HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 86, July 21, 1924No—gk3! - - - --- Proceedings of ---City of Paducah----�tzi u,, 19Y;.._-_-.--192_ At a _. - of the Board of Alderman, held on the 'Third :lour of ' in !Aho City of Paducah, ::y., July the 21st, 19&4• President Colo oalled to order. Oil :;: call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cole, Oocirran, Davis, :ieke and Yopp. (7). On i:!otion the minutes of July the 7th, 1924, were adopted as corrected. LLomvor =:ie a offered motion that interest on the fo11o:•lint7 bonds due r,n.,u '.'• the 1st, 1921, be allowed, and the Clerk authorised to is.::ue proper warrant on Zntc:•��t on ['orris. -suras to pay same= ch r 'in_ issues to the 3ond Interest Fred provided in tit,: r',ion =nt Ordinance: ti•e Orleans and Ohio River R ilroad, 4 1/4';o due ........ t660.40 :tr,et L:rorocement, :,, di,,e...........................2180.00 City &ospital,4%..................................... 430.Q0 __ar::et Houoe, 4,�............................ ........ 420.00 Total;�56^ 90.10 t prad on ;be call of the roll: Yeas:;Cole, "lliston, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke i _..;. Yopp. (7). . Same offered motion to ratify the action of Auditor, City Clerk, Liayor, -:r: City olicitor, in orderinC. paid bond, interest due as follo:as: Paid bond intercat Due July the 10th, at U. L:orteage & Trust Company, :(15037.50, semi - due. i =u,al interest on 3rd. District Sewer Bond Issues. . Due July 15th, at City National Bank (6,175.00 semi-annual interest on _,_-hool Imrrover,ent Bond Issue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran Same offered motion to .oceive and filo the report of the Treasurer o r yc.=.n: =.r.: .•ancellstion of interest couponsand bonds of the ;special street Bonds 3, due July the l:,t, 1924, in th.- amount of 6019.70, paid throuZh the City .::.1 Bark, to whoa they ^e -re rrnt for collection. adopted on the c ll of the roll:; (7). .,,:c offc.'rai: r.:otion 'h --t the Bo_rd of.Education be alloyed :;5405.46, of ,17-97.47, tw:•:ez coliceted by the Qreaeuror frow July the l:,t, to of ala-' �1 ;;� r., Cle- is be in'.'.trPGted to ie.^,ue pro;;cr ware, tit on `r'r O'.,dur5r in on the cull of tit: Y Cole, t 1 c ;� . roll: Yeas- C 1 .111: or , iir•r r;:::, Contractor, be allo1­A ,3400.001 z': 3 : oved bill. ,.domed on the call vuxi::, i:io?:e and Yopp. (7). .-:,; s;n r•:i'•,� Lo the 013:i Colm;litteo, of tz.w .. L:;:. of B*.0 iiCille. ..io^t.A on r• .�.1 n. .,.1�, .;'.rl: i•"-... _ .r.... r.. !Ai)n . ,) No. Proceedings of- lina­ --------City of Paducah-_ j -,;,-Y : I, _ _.192 01.1 on uron thi. - 11 of the roll by the rot- yo. ,: Cole, Cochr-,,n, Rieke and Yopp. (7). On motion 0L rUF.V -,1W rules were fwL;,nonded and ordin noe read by title on c;ll 01' tho roll: Yec.z: Col,:, Uli.iton, Brooks, Cochran, David, Rieke and Yopp.