HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 305, July 1, 1929No. 305 Proceedings of lir"rc' T rS City of Paducah .PILY1, 1929_ At a regular mect1n7 of the Bonrd of Commissione•s held in the _ Co-,�misaloners I Chamber in the City fall Duildin:; in the "ity of Paducah, Kentuc;cy at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 13t day of July, 1929, Mayor Lackey • presided and unon call of the roll the folloairu3 ans•verod to their names: Commis -toners Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ?Zayor Lackey, -(4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Cotmaiasioner Hnrnin offered the following motion: Tick Brothers Tick Brothers check for old ligY,ts having tendered to the City of Paducah their check for y156.00 in settlement of 312 discarded and obsolete street lamps pursuant to their bid which was heretofore accented by the City and which street lamps were sold pursuant to an ordiaanea duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners, I now move that said check be received in settlement of said 312 discarded and obsolete street- lamps, and that the anme be covrreO into the General Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Nnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and P,'ayor Lackey, (4). City Jail report Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Tom King, City for June Jailor, for the month of June, 1929, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Nnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Chief of Felice Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the report of Gus Rogers, Qhief report for June of Police, for the month of June, 1929, be receiveP and filed. Adopted on call Of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and s:ayor L-ckoy, (4). Borrowed money Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move the smount of paid -;.260,000.00 $2609000.008 which the Mayob and Commissioner of Public Finance were authorized to borrow, be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same on date of maturity, July 5, 1929 Citizen Savings Bank $130,000.00 City National " 75,000.00 First National 45,000.00 Peoples National 10 000.00 a�— Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and q'.nyor Lackey, (4). Int.sourrna- Commissioner Futter offered motion t1int the Commissioner of Public Finance 3rd Ddst.Lewor be authorized to pay the interest coupons for 6 months on the 3rd yistrict Sewer Bards Bonds duo July 10,1929 Cutatarding ;;;60,000.0 0 Interest rate 5 mnual Interest `0 000.00 femi-annual " 18,000.00 ?:ankh co'_lectien chnrgo 37.,10 Total 015037.50 ;nynLic t>rc:a:n tco City, Nntional Bank, Paducah, for renittnnee to the Il.f. I'ortgr.pe 'r :r=t :!: - :;•;� ,:•1 York, on or berore July 10,1929. Adopted on call Of the roll: Ywn-; lr,.,nrn Yrnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Rnyor I•acl:ey, (4). "r,•i rrr ofr..red the follow :ro ien; nu ^ha fallo;:,ing claims having bse,: •lily Inrrovad for =,y :.nt Ly tho proper depnrt:irnto, I movo tl:e Cc^_.iseicrnr of ;'. _'.i, 'Y x: a:t:rrizoa torny sn:ae; Paris_ psr•dev.;]c`.e k ',:�l-tun $ 80.00 a.. - '.T^ ''1A7. r Cie:.x_ .;;x Re a U: 24.40 -,r� rrq' No, no Proceedings of _ "' c- Cc"' TrIC:!r City oPaducahrig nici 3[ JULY 1 1929 f '---_—'--_ -- Adontod on call o•' the roll: Yena; Com issioners I1onnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Co:r:jissionor R.L'ter offrred motion that the report of the Pnducah .;ator -;orke Compsny £or the quarter conLnencing April 1, 1929 and enedng July 1st, 1929 wort be received and filed; .and that tho amount of said bill, $10,308.31 be allowed and qim that the Corrnissionrr of Public Finance be nuthorized to draw his check in nnyment tLe•roof. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and :.n -or Lackey, (4). Com.zIssioner Ritter offered me, ion t nt the 2.1,ontbl7 Estimate for work '.:atter john Cont 41- done during the ^onth of June, 1929, on Contract No.l, for sidewalk, driveways, curb F.stieate and gutter constructed Ly G,"l.Sntterjohn & Son, contractors, be received and filed, and that the Commissioner of Pnblic Finance be instructed to issue Improvement Warrant therefor in the sum of $4,122,40. