HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 225, February 13, 1929No_- 225 - Proceedings Proceedings of_ _BOARD OF COICAUSIOTIMS City of Paducah FFB.,13,1929 £idewolk,curb & gutter on W. side of Atkins Ave. accepted Assess^ent ordinan ce-side'aalk,curb & Fatter on side of Atkins Avenue -13 to 14 At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City 6f Paducah, Kentucky at two o'clock p.m., on the 13th day of February, 1929, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and T.::ayor Lackey, (4). Ysyor Lackey stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of receiving sidewalk, curb and gutter on Atkins Avenue and 22nd Street, and such other business as may come before the Board. Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: J.M.Rouae Contracting Company, Contractors, having completed the construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter on the "lest side of Atkins Avenue from the South curb line of Thirteenth Street to the North curb line of Fourteenth Street, and notice having heretofore been given on the 8th day of February, 1929, that the Board of Commissioners would in the fore noon on 'Vednesday, February 13, 1929, Inspect said sidewalk, curb and gutter and all work incident thereto, and. would be in session at trio o'clock p.m., on the 13th day of February, 1929 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building In the City of Paducah, Kentucky,to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed in acoordanee with said contract, I now move that said sidewalk, curb and gutter and all work done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as Sidewalk, Deiveways,*Curb and Gutter Contract No.6, J.L1.Rouse Contracting Company, Contractors, and thnt the Fngineer's estimated cost of same be confirmed nal thst said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of 'ublic Finance for collection. And that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance asse^Sing the property as shown by the Engineer IsPatimates. Adopted on the call of the loll: Yens; Com issioners Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion: I move the adoption of an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON THE .JEST SIDE OF ATKINS AVT --NUE, FROM THE SOUTH CU1-B LINE OF THIRTFFIITH STPiiTT TO THE IIOPTF CUPB. LIN; OF FOURTF"I1711 STREET, IN THF CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKF3I COUNTY, KFNTUCKY,.=OP. THF COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF CCNGRFTE ST -'F1 -:ALK, CURB AND GUTTER, AND ALL NFCF"£ARY DRIVE^'AYS, M-11+1OLFR, I"m" nO, CATCH BAfIVS 1•.IID SF':'FR PIPE AND ATL 11F:^OFFPAPY TTIGINft-P.TNG, ADVF?'TIFING AND LFG"•L AIR) OLFPICAL SERVICE IN M'—r1f7.TIO1' T!" *'"•ITH A. FOLLC'NS : CO11CPETr SIL; 3ATK 0.16 PFR S0. FT. CO`I^,i?TTP GU TeI 6 PFR LIN. FT. CW111;TE LPIV': -,':Y& .21 PFR ^?. FT. 4° CAST MIT PIPS .21 Pr H LIrI. FT. CCNCF .TE CURB STRATIET .:,4 YiTt !.Ill. FT. CONCR: TE CURB rURYFID CO P IP I.III. FT. COST OF EXPANSION JOINTS $0.01206411814 PIR DOLLAR C ::: 10H COST CO.`..T Cr ?tIO1Ii:' ",F.NZ & ....,._-,N ION COST iN 7 -LLT COST 1`0.0,,`,12743529 F:i ... .. 11UCTIOH COST ANI' 'T- 11'7*RO .: C?i I'i7. --T, 1, TPA "OFK, f,ND All, iNo. 226 Proceedings of .. sonr, 07 eo^' Ie Io;T 7; City of Paducah, 11"'TUcKY, FEBPUA.RY 13, 1929 Sidewalk, curb & gu'ter on E.side of 22nd St. accepted F;s_ess- r. cnt Ord sidewalk 9&Gon E. side of 22nd £t. connection therewith be chargeable TO AND ASSESSED AGAINST THF. PROPFRTY RECEIVING THF BEdIFFIT OF S �.ME AND ABUTTING TIPON SAID INTPROVM'ENT, AS SH0:7N BY THF, ENGINErR'S ESTIMATES ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OP THF CO;aYISSI0I1rR OF PUBLIC ;TORKS AND Pr.OVIDING THAT VAID.ASSrFrVFNT MP.Y BF PP.ID IN TFN E')UAL INSTALT.T.MiTS, BEING 0IU? TACH YEAR FOR A P"PIOD OF TFIT YFARS." Adopted on the cn71 of the roll: Yeas; Cammis_i oners Hnnnin,-elson, Rutter and Mnyor Lackey, (4). Commissioner ITelson offered the follo.