HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 157, October 1, 1928Proceedings of City of Paducah, r::'_.;•. ==. c- 1, '�"a alnr "'ecting of' the l:onrd of he1,1 in the ...r testy ..•:11 Builrl.in. �.. 1 � ,r, .­ntucl:y at o,.. .. , 1ct. (Iny of October, - -.)id upon c• -1l or! •i - rns!sered to their nor- ro -., P.nnnin, . �.n, '...... .. ;.avor.Lnekey, (5). :inutas of t)!.e-previous me -tines r;ere adopted an rend. coreni nioncr Rutter offered ^lotion ti':at the mont)ily entimato .for done cAzrinr: the zccr,th of Fonte,,ber, 1928, on Contrnet Ho.l for grnvel street eonncy - ! pros.'ort, ntinictcd by Ynney Lrot..bors, be rocai'ved and filed.; and t:hnt the Col*iAsrioner of Public 1'innnco be lnstrneted to issue Improvement '!nrrn.nt thorefor in the sun of ;990.27. of the roll: Yeas; Coll-Assioners Drsdshaer, Pinnin, llclson, batter - ,icy, (•`). Cc 1.0rionor Rutter oM red motion that the ,ont->,ly ostir-to for work t:hr :.th of Soptember, 1028 on Contract i1o.2, for sidor•allc, curb and ter constructs• by Yancy Drot),ers, be receiveri and filed; and that the Comrisnicner n" ?_iblic rinance be instructed to issue Improvement ":arrant therefor in the sun of V_i" o. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, ^r nn.'.::ayor Lc.ckey, (5). i Co:r-3sricner Rutter offered motion .,it the acceunt of JX.Rouse Cor,rany for tenrint: out and re-settin;; low side::.,nik at root and '::ect and of th. l'p•u is?: Ctreet Bridge, amounting to .,;233.49 be nll.a•:ee, nn3 —1d; same to be i i.. 7onstruction. Idonted on ter, c^.11 of the roll: Ycn.r; Co-�isnionorr, inin, llolson, 'utter anCl 7' yor Lackey, (5). Coriiscicner :iclnon offered motion th•,t the roport of Gus Rogers, C,hiof . nl i.ce, lox, Q,..e r-cnth of �entcmber, 1928, be roceived r.nd. filed. Uoptcd on the or n' "r:c roll: Yeas; Comderioners Preaahas, liennin, 1?elsen, 1•,,>.ttss 'nc'. : yor -ol lon t*—t the rrport of Tom 'King, - , r, 11",, U. : .,njvod and f11od. i,dopted. on the c? ro' r..;: ; o .'_.: i ,n,..;. _vn,,n1 n.., ,; ;,,,Sin, ..clnpn, knitter -,nr, ror !,nckoy r e:" rod tho follovAn- hiotior": be contrnet bone] o c•,l -y •;onn ny, bearing• Antr of Jul;: 27, 1920 rnd ny as principal and it 1, lity nn,? Cos%^ lty bond snid princinnl ... ucty nify !:`io _.Cr,n-r. loss or dna*nee iris .. - ... nrine1p•,1 :eiebt Proceedings of u. No—V50- City of Paducah 07"OETT,1,-T,1028 I -n by nn,,tlov bond n, 7"s- yoj- Laej-ey G" r! I cl- - a, -cd nn: z 11 Ity. of the City on t'lc C•+11 0:, roll: j" imin, Velcon, Boar, n" : -:!Or Lackey, Cormi,­1,2ii r t_ Inc notion: bf-ri, 7oqi,1 0? 7-:,Ith -,ach Tight mid ' o-.,,_,. tllc n I 't-1 1 Ly and Deposit 7 pal,awlh LLA,L ro",C-v co.illdormity Lont.l. 0, o -,c, 7d., as surety L O�i, c.;i­nited on tbo 2nd d,iy of Octnlx­, 1911, burot7 released. b, icl_ Cho principal rnd sur-;- bound t'1cmsclvO.E1 in till' Mt: 0';;1000.00 to 1n1c!Tzify the City of Par.ftucah o­.,_rjst loss or daiango incurred or accruing by c^!l of the roll: Y. reason of excnv,tiona mude in the stmt -,16c, ^11cys or other public *.toys of the 7 -Min, !:Clson, City of .'vemcnh, hsvinS Incretoforo termt.nt,tcd by reason of the discontirm.noo • of the existt,nee if s,,irl principal and by the execution of a 2iYiilnr bolid by Rut' cr r, ncl its .,tiocoosors, I nvc move t11vt c--iO bond be rol&asod and dicelinread, and dint the surety t",vrit:.-in be relloved from all rurtber liability. !.dortGd on 411c entil of roll.: Y(.nc; Cofl.j.cnioncrs Drs. f , nn!n,.'; 1. zon.r-titt cr and Lnekiq, (5). 7"s- yoj- Laej-ey G" Ott of the City Boar, or nitb 7oqi,1 0? 7-:,Ith for ',Aho n-.nntli of 7-r, 1-.-S _... Tiled. r,jortcFt cn c^!l of the roll: Y. m : ion, 7 -Min, !:Clson, Rut' cr r, ncl or L, cy, (5). o­fercc motion t' at Llic -,Orn Rog.':7 Co. on,!. of t, m rm:; n ct Co -i ny on contract in tiiu t 0t "192.65 �ntl­xncc- Bond on the ,7 "0 nrur ,:ty 0-6rcin, brivin- (- boon axmite(l oil .,bc M!, r, 19'-7, i n,,,w , cvc 161 -at v,V1 on,1 be rnecivc o nit io'­, v,- I I of t r roll Yc.a., ; Co Iur lon. rr lit'in, I m), %0 , '',yor T-.cl.�-- c. -c7 Of'' Ion: r, ­,ny on ­io ,L 7o.:', In of yly in tc,. n C 7L , -vi c n 7n, on, i -A. or L: ;,'-. y o" co 0,1-.07. 40, O'rt! 7 Y 7orl, T N.% _ Proceedings of - City of Paducah ym M on Rutter nn(l ?:•.yor ,:oLi.c- .. c' ... pled, _. ,. ..... - _- _7 -, __ .. '_r' .. .:L ='l 149 r.'..._ _ LIl'L ..._ ,......_... .. _ .... ..... .. .., _ ll - I - - o-- ov:;r. I.d.ontorl on tlic; call 1. •-rnin, ..; 1:-on,.� CT .... x'77' ^t:' y, c Lo in;: orn+l^,- ovr t•, on I t _ :r.00) ym M