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Fermin, Nelson, Rutter and Vsyor Lackey, (4). Com-issioner Rutter offered motion that the Monthly Esti-late for work Solt' ern I'ds,Co „ done during the month of June, 1929, on Contract No'.2 for street paving constructed :cnt ;2 rt ly by Southern Roads gompany, contractors, be received and filed,and that t`e Commissioner E1fi-'rte of Public Finance be instructed to issue Improvement 71arrant therefor in the sum of $22,917,39. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Rnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ',.'a yor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the ;donthly Estimate for •,cork Carey-Pcod done during the month of June, 1929, on Contract No.l for street paving constructed Cont ;jl "cntltly by Carey -Reed Company, contractors, be received and filed, and thnt the Commissioner r tiTate of '•ublic Finance be instructed to issue Improvement 7larrant therefor in the sum of 015.75. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co missionrrs Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 'dayor L-ckey, (4). Co•r.-iccion,r Putter offered motion ti,st the !:tonthly Estimate for work out -ern Ede Go., done during; the month of June, 1929, on Contract No.3 for street paving constructed by Cont, Lopthern Roads Company, contrnctors, be receivec'. and filed, and that the Cormissioner Esti,^.ate of abl.ic Finance be instructed to issue Im^rovegrnt �7arrnnt therefor in the sum of ^,10,691.56. Adopted on call of the roll; Yens; Commin^Som rs Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and .., or Lackey, (4). 'aducnh :Eayor Lackey offered motion tint t Is report of the Paducah Y7,tor corks 7'ster Y.a Co:nnnny for mninz and fire plugs laid and completed, bearing dnto of June 22, 1929, be Co.rencrt r eeived a^.d f led, .-dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners T.Iannin, Nelson, Tuttr and Liagcr Lnckriy, (4), itiy F.9.of 11'17rr T.nr.Irey o^frred motion t.},et the report of the City Soarl of Nenith ,+rZ th rpt fcr !Fe -,nth of Jung, l^,c0, bF receive,! snd filed. Adoptert on c^ll o" 'he roll: Y, -aa; Go,-^ia•1 r,.ra i,nnnin, ;icls,;n, F%Vt,;,, nn.' t••,ror Lackey, (4). Lovelace- CC,—n1 q.1car ::.i::c:, o'.r•:=: t.t:e following 1 nFt mo ion: A reac;,riion entitled Vi I! Ae!. , 1'dw Co "J _"r; . - 1 . , . r, .. : TIC Imr n r'.. ;t.Y Of1 'l i•: Elaruivi'.Ie. ITT.',.4D Y . . 111 1>: Z()N G?' Y .:ND .'ATN FIFE Proceedings of '-" I Washington 2t.,21st to 22nd. Gravel,etc resolution Dec from City Vat'l Bank to City G'eetiny adjourned N" :07 City of Paducah :NLY 1, 192fl AND 1^'GVII T'r. 4rir,q _. .;i^:Y BE CONCTF.;;r:T_ �.: Ti,;:;. Ir.'. 'i .i Y. hIt F..S'.` ;:1' FL. N" having been introd'�ccd andlaid over for one a. ' 17 in its completed form, I no,, move that snid resolution be adopted. Adopted on ct11 of the roll: Yeas; co-n.ission,rs Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Com-hissioner Nelson offered motion V at a rccolution entitled, "A RT'SOLUTION PFOVTI'ING -OR TRE CONSTiUCTION OF OFAVYL '�TF77T, !'.T:I• C^•"CP TF CUi'PS, GIT --FPS AND rPTYF"IAYS ON 'WTMTGTON STRFI-T FROr` 'f ITP•. HEFT CI?RB LITTF OF T'71!7TY-PTF..^T STFrvT TO TFL '."EFT "Oprr,,y LINA. of T':]ETSY-SECOND 1TFF17T, III THE C?TY O^ PAT"JCAP, MCCFACFFII COUNTY, KT'NTUCKY, TOG-T",'R "'ITH .ALL NFCFM*RY ?:AN"OTrS, ITITA6ES, CTTr.H D? ?NS, S "FR t,11P DRAIN PIPE AND ATL NFCE,., Y NGI'F`F'P.G, fiVT 15I`Ir r'D L GAL kilt fLFRICAL SERVICE IN CON"EC?ICN THTR'' ITII AT 'BF CO: T OF TTIF ABTIT7TNG rFOPT7TY C`"Vr'S AT?` rROVI?SING ;'AY BE CCNFTFUCTFT UFON ' c TI -11 YEAR PAY'.d`TIT PLAN" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners H nnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). GTryor Lackey offered motion to adopt an orlinance entitled, "AN ORIIIIANCE ACCEPTING DRED FROM TTIE CITY TUITIONAL BANK TO CERTAIN rroPE'TY "OR TAE PURPOSE OF M1 ING KEITTUCKY AVFNUE A UNIFORM VIDTH AIM :1FOV1DING FOR PAINFUT TTT;TEPOR." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hsnnin, Nelson, Rutter and ":'ayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: I move that this me<.ting now adjourn until 77ednesday morning at 10 o'clock, July 3rd., at *.hick time this regular adjourned session of said Board of "on niooioners shall be re -convened for ttie further consideration of business that might lawfully come before the regular meeting of this Board. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Tannin, Nelson, Rutter and tlayor Lackey, (4). Ar•OPmI-D 11_,.� �� 1G2cJ CI1��"rlik APPROVLi:�ICLW :7 l'