HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 99, September 3, 1924No.. 89. Proceedings of BOARD OF ALDERMEN _ City of Paducah—_ SEPTEMBER, 1 , 1924.1 92 At a regular meeting to be held by the Board of Aldermen on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., on September the 1st, 1924, the Clerk called the Board to order, and as there was no quoram present the Board on motion adjourned until '.ednesday night, September the 3rd, 1924, at 7:30 P. M. CITY CLERK At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Wednesday, September the 3rd, 1924, President Cole.called the meeting to order. Upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cole, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). pn motion the minutes of August 18th, 1924 were adopted as read. member Davis read an ordinance entitled ',All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND GUTTERS, AND CURBS OF EITHER CONCRETE OR ii GRANITE, ACCORDING TO THE BID ACCEPTED, INCLUDING ALL INTERSECTIONS NOT HERETOFORE Mnl;raRgesidewalks etc. a Burnett CONSTRUCTED, AS SHOWN BY THE PLANS OF THE CITY ENGINEER THEREFOR; TOGETHER l7ITH ALL St. etc. NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, CAST IRON DRAIN PIPES AND ShMTER PIPE CON- NECTIONS, ON THE FOLLOWING NAMED STREETS, TO -WIT: ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BURNETT STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 10TH STREET TO THE EAST SURB LINE OF 14TH S'MEET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BURNETT STREET FROM THE WEST CURB LINE OF 10TH STREET TO A POINT WHERE BURNETT STREET INTERSECTS THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 13TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BURNETT STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF FAXON STREET; BOTH SIDES OF FLOURNOY STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LIGE OF 12TH STRE�,T TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 13TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY, AT THE i.OST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SAME MAY BE PAID IN AC- CORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE 10 YEAR PAYMeNT PLAN," On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Cole, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Colo, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of tce roll: Yeas: Cole, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). J Same read an ordinance entitled "Ali ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING :<O1 -.-,PTY ON BO;H SIIic3 OF NORTH 12TH STR ,3 FROM THE* NORTH PROPE=RTY LINE OF JEFFERii ss,133-7,ant Ordina_:ro. SON 3;rt�,'P TO :Ei: SCL':H PkSPERTY LINE ON Y,:UICi611 TRNI:T; Oil BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH 12Tai Ih .4CU'::: - ::•YLRTY L::L: OF TENZIESfik.1% STRELT TO THE NORTH YHOPERTY LINE'' OF dGS _.... ON eu.;. i5.:'; 01' :,.. '.:;: 11TH :TREPA' FROM Testi NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF J? '' .O:ii r. :N;: OF LADIII017 ;;'I'i F...T; 017 BOTH SIDES OF NOK -F ✓.:i .:..f.:... °`' RTI y LItti OV J7 V r,f!SON 3TRKt: T TO THE SOUTH PRO - Pi --.TY L71,,� i,.. --• •- _---.T; CY! ''. .. ' OF NORTH 8TH STRnET FROM TILE NORTI; PRO- P'r."R'TY LIN,. J:_:: .. :uUirl r ,O?'i;':TY L11iE OF MnDIS0l7 sTRG.".T; ON BOTH F =r 04 ' :l LINA. OF J FFnR,1011 STiiEET TO THE SLUT- F" ::iE C 1,a?; ...]::'. .TLE3 Ge 30UTH TTH STRr T FrIODI THE F..:cZPTf LINE OF �:ASHINGTON _._?; i _.-.. .:_.._ :;;.... P:.r .._ LINA OF Jr v.3SOH No---- --- iProceedings Proceedings of __-_ DOW of —+LnF:�I.Jt•N City of Paducah-- SEPTEMBER 3,-_-----,1924. STREET TO THb: SOUTH PHUPE-iTY LI14E OF MADISON STREET; 01; BOTH SID-I'S OF SOUTH 6TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THIS. NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF NASHINGTON STREET, AND BOTH SIDES OF NORTH 5TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINT: OF 4-'ADISON STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF tr4.718661 PER ABUTTING FOOT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STREET DRIVEl7AY ':LITH CONCRETE, TOGETHER TII"EH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTIiKES, CATCH BASINS, AND SEt7ER PIPE CONNECTIONS; AS S:iO":N BY THE CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF SAME, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE P .ID FOR BY THE' CITY OF PADUC:di, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ESTIMATE MAY BE PAID lY TEN ANNU,,L INST:.LLIIEi;TS; BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS." On motion of same, same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). On motion of same the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). On motion of same, same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). Mer.:ber Yonp offered motion to receive report of the Police and Fire Uommittee Four Lieut. and approve their action of authorizing the Chief of the Fire Department to appoint for Fire Dept. four Lieutenants, one for each Station at no additional cost in salary. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to receive and file the August report of the Chief of Aunust Police. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). report of Polite Ch'e£. Same offered motion that the application of Fred Merry be received and he be nut on extra list of the Police Department. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas(5). Fred :terry Sante offered motion to receive report of the Police & Fire Committee and Repairs to have necessary repairs made to the Patrol 1,7agon, at a cost not to exceed 580.00. Adopted Patrol wngon'on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Davis offered motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into contract with Geo. ':. Katterjohn, Jr., for Oontracts Nos. 3 and 5. G.?