HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 240, March 18, 1929Proceedings of :+< ^ c..: c_^ I T. :r:• .City of Paducah . lcrt:TUCNY, MARCH 18, 1929 At a regminr macting of the Baird of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' ChnTber in the City FTall. Building in the City of Paducah, 3ontvc]ry, at 2 o'clock p.m., on the 18th day of T:'nrch, 1929, Vnyor Lnckey presided and upon call of tre roll the follewin.- answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, ITannin, elson,•Rutter and Fsyor Lackey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ns read. Comissioner Fannin offered the following motion: Clint Houston having terdered his check, pcyeble to the order of Ross Rutter, for N35.00 as rent Clint Fouatoon.1 for the year 1929 for the use of that certain parcel of real estate knozm as the City eci � dump, I nor move that said check be accepted and that the nmount thereof be credited to the Genornl Fund. .'adopted on the doll of the roll: Yeas; Co--mricaioners Bradobov,', Hannin, Nelson, Futter and Mayor Lackey, (5). ' Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: "ill Crutchfield ill h-vinc•npclied for deed to Lot #4, in Block #4, 'Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of ^'itch- i"old- Paducah, Kentucky, I now move thnt deed be issued to the snid "Jill Crutchfield to said r•ed-Cnlf .rove Lot J9, Block #4 in Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finnnce the sum of {.50.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brr.-esbm-!; Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Sayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hearin offered the following motion: I"adaline and Z.ary Jay hnvina pplied for lotdfor three graves in Section 13, Oak Grdve Cemetery in the '-^saline - Jay-de:'d City of FnFucah, Kentucky, I no-• move tl,.t deed be issued to'tho said Dlndaline and lot in Oak Grove `'ory Jny for snid three lots in Section 13, -Oak Grove Cemetery in the City of Fo,'uenh; i• ntucky upon payment to the Co-rissioner of 'Public Finnnee the sum of $37.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commission,•ra dradsha, FB•nnin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Commissioner Nelson offored the following motion: The Board of Park T,_L."-tan- Co-draion,rs, having requested that police powers be granted to its Fnrk Luperintendent ley--olice po.••er R.L. Ctnnley, i'-lucah, Yentucky, I Tio, move thnt the avid H.L. Stanley be granted police powers ns provided by or-'innnce now in force, upon execution and 'ftking oath ..r; ree,ared. Adopted upon call of the roll: Yess; Coni-issioners Bradhsaw, Hanrin, :,:'.^on, Rutter nnd '-nyor Lackey, (5). Cor..mi^si.on,•r Rutter offered the following motion: I mov, that the r -of 11,ablic ; irnnce be rliti,orized to employ n dog cat -her nn9 to ire a 1: Iqe; e -.id dor entero to be paid Fighty ($,80.00) Dollars per ,.,,onth; excee-:ing ''�•,erty (14'0.00) Dollars per mond, ear t''l o uca of id dcg octal—r• to acr curing the pleasure of the Lo^rs of Co• insioc,rs, t s,.i•_' r,, .;n ::o employed by the Co:r,niosion-r of Iublic in:.:: ",jce na-er unrn r, ..Ding •pith the or•linance reuulnting the arn;'t' norae•i on C-11 of tl;r• roll.: Yeas; Coin-i:,:,,toners 5rads::a:r, t.