HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 18, Page 106, July 9, 1928No... 106 Proceedings of _ . N_',rr_ er, co -T• "!Om,_ ._-City of Paducah J;TTx 3T11,1- ,"O At a rc„ul•:r ,roeting of the board of Comla.rionerc-n held In the 000A- micsionersx Chamber in the City hall Bullding In the City of T'nduenh, 70e1tucicy at 2 o'clock P.??., on the 9th tiny of Ju17, 1928, linyor I:nckoy prenided and E ter upon cr._1 of tine roll the following answered to bnoir nnmaS: Comniacionera �. Bradshaw, F,nnin, ITelson, Ruttor and Pryor Lackey, (5). _inuhos of the previous meetin6 ,acre adopted as read, Commissioner Rueter off, red motion thnt the Cotmnirnloner of 1,10clic Ichool Impv,Bcnds Finance be authorized to pny the interest eoupins for six montio on the 'ch�cl of 1926 int.ccu- pens Improvc:me:nt Bonds of 1926, which become duo on July 13, 1928'. Outstanding $175.,000.00 Interest rate 4 3/4 Annual interest 8,312:50 Semi-annual " 4,156;25 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; CowTctis-Goners Bra,lchaw, Hn,nitt, llcicon, Rutter and "ayor Lackey, (5)'. Cominissioner Ruttor offered the follov:ing "otion:'I move that the school Impv.Bonds Corr,issioner of Fublic Finance be authorized to pay the interest epupons for of l9`O int.couponz 3 L months on the School Improvement ronds of 1920, :•hich become duo on July 15, 1928. Outstanding u187,50C.00 Intcrect rate 51i Annual interest 9,375':00 Semi-annual " 4,687.50 Adopted on the cnll of the roll: Yeas; Cormisslon,rs Bradshaw, Fars tn, Hcicon, Ratter r.r.•i ",yor Lackey, (5): Cotsniscionor Nal --on offered' motion thnL the report of J,?T.Sln,x;;nter, Pitre Lerr_rtment Chief of the Piro Popsrtmont, for the month of June 1928, be received and filed. rerort Adopted on tht, cal of the roll: Yens; Commis_,ioncrs Bradshaw, ITnnu'_n, llalzon, Rutter nn rnekcy, (5). Comauissiottor Brnd:Aiaw o.ffsr•c•J the followlnu3 moL-ion: I recve t.!,st tite cc.:.:anicntion from :r.T.TTubbard rcT-nr•Oin(, tiro :,.," -Ing on the IT.F.ecrr,cr of tit;, C. rz'nn B:ro:.,,_ .,. intcrsoction of 10th Ptr,et and Broadway be rccc:vo' rnfl filed, and tt,nt Said cc ion be reeorftc! in the minutes with ti is motion, •,:d I furthcr novo cit,y ccacur in and agree to the prorosita: o" a _. .Tiubbard'. To the !' f, r nn,l rcard r,f ., . 'onors of ti'e City of :a 111091;, Lacicy the PaII. J'Ing " ItsspBctor of ti,a Oit7 of PadLLCaio, c,._ ,te:•i t,. -'10" of a bulling, at the I.r.comer of the intersection ,:f of the building previously err.;:c . Awtc xt of r 10a0ing oantraet propcaititm $' .as Co tract 'tb* tuild ng rad Ogen brothalt sirs# lore: ..6.^r AirJ' No. 1C? Proceedings of T. City of Paducah auLY �s',losa n r; appeni•� t .. is approximntcly 1.6 feet ovar in 10th :t, tJ;at i�; to say, the foundation of said building extends over into the 7>ast cine of loth _"t.rcet approxi atcly 1.6 .feet and is 119,04 feet in length. On account of the i -..e zc loss tS nt I •-cul''. . astain and t}.at :culd be occocionod to nacn Brotlwrs by ?., _ n of s:id e:ali and niovin3 same back to tho csti;:ntod property line, a iaance of anproxi_ately 1.6 feet, I propose that said viall may be removed at nny time the city may no •tesire after the expiration of the leasing term of Oren Erothers, to - ,,"It: fifteen years from this date, on condition t'nnt the city aill alloy; the all to' .. r.: «•ere Buri±.jL said term. This proposition is zub:nitted for the parpose of onnbling the city and celf to have an unuei•standing as to our respective riChts. Yours very truly, Sam T. 1lubbard on cnli of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Bradsha:r, Fannin, Nelson, RutLer and (5). 1 o:,i:iscioner Bradshaw off,. c:. the follov;ing rioticn: An ordinance it:.c:,, .•:.:: 77. 'q-• "p!r2^7TG _ COF �70!.. ...'MAP.Y Sono _. - 'C?T. '77.72J , _ _ r: 'J7.. , _. •rr _ .. '"'f' _ C."' ._r' _ _-.. ALO iG._ - f : -__ 777 F ^T FLj.I.,:.i<:i ' : .. -: , -.r"_ l'T ..i.. ,._..2G TP.J_•'rt ,.T,T T.; ... S _ I..BY AND dUBJ_.'Ci TO `;1'- r: T,- :'T rr ,?a;n been inLaoC.ceoct ry%d l:iu over for one Creek in its eomploted form, I novi move that :;aid be adoptee. J.donted on call of the 'roll: Yeas; Con-miseioneru Dradshaw, _yin, '7,,! .fn, Putter and 71.nyor• Lackey, (8L./ Vr;yov lackey offered motion t; it the report of the ITcCracken oounty .. '_n_ue for the ucnth of Juno, it)28 be recoi.ved aryl fed. Gdootcd on Corminnicnern Bradshac, Ilntrtin, IJclion, r.u:;er and ?'ayor ;;', Cn n. ._:at :.ecti-. ad•jcurned. .PP"Cl' L��Ge, i