HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 231, February 25, 1929No.. 231_ -- - .. - - - Proceedings of.. _ B4OAHD w cokhlv'$Iiory&S ._._.- City of Paducah. Frt!-25, 1929 .. At a rerulnr meeting of the Bonrd of Commisstoners held In the Commisrioners' Chamber in the City TTnll Building in the City of Par'ucnh, Kentucky at two o'clock p.m., on the 25th day of February, 1929, Payor 1,nckey presided and upon cnll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners t+radshow, Honnin, Nelson, Butter and ;Mayor Backey, (5). Minutes of the previous meetings wer•o ndontc� as rend. Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: Joe Hays having applied for deed to Lot No.3, Section 11o.4 in New Addition to Oak Grove Joe Hays -Lot in Onk Grove Cemetery in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, I move that deed be issued to the said Joe Hays to Lot 1To:1, Section 4 in the New Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery upon payment to the Commissioner of Public Finance the sum of $50.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commisdoners Bradshnc:, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the report of Riverside Riverside Hospital report for Jan. Hospital for the month of January, 1929 be received and filed, Adopted on the cnll of the roll: -Yens; Commissioners bradsha-, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that the claim Howard D.Happy Co. of Howard P. Pappy Company for amount of $87.12 be allowed and the Commissioner Claim-T'iv rside of Public Finance authorized to pay some and charge to Riverside Hospitnl Account. Adopted on the all of the roll: Yeas'; Commissioners bradshn w, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that the following claims, which have been duly approved for,pnyment be allowed and the Clnims allowed Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper funds% Department of Public Affairs'. Court Costs-'7.B.0'Connell,Clerk of Court of Apnenls $41.51 Department of Public Snrety. F.F.H111-0mitted from Police payroll (lot � of reb.) 'x0.00 ropnrtment of rublie Property. Henry Varmnen, Jr., Oak Grove Crmetery supplies "8`40 Adopts,' on t'^o callof the roll.: Yens; Comnissioncrs Hra,4ah9w, finnnin, tlals.on, Putter and "-:--cr L.ckey, (5). Co^.c_rriecer iatttrr offe•ed motion that the commission of j0° clue Prndy rtewnrt nrn,ly rte -r -rt, c•ck Toy. Collector, on !�pecinl Improvement 'Pax. Bill collections _e -Ireton for the month of Jonuory, 1929, which nmounts to 1,66.47 be r:llowod, and that the Cccmission,r of Ilzblic i•innnce be authorised to ply name find charge to the prorer fund. adopted en the call of TA'c' roll: Yens; Co-r:c:issSeners >ira<"show, Hnnnir., Neltcn, r'u't --r and J'ayor Lnekey, (5). Crr laairncr ?uta=;• offnred wot Ion that tho Cash Orders in the amaatnt of '89.40 ie a7?ewed r.-, tt,c i:..--1 alnncr of TVblto 1'in'nce be reimtnrsed (:y ....ck e!' .^. ^t Incl; or, . tO btn}.::rged t� t1:e pT'o n:r dopnt trents., A"Or`rl en. 1 1 %o roll: Yr. r; Cor is::,on.,ra rrndshnr:, Hnnnin, Nelson, .•t„al cfr..,c,, ae fo'1a-aing otlon: Tho work reaa.ired t y "ltrt- ..lvey to ^;re :y ;ty Clerk en'' at r.c.I•r,- er hiving lncrenero to ^uch extent i^:�rraatd Na 232 k,�,, ,.r i, - Cof Paducah t!•: •..rtJCF;Y, r. rnhrfq+Y 25, -1929 Proceedings of IfY l: ' as to make the pny inadoounte ss heretofore provided, I now move that from andafter the first day of ''arch, 1929, the pny of the City Clerk and stenographer be fixed at the rate of $100.00 per month. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co':riz9moncrs Bradshaw, Honnin, Nelson, Rutter and f,%7or Lackey, (5). Mmyor Lackey offered motion tt,nt the report- of the Board of Board of Leualieat_ Eounlization for the year 1929 be received and filed. Adapted on the call of the S^n r_rc_'t roll; Yens; Co;n^•.issioners Bradshaw, Hnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Jiayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of J. "'es Troutman, City Asse City Assessor, of the assessment on•reol entnte•dnd personal property in the amity of .:ssor rpt Poducnh for the year 1.`29 be receiver) end filed. Adopted on tb, cnll of the roll.; Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw. Pnnnin, Nelson, Rutter and Veyor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: The City Plnnning and Zoning City Plan- Commission h„wing adopted a resolution creating a business zone or,district at the ning u Northwest corner of 6th and Broad Strects, and having certified a copy of their Z8ning rssolntion resolution so creating said district to the voard of Commissioners, I now move that adopted the certified copy of the resolution of the City Plar.ning and Zoning'"ommission be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and M.syor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Southern Roads Broadway- Conpany, Contractors, having completed the construction of paved streets on 25th to Broadway street, from the west property line of 25th street to the east property 3:'nd- pnvirged line -of 32nd Street, and notice having heretofore been given on the 19th day of ne.^ant February, 1929, that the Board of Commissioners would in the fore noon on February 25th, 1929, inspect said street, and nll work incident tl+ere.to, and •ould be in session at two O'clock p.m., on the 25th day of February, 1929 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any complaints or protests xdth reference to the doing and neceptance of snid work and the cost .thereof as set out in said notice, 'and snid Hoard of Cormissloners having so Inspected said •.-cork an9 finding same has been completed in accordance +ith said ccrtrnct, I now move that said street and sll work done in connection therewith b� ^'m ester'; some being known as Street Paving Contract No.4, Southern Ponds Company, Crntractors, and tl�at the.Ingineer's estimated cont of same be confirmed and Ghat .fnid est.) -rtes be turned over to t;e Corl:ilssion, r of Public Finance for collection. And t+'at the City ^olicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the property as csec-,n by the Fngineer's estimates. Adopted on th• call of the roll - Ye -i, Co---iseian•ra Brnshaw, 17nnnin, Nelson, Putter rnd Mayor Lrekey, (5). co- isntoner Frneirlsw offere•' the folly ing motion: I move the a '.. 1sn of nn or^Srance ,:n•.S , d�t Orr �„ m r t x)1: _'Y r "All T'' CF. A.”"F,s .I?tG HE APL TiI"G is C On tr• : F .. itrr.' .lY " . .. - ir.. _ BPOt-f. Fil'Y LZt7i: OF 25TH FT -.17T TO Tfr' -,AFT i<• '.'?'. 3`l, `:i! C.. , T•' ^. T'. i' :!'1 ITCAJI, MCCPACKFN OOTJ!TY, K!"Iv"TUCKY. FOR r.Y CUP'B, r"I'!TR. DFIV11Y.'. IT .. RY .. '::J:• f 'STH AS c. : 94228 ....2S.; 76377 .....................1.4.4774 i -...., .. "roceedings of B;,ala e, C.01.:'•T:' IONFRS No. ---233----- - .. _ City of Paducah FEB. 25, 1929_ ON FOUTN :IDE BUCKNFR LANE ROAD, OR BSC.