HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 284, May 16, 1929No. 284 Proceedings of_ BCARD 0!' C01•7d1: sloNARS . _City of Paducah , K 11TU(dY, MAY 16, 1929. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Co-missioners' Chamber in the City Nall tullding In the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 10 o'clock a.m., on the 16th dny of Yny, 1929,,pursmnnt to adjourment of yesterdny, TSayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following ans:•+ered to their _ Names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commicsionor Bradshaw offered t! -o following motion: I move that 4th St., the construction of street contract No.2, being for the construction and reconstruction radison St. etc, mater- of the driveway on 4th Street from the South property line 8f Madison Street to the lal select- ed South property line of Clay Street; and on 5th Street from the South property line of Madison Street to the South property line of Clay Street; end on Madison Street from the West property line of 4th Street to the East property line of 5th Street; and on Harrison Street from the west property line of 4th Strect to the East property line of 8th Street; and on Clay Street from the East property line of 4th Street to the 'lest property line of 9th Street, be made by the use of a cement concrete base with gravel aggregate, and that the surface thereof consist of a layer 1* inches thick known as binder course with stone aggregate, snd with a surface course of sheet asphalt, and being referred to in the proposal in the bid sheet as consisting of a 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw o^fered the following motion: I move that the 9th Et.8th construction of street contract Ro.3, being for the construction end reconstruction of Ft.etc mnt<_rlal the driveray on Ninth Street, from the South property line of Madison Street to the selected South property line of Clay Street; and on Eighth Street from the South property line of Madison Street to the North property line of Burnett Street; and on Madison Street from the Y1est property line of Eighth Street to the East property line of Ninth Street, be endo by the use of a cement concrete base with gravel aggregate, and that the surface thereof consist of a lsyer 11 inches thick known as binder course rith store aggregate, and with a surface course of sheet asphalt, and being referred to in the proposal in the bid st�ret as consisting of a 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndnhnw, Tannin, Nelson, Rutter, nnP :.'nyor Lackey, (5). 7..:+th, '6th Com­-Ins.,ner Bradalarn offered the following motion: I move that the Ctn. etc construct? -on of street contract14 ,eing for the construction and reconstruction of a mnt rial selected dr•ivewny on 19th Street from the north property line of Broadway to the south prop rty line of Jefferson :.Itr•ert; enc? on 20th Etre'-t from the North property line of Broadway to the :.with pre, crty line of Se^"orson 9treeb; and on 21st Street from tho North property ".no of nronc',w-:y to the South property line of Jefferson Street; and on 22nd Street Prem the North proprrty lire: of L'ronrwey to the South property line of Jefferson _rrct; snd on f3rd :tract f:'ne the North property line of Broadwny to the South p:or`rty line of Jefferson 't rot; and on 74th :-trer;t from the North property lino of £roa,�X:Iy to the ,'Guth property line of Jeffr:rson :.tl- ct, be made by the use of a cc -Tent cormrete base with g ::Flo:xr,rrvsta, an•? M.. t the !surface thereof consist of a lc=er 1 aro J inches th.ck ar.rr,n es barrier cnurne :^ith stone og:,rt•vato and ,^ith a s•.irfece ct.irre of ^_.ret n: rhll.t, on•? Tnlna r®fe+rrer' to '.n the rrolornl Sn the bid .. sat as cow:<.ist.r. of a �:ci: e!,eet o^rh pa T-nt. Adopted on tt:^ enll of the 8 - a1F. va.... roll: Yeas; ^.o-�lesi on :s Y.rc'a Sr., t3-lrc;n, fu^,te.r and Vnyor Lockey, (5). M,_295-- o,_285Proceedings Proceedingsof. BOARD OC C0YT1,,.T0TIP7-.S _ City of Paducahc MAY 16,1929 Commissioner Bradshaw offered the followin_S motion: It appearing 4th,5th, S1n,llson Sts from the bids submitted by the several different bidders for the construction of eto.Cont.r2 awarded street construction contract 110.2, covering the following streets, to -wit - 4th Street from the south property line of t'ndison Street