%%atter- oan, Jr. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Sane offered motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter Yancey & Jo',u:30n. into contract with Yancey & Johnson for Contracts Nos. 4 and 6. Adopted on the call of the roll: leas (5). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 0;'ID:.;::Li: , CURBS AND GUTTERS, INCLUDING ALL INTERSECTIONS NOT HERETOFORE $:l ss, etc. AS SIIG::ii BY Ti-IT, ?1:013 OF Ti:ii CITY LI;GINEER PROVIDED THEREFOR, TOGETHER on Jotc. on etc. I .: . > NECESSARY I'h1iHGLh IIIT,:K6S SE"I' R PIPE COI;I;i;CTIOIIS AND CAST IRON D1111 PIPS, . , Oil BG?Ii 1DLS OF JiiG'r.ZON ..TRF.-.T FRG::: THS ClE3: PROP TY LIME 01-' 10T11 STREET TO A POINT A3UVT 235 F isT '::e.:T 0r 'iiir. :;-": PIi++FRTY LINE OF 11-TH .".TREi:T IN THE CITY OF H: DUCAH, IN A"'ORD.:1;C:: ':YTII THE PLANS AND Srr:CIH'IC:.` l0fi^; FURNISHED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT M GC3T 0? T:?E ABUTTING, ?ROPEicT 0:',IiERS, Ai>li PI;QViLINO 'rfl-T THE COST OF 3UCH COI;- STi:c;CTI(,PiS k>.Y ii P>;Ii) UI'CIi :ii> lO YEAR P>".'?: '; PL_:i." On cation of aeme, acne was given first pauac, o upon tho cull of the roll: Yea$: Cole, iahcraft, Brooks, Davis an:1 Yo;:P. (5). On motion of 3=0 th,1 rules were suspended and ordinunee read by title upon the call or the roll: Yeas: mole, Ashcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). On notion of sur;i, aw. was riven second and final passage upon tha °all of the roll: 'east Cole, shcraft, Brooks, Davis and Yopp. (5). Sane offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Oounci�:.r;:. Fids for repairing in rot-ar .,: w':a Public Zr _ , onoQe$pa.rine; Citi Jail a::d City Jail h 'lag pole od City Hall. Adopted call P f tr roll- (5). Flag pale. No._ 101.. Proceedings of of Paducah_ _saPTMIUR_ 3_,.1924. 192 Member Asheraft offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Repalrin7 of Councilmen in referring to the Strout Committee with power to act, the repairing of City Leveo. ` the City Levee from Jefferson Street to Kentucky Avenue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Oouncilmen Quit -Claim Deed in the City of Paducah, conveying by Quit -Claim Deed to George Norwood and Ben Jones, George Norwood Ben .Jones. Lot No. "19", Block "4", of Oak Grove Cemetery, New Addition, for the sum of $37.50. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of -ouncilmen allowing the following: Pay-rolls.................................$7422.02 Pay -rolls. Claims. Claims........ ..... 3670.80 ....................... .adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in receiving and filing the Treasurer's report of collections on Contract No. 2 of Yancey & Johnson, and the Treasurer paying same $414.40, and bonds being ordered Yancey & Johnson. printed in the amount of $819.46, and the Treasurer be authorized to make final settlement with contractors upon disposal of bonds, reporting same at nest council meeting. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Qouncilmen in allowing the Cashier's Pand in the amount of 4122.27. Adopted on the call of the Cashier's Fix-nd. roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in allowing the claim of Roy Holman for one copy of Kentucky Statutes in the amount J ioy :Ial an. of 820.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Lfemb,�r Brooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in granting Malt & Cereal Beverage License to Steinhauer & Whits, at '1119 Steinhauer 'hate. 11. Ota Street. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Ashcraft offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in allowing Frank Brenner $BOO.00 for work (lone on Riverside Hospital Frank Brenner :'fork on River -during the month of August. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yens (5). aide hospital. Member Davis offered motion that the motion be tabled that xaa adopted by the Board of Councilmen in regard to the Board of Public forks beim, instructed Feroo:as to replace, ctva. to order all persons to roplaeo all improved streets torn up for placing pipes or other purposoa. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Davis offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Fax';on Averjue lcunallmon in regard to improving Paxton :,venue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yea9 (5). Sa-;o offered :notion to concur in Lbo action of the Board of Uouncilmen Jacob Seamon in r..rantina. the request of Jacob Sea :on reg;tr,iirl; si le rnlk on Fifth & Ternosseo Sts. 31d`;wal _e 5tr. tit9. +'lop :ed on to call of the tall: Year (5). .Sia-:.!: off•�red melon to concur in uo actio!, of tie Board of "uneilmen In regard to rf�ferrin• to ,.:e Raii^oa.i Cona1*.teae at:d Cat.1 ;elicitor, the co!r:runica.. tion fro,.:ae t.ayo:• .:N,a.-:t1a; the P. tc 1. P. it. tlln"Sn:! Clark :,tra7t from 2nd to Clar.. from 2a.i to Sri. 3r1 .:t r.;t. Ar Pted or. the call of tae :•oil: yona (5). Sic er ka}xrraft off -raw codon to ,nc,:r In the action of thu Board of First Natal. Council'en in re arl :o referrin, tae claim of t F. Pirot Rational Bank to the "ity Bank. Sol1•^itO7 for I,vestijuticn. .%_ii,otefl on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). No.- __1112..__._— --_--- Proceedings of _.-. BoA--n)- QF ALuami T1_ City of Paducah--__ SEpToau 3, 192-4. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Licht in in regard to abandoning the Light in Lang's Park. Adopted on the call of the roll: Lane Park. Yeas (5). On motion meeting adjourhod. Co_�.