HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 265, April 22, 1929No-- - 265 _. Proceedings of . BOA130 or cor`ll 's1oN=P, .. City of Paducah-' 1L 2:;,1920 _ At a regnlnr mooting of the i5onrd of Commissioners hold in the Commissioncrsr Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 22nd day of April., 1929, Mnyor Lackey presided and upon cn11 or kt.o roll t" following nnsmered to their names: Commissioners &ads*�:^, Ilnnnin, Nelson, Ruttrr and '.:ayor Leckey, (5). Mnutes of the previous me�ttngs here adopted as read, Commissioner Rutter offeredmotion tlint the claim of the lturrouehs Ad+ing Vnchine Company for the purchase of an adding machine at the cash price of burrcuphs Ad91nc Vochine Co -claim :284.20, duly npproved for payment by the Comminsionar of Public Works, be nlloned and the Com-nissioner of Public Finnnee authorized to pay some and charge to the Contingent Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshncr, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Yayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion t%at the commission of 10;6 due Brady Ste:•:nrt- Brady Steerart, opelc Tax Collector, for special improvement tax bill collections co'mi^cion for the month of i'nrch, 1929, which amounts to ;:79.98, be allowed and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be out=orized to nay same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradsbaw, Itsnr.in, Belson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Putter offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay the interest coupons for six Interest coupons months due May 1, 1929 on the following bond issues: $12o,0o0.00 P.nrd Surface Streets & rightoftray bonds 4-1-;f $2780.00 50.000.00 Second Diset. Relief lewer Bonds ( 1125.00 40,000.00 Island Creek Bridge funds " 900.00 1 of 1„ Banks collection charge 11.81 Total Payable through the City National Bank, Paducah, Iientucky for remittnnce to the Hanover Rational Bank, New York, on or before fay 1, 1929. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co�:,issioners Nradsha::, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter a -d rnyor Lnckey, (5). T'oscy & CockeIdnyor [,ne'-'ey offered motion t!'r.t the audit of the City of raonesh au•'it for 1928 ac—unts for the yenr 1828, made by Posey &Cocks, certified public received & filed ace, "In be received and filed. Adopted on the call of ilic roll: Yens; Cor-ri:•I'ionrrs Irnas? nri, Ilnnnin, Ilelson, I+uttr'r and :'+ryor Lackey, (5). 7o -or Or Atrorney Heyor Lncl cy o!'+'nrve motion that the Pa• or of ^ tteliiey of the from '•ar?1^nd "a.rv'-^d Casualty Oo-^.,ny to Jessd rleil, K.F',^p.-rs and I?,?.'eil be received, ^-XI Ity "0 to .ieg-a Weil,et nl -+ .