(7)11. On motion same ,iven second find fin--il paqoa�e upon the c-_11 o( thrj roll; Yeas: Cole,.;piston, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (7). ::Ember wachran offered motion to refer to thH Joint :i: ht .nater Uomillittee f -in, Petition for Street a petition from business men in the section of 2nd & Clark Etreetffor a street Light.. Light at 2nd &Clark. wlorted on the 0-11 0--- the roll: Yeas (7). Lenber Brooks offered ,..noon to refer to the license Inspector communication Burrodell. from Burrodell. Adopted on the call of the roll: Year (7). Lember Qochran offered motion to receive and file report of Riverside June report of Hodvital for the month of June, 1924. -donted on the call of the roll: Yeits (7). Rivorsiae Hospital. Same offered motion that the City Assessor be allowed to employ an assistant Asol atjait allowed for the month of AuE-ust and September at a zalary not to exceed Eighty Dollars per city Assessor for month of August month. Adopted on the call of the _oll: Yeas (7). and cDter.ber. Menfbe_ -aeke offered motion that the communication from City Attorney, 71 Danker, City Carl Denker, askiyV for a vacation be allowed, provided he secures some one in his asking for -ion. place at his expense. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). I:Gmbr-.r Rieke offered motion that the communication from I.rs. I.I. E. Goodman legazrdin,, an erroneous assessment on a piece of property located at Third and aasilin,,ton E. Goodman. Streets, be referred to the Relief Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeasts. Liember Dads read an ordinance entitled "All ORDIU.'.::,­ 2.-,OVUTI!T; :3;: -71.-: 0. CO.TG�-.­Tj. OF ROC*'.ILZY- , '20G-I.HFR L -1H ALL IMEG`_c..`­ 7_:-nDLEc, Cz,'20H , Ordinance: Constru,.*tion of ...... 7FIFE IJ.T '_IH- CI*2Y 07.1 T concrete of Hock _)7a, Bc04IDED :.'-Y U UM I-20"IDLM' o -c- 0 - On motion scmo iv -n pacjage upon the call of the oll.. Yeac; Col.-:, ..Ili. -,ton, Brooks, Coc:ar L -i , lUoke and Yopp. (7). On rotion thy. -.,;ere suspended and ordin-,noe read by title upon Tho o, coli.: Col,_ ..'.1i -.!ton, Broo-",, Coclirt-ai, I_,vi;;, Rioz:o [,nd Y,, . 17;. Qj! fl: OCTle Vlao j�Jvou Second and final ras:.aro v3lo;. 1.1 o: `iy lm) j.!) vote, Yeas: Cole, Al.l.i.-ton, Brooko, Caohr,.n, Davi::, ,,.I of 'j, 0 i:. No. . Proceedings of _ c' _-___-__ City of Paducah_... - -_. .... L vi'3 •.. .,_ .; it Ji: lh' lit �' 1''. �'. )."i :..: J'- -- =_0'.I Ii. Ordin.•ince: Grading and >_:_.;'_.. = 3Y s::.:.:I:: .... ";... .1..E, 0: graveling , _ .. _. .._ . .._.. - _ _ Y 0 LeAve. eal jackson St.,_,... ...... _... LEECH JF;:'U i ;U.: 10_ _ 'J etc. _ I. -X: L_: C:_ ..._. U7— 1:01,YO_7 _201.: Z5:..1iD -_ _.�6::Y _... ..0 .. �_. _._ .-.L _:J .,_ �_ _ J:_ 3_:J.v ..Y"_'0 ^... .;I _._E CI^Y . `...I:'=.. ..-,_., Ji:"t, .'s :._ 00:_ 0 _:_ ._:u_:I:rJ --iGr_..1% 0.._._..of __rll P0`JIDBD zr.:_ -- --_Y ... r: -Ii _G Upoll 'E On motion o,- ia, o.ne wao C h lvon i'ii;;c p':,::::;•e upon the cc 11 0f the I _ •11: Ycac: Cole, .. 