HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 81, July 7, 1924No_81.- — - Proceedings of—.?: _'.._Q_7 - ___ ___ _City of Paducah--_JuhY a, _.1saA„—. 192 At a re;,:_ ._' meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the Third Ploor of t o City Hall, in the City of Paducah, ontucky, on July the 7th, 1924, In dne abs<mne of -resident Lennedy, the Clerk called the Board to order, and upon the call of the coli the ,fdl.lowing answered to their names: Alliston, Ashcraft, �5ro�aa, Coi.e, Ricke -nd Yopp. (6). On motion of member Rieke, 7.:ember Ashcraft was elected Chairman upon the c:.11 of the roll by the folio.,ing vote: Yeas: Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cole, Rieke'. and Yopp. (6). of On motion�L:ember Rieke the 1:ayor's appointment of John B. Davis, to succeed Appoint;:ent of John B. Davis. B. Kennedy, as Ald:rman, was received and filed upon the call of the roll. Yeas(G). Chairman Ashcraft announced it was now in order to elect a President of this'" Board.' Members Rieke, Cole and Davis were put in nomination for the office of Rieke, Vole and President of this Board, and upon the poll of the votes cast, Rieke received 2 votes, Davis put in nomination Cole 4 votes and Davis 1 vote, and Chairman Ashcraft announced the election of Nember for Pres, of Board. Cole as President of the Board of Aldermen. L'ember Rieke offered the following motion: That the Treasurer be anti:oris.;d E. R. Harding Uo. to transfer all cash on time deposit of the 3rd District Sewer Bond Fund to the check - Transfer cash on time deposit of ing account of said fund, and the Clerk oe instructed to issue proper warrant on the 3rd Dist.sever 9odd --Fund to Treasurer for E. R. Harding & Company in the sum of 031900.00, to apply on final checlan5 acct. of said fund. settlement; also that proper warrant be issued to B. R. Harding & Company for 09000.00 from the Special Sewer Fund, making a total cash to apply upon settlement ,)40000.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Rieke offered the following motion: That the Cler-k -be instructs," Board of duca- to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer to pay the Board of Education A9531.25, as tion .;;50531.25. per report submitted and attached hereto. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas(7). Member Rieke offered the following motion: That the Treasurer by proper ta_c•'rant be authorized to pay contractors, Yancey & Johnson, sa5466.18, the amount paid Yancey &Johnson in by , oj.erty oreners and City for Street improvemept work, as shown by report attachn:_i. Adopted upon the call of the roil: Yoas (7). Member Rieke offered the following motion: That the bills received .since r..e.,titzg of the Finance Co=ittee, bearing; proper approval of Dopa±'trrent Heads, and by both Chainmen of the Finance Committee, desired to be paid and crr..rgeable. as ollows: rept. .3truction Strout department ......................�+17.43 allow'.A. Now Constrt:ction .......................241.99 be allotted and Ine Clerk ir:::'.:::-:: to is.ne proper warrant on the Treasurer for same. Adopted upon ti;" -all of Y ns (7) . of On motion } CL:'veL' ::lege the, report from Frtaicls ellen, `_'reusurer of tho yosf1a11- Is +tar Cl %(, .+, regir,-ry Lc her r:sying the Pio:" :+, l-Ti,+nt r i:otor Cempuny, tr., amo;:nt of "3000.00, Motor Cc=puny. jo, waa a:c,pted upor r•c call of the Moll: Y.,:x_, (7). Y.:yter Cole offore:d the, folloniz,l' motiow. :h,t uettlau:wzt vlth the Cor_T.,.iy :(: '_:.. c;rstrT,cLion of T.tox Lin,, L,iaejiu. be rut+(: in &Ceordunco ail.h to r6eof",m(-rlatien=l %GYr.?S'.... ._. a:hed, a;.i:h ere ('rprov(,d by tYa: Board of eoblie .lor'w Faun Sewer Cemmitt.'.•::. a., ji ll70P .. -.i', ;i'; t::i, _"?:.! YF1br3 (7). ] l]L• Proceedings of _ . _ _„o... -c -, < ;:= -:: --City of Paducah_, Ju1;Y"..7,_" ^ 192_..,1. :ember "Peke offered 'motion to conc7:or in the action of the Board of Councilmen in ;.1: .ir the 'following: Clain Claims........... ....... .................. 