• ❑nom rtccr�ic�, Adopted on the call o^ the roll: Ycan; Cort;�laslohrre ?' :n, ::clsrn, Rutter and !'ayor Lackey, (5). sha:r offered the folio-.ing motion: C roy-t:ccd Carey -Reed Co. t;anr.truction Bond for the conrtroction of Nord surface crntroct-Jeff, t fro t;he "'est pro^orty 11 a: r,f C'att: ti -F to the Preelved 7t (ilei t nf! . tr, et, ••nd an i., • ll.e V, nue from the Forth property ,ir.•, o:' ._ -. , to ,.?,c Guth prop,,rty lin:? of ,1 ;tro:ct, on -11 having . exee'stp: .....rnct lir„i 1 .. ., I. ..,;ric, ...`1t .. `•pr-, r'O L n L. t;•,en ve• by the .. -. • '��:�;:} - r:�' Isrir.•:ip,?1r•,y].nrd CasanlY.y i, c.rrtrnct nr r .... , the City :elicitor, •: <.• -. ? :..,. >? t.� I'F'CF:1 .. '! ic:. ,:t {r. ,.,f the •.f It :n the . •^•nir.r_icner No. se "-"TUC Proceedings of 1-p" 0;, City of Paducah I', 22,199 -Frionvr Brnrirtinw offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, "A TS ON C R Ti.". 1 -: - - '! r-ArUCAH -ATIF WRKS CO' A. NY TO FXV -11D T Z� INS if 1: 1i IN ,..ter ':ks IN ',?'- (,I',Y OF PAILUCAN." Adopted on the call or the roll; Yens; ConTnissioneis -".o-cztend -,nlr,s Br,,esirv, linn-In, Noloon, Putter and Fnyor Lvelcey, (5). Com;-issioner bradshav, offered the follo,*.,ing. motion:_ "a resolution entitled, -.�OIUTTON rrOV.ITTI1G i�013, IPF C0N,'VfT',,1C',IOV '111) RECONSTFUCTION OF TW- DRIV71AY ON Jeff St. TF-,-F-RFON STF7- T, FFOM TP- --FT PFOFrl-.-y T.IY- OF 32FL "TPTI T TO ITS JUNCTION '1111i ;!Pncl to , -5th & 35 -AH -1 AND 35TH S`Tr,FTT, FrIC" M` J100-1014 "ITH JrFF7R,'ON nTTF"T TO THF SOUTH PPOPFFTY �,-,th St to Centrr.l I.TT-F Or C717FAT, �V", 'I- , TTI '147- ^ITY OF PATITCAH, YetRACIMI rouvry, VNIFUCIa, 'WITH ALL 1,,. ro, o�d 17--r'r!-7Y CURB", MJ7[TT-,',rT v, - Y�� , T-7-fITT'OT, TTITA-FC, CPTCF BAFIM-, -r'7,T? AND DT,.1,TI1 r PIF", *Nr r17. 77-C-Mil"Y tPV-r9'7T,0, ITT T'GAI P17 CL-PTCAL F1PVICr. IN 777-T--TTIT AT --- -70FT Cr IT- ATITITTIM -POP"TV 0'-'171"^ r,TTT' -VOVII'TNG trAl "'Y BF COMET17,2' I- I UrOTT :1 }-1"R P)'.Y": I' PIATO having been introduced and IniO over for one week in its completed form, I now move that snid resolution be adopted. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradsbaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and l,'syor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the folloving motion: I move that a resolution entitled, "A M -SOLUTION PROVIDIM, FOP. THF CONSTRUCITON !Jlil RECONZITFUCTIOY OF THE '-'::,n,' Zt. DVIVI-11Y ON 3217D 2TF-FT, PROM 7H1- 77017711 FFOPFP.TY LIN F OF BUCKNER 'ANF ROAD, OR BFOPDTAY -nc to FXI-ITD-D, TO "HE ^OUTIT PROPTIRTY LIT.- OF JTFFT--R.'ON STT,17T, IN THF CI7Y OF P!DUCAF, r':tcl 1r1trDM,CT?ArKFTT COUNTY, K-NTUCi,'Y, -1-T! i FT, T7rr7F-!T-Y furr,,-, rm,-�-T-,,r, DPTI--'YS, MATTHOLT-,P, T-P.17rE, MTCH PIFT11F, Tr.;TIT PIPE, 111T). AM, rrc'-"-ftpy hT)VFPTlf-ING "'D I LYC WT .'III rT-TPrI SFPVTC7 17T IT. TIT' 00fT M T177 AIITJT'TITG PF.OF-IP-y I f' -7 'FC VT- 171rC T ."'T. "T ''1"Y T-- C QIFTIUCTF; UTION 177 TrIj Y --AR IIAY?7NT PLAN" be Introducer' and Iny over. Adonted on the coil or the roll! Yens; Corr.