HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 268, April 29, 1929No. . ra Proceedings of.. l' ' T' ` ' ra - -City of Paducah , :J %:Y, n -1r. 29, 1929 At a regulrr mooting of the Bonrd of Coamicsionors hold in the Com-•irrioners' Chamber in the City Ttsll Building in the City of PAducoh, Ycnt.ucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the F9th r1ril of April, 1929, i'^yor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follo�ing ansr•ore� to their names: Commissioners Bradshnw, R.nnnin, nelson, Futter nnO T. yor Lnckey, (5). Yinutes of the provious mectinr ••ere n•'opted as ran,'. . Com-issioner Bradshaw o"fcred the following motion- I move that the '2nd to Jeff. .Bdv petition protesting agninst hard surfacing 52nd Street from Broad:•:ny to Jefferson petition Strut be received and filed. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners n5ninst imp rovv,n,nt. F.re'ch.••-•, rnnnin, Pelson, Futtor and `•ayor Laekey,(5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion tat the Cash Orders in the amount of -ch Orders 159.75 be allowed, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be reimbursed by check on the General 'Fund; same to be charged to the proper departments. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and T.,,,yor Lackey, (5). Posey & Commissioner Putter offered motion th.nt the claim of Posey & Cocke for Coelce claim services in nueiting the city's bo ks for the year 1928, at the contract pripe of ;;500.00 be allowed, And the ComTMissioner of Atblic finance be authorized to issue the city's check on the Genernl Fund for said Purount. naoote% on the call of the roll: Yeas; Com7lssioners Fradshn,7, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Ynyor Lnekey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: It speearirg that tax Enmilton, bill No.1661 for 1928 is mode out against I?nmilton, :711cox 8: F:zzall, and that tax bill 'zzell re- No. 4463 for 1928 is made out sgninst Terrell ':Ihitt, and that both bills through error fund on tax were m,de to cover the same property, although same is owned by Terrell '•:hitt, and that bill the city has erroneously collected both bills in the excess of }13.20 from ITamilton, Tilcox & rzzell, and in order to correct said mistake I now move that the Gonm issioner of FublIc Finnnee be authorized to refund Hamilton, ::'ilcox & Fzroll the sum of Ql,3.20 ant to issue check of the City of Paducnh on the Genernl •und for said amount. A'?opted on tha call of the roll: Yeos; Commiseionern Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter nra Mayor L,ckey, (5). Fred Rughes having tendered to the City of Paaucah a deed to a certain Fred Ihuahea lot on t' -e "•'est a'c'e of Fo+tth 6th Street in the ravine near Franklin School, on Asad to city re- c'r:ritien *.r.^t the city accept avid do d And pay the street ecnstrn.-ion bEll in t'.trned fa -;or of ::,.?,?�ynn Cnnatruc`ion Company, but on sceount of the fact that said lot is of r•rr.ct.ic-;ly no v,,,lue sni zro;' not Pry the cost of jur?icinl sale, And it being the Policy Of + city not to cr:nficente the property of nny person, I no': :novo t.i'at said es, sn•' t* nt the city make proper nd jur-tmcnt ,. :. ..-._.... .. on t1-- Coll of the roll: Yens, .:aT,�..;ior.ar•a Brn}c' • r., '.:,_:::: ,_, r and ;:or Lackey, (5). `yor A^}.c-, a:^';r:.] t-1 rollcr7.n? motion: Mnry ^uar)es, et Al. having :y ', - _ - .. - . _ '-1ty Cf... , _ ...r .•r, certain lot ort thr. haat ^ido of : auth 6th 7 Ai ,ire .. 1, cr: corlIPI..,n bt•nt the city Accept snici deed °, d ._ :, .... _.. •. .. n C,;nntru�ticn Cc,�^pAr:Yr * lIy no value and x:ouln not pny r, city not to confU cote be : tatrne•@ to tke and !inry :aT:rr.t said :tnuotian t,:x bill. .. - - -.. .. 9r^ _ ::n -=in, ..•:1.^.cn, FutF.p . No, - .269 ._. Proceedings of.. Br' P. 0 (,r'." r ` TO'" City of Paducah AP1:71L 29,1929 Com�iasioner Bradchavi offered the folio -.;Ing motion: A resolution untitled, "A RFFOI:U'JIOTT YROVIi)1NG F01' -'I' C(.N: iP'-CT TON OIC' PIT l:LLP.Y LYJ'TIG Alley between Bd:v & Ky Avo-from BET'.'iFFTT I31X!.h"AY AND Y.:IMMIS AVFTRIP:, AND EXT`?If;;TT!G BACK APPROXIVAT^LY 322.0 4th to 5th St. resolution for FLIT FRCP!! FOURTH ,`.,TF'T TO':IAP.DS FIFTH STRI—T, IN TITP CITY OF PAFUCAH, 'rnrasurfsee adpt. LTCCRACKFN rOUNTY, KEN1UCKY, :'I'JH AI.L NECT,"F7P.Y CUP13T3, GIVIII' f, DPIV"MAYS, 'AT!HOI:FF, INTAKE, CATCH BMMIS, SE::'FF.' 4171) DPAIN PIP!?, IND ALL N-,CT"`ARY ';T"(,TIONN?T?'T ia .r...TTT` rT TT" C'0'T Or. •rn;T':G P,OPT.