393.36 Allowed. Regular Semi-honthlyPayrolls .................8113.21 Regular monthly chhrity allo.'ancc::............1100.00 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Zember Rieke offered motion to conc7u• in the action of the Board of Councilmen 9 Cashier's in aliov:ini7 the Cashier's Fund expended during the month of June of>,219.19. Adopted Fund. on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilman in regard Yancey & to Engineer's Estimate Ido. 3, on Contract Ifo. 1, for work done by Yancey & Johnson during Johnson. June 1924, in the amount of :;19870.40. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). L:ember Cole offered motion that the bid of Ed . D. Hannan of :(2319.00 be 7.d. D.Kannan accepted for the installation of plumbing and heating required in the completion of the Plir-abling Riverside third floor of s:iverside Hospital, and the payor and.City Clerk be authorized to enter Hospital. into a contract with I-r. Hannan for same, funds to be paid out of the regular alloeianee oat aside for the improvement of s_id Hospital. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas(,7). S;_'Me offered motion that the bid of Frank Brenner of (7892.00 for the finishing o� the t'^ird floor of Riverside Hospital in accordance with the plans and specifications, Frank Brenner i,?A oe accented, and the Liayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into contract :rith _oo^, L:•. Brenner for srme, funds:to be paid out of thm regular allowance set aside for the is.".o;er..ent of said Hospital. Sdonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). ":ember Asheraft offered motion that the Board of Public Vlorks,yjj the L:ayor I en,z �_uperinyendent of Streets, be authorized to sell four mules and two horse drawn of 3treet flashers to the best advantage. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). tame offered motion that the Street Department be permitted to make left j ,;rr3 ::1th all btreet cleaning equipment. adopted on the call of the roll. Yeah (7). n. '_6m.ber Yopy offered motion that the statementaof Chief Slaughter and others i ,,n thro accident to the :ire Chief's car at Third add Jackson Streets, on June the 26th'! S15017htcr 1924, be received ar._ riled. ::dor.ted on the•call of the, roll: Yeas (7). $z,e o _Fred motion that the communication from the Chairman of the 2Alice :.o-;nittre, ;nd City ::elicitor, reeardinf• the unuanitsr•7 condition of the City 4;4, be referred to the rublic Improvement Cosanitter, and the Finance Co7mnittee '11th nsEr:.c.4orJa to put ;:re Ci tj Lo,:kup in tonditi.on, in accordance :rith the recom^,:ndstion . Adopted on the-call of roil: Yea., i`_'ferr:'I. motion tht the Ao73m71ni C.. tion o2 the City welicitor be received, C1:• r. licl.toi be in t,uetdd to filo 3uit to recover damore to the Fire Chief's to `ii .,.lt 1 roll: Yaa:J (7). LrL o of :': i motion '.1::t tha Chief of ti_,: : is r: •.apart!aon ue au Cher izad to 4 tt Lz our t.. d in 2cci:lent a: 3rd e. Ja4kr',^: l.tr.?eta, repairoi 11 ::J.tt c>: ur.ptoXicutely t� .00, as rt,,:._ ,nded by th,: Joint Poli, 1:'+ 1t:t7ie. a.toptad .12 or trig roll : Yeau 6!xx-� to . . ... ' ._. fejt 11V dt C. -'J :':•LLt�^;:. .. _. .. _. , %,eceseary ex-Pen9R9 dais. .. .. ... .. _ ._ .. Proceedings oE._'_�,_-_= ---__City of Paducah No— 85.—'- —___—- JULY 7, __. _1924'. Same offered motion to Concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen refcrrlrw to the City 1,olicitor and Auditor the tax bill of Sam Renick for correction. Adopted Saa Rennick. on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to refor the complaint of Otto Laird, to the City -elicitor. Otto Laird. and Ralief �;os.tittee. Ado*aed on the cal' of the roll: Yeas (7). Le ber iieke offered motion that the Engineering Department be instructed to place a drain pipe in the ditch along Trimble Street on the mouth side of Oak. Grove, Drain Pipe along Cemetery, the cost of the pipe to be charged to the Cemetery and the Iork to the :t-. :: Trimble St. on So. Side of Oak Derartment; also to connect a drain which is in the _Io-rtheast corner of Oak Grove Grove Cemetery. Also connect drain20th Street, by oven ditch o's pipe ;lith the sevrer at 20th Street and Hinkleville Roca, N.E.Cor. Oak Grove at 20th St.