-irvioners Brndsbsvi, Hnnnin, Nelson, Butler and 1.1')yor Lackey, (5). Co-irsioner BrsdA1,w.,, offered motion ti-nt a resolution entitled, "A FFEOLUT- I ':1: F' 777r. --OR T11F CONFITUCTTOl OF f-il (TT. -Y LYT:,'G B71 !-V Bt0AD-';fY AND 10717U.- Y '•''ley- -,1.7 Tl�-%-VrTNG IiACK APPFOXTI'AT-TY 32!1.,10 FI.?.T FFO71' n1" P, STPIT'T TO 17,FDS FIFTH flow to 1'.7 T7Y 0, Pltvc!-H, Mccrr'C 711 colf?Piy, K-IMUCKY, '1511 ALL T CAT071 BA�-TN..', P AND DFrIN PIPE, AND ALL T I, ! 7 CT,1 FICA L . !'i V W'E' IN C j!j y., *j, F1111,1T T1:1ri-T FITI, tIAT DE C 7 'r'. (A1 -1 'TAN' be Introduced and lay over, f,dovted on cl, ,T of I- roll: Brwlshn-, Hqnnin, Nelson, butter and 7,'nyor i-ollon 0,,t an ordi-incr rnlj-,p, T -T*, 7 1: 1 r!101 Toll 01.717- r 1 1-Y ON Dicknnr 1 -T I T T To Tone rl, IPro t T'7- :.1Y, ",7 1. T: Wjfal y:. ITT 4 C., TC11 T V 1 be Introdizeeii end day Gv,r. Aftrtel or, 1,s B"AfthMIN, BeITn, Puttp.r and Yavo2 r t,;,. 0 W_ _267 Proceedings of. _. BOARP OF coT':'Ir: IOII T s City of Paducah, r:s'rn1 22, 1929 On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED1929 APPROVED: Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: I move that an or-Tinrnce entitled, "ATF OS''PIAttCR PPOVTI`IIIG POR IiTP COT!'ITUCITOT! ATID FE- COTTFSriTC`TOII OF'T1FF '!OTLOMING DRIV'." AYS IN '74T.LACF PARK Al2;,T"1011 TO TFT "al ':ace Park Addition or-!innnce =Y OF P1.I'UCAH, Fig!"'Itchy, 1:0 -"'IT: MPIE LANE, FRGi; TIP' Y:F"T "T.OPPTTY LTNE for harft,irfnce introduced OF THE T.OVT'TACI'VIT,TF ROA.r 1'0 THF `OTTTH PrOPTP5Y T,IT^' OF LTIICKNEP LANE. PORP, OR BR(8,r"'TY FX'irrDF.D; POT"PT CIRCLE, FPO`! TT`F 77,FT PFOPr6^1Y rITIE 01' U PLF LAPTE TC ' 7APT PFCP-T'9Y ' I111 OF SYCA!IORE DRIVE; SYCAidORE rrIVF, FROM, THE PiY I:INP OF 15UCKITFR LANE POAD, Or BROA D"JAY FXTT''TDPD, TO TIM NOME L'T"' OF 1.lTr hLANDVILTE POAD; FOREST CIFCLE, FROM THF, EAST PPOPFF'IY F:INF OF SYCh? 05'r. rPIVE 110 7HE ':?EST rR01'iiP.TY LINE OF 1111Ilf TOVFLACEVIT.LE ROAD; '::ALLACF LATTa, b'P.OiL TIS NOFTF PFOPFrTY I,1117, OF WORFPT CIRCLE TO THE .SOUTH PPOPrFTY LINE OP FOFEST CIRCLE:; CFrhr LANE, FROM THF 'lFST FTOP-P,TY T.IN' OF �A.LTACE LANE. TO THr POTTIH PPOP?FTY LIN' OF` FORF£1 CIFCLF; CLAFF :TP1, T EXTFITDEP., FP014 1'1TC '"VET PFOPT'PTY TITTT' OF TAF TQV-l,fCTVILLF POAD TO THF FAFT PFOPFRTY LIN[" OF '7T.Tr•OL" LTTF, IN TTL° CITY OF P.ATIICAH, McCRACKr11 COUNTY, KTTITUCKY, '-I"R ATT, 111C-VFIRY CTP'B:', GU7TTFF, DTTV'--1YF, I'ATHOLFP, TZ -71,K -F, CATCH BA`INS, F77r' ATID DPAIN PIFF, 'HP. ATJ TTFCFPAPY T-?CT_NrrPITTG, AL`V-P1'IFTNG AND LEGAL ?Til' CLT'HICAL P FVIQ E IN COTTT! C1IOTF TI—F—ITH tT TT-'' COFT OF 1171 ACT3111110 PPOPFrTY 0"'N'RF UID PPOV I. ING TMT F,-' Y P' r"­.7FTFlfr-1' T17CII ^. -' TFN YFAP. 1AY7711T PIAN" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Flel2on, Rutter and :'ayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED1929 APPROVED: