HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 195, December 3, 1928No. ip,' Proceedings of. City of Paducah . CRY,. DFC7ABgR_3, 1928 . At a RoFular mooting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Com- missioners' Charrjer in the City F.nll Luildin, in the City of Paducah, Y.entucky at two o'clock P.':., on the 3rd day of December, 1928, iioyor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follavin3 answered to their names:. Commissioners Brndshav, Hannin, Nelson, Ruttcr and n9yor Lackey, (5)'. Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Fannin offered the follo�r^Sn7 motion: It appearing that Repairs to Incin- the _Incinerator plant is in such condition ',hat ivcrediate repairs are necessary, pintor plant and the Co-^Scsion,r of Public Property having caused estimate to be made of the necessary ropairs, and having consulted with contractors regarding the malting of said repairs and it appearing from his report that the bid of Gus Lockwood for the making of said rernirs to said Incinerator plant at a cost of approximstcly '710.00, plus extras tbnt may be found necessary during the progress of said work, not to exceed in nil the sum of ;:850.501 is the .lowest and best bid, I now move Lbot the Commissioner of :ublic Property be authorized to enter into a contract •rith Gus Lockwood for repairing the Incinerator nlnnt at the price of *710.00, plus extras, riot to exceed in all the sum of ;'850.50; said :­ork to be done under the direction and•supervision of the Co*ninsioncr of -Public Property. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Co-:missioners Bradsha7:, Fannin, Nolscn, Rutter and "ayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner : No. Proceedings of _ 90^" OF C01i.!I:,.`lO?^2RS DRC':I".B?ti 31928City of Paduca19 h Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the ?Jonthly Esttnto for work done during the month of tlovembor, 1928, on Contract No.4 for strent paving :'ont;,lc ; stimate for stzoct :roving on on Brosdwny, constructed by Southern roads Company, contractors, be received and '.'raoA,! gout? -ern -�omrany filed, and that the Commissioner of rublic Finnnce be instructed to issue Improvement 'Narrant therefor in the sum of X141613.92, Adopted on the c•I1 of the roll. Yons; Com-rdoslo -rs Bradshaw:, U,nnin, Nelson, Rutter End Mayor Lackey, (5) Commissioner Rutter ofrered motion t*.at the Monthly Estimate for work done during the month of November, 1928, on Contract No.4, for drivelvay, ?.'onthly `-sti:rnte for driveray,cutb & curb and gutter on 13th Street, constructed by J.1.% Rouse Contracting Company, R,,tter-J.?'.Rouse Ccnt'racting Co. contractors, be received and filed„ and that the Commisoionrr of Public Finnnce be instructed to issue Improvement ?arrant therefor in the sum of x'98.28. Adonte^ on the call of the roll: Yesn; Commissioners Brsdsha,a, Hannin, ]Jolson, Ruttier and :'ayor Lackey, (5). Comrdsoioncr Rutter offered motion thnt the !'onthly Estimate for S.onthly Fstimste work done (luring the month of I?ovember, 1928, on Contract No.3, for driveway, for driver,sy,curb ' and *atter-G, C'. curb and cutter, constructed by G.'".Kntterjohn & Son, Contractors, be received and irtter,john Son filed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to issue Imnrovement :':arrant therefor in the sum of $1,088.72. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshar.,, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and :ayor Lnekey,(5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of the City Board City Board of Fealthof ealth for the month of November, 1928, be receive and filed. Adopted on r'.Dort for Nov. the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Tiannin, Nelson, Futter and Mayor Lickey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move the a:lontion ` " colation cow- of a resolution entitled, "A RFSOLUTION 001,1 i1DING THE C'OR'K OF THE McCRACKV n I ng of "e7r- -',on .'oanty CDUTITY FUi LIC RYALTH LFAGUE," Adopted on t'^o cnll or the roll: Yona; �.:'c l i. c � e:.� ?. th ' Leamze Co—issionr-rs Bradshaw, Hnn^'in, 'Jolson, Rutter and "ayor Lackey, (5). ' Commissioner Ru't.cr ofrcred the following motion: I move that the nffidavit of Dorothy Johnson stating that she had lost coupon #1 in the amount i.orothy 7oY,nson ' offiOnvit raeard- of lc,61, Cite July 1, 1928, on City Imnrovement Bond of the City of iafiueah, inp :.:t, : eat n F'cnrncky on si^cwnik imnrovomont, nerien A-15, Bond /(18, which bond Is in the wrnunt of ;497.17 n•_d due July 1,1931, togoth,r with hor bond as required by low s1;_ned by "ark -!pith and R.P.,?Cirkland, bearing date of '1ove:•iber 27th, 1928, be receive:' ,nd filed, and that the Comrlissionor of Public Fin�mee be, end he is hrrcby aut!crized and c-po•:•ored to issue check to the said Dorothy Johnson for the sum of "'Ir,.61 in p•5-.nt of said coupon. Adopted on the end? of rhe roll: Yeas; Unnnin, Nelson, Rutt.-r an ..ayor l.acTcoy, (5). Cr; . lnnion�-r ;•nnnin ot'fered the fo'lo.vinc motlon: Tern Vrr, C'ooro for . . to lot 110.36, Plock No..1 in :'aucol: . 1^ t .. in . , a ._ ,. .,:. ...,t f.ai,i -L.od be s.. to the s.,id s.' .CO. sni r01.,"!-,rr and