•.1ng motion: J.T.I. Rouso Contracting Company, Contractor:, h,ving completed the construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter on the East aide of 2Pnd Street, from the Sout'• property line of Kentricky Avenue to the North property line of 71sahington Street, and notice having heretofore been given on the 8th day of February, 19290 that the Board of Commissioners ;wo�ild in the fore noon on lirednesday, February 13, 1929, inspect said uidewalk, curb and gutter and all :pork incident thereto, and -ould be in session at two o'clock p.m., on the 13th day of February, 1929 in the Commissioners' Cham:er in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the do'ng and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said Board of Commissioners having so inspected said ••pork and finding same has been completed in accordance �-Ith said contract, I now move that said sidewslk, curb and gutter and all cork done in connection therewith be accepted; same being known as Sidewalk, Driveways, Curb and Gutter Contract No.6, J.M.Rouse Contracting Company, Contractors, and that the Fngineer's esti ated cost of some be ennfirmed and that said estimntes be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection. And t>et the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an'ordinance asnessing the property as shown by the Engineer's Estimates, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners IInnnin, Nelson, Rutter and 1.?ayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Nelson offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, "AIT ORDITTA.ITCE ASSESSING THE ?I,UT`ING PROPERTY ON THE FAST SIDF. OF T''F.NTY-SECOND .'TPFFT, FROM 'H:" SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KFITTUCKY AVFNUE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF-PrRINGTON STFFFT, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKL'N COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THE COrT OP 001hTPUCTION OF COMPETE SIDMIALK, CURB AND CUTTER, AND ALL NFCE£SARY DPIVF,AYS, 11ANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SE FR PIPE AND AIL NECESSARY . T7T`7, 'T''i"r'T`I"0 PTW TTGAL ANr CIrRICAL ^FPVICE IN CC"NPCTION THrrEVIITH AS SID,,?'.ALK $0.16 PTT{ V. FT. 4L'^_ "ER .36 PPR LIN. FT. ` Vr^"•YS .25 Pill S@. FT. " C"' Ir -ON PIPE .21 PER LIN. FT. CURB V' FLIGHT .54 PER LILT. FT. 7' "rt°B cl *'V'rr, .60 PER LIN. FT. i%iSTS $0.01283046436 PFR DOLLAR CO"'STFUCTTON COST $0.1:22060517 PER DOT.LAR CONSTRUCTION COST ;0.00805138274 PFP DOLTAR CONSTRUCTION COST :. 1711"31 -7-T' UCTION, INTFRF.ST, EXTrA ':;'ORK, AND ALL CLFRICAL SERVICE TN CONN CTION T I P- ._ i LGI I?;"P 'III?: PIROCFRTY RFCFICINO TIT" BFTdi'FIT J. ,r. .. . r... ,.. ..-.,;, 'F1O::Id BY I'll' .���:�_. p,'S :: .I.,ATES _ :1?AT F.AII7 1 " : I, NT !-Y fid•: P,' I'; T_;d .,1 TT, -L _.. },` T!: R .. PLRIOB CF 7-11 Y' "F.: ," Adoptee. ... "... r.c71 0: the roll: Yr: f .. r 13nnnln, Nelecn, :tt . rs° 'ynp Proceedings of_-. BOARD. OF Coh -'IssIoruTs- _ - City of Paducah Commisaionor Nelson offered the follo,::ing motion: The American . Protection Company having requested that police powers be granted to its Frapk 7.Burton grantor police signal Operator, h.r. Frank L. Burton, Paducah, Kentucky, I now move that the porter said Frank R. Burton be granted police power as provided by ordinance now in force, upon execution of the bond and taking the oath as required. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissiorr-rs Hann in, tvelson, Futter and V. yor Lackey, (9). On motion meeting adjourned. i y/ r APOrTF7) 1929 APPY?OVF.D ;- —