HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 130, August 27, 1928Proceedings of no.,rP OF No. -.1u0 . City of Paducah tjIGU:T 27,1928 At a rebtular meeting of the hoard of Commissioners held in the Co:rstissioners' Chamber in the City Rall 1•uilding in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 2 01clocl, P.M., on the 27th day of August, 1928; Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to thoir names; Commissioners Bradshaw, Eannin, Nelson, Rutter and LTayor Lackey, (5), Minutes of the previous meeting; were adopted so read. Commissioner Rutter offered the following motion: Mrs Floss 0. Tully having tendered 13.44.74'in full settlement of pecial Sewer Tax Bill Ito. I'.rs Floss O.Tully 5271 against property in Sewcr Zone IIo.48 knovm as Lot I1o.1, block 2, Oaklnnd Terrace Addition, and against vrhich said tax bill was made out in the nano of Mrs Madeline T. Curd and the said Mrs Curd having sold said property and conveyed same to Mrs Tully before said ,azessment ordinance visa passed and Firs Tully not having actual notice of said assessment, I now move that her check for $144.74 be accepted in full settlement of said special tax bill and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to receipt said tax bill in full and deliver some to i;rs Tully. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshativ, Rennin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the communication from the Paducah 'aster Company bearing date of August 18, 1928, concerning the paying Paducah -:later Co., of water mains and placing of fire plugs be received and filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5): Mayor Lackey offered motion that the communication from the Paducah .7ster Co., Paducah forks Company bearing date of August 25, 1928, concerning the laying of water mains and placing of fire plugs be received an£ filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshav^, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and :.:ayor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the Financial Report of the PrIucah ".^.tor Co., Paducah ;later Company for the year ending June 30th, 1928, be received and Finnneial Pepo,rt filed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commmissionors Bradshav, Fannin, Nelsen, Rutter and favor Lackey, (5). Mayor Lnckoy offered motion that the communication from the Pa?uc oter Co., Paducah ','gator .forks Company, bearing date of August 20th, 1928 and addressed to the Ifnyor and. "General Council" of the City of Paducah, signed by Mascoe Burnett as rresident and ntsested by J.D.IIocquot as secretary, be received, filen, and recerdr.d. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Corrnlanionore P.rrO�!hn.:, 11rinnIn, Nelson, Rutter rand 11ayor Lackey, (5). Mayor I.ac4ey offerod motion thnt the Fewer of Attorney of the 'arylane C�...rmaUy Pcr.,pany to Y..Y: poars, Jesse :':oil, t7.B.Nolnon find Foro-V l''pil Poser of Attorney Vsryl,ArA !`�nu,!',y be received:, :ile' and rocorr;ed. Adopted on the cnll or the roll. Yeas; Co. to Y..:spears, .t al Corrir.^.icr, I:, rr. s1:a , I"an tn, 1:0—ion, Rutter m:=1 Mayor Lockey, (g), Cs-_- Ixr,lcnor Brndahan offered the following ::oticn: A ranolution OF T111' F, r.'• .. :, _ (IR :. -.. bN t'f'�:'.-:Y LITtT' <iN ^yr, L• •.1NS jj: .. PIPE A`d Y um_ CLk7'IG;.L ._ ;IO_: :N C '[:::.. IO.. `.i". ITN AT TNiS COLT No. 131 Proceedings of BO PD or COIi'U'FIo':LrS City of Paducah , sE NTUC.^:i, ,UGU,.T 27TH, 3928 OF THE ABUTTING "ROPIMTY Ol;NERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME vAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN •1:u1R r!1.YLIFNT PLAN, EUT SAID I?'PROVEIENT SHALL CONSIST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID STRE T OR DRIVE''+4AY ONLY FROM THE INI'ST PROP'.: RTY LINE OF T'i!ERTX-FIFTH STR'iET TO THE FAST Pliom TY L1TIE OF P'.'"ENTY-EIGHTH STREET, BUT THE SAID IMPROV1,7.71,IIT FROM THE Yf1:ST PROPERTY LINE OF T'.'.ENTY-EIGHTH STREET TO THE EAST PP.OPKRTY LINE ff THIRTY-SECOND STREP.T SHALL BE lY DE AS HEREIN FIRST ABOVE PROVIDED" having been introduced and laid over for one week in its completed form, I noir move that said resolution be adopted. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshay, Fannin, Nelson, Rutter and I.'ayor Lackey, i iI (s). Corvmissioner Brndshwv offered the following motion: The Southern Roads Company, contractors, having completed the construction of the driveway and atreeta I.a?iscm St., on Madison Street from the Went property line of 5th Street to the East property 5th to 8th., G."th� ',, line of 8th Street, and on 6th Street from the North property line of Madison Street 'ento Trlrible, to the South property line of Trimble Street, and on 7th Street from the north property 7th 2t., .adison to line of 'Madison Street to the South property line of Clay Street, and notice having Olay. ?card _ rurface Sts heretofore been given on the 20th day of August, 1928 that the Board of Commissioners ncepeted. would in the fore noon on V nday, August 27, 1928 inspect said streets and driveways and all ^rork incident thereto and would be in session at 2 O'clock P.M., on the 27th day of August, 1928 in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, kentucky to hear any complaints or protests with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said. notice, and said Board of COImaizsioners having so inspected said work and finding same has been completed in accordance with said contract, I noir move that said streets and all work done in connection th<reyith be accepted; same being known as Paving Contract No.2, Southern Roads Company contractors, and that the Engineer's estimated cost of same be corfirmed'and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collection and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the prop-rty as shown by the Engineer's estimates. ' Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Bradsh,w, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Bradshay offered the following motion: I move the adoption ent of an ordinance entitled, "AN OF.P.IFA1!CE A",ESSIIIG THE Arm- IN PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES rco a,6ti, Or' !<"Xr; ::I " ..7 llT, iR0?'. THE ", EST iROPF' TY LINE OI FIFTH STREY:T T'0 THE EAST PROPERTY .:ts. LItIt' OF "IG::i? ?i LET, 1 -ND ONSIXTI[ STRIi-T FRW THE NORTH PROIRTY LING; OF I11ADISCU 510.1 TO TII'.i .'.'CUTIS P!�OFT[RTY LINT: OF TRIMBLE STREET, AND OR SMNTR STREET FF°ON THE WORTH PRONERTY LINE OF M•,DILCN STR1:,TT TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE. OF CLAY STRFET, IN THF CI1Y OF PAGUCP, WcCP,C?1'N C SP.;TY,'M--1TUCFY, FOR TNI' COFT OF CONSTRUCTION OF PAVY:D S'- — TS,-1—'•f::C^:.:;;ARY CURB, GUTTER, MANHOLES, IIITAKYT, CATCH BAtINS, SR'.TR PIPE, ANDSL'.. 17 C. IP. i"l IiIG, AW.1--e.T�T_II0 AND L: GAL AND CLERICAL 5"RVICE IN $4.8276287 PrP, ' r[r j _ T;:G : T. C. 4.5431018 n n n 4.4759596 . •4.5931818 " n n 0. 5----- P!, r, LIN. I�T. 0.30 Pi. -F, 112, i 0.50 P!:?: LIN. ?T. O. CO x n n .. 0. 0.45 n n u : $0.0:51,122708 PIs': Ii01IAF: OF- UCTION CO.T. EX: ?,A :-6P$ ;.ND ENGT'.+E' t.ItiG -,H-- b:... =1T OF . ,LrE, AS No.. _132 Proceedings of_ _BOARD -OF COMMISSIONL%RS City of Paducah AUGUST 27..1928 On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED _.e4� y 1928 APPROVED -Z MAYOR QTY C SHOPiN BY THE kNGIII137:1113 ESTIMATES ON FILA? IN THE OFFICE OF THT' COIRI.IS�IOTTER OF PUBLIC -70RKS, AND PROVIDING TNAT SAID ASSESSMELT MAY BE PAID FOR IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLI-MT'S, BEIIIG ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEIT YEARS" Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Brndshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Iayor Lackey, (5). Commission•.r Bradsha,: offered the following motion: I move that a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVM-7AY ON NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET FROM THI EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 'iTILLETT STREET TO THE N. 13th Street EAcT PROPERTY LINE OF PALM STREET, AND ON THE CAIRO ROAD FROM THE EAST FROPERTY resolution for hard surface LINE OF PAT24 STRFET TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF ATKINS AVENUE AND TO THE introduced PRESENT CITY LIMITS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, McCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY 'KITH ALL NECESSARY CURB, GUTTER, DRIVENAYS, MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SETTER PIPE AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICE IIT CONNECTION THLEW11TH AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 07RTERS AND PROVIDIIIG THAT SAIF BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TELT YEAR PAYITIENT PLAIT" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5): On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED _.e4� y 1928 APPROVED -Z MAYOR QTY C