HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 280, May 13, 1929N,,. 1:00 Proceedings of r, Co -.1: 1.".' i., City of Paducah ,KENT.UCKY, MAY 13, 1929. _ At a regular meeting of the board of Commissioners Held in the Con^assionerst Chamber in the City Hall building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky II at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 13th day of ltay, 1929, ilnyor Lackey presided and upon cnl.l f of the roll the following ansrere•l to their nnmes: Commissioners brndshav;, Hsnnir, fi t:elson, Futter and "nyor Lackey, (5). f _ Minutes of the previous meetinn more adopted as road. Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that Progress Fstimate No.7 on Sewer Zone Sewer Zone 4A as to work done and materials furnished in the construction of said 4A -Progress Lstimate sewer in said zone by Narkle Contracting Company be received and filed and that a copy of same be furnished to '.:erklo Contracting Company. Adopted on the call of tr-e roll: - YAns; Co-•-issioners i5rodshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: Augustus Stephen A.Stephon lot in Oak having nnplied for deed to lot for 4 graves on Stewart Street, Section 13 in Oak Grove Groge Cenctery in Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I now move that deed be issued to the said Augustus Stephen to said lot for 4 graves on Stewart Street, Section 13 in Oak Grove Cemetery, unon payment to the Commissioner of Public finance the sum of zFO.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners isradshar. Fannin, llelzon, Rutter and T'nyor Lnckey, (5). Tom Ste- Commissioner Nelson offered motion that the corms nicetion from B.B.Hook, phens- police requesting that the bonrd of Commissioners grant police pourer to Tom Stephens as poser - special policeman in the Book Amusemcnt Park in Paducah, be regeived and filed and that the said Tom Stephens be granted police power upon his executing bond and tnlcing the oath as required by ordirnnee and law. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yess; Gomniscioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Butter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Futter offered the following motion: Charles A. Boyd National raving executed a bond to the City of Paducah in the sum of ,x,'1000.00 on the 6th day of Lurety Co. released ['ny, 1927, conditioned that he would repllce all work or excavations mnde as ,permits as surety- C.6.Boyd ^ere granted making openings in the streets of Paducah, which bond by its terms continued in force for a period of 12 months thereafter anduntil notice of termination Is viven by the .ticnnl 1uret7 Cn),,:ty of New York, but the. anid C1•nrles A. Boyd ho inv ceased to r ke anplication for permits and lm ving requested that said bond be cnnecled, 1 no^ move t"-nt said bond aforesaid be canceled and terminnted as of this date, and the National ,crety eomrnny as surety therein be released nn suroty In amid bond .from and after tli 'nte, ^nd t.',,t no further permits be grnnted to the sr.ld ries F. Loyd unr.il f•.rt':er' nn'' satisfactory arrangemenra ore T, e ror wonting on t'-•• r,•:.'.'. e" roll: Yens; Commissioners rrndstn1• , ' ,nnln, Nelson, Ccr-,...:'irn�r :-zc'.er of^—c' votlon t^nt S:onthly stinnte for work done "pattern Edo Co., during the r.. nti, of ,.pril, 1929, on Cn1:rc.ct No.S for straot paving constructed by :aonth.ly estimn-te o:".Lira P-ce'a rc crny, cont;, -eters, Le rrealved and ,filed, and that the Comc Ics loner cont.5 rf -:'r.'Ic ?mance Ye inst.r,ieted to i^prev,.^ nt ',laro•nnt 0 -'refer in tho sum of $1'.,720.F.3. Adopter on the ca'l of roll: Yeas; Cor,mi• ionrrs bradihaw, lfnnnln, I/nl.^Mi, Totter and ;'sy:.r ''Dickey, (S). Rayer-.ee;cFy r,pFr.r.e' on •,r. rr t..,rt of Jho !'crrncken uolxnty 3xcCr9cken :<at.' io . ^'elt .srce f eY . _ - -il, ..,: ; r • .aivod nn, filed. Adopted on .i.e.a® `.1 ^a`1 :" .q :all: :'es_, ...-_.. �rc �.r-. , ,.in, tleleon, �:,x ter nnri ��ayror rcj:ort-.irr...ekiy, ;`,. Proceedings of .1'•0''1111 Or co' _T:',`I^:IT•'BF _ .City of Paducah .?.my 13, 1929 Commissioner brnes*nw offr..red tho r'o7.lortnn. rot:ion: 1 move that a resolution entitled, "A PFOVIPING -0r, T)T COTJi:11'1JCi1011 OF SIDF-7AT.K:-, "C" Street,20th St.,& '?,'heeler ^1TV'-''.xs, Curbs:1ND G1J'1TFRS ON '1'IlE :?'E:.'l' "li'- OF •'C" S'i'F1'"T PFOP.1 1'E£ :CUTH Ave.sidewalk, curb,gutter,etc C:' O1- GIf1711t1E Aw"NUE TO TIT-- NORTH `IDE OI'' TTYFUil AVYNUE, AND �N THL SCCITH resolution SID?- O� '7il�7LFR AVT NUE FROM T11F NOHAH CUFb LIi•6 OP' "C" ST11I,11;T TO 11TL• JUN0'12011 OF ':IRFELER WiNUE MD 20TH S'PHFFT, AND ON THE EOU77171EST SIDF: OP 20TH STIL-T ' FFOI:1 "MT: JUNCTION OF "7:r."LF1R AVENUE AND 2011H 'Tl,rF.T TO ?'IPF FCAJ'iH CTJHU LINE OF JACKSON &23,F -T, IN 7H7 CI'T'Y OY PADUCAH, McCHAVE.11 COUNTY, KFIVIUCKY, TOM-THNI-F "ITH ATL N,-C7FSAY7.Y I°JINIPOLF.i, III'TAKFF, CATCH BASINS, SE --.'FR AND DRAIN PTP., A''D ALL ITFCF£FARY FIIGINJ'TR7NO, ADVFFTIFiNG AND LEGAL A.11D ' LUPICf L • SFF. 1CV IN CO?I'r C'1J011 1!'T TR:"'ITH AT 11IF M'T OF' 'T'Hr AbtPl ING P)?OPFP.TY OIIIIVHS 'ND P11.01TU RIG 1'Ff'.1F,'T I M',Y B" CrNP.5*F.1JC1!91D 1J?ON 70- TEN WAR W,11.1"IfT PLAIT" be intror'trced and le -7 ov-r. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeaa; Commissioncre tradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and 'cmyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Brodshow offered motion that a resolution entitled, Ohio St.25th to "A R.70LU11ICN PFOVTPPIG SOP iTT CONFTEIJC'TON OF GFAV7'L STr-'T AND COP1'PETE 27th St.Grnvel, curbs & gutters CU°BI OIITTH1I8 AND DRIVE•"FYS 0R OHIO STrr*'T FFAPS MY IVRT CURB Ll17 OF 25TH resolution , 57F:•7T TO THF FAST CURB I.7''!1': OF 27TH EiFFFT, IN TRP CITY Or PADITCAH, bleGRACKFIT COUNTY, KFNTUCKY, TOGTTH'-F ".'ITH ALL NFCFFGARY LAYHOLFE, INTAKES, CATCR BASINS, SH3,-R AND DRAIN PIPE, AND ALL 10".U.I.FARY FITOINETRING, A:DVEr7'IEING AND LTGA.L I.1ID CLFFICAL RT'RV10E 111 CONITFG'11011 TF1.PE'::ITH AT THE COST OF TNF AbU'11ING PROP' FTY O'71TF.RS AND PPOVIPI NG T11AT SLi,TT' 1.1P'Y BE CONFTII'IJCTED UPOIT T11F TFN YFA.R rA .'M P1f.IT" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; C-mmissioners Brndshow, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offeree the foT'owIng mntlon— An ordinance Jefferson St. & en.titlOd,"AN OPUININCE PFOVIDING FOR 'IW-, CONEIF.JTCTION AND RFCuNFTFUu'i11%" — IFF 35th St.hard- surface ordinan- DT IVT"lAY ON J-F'rFRF011 STFF'-T FROM TFr "TS'T' PP.OP'R'1Y LlN1F OF 32ND STRT^T 11'0 ce adopted ITS JUNC'liON ';!ISH 35TH S T'rT; Al TD 35771 11P11 -1i' r'14011 I'iS ,PJNC1110N FiPFaT 90 Tr' EO1P.M -FnT"Pl. Y TIT O� C"I PA?. AVENUE, III TF;' CITY Ol'' PAiTTCAH, MCCRACKUN COUNTY, VITTUCKY, "11H ATT, TT"C7,"Ff.FY 'UUFBS, GU TRPS, DriV"'+AYS, NAT'FOISF, ITIT1.ICFS, CA1A:11diA'.1.V_, E. .,. AND DRAIN PliF., AND ALL 9''1 ""RY F"'G-f!"• I III: , ^!''V'.'L' J' t-1 :Iii 1.1. G' T. 17 + -R10AL :'PR\'1CF. 1N CU;1'" AT 7FF COST OF •CHF AilIV!,I11FF FOP:-i.i:[ G '.. 'Iii` 1':``OVII'M TUAT ^AD:d .... _ ;:CII5TI.UC?:-rr UPOp IM' TF'N Y, -Ali PAY!:'!Pf PLAI1" havinc been introduced and laid over for one Werk in its completed form, I no:+ move that sAid ordinance br, ndnr,totl. Ado^ted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co:^ris:Tiorors bradohaw, ..con, butt,r and `nyor Lackey, (5). , Alley Letween B9n 4o^mi rloner brnds•aw offered motion tb.nt an or:iinnneo ontit-led, & Ky. 4th to `th ...a ce intro. o. 1 ;nr. "i.-,11. . ., .,.: 'Ij:fLt�PI . '9' ..Cl`N: i. : Y '�'i'- 10N OI' API AJI. Y'a'. -, iNG 1 ','17 Af, LY Oe ..: 11CATI, IV ?' i' _ ;;.1: be inrro,'.,T.^.ed r.... leg Over. . _ ._ __. , : i•..;itir..r.� L,7..,.1a1:aP,,-.[,r,".lf:, Nelson. JJ �yLa_f `/} ti 1 L � A.. � L t. r -✓C ��_-