to the South nroperty i line of Clay Street; and on 5th Street from the South property lino of tda Bison Street to the South property line of Clay Street; and on Madison Street from the West property line of 4th Street to the East pron,rty line of 5th Stre-t; and on Harrison Street from the West pronerty line of 4th Street to the East property line of 8th Street: and on Clay Street from the East property line of 4th Street to the :'test property line of 9th Street, taken altogether the bid of Southern Roads Compnny for the construction of said streets is the lowest and best bid and the best bnlanced bid, I now move that the bid of said Southern Ronda Company be accepted and that it be awnrded the contract to construct end reconstruct said streets in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute contract and bond within 10 days from date hereof with the dontractor, as provided by law and the ordinance providing for said street construction; and I further move that the certified checks of all unsuccessful bidders deposited with their bids be returned to them. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, nelson, Rutter and T=inyor Lockey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: It appearing 9th St. 8th c Cont. X13 awarded rded from the bids submitted b the several diff,rent bidders for the construction T of street construction contract no.3, covering the following streets, to -:cit: Ninth Street from the eouth property line of Madison Street to the South property line of Clay Street; and on 1'ighth Street from the South property line of '.:odison Street to the north property line of Burnett Street; and on Madison Street from the West property line of Eighth Street to the East property line of tTinth - Street, taken altogether the bid of Southern Roads Uompany for the construction of said streets is the 1 rn est and best bid and the best balanced bid, 1 now move that the bid of said Southern Roads Company be accented= and that it be awarded the contract to construct nrd reconstruct said streets in the t+ity of rnducah, Kentucky, and Viet the `syor be nuthorizod to exoc»te contract and bond within 10 Jaya from dote horeof ^ath the contractor, as provided by law and the ordinonce Providing, for slid street construction; and I further move that the certified cheeks of all ansa^cessful bidders deposited with their bids be roturna•1 to them. Alonted on the coil of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brnlsh0:c, linnnin, nelson,, T<utt,:r and t'nyor Lnekey, (5). Codi^c+iorer Bradahnw orrerer the fo1'0�frog motion: It apn^aring 19th,'eth,2lat 'ts Rtc., Cent Fr4 from the bld3 arlaci`.t,ed by the several different bi'ders for the conntrretion of t e street conat:`aeticn c'- --:act no.4, covering the following strectn, to -wit. 19th metre=:t ,from tr:e :forth T.rorn;rty lines of brondway to tho :euth pronorty line Jefferson ::tr�et; of and on 20th "trent from tha north property lino of broad:vay to «'C "e:th arcperty ':ine of ,T(,ffei•:7on .."trt'Ot; and on 21st 'trint rl`em the north -,:,;p=,r•.y lire of nr0&,1wav t0 Lh:r,rt:n p,•op,r,.y 'ino of Jee'for on=trect; Dad on ng, ....r,t from re. torn, , .party lira: of Broad-fi(y to the crth nrap`rty line cf j_f�':r,­.n StPOet) and on :°3rd. ' .. - t Tram «he Barth pronorty lire of isrondway to the, -with prep rty ,ine r" ,I ..rnsa tr<•et; ©n9 on 24th ;'tri.:.t from the . '0p rty line of Jaf"erson -trcct r taiCbn &i,. er Bit` 10,4t -' r' for the Donn'ructton of said �j (`io. 286 Proceedings of W".1a' 0- `P""'I' ^ Tn^•rre City of Paducah , . mlnucl9f, MAY 16, .1929 streets is the lowest and best bid and the best bnlnnoed bid, I nog^. move that the bid of said Southern Bonds Cown ny be accepted Win'' thnt it b� awnrded the conrrnet to construct And reconstruct said streets in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and that the Mnyor be nuthorized to execute contract and bond within 10 days from date hereof with the contractor, as provided by lava and the ordinance providing for said street construction; and I further move that the ceril ified c' ecks of all unsuccessful bidders deposited with their bids Ye returned to them. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Butter and *,Aayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED �� 2 Q - 1929 APPROVM,-� 7 hu er