• t U-, c1ni : of IT. McGee, for h.ny, , it _ ,n�a L�1c 1:1,,.^.cc mit';ar-ize<1 r.y a .•I d: 11 of tT•n roll: Yens; No__2 l -- Proceedings of _1101"'n OF. C01.'"Ic,'10,:'Tn _City of Paducah , L1':Rcll le, 1929 Commissioner Butt r offered the folloning motion: I move that the Special Street Improvement Bilis aasecood agninst the City for street inter- sections on the Southern F.oads Company's Contract 11o.4, for street paving City's pnrt for on Broadway- 25th to 32nd Str,cts, for amount of ,x7,119.24 be nllovred, sad the int- rsections on ±renc-rny-25th to Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pny came from the New Construction .2nd. Fund in order to make final settlement with the Contractors. ;.donted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshn•;,, Hannin, Nelson, iutter and 'nyor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the claims for the month of Claims for Feb.19^9 February, 1929 be all.ovred in the amount of $16,447.G6 and the Commissioner of Public Finance authorized to pay same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradhsavr, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Nayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the payrolls for the first Payrolls for hn'f of I.:nrch, 1929 be sllosed in the amount of $10095.86 and the roirnissloner first half of ?:+arch of Public Finance authorized to nay same. Adopted on the ec.'l of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Ruttcr and ::ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of Collections Collections and and Disbursements for the month of February, 1929 be heceived and filed. Disturaements-Feb r'; 'Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Coimissioners Bradshaw, tannin, Nelson, Rutter and "ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner'Nutt.er offered motion that We report of the Koller Roller Dol.Se:^er Assessment Fund Delinquent Sewer Asseasrent Fund for the month of February, 1929 be received report for February and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and "ayor Lockey,'(5).' Cormissloner Rutter ffered motion that the report of the Special • Special treet Impv. Street Improve:ent Fund for tl-e month of February, 1929 be receive(' and filr,;l. . Fund report for Feb, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Comminsionrra Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Putter rnd "ayor lackey, (5). "ayor lackey offered .notion 1.1,nt the report of the PaOlcoh '::rater :aorta 'in=u c•h ""'a to -"orks Co, retort Company for mains and fire plugs laid and completed bcnrin dntos of :arch 1, , g 1929 and :-.rob 7, 1929,be recoived rnd filed. f.dopted on the ca!1 of ti'O roll: Yeas; Cont issionero israe'.singe;, Ilannin,11claon, Rutter and Mayor Locl•ey, (5). !ayor Lnckey offered the following notion: Tho uoard of Park lciv.