F,2.onted on cr.11 of the roll: Yeas; Co•,_Usr.iancre Br n 'cl i ', .''nnir., t1. l -on, ",t' tr r an,3 ..'^yor L• Ikea, (5). Cor••ascion r r^'e1-n- o"fer•od the eolloe:in_; mo' ion- t:n or'9•-•:ce 'in rrIc-r., it 1.- ,: ,' OF 7"': - '. :i.... 'c'.?. • . 7 C0.7°_-. UC'.IGii QF i:L'f TALE,' 011 !:.C.. i. '. T.. -.. i':: '.i. . _ ... _ t_ilp: C I "1?,'� I' `.Ti` TO I 17. ....ot n• '.1' .-. , .. , 1„0' ”.-1 .;T ;l: or^Tk' LI!_. C„i71 11;,. Ci' T; AND OM Irlli: 'i -='T, FROM TT' :"c.:'�n - T, .. ;0 L' LIP7._ , .9IC AV' I7iir , :.. ::a0 .. .. ... ..."'r'i;Y, 07 -.a l I': x; i.r -,1, .: FY .^ Oj , i.:. a i _ .. .. .,`7 .. .. ' T it �. 1� ..R Pf,Y' 17 1r.tro-aced add 'nid ov•r for one '-eei: in its comnleted form, I n^ r.:ovr -t s-iO er.In, nce be adrpted. Adopted on cell or the roll.: Yens; -12,ionern Rrr'rhq •, --pin, itclson, -uLter ^nc :'ayor Lackey, (5). Co.--i•.^ion:r P.r• sY•c oP",rcri the ".-:1. o'l.on: ?n ordin^nee entitled, .. :.t. '... CF T..._„_ _—, .1,_ C "i'C'.I011 OF C _ -li:. CU:' _1 .'iD iil'IW-1,YS B .'t': i TT iII::. 0' JJ~v F`.r_Off •"`. T SO -.'.`i i.Iil Or C..._G' ._.,�, IlI S.L::I'i'.( OS'' P.',?UC+h, LfeCllf,Cii_TI ':i"l? 'I42I iTl .. 'Y C, _ _ , TO 11 B..'Il';F, 1:5.•I': I1:-, : .-.C'..:nY1 , .. - ,. - ..,'rl;:t, 1 - ".a::'T" UC:". . _ v .:7'! _ 1 Al:” havine been _.. ••c 'aid ov,r f^r ore Wee•'- i^ fC, .-. !rn11 form, I t:�.. --eve that on sr Adopted on c,II n^ c roll; Yeas; i;o .17ricn,7rs 1n, ,leen, Iu'trr, An, or Lackey, (5). On motion neetin„ ndjournad. Oli: 1;_ t