HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 171, October 22, 1928No. 171 Proceeding's of BOARD OF CO!"IF: TCt'r-'s City of Paducah K1'14TUCKY, OCTOBER 2211D, 1928 At a Regular Cleating of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commission- ers" Chambor in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at two o'clock P.M.,'on the 22nd day of October, 1928,'in'the absence of Mayor Lackey Comylssioner Nelson presided as Mayor pro tam, signed the minutes of the previous meetings, and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradaharr, Fannin, Rutter and Fdayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Cormissioner Rutter offered the following motion: I move that Rooves & Meyers be allowed the amount of $92.74 on Improvement Bill No.1694; 0135.20 on Improve- ment Bill No.1695 and $33.49 on Improvement Bill No.1696, for hard surface street Hooves & assessment on Bridge Street between Kincaid Avenue and Sixth Street Bridge, on account Heyer adjust- of over -assessment, and that this amount be paid by the City to Southern Roads Tont on bridge St. Company, the Conttactors, on their Contract No.l, the balance of the assessment having been signed up on the ton year psyment plan; same to be charged to New Construction. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Rutter and Mayor pro ten Nelson, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that W.T'; Goodman be allowed the ':.T.Good- amount of $30.28 on Improvement Bill NO.1662 and $63.17 on Improvement Bill 110:1663, man for hard surface street assessment on Meyers Street, on account of over -assessment, adjustnent on Ycyerd and that this amount be paid by the City to Southern Roads Company, the Contractors, St'. on their Contract No.l, the balance of the assessment having been paid in cash; same to be charged to Now Construction. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Conmissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that Charles Smith be allowed the amount Cha.rmith Of 977.83 on Improvement Bill No.1664, for hard surface street assessment on Moyers adjustment ntrcet on account of over-assesament, and that this amount be paid by the City to on Yeyers St. Southern Roads Company, the contractors, on their Contract No.l, the balance of the sEnonsnent having been signed up on the ten year payment plan; some to be -charted to Near Construction. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoaa; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (4). Com_miaaioner Rutter offered motion that the Commioaioner of Public Finance Int.Cou- to authorized to pay the interest coupons bor six months duo Novembor 1, 1928, on the pons due following bond insuos: $120,000.00 Rnrd Surface Streets & Right of '.'lay Bonds $27;'0.00 50,000.00 Second District Relief Sewer " 1125.00 40,OCO.00 Ialnnd Creek Bridge Bonds 900.00 e of 1% Bnnk'a collection charge 11.81 Total Q4736.81 Payable through tac City National P.nnl., Paducah, for remittance to the Hanover Nati.nsl Bank, Now York, on or before Nov. 1, 1928. Adopted on the call or the roll: Yer,e; Co -ml ;iorors brodsha:r, Irnnnin, Ruttor and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). ir,nioner Flutter o9fered motion thrtt the report on the Fouthern Roada `outhern Cospany Contract .:o.1 be accopted, and t'nat thH of Public P'inanco be road2 Co. report cn e,;t',orize•d to t%ze flnal settifi-ent up�,n sale of tiro Imprcvoniont Bonds to be isauod ^%nt.?1 arc" tel theraon on the ten $oar pay-ment plan: An'! ._:lt the Mayor :r1 1,o°.7,1^ni:-,-r of ;nib?!.e � ;ice be authorized to have minted, tx1.:te4 an a•yld, .^.'ic:; '_.m roves:e;_t !;ends t:: int of $9105.25 in accariance si':: prom:;t,.._ et. Sertien 3101 of the +;os govoraing some. Alllorltiul ire the coil! of t t r;ll: Yeas; ,:r,. , Faru.in, Futter and Mayr.. . .._ NE13711; ^^ Proceedings OFT BOARD OF COM'IlszIONERS` .-City of Paducah OCTOBER 22nd,1928--�� Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion that the claim of J.Li.Rouse, for tearing out and rebuilding sidewalk on both sides of Jafforson Street wast J.'3.Rouse claim of 19th Street, amounting to 1240 sq. fbet of sidewalk and 109 lin, feet g x 5 exp. joints,in the amount of $$196.90 be allowod and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to New Construction. we Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Nelson, (4). Mayor pro tem Nelson offered motion that the report of the Paducah "later 'Norks Company on mains and fire plugs laid and completed, bearing Peduenh dater `7orks date of October 20th, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the Co. Report roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Rutter and Mayor pro tem Belson, (4) Commidsioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: I move thnt an ordinance entitled, "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE rmPROVET.TI:itT OF SOUTH S.11th Street Ord. ELEVENTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF JACKSON STREET TO T1F NORTH for gravel introduced PROPERTY LINE OF ADAMS STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, McORACI4;N COUNTY, K71,NT[ICh'Y BY THE GRADIEG AND GRAVELING OF SAES, TOGETHRR '!LITH ALL NECESSARY ENGINELRIIIG, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IN COi:i 178 Proceedings of BOARD_ 01-' OW-TIS"IOtIERS City of Paducah r TrTuruY, ocTOB7•R 22ND, 1928 ordinance authorising said construction, and pursuant to the pl-ins and specifications for said improvement. And I further move that the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Qownissioners Bradsha-, Rannin, Ruttor and Yayor pro tem Belson, (4). 'On motion meeting adjourned. B`DOPTED—Gir.�r� 2 9 1928 T t I APPROVED