-reide, '.rive i, t 1, ror;ma aionnrs hnvl.ng reouest-ed the hoard of Corniasioners the City n':c7ot na of of Pn^ucoh fcr n;r,ission and authority to negotinto for Options upon property bet•rocn : n^inc•n and Clay :'tracts on the river front, and r,^;ieh •:011d provide a ?'ivr,rr:idc '7,1va, 1 no -7 move tint the matter be referred to the City ,Ol.icitor to confer ith rrc-bcrn of the e•oarrt of Park C^^aissieners snd the owners of the .Prop^rty Involved, -na to obtr:in the best obtninn'_le terms ural conditions r r. -x% h n - l,! r p •,rty r,. 1, • : ncquired and ••,!.nt options could be obtni•rod :rren --r to ort t... ... ..: a n nu prnct'enble to the'marl of t'�r.�r1-,•,!opera of t' -.e City of Pa ^icah Pr,r• :;:.T . , r notion, r,Oopted on the cr:?1 of the roll : Yeas;�c-risr'..cn^: c __. ... ..; and :'c{+ex. LnckOy, (°). Cc--iaeir,: ; ..... _ rc • r.:.. ",-L: L: :•dnt •se tion: I r:ovc tl':• t a resolution entitle:, ;: .. 1;;•,t : i •.1' r. ..:'; , x - f� kH'IDIE .;TR,. -g F li? :rrrT "!d% AT F i'i'.GI: ,.71_ ..' ;.D Proceedings of City of Paducah­Tjcwy, T-rcm 18, 1929 CURB:'GUTTTTT , PH IV'. Y:- >nrrq<i 1`71 1 CATCH 11' '1 ",TD DR1,111 PIFE, "I'VICE III C0`71-CTIOTI _:D iT­f1!_-11_!1)7 !�T'0, I.'% LrG/,T, IM CT"-TC:1, ... ABUTTING PFOPEI,TY 9"N"7S AND r'T'OVIT.lt:G T!7AT S.P1,1F I'AY BE T: Y7 *F Payr TIT PLAN" be introduced and Iny over. Adopted cn the cn11 of the roll- Yc-,,C; commissioners Bra<lsha,,-.,, Hnnnin, Nelson, Futter and Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion- A resolution entitled, "A 137.ctIUTTON PFOVIDING FOR TI- C0_1TFUCTIOF OF A DFIV77AY ON 4TH :Tr-! --T � 1. — T r:!F ':A I -T -11 IOUTH -- 4t 1710" TF TUFF r1CF;FTY T_ 01 ]:'17 :�11, TO TIM FOPTPTY LINE OF CLAY Ft., :--'_,Y 111T1 Oh' I31.111,"ON _112171-T TO THT ICUI.-F json ft. �,J non I � Y -i J. T FT, AND CI: T' I ' "T FROtI TITF '317CT PPOPMVL"Y 01111 01.1 4TH rd St TT .R-: -1 'T 11701IR',-Y LITJIF OF 5TH T, -A,1!P ON HAPPIVON ST! -I" T FRO?! TI-- '-'-!:T 177 OF 4TH FT -7T TO TRT: FAFT PI -OF -TTY 1,177 OF 8TH °qr-,­T, I7.XCFrT THE 1, 1!-1' AT 5TH FIT, FP ­!F(171 Fj'1777TF, 6TH ^71T HA.T3rISQT1 SI(FIIT!' ITID 7TH AND fTTD '11 CT'Y STRUT FROTI �117 FAFT PrOPPPTY 171177 OF 4TH SIRT­T TO THE !T} !Tt7T OF 9TTT FTT,_7-i, IN -I" -17Y. OF PATUCATT, WoCRIC1711, COU71TY, ETIMUCKY, T, .7. r- 'RY CURB, GU= -.R, DRIVI,'7lYES, 11:MTOUT, INTMT.--1, CATCH BASINS, SE"Fr, AND 7 -17:, !.T,L IIFCEI:F: RY ENGITIFFrI77711,T 6. V7 R'.'I.' ITIG A7 L! W.1, A11C F ICAL SThIC - 7:t'LCTI(7; TIFT-T "ITH AT TIT` COLT OF THE ABUTTING T'"Y 0 7:1 RS AND FFGVII ING THAT 'Y 1-F CONET}UCT-PD UPON TH1. TEXT Y"AR FIY.'FNT FLAN." hnvirw, bees.introduced and o%,cr for one week in its completed form, I no,.-,, move that snid resolution be adopted. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yoas; Conllrd cs loners Bradsha-::, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 1T.,yor Lackey, (5). Commissioner eradhsaa offered the fo1lo,.,.rjng_ motion: A resolution entitled, "A P7.'.' (ITUIZ I(ITT -,r(A1TT.)lI4G POP TUT- ('OI1STI`lJC7ION OF A DF(IVI,-.!AY ON I;ORTII NINTH 'T --y TTIT- OF Ttt`TFQI FW- T TO TTT UT ro IFTY 1 OF _T - y IF- ­T,ff '-or'79Y TTIT7 OF Y!rI,1ON STrl,-r.T TO THF OF 71T­TSF. T, '::C'717 'I'll' T."T�7CTIr,11 AT 8TH AND CLAY --y OF ITI.11177 F-P`VT 1-0 9Hr a?•ST PPOPIWAly IT; 'I" 'I"Y -TT, -a 7y, F'" IJ.L y t. r'.. y BE having been introeuco1�1,1 0%*(!I, for 'n 1Ar: :c o,.- 1.1,nt snil+ resolution b., r Ldopted ^n 1 YO -1n; i _en -P.- bradsha,,,, Tinnnin, Nelsen, Rutter ,wl t1to fol1o%*.,1nZ motion, A rosolution OF fil h.!T._'y T.! E','. 7 V ft: nd c n e Commissionor Bradshaw offered the following motion; a revolution r^nL t'cd, "A 1i.1FC'1J'II0TI PROVILTNG Vch '11M. CON TEUCTION Or A DRIVP'::AY ON 19TIJ _ .. PPF.TIT PFOPTPTY TITTE OF BRO' 1 :'AY TO TICFOUTI: PPCTFI?TY i TIC- Ol' ON "_, T, ARP ON 20TII S'il'—`T TOEOV. THF NORTII FFOrFRTY LINE: OV i -.PO' : "AY TO TITS SGU71.: :' '-.'.. � . S ' 'r GF •r - " T::: '11 FTI": I T: A ND ON 21ST :'01- T Hi(A-T THP ..!.,,,..;, .._,-_. _. _ T... .p.O. "F'!'Y T IRT' 0T? ....: ':GT'rt' IT OP!'F.TY TINT' OF 15TH" ' Y 1°711"' T "0 "i ' :.T; AND ON 2311.11 1;•" T FP(jV MT.- i`Ci Tli - ;. " t• -"Y FTF:1-'+'i' ,i. `. ,.I"' SOIJTH PFOPFF'1'Y LITir 0!.' TIFOTI r',11 I`T; ..:�� C^ 24'!; STP --T +i'i" ^l- ''7Y T.T"F OT rrC"-T? .,..'AY TO TT-' :.011TH 1-r0P'TY "'C' --T, F: r!_ �":ITY Oe PA:.-71CAI1, McCFACKFN COU'!TY, K`117UCKY, Al J, T- O-`': F. -Y CUru3, MT 'i Yr, rF i':F"?.Y", 7':-111101`:T,`, IT:TAKFS, CATCH C..+.FINS, 71. P:LPg, 'Sir. ?.C1. M'M f. F.RY ''::9Li" (,I. ?:J.Ci !. ..-r'rIi;`' TI? 0C" ' "CTIO11 T'-' ' = 'ITIS AT TIT OOFT CP 7771' LBUTT'ING . 0 ::?::`.S: T' f;'O `F -T Sl 1.T 7..Y BE COR: TT.UCT--D UPON TITF 7". 11 Y:�i.F :L6II" having b rn introduced one laid over for one week in its completed form, I nor: move thr.t said resolution be adopted. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissionorv. Lradshaw, Nnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and l:nyor Lackey, (5): Commiccionor Bradshaw o^fcrcd the following motion: I move the a•'option of nn or<ltnnnce entitled, "AIT OrFI':7.AT10E DrCLARING TTP' A1T ,Y -"AY brl" rN rr+r'"Y 'TSD ' VF1'U' , ,.1111 T--%TT''1DIrr, BACK A --TF7ll'Cr OF 322.50 FFFT FFCY 4'+11 .. 5TII L'�P`T'T , ''ND EMIJATE'D 163 FF T AND 3 11TCRES SOUTH FT GJ' BI C' `AY .:rING 10 F'. ?'T IT'' ",'IDTTT SCUT,^'IARrd,Y FT 01.1 S+.IT, T-11.17, TO BF A P11J:'IC DF;:IC;Y-•+: +1.LTY='7AY i7ITFIN T17 CITY W: PA"rC•H, K-Tli`.ICKY". Adopted on the tail of the roll.: Yeas; Commissionrrs Brsdshn•.