HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 31, March 12, 1928Report of Spec- Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of Special Strect ir.l St.aoct.. account for the month of Februnry be received and filed.' Adopted on the call of for February the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradehacr, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. Report of Bldg. Commiasioner Rut•tor offered motion that the ropovt of Building Iebrcetor for Inspector for the month of February, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on the ruary call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Luckey. (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of the Chief of Report of Fire Ci Sef for Pr:h. the Fire Derartrent for the month of Februnry be received and filed. Adopted on ti..e call of the roll: Yeas; Corm:isaionors Dradchaw, Hannin, I:olnon, Rutter and •!oy(jr Lackey. (3). Coruilusioner }Tannin offered motion that the report of Riverside nA')rt of ?fuer- Hoa i al for tiro month of February,1928 10 rec•eived and filed. Adopted on tho for :'et.� cal' ., th,n roll: Ye,:a; Coacaisulor:orc 'srl;dshaw, Hannin; Nelson, Puttor and I:ayor LAC'.sey. (3). 1. Maycr Lec•ixoy of".sroul notion t':at the ecrar:anic tion from the (SOard of ?i:caticn cf Pal 'ash in which Lz,are lu s.ii,r;i tad a copy of the resolution making A levy fc:' .cnool rxpPoca:, fc. 1328 Kc, :...dived anti filed, and I f,irti:or move t::a: suit: --earl:tier fixirt tho levy of the Board of Education be filed and ":'tA the eir-ttes of thdc F.oard. T'.!.:f,::d:i br s,'r.c Hca: :"cueaticn of Paducr,h, Kentucky, that tr.a^o to n.-.' J..ere nca is iz';oaed r,nd levied an ad v:+lo:•tm tax of ninety -air. cents Na 31--- - - Proceedings of_. BOARD OF CO•IIIISSIousRs City of Paducah MARCH 12th, 1928 At a regular mooting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Coemizsionera, Chamber, in the City Hall Building, in the City of Paducah, at 2;00 P.M., March 12th, 1928, Mayor Lackey preaided, and.upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioncrs Bradahavi, Hannin, Nelson, Ruttor and Mayor Lackey. (5). -Mayor Lackey offered motion that the cormsunicntion and petition Petition to res- tore H.J.Thoraz from numbrous citizens, requesting that H.J. Thomas be restored as a.plumber as plumber to do plumbing repgir work, be received and filed and that alid communication be referred to the Board of Plwr.bing Examiners with request fora report from them upon said petition. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the claims for the month Claims for Feb. of February, in the amount of 014,120.83 be allowed and that the Commiasioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Liayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Rutter oxfered motion that the paytent of cash orders, Cash orders for Feb. as reported in the amount of 046.26 be allowed and that same be charged to the proper departments. Adopted on the enll oY the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of colieetimna Collections and disbursements and disbuasoments for the month of February be received and filed. Adopted on for February the call of the roll: Yean; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). ' 1 • Commissioner Rutter offfered motion that the report of the Roller Report of Y.oller Plumbing Co. Delinquent Sevier assessment fund be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the Roll; Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin; nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. .(5). Report of Spec- Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of Special Strect ir.l St.aoct.. account for the month of Februnry be received and filed.' Adopted on the call of for February the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradehacr, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. Report of Bldg. Commiasioner Rut•tor offered motion that the ropovt of Building Iebrcetor for Inspector for the month of February, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on the ruary call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Luckey. (5). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of the Chief of Report of Fire Ci Sef for Pr:h. the Fire Derartrent for the month of Februnry be received and filed. Adopted on ti..e call of the roll: Yeas; Corm:isaionors Dradchaw, Hannin, I:olnon, Rutter and •!oy(jr Lackey. (3). Coruilusioner }Tannin offered motion that the report of Riverside nA')rt of ?fuer- Hoa i al for tiro month of February,1928 10 rec•eived and filed. Adopted on tho for :'et.