-P"_Y 0"17-P. 'TTD PPOVIPING lil1T _!ME ""Y P.T' ".71"D UPON ', "' TrTT YrAP. PC.Y' NT PLAIT" having bo,n introduce? and 'nid over for one geek in its completed form, I nav move that snid resolution be adopted. Adopted on tkn call of the roll: Yc"s; Cormnirsicners Pradsbw , Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and T'ayor Lackey, (5). Comnissiorgr Brad:aFavi offered the folloIng motion: An ordinance entitled, "ATI ORI:IEANCE PROVIDING ?OF: TIM COT7:'TFUCTION AM RFCON.TPUCTION OF TILE Buckner Lattc Road 32nd Z"trect to DPIVE::"Y ON BUCKNER LANE POFD, OR BPOAr:'AY F-TTINDI•'D, FROM! THE EAST PROPi•P,Ty Vine Street-ordinan ce adopted LINE OF 3P.IiD STPFT•T TO TIII? -AST PPOPbRTY I.INIF OF Vilm STP= N,. Proceedings of City of Paducah I 1'J1'KY, r. r IT, BOTH, 1929 Corr.jsrlvnor Ruttr r offered motion to adopt nn ordinr,nc- , ntitled, i.,."Or. ::1'0 ING 1, T". OMY 0' P', IMAH BC'T'! U.", UPON Borrow money- C,- IT Al;r, rl,'OUPC'78 'I--I'l-T MIZIDR11D -SIX EIGUT 1,1 y * I T 1!❑i (,I. (,,P: T! oT t VD 1! T Y etc judg- & 79/100 ($1386.79) WIVF6." Adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas; -ruts Commissioners Bradshnr, Flqnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Ynya Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: Mrs. Della Lang Ln "rs -elsettle- la having tendered to the city her check for ,x,'75.00 being 50% of tbo value of her lot ng 7.-,nt an Powell Otroet, in full settlement of her Iintoillty to H.L.Beyer, Contractor, for the construction of Po,.-iell Strret, the amount of said bill being more than ^230.00, 1 rove teat said cbeck be, accented in MIT ect' lement of the liability of ! rs. Tang for s,t4 irprovernent on snid strret, nnA tlnt the city assume and pay snid tax c1nim ns reouired b7, law. Adopted on tree c*11 of the roll: Yens- Commissioners brladshn-, Hannin, Nelson, Futtrr and 7*nyor Lackey, (F). Commissioner Rutter offered the Poll -ging motion: The btnte Tax to ;,o­isrion hnving mooed a 10% increase upon the taxable value of all real estate syor Frankfort in the lity of Paducah, and it being desired that the City send Ernest Lockey, Vnyor, to Frankfort immediately to appear before said State Tax Commission to rep- resent the city opposing said increase, and to attend to other bus;ne2s of the city, and the probnble expense of said trip being ',;60.00,. 1 move I- at the said !.nyor be instructed to anrear before the State Tnx Co%.misoion on tomorrow, and that the Co,=4srioner of Public einsnee be authorized to pay to the said Ernest Lackey, Mayor, the sum of $CO.00 to cover the estimated cost of said trip. Adopted on the call of the roll- Yeas, Commissioners Bradshaw, TTnnnin, Yclsmi, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the follo�lnr motion: The Ftnto Tax "t7 Sol'c- Co.,.isrion having r1aced a 10,1.' increase upon the taxable value of all real estate itor to !.'rnnkfort in the "ity of Paducah, and it being desired tent the city send ­.V.Eaton, City -olicitor, to Frankfort immediately to aDpenr before the rtnte Tax Commission l'o represent the city onpooing snid increase, and the pro -able oypense of said trip bring '.13E.00, I move toot the snid City '--olicitor be instructed to annear before "tote Tax Co-nnimplon on tomorrow, and that the Comr,in3ionor of Public ilia, ace b.- -it- crazed to pay to the acid ".V.Inton the sum of w3.5.00 to cover the estiatated coot of snid trip, i:aopted on t1 -r call of the roll: Yeas; Cornnis^Ion,= Bradshaw, ':,12,3n. Rutter nn,', ­nyor Lackey, (5). 5Inyor Lackey O-ferell notion that the report of the Paducah ','later '.7orks Pnucah r..;y f(Ir -,,, Ins and fire. T)IuEq laid and completed, bearing. dates of 'prll 17, 22 Voter 'Ika ro-report ti.) r­eei vod nryl filed. ''.opted on the cnil of the roll: Yens; a-,, !`l,nn In, ',*,!!,rr., Rueter and 7.7nyor Lackey, (.5). s:n -otion ndtarn. -!.