^, Ennrin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5) Commissioner Nelson offered the follow.ing motion: It apnearing teat T.C. Severs is assistant Chrin Gang foreman and that it is necessary, tent he trove police power snd authority, I no,.,* move t' at the snld T.C.Sever's be grunted police power u'•on his ose,xuting bond and tn'.71ng onth no reouired Ly orrincnee. Adopted on the cnll_of the ro+l: Yens; Commicsioners Hrrrlsnnz:, 1 • renin, T:elsan, Lutter nn:' :'nyor Tnekey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. 1929 A F FOVT' D- Proceedings of._ MAID 01.1 CGI';Irrier1•rs City of Paducah. 18, 1929 Commissionor Bradshaw offered the following motion; a revolution r^nL t'cd, "A 1i.1FC'1J'II0TI PROVILTNG Vch '11M. CON TEUCTION Or A DRIVP'::AY ON 19TIJ _ .. PPF.TIT PFOPTPTY TITTE OF BRO' 1 :'AY TO TICFOUTI: PPCTFI?TY i TIC- Ol' ON "_, T, ARP ON 20TII S'il'—`T TOEOV. THF NORTII FFOrFRTY LINE: OV i -.PO' : "AY TO TITS SGU71.: :' '-.'.. � . S ' 'r GF •r - " T::: '11 FTI": I T: A ND ON 21ST :'01- T Hi(A-T THP ..!.,,,..;, .._,-_. _. _ T... .p.O. "F'!'Y T IRT' 0T? ....: ':GT'rt' IT OP!'F.TY TINT' OF 15TH" ' Y 1°711"' T "0 "i ' :.T; AND ON 2311.11 1;•" T FP(jV MT.- i`Ci Tli - ;. " t• -"Y FTF:1-'+'i' ,i. `. ,.I"' SOIJTH PFOPFF'1'Y LITir 0!.' TIFOTI r',11 I`T; ..:�� C^ 24'!; STP --T +i'i" ^l- ''7Y T.T"F OT rrC"-T? .,..'AY TO TT-' :.011TH 1-r0P'TY "'C' --T, F: r!_ �":ITY Oe PA:.-71CAI1, McCFACKFN COU'!TY, K`117UCKY, Al J, T- O-`': F. -Y CUru3, MT 'i Yr, rF i':F"?.Y", 7':-111101`:T,`, IT:TAKFS, CATCH C..+.FINS, 71. P:LPg, 'Sir. ?.C1. M'M f. F.RY ''::9Li" (,I. ?:J.Ci !. ..-r'rIi;`' TI? 0C" ' "CTIO11 T'-' ' = 'ITIS AT TIT OOFT CP 7771' LBUTT'ING . 0 ::?::`.S: T' f;'O `F -T Sl 1.T 7..Y BE COR: TT.UCT--D UPON TITF 7". 11 Y:�i.F :L6II" having b rn introduced one laid over for one week in its completed form, I nor: move thr.t said resolution be adopted. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissionorv. Lradshaw, Nnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and l:nyor Lackey, (5): Commiccionor Bradshaw o^fcrcd the following motion: I move the a•'option of nn or<ltnnnce entitled, "AIT OrFI':7.AT10E DrCLARING TTP' A1T ,Y -"AY brl" rN rr+r'"Y 'TSD ' VF1'U' , ,.1111 T--%TT''1DIrr, BACK A --TF7ll'Cr OF 322.50 FFFT FFCY 4'+11 .. 5TII L'�P`T'T , ''ND EMIJATE'D 163 FF T AND 3 11TCRES SOUTH FT GJ' BI C' `AY .:rING 10 F'. ?'T IT'' ",'IDTTT SCUT,^'IARrd,Y FT 01.1 S+.IT, T-11.17, TO BF A P11J:'IC DF;:IC;Y-•+: +1.LTY='7AY i7ITFIN T17 CITY W: PA"rC•H, K-Tli`.ICKY". Adopted on the tail of the roll.: Yeas; Commissionrrs Brsdshn•.^, Ennrin, Nelson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (5) Commissioner Nelson offered the follow.ing motion: It apnearing teat T.C. Severs is assistant Chrin Gang foreman and that it is necessary, tent he trove police power snd authority, I no,.,* move t' at the snld T.C.Sever's be grunted police power u'•on his ose,xuting bond and tn'.71ng onth no reouired Ly orrincnee. Adopted on the cnll_of the ro+l: Yens; Commicsioners Hrrrlsnnz:, 1 • renin, T:elsan, Lutter nn:' :'nyor Tnekey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. 1929 A F FOVT' D-