� cal' ., th,n roll: Ye,:a; Coacaisulor:orc 'srl;dshaw, Hannin; Nelson, Puttor and I:ayor LAC'.sey. (3). 1. Maycr Lec•ixoy of".sroul notion t':at the ecrar:anic tion from the (SOard of ?i:caticn cf Pal 'ash in which Lz,are lu s.ii,r;i tad a copy of the resolution making A levy fc:' .cnool rxpPoca:, fc. 1328 Kc, :...dived anti filed, and I f,irti:or move t::a: suit: --earl:tier fixirt tho levy of the Board of Education be filed and ":'tA the eir-ttes of thdc F.oard. T'.!.:f,::d:i br s,'r.c Hca: :"cueaticn of Paducr,h, Kentucky, that tr.a^o to n.-.' J..ere nca is iz';oaed r,nd levied an ad v:+lo:•tm tax of ninety -air. cents No. 82 Proceedings of BO.7RD OF C0',XIsSI0?IER3 City of Paducah I:lARCH 12th, 1928 on each 8100.00 valuation of real and personal property of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1928, the same being necessary in the opinion of the Board of Education of Paducah, Kontucky, to produco•for naid'year of 1928 the total estimated sum neeess:ry to be raised to support and maintain the Public Schools of the City of Faducah, Kentucky, less the estimated sum,to be rccolvod.from tho State Common School Fund." BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, that then: be and thore now is imposed an ad valorem tax upon all the real and.personal property in the City of Paducah Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1928, of not ox- ceeding fifteen cents 115¢) upon the y100.00 valuation of said property, sane being necessary to create a sinking fund for payment of bonds of the City of Paducah, Y,en- tucky, issued for school purposes dated January 15, 1920 and January 15, 1926, and for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds when and as due." ..a the undersigned, 'Led A. Bennett, President of the Hoard of Education of•Paduonh, Kentucky, and Ethel M. RICO, Secretary, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolutions were duly adopted by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, at its regular meeting hold on Marph 8th, 1928, in -the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and same is hereby o6vtiftod to the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners for the attention of such Board as the law•dirocts. This March 9th, 1928. Zed A. Bennett President of Boar or - Education Paducah, Kentucky -Attest; Ethel I.S. Rice Secretary Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (50,. Resignation Mayor, Lackey offered motion that the resignation of A.F. Grief, as a of ?..F.Grief member of the Board of Plumbing Examiners of the City of Paducah be received,rfilOd as mcriber Of £lurbing and accepted. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Fosrd r.er. -p ted Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). A.B.Yannings Mayor Lackey offered motion that A.B. :tannings be appointed as a member merber of of the Board of Plumbing Examiners of the City of Paducah to succeed A.F. Grief and plurb.t,ard to fill out his unexpired term. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissionora Bradshaw, Hannin, Helson,Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). 'Report of Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the City Health Depart- Ci';y Fenith ment for the month of February, 1928 be received and filed. Adopted on the call of -ent.for � P Feb, the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nolson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. 5 P,rort of Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the MaCracl:on County Co.Fcni h H'•alth Lea,nae be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Y can; Commiss- Le.a ^:e Exr ioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey. (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the Mayor be authorized and instructed "n yr to to enter into correspondence with competent engineers for the p g P P !,' pur oao of determining vers fort- the faaability mrd cost of making a survey for the City of Paducah for the purpose lir_,.ht plant of i--tobllahinP, an Electric Light Plant for the City of Paducah and that- he report to tee Bond of Co-nriauiorern the result of such correspondence. Adopted on the call of :.u. roll: ';ea::; O rran::ionern Brad.^.haw, Rannin, Nelson, Rutter. and Mayor Lackey. (5). Cov.r_ ssioncr Ruttor offorel motion that the Board of Commissionors +s'lto:rn until 1C O'Clbc'r. ;'„ , ca :', 5.9iay, M"rch 13th, 1928. .Adopted on the o,ll of .t:e roll: Ye, , (S). 1528 Ai'D'I:OSiili .ity ale r.