HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 126, August 20, 1928No... 126 Proceedings of_ BOARD OF cocullsaloNLrs _. City of Paducah AUGUST 20,1928 �At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall building In the City of Paducah,Kentucky at 2 o'clock P.!., on the 20th day of August, 1928, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 1!ayor Lackey, (5).1 Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read; Commissioner. Rutter offered motion that the following claims duly Claims-Realth approved by the Health Department for total amount of $55.97 be allowed and the Dept. Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper fund'. Hart -Lockwood Go. ;;1.25 Kolb Bros.Drug Co. 3.36 Pauline Lovelace 15.00 Standard 011 Co. 36.36 Adopted on the call of, the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson,. Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Conmrissioner Ruttor offered otion that the labor claim of R.L.Stonley for $56.00 duty approved by the Park, Board, be allowed and the Commissioner of R.L.Stanley claim Public Finance be authorized to pay, some and charge to the proper fund'. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradsha-, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5): , Comanissioner Rutter offered the following motion: It Appearing that Special Sewer Tax Bill No.4724 duo to the City on property assessed as belonging Robt.L.Reeves to Orline A. Clark, was improperly made out against the said Orline A. Clark; and Sewer Tax Bill It anpearing that the property bel,nged to Robert L. Reeves at the time said assessment visa made, and long prior thereto, and the said Robert L. Reeves having tendered his check for $128.66, being the amount of said bill exclusive of interest and penalty, and said Reeves claiming that he had no notice or knorlodg0 of said assessment, I now move that said sheen for $128.66 be accepted in full settlesent and discharge of said special sewer tax bill 11o.4724 by the City of Paducah, and that the Comndasionor of Public Finance be authorized to receipt said special sewer tax bill. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Com- niscionern Bradshaw, Hannin, Nilson, Rutter and Nnyor I:nckey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered the following r:otlon: It appearing that J,1i.tm lleri'Sox special se-icr tax bill against J.H.Mullen and wife, for Lot 78 Block 8, which lot rill, abutts upon 19th street, or Guthrie Avenue, and also upon "C" Street, was assessed for said ir;-rovement under Tax Bill 5327, and was Paid by Mrs Rosa Mullen on April 19th, 1927, end visa also assessed by Tax Bill 11"0.5621; and it appearing that er!V last named '2r -.x Bill is a duplication of snit: asseaament, and that said taxes have actually been ;aid, I now stove that the Commissioner of Public pinanco now to Mthorized to canecl. said 'l'ax Oill No15621 and endorse thereon that same It: a duplicate of c�r116 7e.a ::111 EEo.5iS27 In Cowor Zone 110.4. Adopted on the en?1 of the roll: Yoe^; !,:or_:,is::lwu.ra roradshaz;, i1nnnin, Nelson, Ehtttor and i'nyor lack y, (5). Cc r.1:^ismer ratter offered motion that the iaaims for the ronth of J •. -'`=+ be nllcwed in the !:n-urt of �11829.i6, an;l the CO"islinsionor of Public . l :•r. -r. 't •.ut=c;'S.zet "0 ay suRr;. Adopt.e" on 'he call of the roll: Yoga; I.a"..,r an:', _:aycr Lackey, (5). Gor7rAe'i1ner 711tter nff.rei icn .. .he payrolls for the firat cayrolls-first half o' t }:alt' cf ;st _.. it the, a -e ,7 AULr • ;:xr.t .cf Y9r J.i''J, cn allowed, an!' t1,a VO• i SSini]er of _..:.c hie:r."e t. i.,.: rPized t0 .ey dsWc. r'`0❑t+ , or. the call of t" roll; N'% 127 _ . Proceedings of BOARL' QIP COP1t1r:Iu"FTs City of Paducah, 'ajjTUCKY, AUGULT 20TH, 1928 Yens; Commissioners L•radshnw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the Cash OrOers in tho amount of Cash Ord. ,$,36.15 be allowed and the. Commissioner of Public A'inanco be re-imtursed, same to be charged to the proper departments. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Cormissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5)-.