13: ton, Books, Cochran, Davis, Rio and Yonn. (7). j I On motion of same t:ic rules were susnended and ordinance read by title t c roll: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and I ?G-- (7J• I On motion of ::ame, saltie was viven second and final nac::aZe upon the :nI.1: Yea:.: Cole, ;11.i.:tnn, Brooks, '.:ochran, Davis, Rieke and Yo?cp. (7). :_'smber Yonn offered motior_ to concur in the c.ction of tho Board of j tra ron in. z::Yercir. the ?olice ar:i Hire Uwrmittee •")ilii :0o,rer to act the commm�ica.4on ^or Felice ; FO cc. - 3_ilaq, rs;:irr_ for three extra men on the Police r'orce. Adopted on the call, o red motion to concur in the action of the Bo,;rd of Council"lei; I i• .::n 'Y_:. .. _i -11,_r;' co_.-onic:tion from the l:ayor in rei-ard to the cIaasification z national 3oard of Piro Un,ie'r:aitors. .:d:nted oil hr. call� _ oti on to concur in oil- : cr.ion o;' th,x Bonrll of 'moo tnc: ilWnn ir.:..:.,_.. :'.: t ..ort of the colloction:z of tivi oli.co Iir,-p..rtmc.'!A 1701, .151,' , :wid rf>1c::: in bond of A. ;J. Leigh. .Aopto�} . ... ., .. . _ . , _on 40 co`5."..' in --ho _c -cion of trio ,i']ard of lot nr111' i•- ll In reeal'd to �� i] .tet• in tiu, =action of the Boara of - - . ...................... :7•:'1"..+, i,on c1 tlin Boaxd of th^:m on Oontr::�L . • No�89. -- - -- _ Proceedings of. BOARD on ALDERi _City of Paducah ----- JULY --.. q- .--------_ _ 1922 Communication Lem.,e r :Tic: a otifered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmon from :rayor Geo.Hoffran of in receivinC and filing communication from Geo. Hoffman, Mayor of Lorain, Ohio. :'.dopted Lorain, Ohio. of to roll: Yeas (7). S•:.e offered motion to concur in the action of tho Board of c:ounoilmen in Lycurgus Rice. r grin to t'a., amity solicitor, cora7ainication from Li:cur us Rice re •;i r nt on at l.il C' ,T:`.: ..••3r'JTn trisjv. ::doptGd on Qt. Call o4 th4• roll: Ye-_-::- (7i. ...�::..:b ¢i' Y"J :. •' 0..:�.='Cd :.Ioti-in to Y6ceive ?.-ayor's commlianic.^.tiori rf: '�rdins- CG7<.:r:x(.•t C. R. Iseman, ir:: C. Iceman ::4, re__i ::o. J fire $Brion, .int: defer action to next tweetin'. No. 3 Fire • Station.-:joptei on the cn.11 o_ ;i1 roll: .Yews (7). L"ember Cochran offered motion that the work on i:orth Tenth ztreet between Yancey & John- Je.f"era:on end ::: -%son streets, by Yancey k Johnson, be accented as done in accordance son. :izh contract as recommeAded by the Board of Public Works. Adopted on the call of the roil: Yeas (7) . ''-ember Davis of'-.'ered motion to concur in the action of the 3oard of Couneilr:-rl :Turrell BlId. that an ordinance be brow ht in stipulatin[' that Ikttrrell Boulevard be desi,•natod as a be desi_,hated as "one way Blvd:"one nay boulevard", East side :for north bound traffic; West side; for bouth bound traffic. Lotion lost uron tine call of the roll; Lays (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Aoun::ilmen L':ae Board of Puolic :orks ani Street Committee being instructed to consider and Grading, scarify -i -ore by Lradin;_,scarifying and oiling the folloaint streets: The route from ing and oiling routs from 4th th Streot 3ridte to Benton and bmithland Toads; Trimble Stroet to in:tlevill' St.3rid7e to Baton and Smith- Lith Dtrept from 'Trimble to Cairo Road; South 3rd btreot by coating cath roe`_ a:; n',^.' it, land Rds; 2rimble St. etc. .do=ted on the cull ci' the _oll: Yeas (7)•, game offered motion to concur in tite action W the Board of Councily. ,1 Opening, of Ada. -.3 - _ _ . to t;r : tr•; :1. Com-nittee iilvevtif,atin,the onening of Ad' -ms and Cl- t': St. 17th to 19th St. 17%., %o 19t:: - _ t, and report at ncxt meetin,-. aoVtion lost ioion 'Shv c:.11 o ._ _rd Yoon.