HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 134, September 4, 1928W. _132_ - - Proceedings of. .- BOA1,D Or -City of Paducah 87PT.,4,lVkO . 1 At an adjourned meeting, of tho board of Corm�an9ionors held in the Com- a mtssioncral Char+br-a• in the City-Fall•t•pild.i.nt; in the City of Paduenh, Kentucky }} at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 4th day of : cptcmber, 1928, ;?nyor l,ncl:ey provided i and upon call of the roll the folio•:^Sn;; nnsnered to their ranea: Comminei,oners Rannin, Nelson, Rutter and :"ayor I,±:ciccy, (4). Minutes of the previous mectinge Necro atiooted as read P Commisaionor Putter offered motion that the payrolls for the last half Payrolls of August, 1928, in the amount of $13793.21 be alloerod and the Commissioner Last half Aug. ' of Public Finance be authorized to pay same. Adopted on the; call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Kannin, Kelson, Rutter snd i'ayor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the amount of 5;15.50 fox- ccm- missions due the United States Mortgage & Srust Company of Kecr York, N.Y. U.:.??. & T.Co. comr.•issi,n on for payment of u31,000.00 11.0. & O.R.Railroad Refundin;5 fonds, matur'_nr, !.ugrist .0.&O.R.n.s. . L^no's 1, 1928, be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to nay some. Ci L ,8 `t q o --J-14 —0-/ -Z ° --# -r Cormnissioner Putter offered motion that the t -ird payment of *1750,00 and New Took & the accrued interest, $630.00, which becomes due on Sept. 7, 1928, in accordance Ladder Truck payment with the terms of the contract for the -urchnse 8f the new Hook & Ladder Truck from the General Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, Mo., be allorred and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the Contingent lAmd. Adopted on the ca 1 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Velson, Rutter and ?."nyor Lackey, (4). Com:vissioncr Kelson offered motion that the report of Gus Pogers, Chief Police Dept. of Police, for the month of August, 1928, be received nbd filed. Adopted on report Aug. the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, tielson, flutter and Lackey, (4). Commissioner tielson offered motion that the -report of Tom KinG, City Jniler, City Jail for the month of August, 1928 be received end filed, Adopted on the call of report ':ug. the roll: Yens; ComaSssioncra Hannin, 11olson, Butter and Peyor Lackey, (4). Commissioner ;?cl:on offeree'. motion that, the report of J.it.`".laurhter, ripe rccnr!t !,Sigia . ire Chief, for the month of August, 19%18 be received and filer'.. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners i?anrin, Kolr.cn, Luttor and !'ayor :'(,Y orfere otion that the report of thr, Y.cOrne;•en County Public : c or' :u, -mot, 1928 be rcco'vc^ Jnr? file,% Voptod on Hnnnin, NcG,csn, 1utt:cm nnrl yor A,ion tlmt the report of S.he City 1'.onp•d or Pr,n".tl: I;e recnivcd ^nd filet:. Adoptc: nc: tl,r call of ' con, !'uttor sn � !Ingo.. ;,. eLr.Y, (•1). f. otic:'.: 1 anvr tl.