` D7AY, FROM LOV*LACEVITT,E RAOD TO END OF PAVING AT 3211D STFFFT.... $5.277955 PER ABUTTING FT. ON SOUTH SIDE 13ROA11'7AY AT P. & I. R.F..CROEFTF.G.................... $5.035922 PFR rBUTTIHG FT. COST OF HFADERS, b'FSH RFIN-OPCITIG, ROCK EXCAVATION, T�XTPA COUCT:771, RFITIFORCING ST_- AND FXTRA 'iIOFK........ !0.06600214 PFR DOT,TAR COTTSTRTTCTION COST COST OF FIIGINF`RING & INSPECTION........ .A.03891943 PFR DOLLAR COASTFITCTIOTI COST COST OF INTEREST........ 50:01099811 PFR DOIJAR CONE•TRUCTION COST COST OF CONCRETE GUTTER ................. �"' .35 PFR LIN, FT. COST OF CONCFFTF DRIVF'?AY............... .30 PER SC. FT. COST OF"CONCRETE CURB STRAIGHT.......... .50 PFR LI11. FT. COST 07' CONCRFTE CURB CURVED ............ .60 PER LIN, FT. AND PROVIDING TITAT THF COST OF SUCH COT'ISTFUCTION, INTrFF:T, EXTRA "'ORK, AND ALT, NFCESS,�RY EIIGTNEFRING, ADVFRTISITIG A11^ TT --GAL AND CLFrICAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TFIFF7ITH BE'CHAP.GFABLF TO !.ND ASSFSSED AGAINST THr PROPERTY F-FGFIVINC THE BFNTFIT OF SAME ANP PBUT?ING UPON SAID IVPFOV51dFTiT, AS 5110711 BY THE 71101110RIS ESTII,7ATP5 ON PILE ITT THF OFFICE OF `F_T' COT:'."IEFIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS, AND PPOVII'ING THAT FAID ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID Iii Tull FQUAL INSTALI.61ENTS, BEING ONE F^CTl YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Rennin, Nelson, Rutter end V.ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered the follovinR_ motion: I move Ibnt an Jefferson St.25th to 32nd T'ard surf"ce or^inance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIITG POR THE CONSTRUCTION AND ordinance RF-COITSTFUCI ION OF THE DRIVE'"'AY ON JEFF-PSON STRT•'FT, FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LIHF OF T1ENTY-FIFTH STFFFT TO TAF "'FFT PPOPFRTY LI1IF OF THIRTY-SECOND STRF .T, AND ON LaBFTLR AVFNUF FROE1 THF FOTTTH PROPFRTY LITIF OF JEFFERSON STFFFT TO "'HE 11-11 I -CP-'-'.' LINT' OF BFOA.I"'hY STFFFT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKEN 'TPiY, ir-717 UCKY 17ITH ALL NPCFSS"RY CURB, GUTTER, DRIVE'i:AYS, I.WUTOLRS, I;1_AKES, CATCH BASINS AND SE 37R PIPE, AND ALL NECESSARY FNGINFTRING, ADVERTISING AND LFGAL 1.11D CLERICAL SERVICE IN CONTIECTION TITFFT TTH AT THE COST OF THE ABETTING PFOPFRTY O-'NFRS NND PROVIDING THAT SAME T,V:Y BE CONSTPUCTFD UPON THE, TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN; be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradahavw, Annnin, Nelson, Rutter and Ypyor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: The City Pinnning and City 711,nntng & Zoning Commission having ncaopted a resolution creating a bu^iness district For.ing Com.rrsolu- ticn- 6th & Err d or zone nt the Torgwest corner of the intersection of 6th and Broad Streets and hnvin, certified some to the Board of Coxmissioners of the City of Paducah and requested the adoption of nn ordinance creating said litsinesn district or sone, I no� cove the adop'ion of the folle-Ing orr'in?nee: "AN OFI:T"A!TCF DFCLAF.ING CFRTP IN PFOPrFIY AT SI:!",H P.11D BPOaD STRFr--TS 6th & Pro, d '-t. or-11xi,r.ce-7oni.ng TO WE FISI"',C: rrrP-r.Ty UPON THF P.FQUFST OF 111E CITY PLANTING AND ZOTIING r0""T`"T_%::1." Adopted on the call of lho roll: Yens; Coy^-^issionore Brarshw• , V,nn!n, NPlr;an, Putter •.nO : "yor Lackey, (5). On notion r -.(!ting l ri29 AI'PT;o!Ill 1 % G' f/