(f). fay;i; Cele, illi:'ton, Btoo=,, C.ochr= _1] S;=e e_z-red motion to concur in the action of the Bonrd of Councilmen Cutting of holes in _ :._:;rd to :,tr.-:t :_ :or being_' instructed to invrcaciE::.te the cuttin of' hol-_ ii - in new concreto dtreot3. nr:n concrete stre gin .. :e ronaired. ::donted on ti:.: call of to<. .oli: (7). )-ion to concur in th(: t.ctlon )f the Bourd o the Li>•ijt and l'Intur Committee ::he in _1.iin o: Lit, at 24t1: dontod on the call o. the r^11: 17), 3• 'u'a3hingtGn the action of the Boar•i ,, -. n Committee for inveati-ation, ,we tr-.est Li?jnts on _ CTT i'Tcoln avenue. adopted on tre cal'( Lincoln Ave. it tno action a r. i•: ...., - - _. -. .., _ ,., :-d -treet- Alley Prod Zoneu ctreat beL:a nt .171':: ,w.1 Tenn, to Jon.,' d _:cIra1 t•i _...... _.. .. onnell-T.. is . .._.. ..." :1 L, :. olirTa^.r .. _ l:ii: -. _ .. ... I:. x:)U n.t ti•.tl,.. .'.sten. . .: 1+..;, ^n 1l n. Proceedings of - ,: -- =: - _-_ --City of Paducah _- auLy -, —__ _ _.192:._ action of o' :.i n;' Conro;ilmcn in i Repair fill inJ:i .. _'n _.,.' 1'GO lllv[. ;1.,t, along '.av- ; field '10;d. ._ _ ? l O. ' oli: (7). i o' '.red ':J-`. n> -,. o oonour .. _'.0 1;!on O' i:.: C' LO.-. .. .i. '.. -n in Street Light .-rin. to Lhe i::':;; :onmittec t;'., U ht troutlin_ ci L ::onroe at 4th & Monroe. c. efll o t rr, roll; leas (7). Cama o.i 1=•i :.onion to concur in the action of the Bourd of "ouncilmr-n in I 1 ?no ceiling _:ictie I _ ro:c,ent Cocriittee elacint t•.fo ceilin fans in the council fans in Council on sw it o- t:.r roll; Yeas (7). Chamber. _.._ .. __.00hs o_:•:i�d notion to conec:.r in the action of the Board o Oouncilmdn 1. C. ,R.t, C. to repair crossin' at 11th � Broadtray. Adopted on the I crossingg at j 11th Zc B;ray. 7). oY::.1in::.cc..nl; C,.ed ORDI14UNCB `•r__._Y 0:[ ..J_. ..I7,EZ OF �i:3i $4P.3i`l i'RO;.: dL '.0::_. ...t�:iRsY L117 Or di_... o' -- Assessment - :,iL..__ LI' Oi: ._:LIcit) _R3'P., 117 "ti: CI-_. 0: PnLUCrH, iriil'UCaY, ordinance. v: .F3.?G __....w..2L: _JO' O dUCiIO: 0:: ..:.ID 62P=P.iT_;..;:Y I'FC Tit., _,Y _ _.. . . D 1 I0. .�_._ ._cam ..:.. .... ......_. _,Y.T. ..:.. .:-- -..__._.._. .: _.,._ ._._:. .,_ _.:.-'+ --- --- ---•- - -- I _.;?:;G G::. L'rCi? Y'__. 0. P_._T_OD OF Y":; On motion same was given fust passage upon the call of the roil: Yeas: Brook -3, Cochran, Davis, Hieica and Yopp. (7). On motion of same„ the rules aere suspended and ordinance read by title upon ,::e evil o the roll: Yeas: Cole, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp.M . On mo -.ion of same, same was given second and firz•.l pas:>aEe upon the call of r. roll: Yeas: Colo, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Davis, Rieke and Yopp . (7). Board recessed at 10:45 P. M. Re -convened at x1:00 P. U., and adjourned. f .._._.192