• t e rc:' ,tion 7. .;C Y p' to I No. Proceedings of - City of Paducah ' " "'' introduce, and, lay over. :CortoG on the cna.l of the roll: Yons; Commissioners Rannins Nelson, Rutter and layor Lackeys (4). Commissioner Nelson offered the following motion; I move that a resolution entitled, "A,R?SOL'JTIOIi -OVIDING FOR T'I'T CONFTPUCTION OF CONCPFTF. CURB MID GUTTER oil L01i•1i SZDFS OF NORTH THIRTEINTH STREET, FI?Ol.: THE 17E:.T PROPERTY LINE OF AT3INS AVI':11UE 7!.13th St. .:rb & TO TH^ FF ." NT CITY LI. --IT LINE, WHICH LINE IS APPF.OXIMATFLY 149 F'PET `SIFT OF THF TIFST '•ztter ,.... "'`' _ �`^ ", L.'!UE IN M -'CITY OF' PAIiUCAA, tA.oCR1.CICEl COUTITY, Ii�,ITUCKY, "IITH '7! '7:0T7- , ,.::',I rS, CATCH BASIIIS AND SE77FR PIPE 1.111) ALS PIECE:': PRY L.SU1.L• AND CI:FP,ICAL SERV ICP IN CONPlECTIOH TM1,1 '' T'H,f,T TIF," C"i OF ?.1.U':-_I:'C `SY U.'?:RS 1.ND PROVIDING THAT `AI.M BE COTI.TP,UCTFL UPON THE TL?1 Y_:_ 'r__ t PI"'X be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Ua-•iaztloncrs Hannin, Nelson, Futter and Mayor Lackeys (4). Owimissioner nelson offered the following motion: I move that a resolution ert"iticd, "A RvEOLUTIOII PROVIDING FOR THE IMPP.OVEM?NT'OF NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET, - - .- ' T CURB LI'"'? OP AT'KIIIS AV:IRIE TO THE PRESENT CITY LIMIT LINE, ::RICII LINE IS ^, 7' ` LY 149 F -ET :'177,ST OF THE WEST PRO:ERTY LINE OF REED AVFITUE IN' THE CITY OF TI COUNTY, K NTUCIY BY THE GRADIVG : I'D GRGVSLIIiG OF <1.IIE , TOG'c'T'li?R "'ITH :. .;1r.-"r•...-''IL'�, I.DV777TPT'TI: i1T-: T;'G.'.T...,::: CT,7FIC'L `ERVICE IN CO—TCTT_ON �- -- '1'.7 - ; 'rr" -':G 111O1'- _ .. -... ..TID PROVIDING T -..LT ,-1.1.T BT. CON- ', �1CTEL'UPO17 _ .. II I: ;.R Pll^7:1'i LAN" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannins Nelson, Rutter and Payor Lackey, (4). Commissioner Nelson offered motion that a rosolution entitled, A F'-` OLUTION PROVIDING FOP TFF CONSTRUCTION OP A DRIV^.?1:Y ON NORTH THINTEFidTH : TRETE I•'ROM Tom' FArT PPOPFPT'Y LINE OF `:'ILTTTT STPET-1 TO THE Ef:ST PROFFRTY LIVE OF PAW STRETT, 13th Pt Ilett ND ON TIIE CAIP.O FORD FROM THE FAST' PROPI'FTY LINE OP PALLI CTFLFT TO TRY T PROPERTY :.t.to "nam .`.t. 11=7 O, ; :'I:I^`_ ;.TI."IRTE AND TO THF. PRFSM1V CITY LIPITS, IPI TTIF CITY OF PAJ�UC.;,!, P'cCR.�,CKEP1 OUN77, ; 7 1:: TP I7 ".ITI? '.LT. 1lIC '::;,RY CURB, GUTTTTi, DRIVF'71:Ys, L1IPIROLFS, I:ii:. C:... , CATCH I: PIPS :.i': :LL ?i]';",:L' ARY EIIGIILF. F:IIiG, ADVEFiTISZNG ; iID LLG'.L :'.d1) CT.aRICA _ . . 'ITN .:T TF.7 C,.. T OF T HT ADU'I'.,' NG r! 01:..,. o .. ".T 1:7. C dT: Tl"":1Ca UPON T?'.F. T'±11 '.G'. R PAW!- ELLEN" Navin;; boon . ?.nt,ci,:cc•l rnd 1^id over for one w ek in its coarpletcd foi:n, I now move that said r,7ollitinn tc r.dopted, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yoas; GOMni--aloncrs Flannins "lcic :n, . utter ,r_•; lloyo,, Tac;-cy, (G ). On r ,;ion moctin_ !vl!ourr-ed. 1928 APPROVED -L (1