HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 18, February 6, 1928No,. -- -- -.1e- - -- - - -- Proceedings of.. _. Pc ,.,, or ^,C—TZ ` TM City of Paducah , 7, , D — -- 1st a Ge,,�ulnr ::—ting of the P.oard of "o �a -.inners hold in the Co-_n`-ssioners' Chamber in the City Anil Puilding in tilt ^Sty of Paducnh, c:-nt+.teky at 2 o'clock P.H., Februnry 6th, 1928. ; yor Lackey pro:idod and upon rtc c7+1'_ of tb^ :roll the following ,ns,:.-crc,9 to their names: Com"iscioners Hannin, i''elson, Putter '-nd '.`.ayor Lackey, (4). Cormnissioner Bradshaw was not present, at the ?iayor Lsc:cy offerod motion that objections to the npprovsl of Objections `l, -e ni.nutes of the Regular ;'cr.ting of the Doard of ComxmiL^ion.ro hold on January to minutes of Jan.oO ;;0th, 1928, havinS. boon made because of fro fact tint Al 11. Foreman is shorn herein to have been appointed as a member of the Hoard of Tlealth for the full term of 4 j years, •^1-1crens skid appointment was intended to be to fill out the unexpired term of "rn^st Lacl-cy, ::rich uncxnired term is for 1 year, I move that the minutes be cor. rotted as read and that the motion so adopted on January 30th, 1928, appointing Al ForFran ar a member of the Board of '?ealth of the City for the full tcinof 4 years,: Uc riconrlVrred and that acid appointment be :Wade for the term of 1 year to fill out thtr unexpirod tern of Ernest Lackey, and that n id minutes, as corrected, be approved. Adopted on the call of Citc roll: Yeas; Coimnisaionors P1 In, Nelson,• i *utter and '•ayor Lackey, (4). ` Commissioner Hannin offered motion that r. A.Y. ?'artin, FM City I i Sale of 'elicitor, be Instructed to execute the Salo of bond for the City of Ps'ucah in the bond for city in case of "City of Paducah vs. J.D.Tucker," for property on i'^ys ;:venue, r:hlch was once of city vs. paid in by him on the Co.=Assionervs sale February Gth, 1928. ?.dopted on the call J. D. Tucker o' :he roll: Yens; Cor,miscionors Fannin, Yclson, Rutter and "ayor Lackey, (4). Comnicsicncr nutter orf,.red motion that tLo "outhorn fell EMSHills of:opSol,.,,hono & Tcic�r•a h C ^ one F•• oerpany bilin for the month of January, to Co.for Jan. tilt of ^en:`'e'_land for painting the Se::tonfs house nt O -k Crove,nmountinG to ^76.00 cnd the pill of `uZene Past for labor nt Riverside 'foopitnl smonnting to a.vr- barn duly npproved, be allowed and the Co.: is•loncr of Public ,rizc.1 to p• y --arse. Adopte,l on the cnll of the roll: Yeas; Ruttor c-nrl "n;or Lackoy, (4). iuncr "Utter o:i':rod motion U-. L tiro kinin of Posey Zc Coclko, Cini7n of l•-.,.. for thr ..c.r 19..^.7, amount ec<:ordln- .'.o !'410.00, - Posey d Cocke _ : of Public Finance be nuthorizc,, ':o :to. rni'_: _<-. ror_iinnioner ITannin, .. ^n, ':riot c? Motionhitt the Cit:,'15 .,;.rt o:' the Cast of cr:e. in in : wtc uwl +c :- '.c final Peet Frame .. , . r. ... ._ . ..... It ir,r. , . a, � - ., , i'tt t ter• Proceedings of City of Paducah, Cos arr..Ionor Gut Cor offer;.,'. •otion ±ro :.c^iv:-. rnd file repot of Pm'ucsh "ntor Cc+runny for "atcr rsins ls:Id r•ad Dire plu(;s located durinC r', month 0f Jsnunry, 1926. '.dopto;' on tho call of the 1-01.1: YCaa; CO-Imissloncro Unnnin, =11- lon, Rutter and Tiayor Lackey, (fit). CompAssioner Volnon offered motion that Che r.,sit:;nation of Patrolman :1.T.Stcph.ens' ros- ignntion accepted ctephons be occopted. '-doptc3 on the call. of the 1-011: Ycaa; Cotinia:aonors T'nnnin, Nelson, Rutter snd -ayor Lackey, (1). Coi.znissionei I;clnon offered motion that thn report of the Chief of Report of Chief of Police 'or tho rionth of January be received and filed. Adopted on Che call of the Police for Jan. roll: Yeas; Commisoioners %annin, I:cicon, Futter and 'ayor Lackey, (4). Coreis_loncr 1'.elson offered motion that the report of Tom ling for the Report of City Jailer for Jan. City Jail for the month of Jcnuary, 1928, be received and filed. Adoptod on the call of tiro roll: Comnisrionors Fannin, ITeloon, flutter and T'nyov T•ackoy, (4). P.foort of Fire Commissioner ITeloon offeror. motion that the report of T.Y. slaughter, Fire Chief for Jan. Chief, for the month of January, 1928, be received and filed. i.dopted cin the call of Lhe roll: Yoac; CoirmAraioncrn Hanuin, ITcloon, Ruttcr a d ^nyor Lackey, (6)-. Commia--ioncr Ila wAn offered lotion that a Street light be placed Street Luta at the corner of 28th 8: Clark Sts., and alto at :13t T_ I'a,:i:.on Sts., Adopt ed on the call of tho roll: Yoaa; Co<e-i: eioners ':cnnin,-olccn, Rutter and :`r- or Lackey, (4). 1.%yor Lackey offered notion that the appointment of Cecil Tb ed Cecil Reed, Pros. Attorney as City Prosecuting Attorney, heretofore made by the Mayor, and wl:ich,h has not yet been confiriaod by the Board of Commiccioncra, be horeby ratified and confirmed, effective as of the lst, of Jnnunry, 19:.8 }adopted on Lho call of the roll: Your; Contaiaaioncrs L'snnin, IIcL•gn, 3litttor and ":,.yor Lackey, (4). 2.ayo-r Ldokey offerod motion that the correspondence frau Telep3wne Rates the City Solicitor, relative t0 Cho t-elcI)hOne ratoa propoaitlon, be received and flled. ;.dopLed on Lh0 call of the roll: Yea; Cor--,AS:.ionera tannin, ITolcon, £utter and. Payor Lackey, (4). On actien m%ctinG adjourned.