- Commissioner 5):Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the claim of C.Holt for amount of `935.00, as per contract for building Past House, duly approved by the Commissioner U.Rolt Pest Hous of Public Progerty,•be allowed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized e claim. to dram a check on the Special Pest House Fire Insurance Fund at Peoples National Bank in payment of same. Adopted on the callof the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report of Collections and Collect- Disbursements for the month of -July, 1928, be received and filed. Adopted on the ions k Disburse- call of -the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bi•adshav, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, rents (5)'. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report on the Special Street Fund Account for the month of July, 19280 be received and filed. Adopted on the call Special St.rund of the -roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and 1.8yor Lacke7,(5); Acct. Commissioner Rutter offered motion that the report on the Koller Delinquent Koller Sewer Assessment Bund Account for the month of July, 1928, be received and filed'. De 1. S errer AssessmentAdopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson. Rutter rund. and n, yor Lackey, (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: The Commissioner of ' Coal Bids Public Property having advertised for sealed bids for coal to be furnished to the City of Paducah for the coming year, and having received numerous bids and same having been opened according to said notice and it appearing that the bid of the 'lest Kentucky Coal Company to furnish Laine -run coal at $2.88 per ton and lump or egg at $3.20 per ton and nut at :3.10 per ton, is the lowest and best bid, 1 now move that said proposal be received and filed -and that the Mayor be instructed to sign a contract with the said lest Kentucky Coal Company in necordnnee with said bid. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradshnw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lnckey, (5). Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, raeucnh "A P:" C U1l(,N P?'.UIPIIIG THE PADUCAH •TATER C011PkNY TO EXTEND ITS MAINS OH CI?RTFZN ':r,.tcr Co. extend '.L II; C19'Y OF PADUCAH." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissicn- crn brodcL,', Hannin, Nelson, Putter and Mayor Lackey, (5). Co=isni ner bradohrw offered motion that the contract for the construct - 4 '" _.r,:;.,icn of c,.,^bleed cowers in `Lone 4"A" having boon executed and the bond having been duly cn+.rr.ct signed and reproved with a.J.Merkle as principal and the Maryland Casualty Company y!lsi. as n:irety thereon, I now move t"r..nt thrc avid bond and contract, together with the ori innI bid rrd nil ::;ecific•tirns enol. dotoils attached thereto be now filed by the tonr'. c£ Cc .:S as ie •rs; one: I further rovv tb" t the Lid check of E.J.Morkle be returned to him. !:"acted on the: c^!2 of the roll: '?er:s; Cori:li:^vionora i<radahw,,, Hnnnin, NelLon, ",:attar r ;or L cl-ri, {S) trrae'arow o `ri:'ed the followin{; rotir:n: Yancy brothers, .ider"'Glk aldewnik, Buri: and r?7tr.er cn tndiaen .t7'r•et Lrtwe:en .'- 4l---. r, t3rdLeet ?:a vin };.: t- a acc._tcd -... - .`, .. R rztofore boon --tvi•n on the 14th day o:' c£ ".orris lc a!:rs would, In the fore noon on Monday, :;u, ;:.et "'0' 1'J'"8, ir.apect ..;,ii s1.,lex.a:k, curt and Vater and a:l :�•ork Incident thereto, ane: ..-__ to in acs -t -n :.,, 2 0+ 1. k P.Y., Mon'ly. l:umlat :0, 2528, in the Cm_ri-slonern No._ 128. Proceedings of _ BOARD. OF CO illi SIGNERS _ City of Paducah Auc,20,192s Chnmber in the City Rall Building 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky to hear complaint or protest with reference to the doing and acceptance of said work and the cost thereof as set out in said notice, and said. Board of Con:nissioncrs having so inspected said r'zork and finding that the intcrsoction at the S.F.Corner of 9th and b:adisIoh'Streets has not been completed on account of the fact tont a large service pole of the Kentucky' Utilities Company situated therein has to be moved and that the same cannot be moved for several days, and the contractor having agreed to finish said erork in a manner acceptable to the City as soon as said pole is removed from said intersection, I now move that the said sidewalk, curb and gutter and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins with sewer pipe Ased therein and consisting of the work done under said contract with Yancy Brothers, designated by the Commissioner of Public Clobksl as Contract No.l, be accepted and the Engineerts estimated cost of said construction be confirmed and that said estimates be tixrned7 over to the Commissioner of Public Finance for collect'l.on, and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing the property as shown by the Engineer's estimate. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshae:, Hanin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5): Mayor Lackey offered motion to adopt an ordinance entitled, "AIT Electrical Inspect- ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF ALL ELECTRIC CARING AND or. APPLIANCES ":ITHIN TITF CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PArUCAH, KEIITTCKY." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshnr, Ha:nin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5); Commissioner Bradshaw offered motion to adopt a resolution entitled, Paducah ..-star Co. "A RESOLUTION REQUIRING THE PACUCAH wATIR COMPAIIY TO EXTFND ITS MAINS Oil CERTAIN extend maind 51HEFTS III THE CITY OF PADUCAH." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bradshaw, Hannin, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5): Commissicner Bradshaw offered the following motion: I move the Assessment ordinance adoption og an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE A`SEifi'RiG THE ABU"'71II0, PFOP=RTY side•oalk-a'ndison St. ON BOTH SIDES OF MADISON STREET FROM THE :NEST CURB LINE OF THIRD STP.EFT TO THE FAST PEOP:FTY LINE OF FIFTH STREET, AND FROM THIS -IE-,T CURB LINE OF EIGHTH STRFnT TO THE 11U. T PROPERTY LIN_' OF ELEVENTH STR"ET FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDF,ALK, CURB AND GUTTER AND ALL NFCESSARY VANHOLES,INTAKES, SE"FT,S, CATCH BAfTNS AND SEAT. PIPE, INCLUDING ALI, NECESf^ARI ADVFRTI ING, EITGINFTiRII'G AND LEGAL AND CLI'RICAL• SERVICE IN C"IRTFCTION THFRFC;ITH, AND ON BOTH SID`Z OF L1/,RI:OIT 8'1'F.TTT, ?POM TEF '+7'.�LT CUPB LINF OF FIFTH STREET TO VIE EAST CURB LINE OF EIGHTH Z.T11,TTT FOR 'lits: (Wl. C^ CON"TLUC'iIOV OF ALL NECE:SAFY SIlr­,'ATK AND DRIV":'`R.YS, IITCTADING STIGINE'FRING, AND LEGAL i,ITD CL'SpICAL SEI.VICE IN COII- $0.141 pr:r sq, ft. 0.32 per lin. ft. 0.25 per bq, ft. 0.23 per lin. ft. 0.85 per lin. ft. 0.5°- per lin. ft. 40.028039803 fl:n Ae.U'i'! INC; FT. MY] 1011 COST ICE OF THE, ^IU IN TEN Al )pt cd on the cz tb.. No. 129 Proceedings of _ BOARD OF C0:"'I; `'IOTli S City of Paducah KPIITUCKY, AUGUST 20TH,1928. CBmaissioner nradshaw offered motion that a resolution ontitled,."A RE:OLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTI-UC'TIO11 AND RECUNS'TRUCTION OF THE D111VEC1AY,OR STREET, Brosd:vay ON BDOAD'._7AY STRI:'_T, FROM TRE 1TEST PROPERTY LINE OF 7.,T-NTY-FIFTH ST'BETT TO THE EAST 25th to 32nd. PFOP7RTY LINE OF THIRTY-SECO111) STR;:ET IN THE CITY OF PAi':UCAH,**CHACKEII COUNTY, riNTUCKY, "IT1i ALL NECESSARY CURB, GUTTER, DRIVEYL;YS, 10.11HOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, AND SE' ?ER PIPE AND ALL NF'CESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SLRVICL IN CONVECTION THERE:IITH AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OJIT:R5 AND PRO- VIDING THAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THEJEN YFd1R PAYh9F.11T PLAN, BUT SAID IMPPOVFM11T SHALL CONFSST OF TILE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID STREET, OR DRIVEWAY, ONLY, FR01d THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OI' T';;IENTY-FIN'TH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF TIJEN1111- lGHTH STF,STT, BUT THE SAID IMPROV MENT FROM THE 'JEST PROPERTY LINE OF TYIENTY-FIGHTH STREET TO THE F'T PROPrRTY LIVE OF THIRTY-SECOND STREET SHALL BE MADE AS HERi'.IN FIRM ABOVE PRO%IDED" be introduced and lay over. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas; Commissioners uradshaw, He min, Nelson, Rutter and Mayor Lackey, (5). On motion meeting adjourned. 1928 APPROVED bul I U h v