& same to be charged to Oak Grove Cemetery. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7;. Hinkleville Rd. Ilembor Rieke offered motion that the Purchasing =-gent be authorized to subsea;-"• Purchase of 8 for eight copies of the 1924 City Directory at 07.00 each. Adopted on the call o'; :._ City Directories. roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Mayor, Chairman of Finance Committee, City ::editor, City Solicitor and City Treasurer be authorized and empowered to make whatever financic,l E. R. Harding arrangements necessary to take care of the E. R. Harding Company claim in excess of Co. What cash the City now has available. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Ashcroft read an ordinance entitled "API ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE GOTIbLRUC4I0II Or .. RAILROAD SPUR -TRACK FROM A POINT Oil T3 RAILROAD GROUNDS NORTH OF Railroad Spur _rack. CL::Y STI. ET, RUT:IILIG FROI1 THE CAIRO MAINLINE OF THE I. C. R. R. COI.TP NY IN A TIOR'.H DrRECTION ACRO:.S CLAY STREET A DIST'RIC'T OF :kBOUT 350 FEET, :.IID BEING IN THE CIT"' BLGC.;S BOUNDED BY 8,-H : D 9TH STREET$,ATID HARRISOII',1ND ^_RII.MLE STREETS, IN THE CITY OF PADv'C_::, On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Aahcraft, Alliston, Brooks, Cole, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (7). On motion the r,.les were suspended and the ordinance read by title upon th..a c,:ll o= the roll; Yeas: Ashcraft, Alliston, Brooks, Cole, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call oi' the roll ay tine e'1o:inn vote: Yeas: Aahcraft, Aliioton, Srooks, '-ale, Davis, Rieke and Yopp. (7i. Lember Yopp offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of LetlIleill'1�11 to "U" '_iir.N ORDINANCE not preventing driving arounu the 1larket House at 1 vary btrcot. Adopted on the call of Lira roll: Ye -;s (7). Betrbrlr 31:1te offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Jouno it , i2• ,. n;: clsin of Yaneny 8 Johnson for street intersection cost:; on contract Yan"" r 'r. Jo7:r on. inn-er'r2 ootiaata in the amount of 1;2111.78. Adopted on the cc -11 not i.. L•.., {7). i:nance entitled "ATI OI1DT_Ti;.:;0V P::OIilii;i _.,, ..... .. t »%D:, G. .i "'R ADV" I: E; • O:' T, » Pro:'.biting tac:Ing ' _5, R ..?.:.:'Y:. OR cf ei rs, plsoa2ls '. I': L.-:_ .._... J ... StC., ac 'eler.clOfl4 ,.. _... ... „ OI: wt ane 0':7.1 c1' the, roll k,y thf, fol:. is _. 1Ja.. n. i—,:: _:,le, L,vie, imine and Yopp. (6). Buy: ...exr- (1). On 1 read by title upon t."7! w 11 n CoI: . havia _. YDJ.r_. O,^. ._. .. _ _. .. .. _r.: .. _ - ':oil LI^ rill e' No. Proceedings of _,.:, _---City of Paducah__ _ j.1LY_ — -- c: ..i: Of- our f:_ .. ..o tion to concur in th,- . ction o: :;he Board of Couaxc <n in raferrir.; to lite Board of i?nbLic Works, with po'ner to act, the cotvmxnicat1ion Driin Pipe Miz.St. frons Dr. J. Ernest Foy, City Health Of-.Licer, reCardinC a drain pipe on Elizabeth otreat and Cald. ; St. bc' _,n 5th and 6th Street::, and a drain pipe at 9th & Caldwell Streets. !adopted on the C-11 of the roll: Yeas (7). i Sar:e offered motion to cones in the action o' the Board of Councilmen in j Islzla St^ et. =' i to the, cor. munioation from J. Ernest Fox., City Health Officer, reeardinC sula i i bein referred to the Board of 3nblic •�orks -lith po:•rer to act. .adopted on the 3f zh- r7!L : Y -.a (7). .,.vi., ... ::.t Yor,r.. (7). n r, t,xd -.ad the ordinance Faad by _ 1. :: i. :., molts, Cnla, Davis, o :c_..; motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in ":. R. Toon. o'=,"=zinc in tc- '_acemmendation of the City Jolicitor reCardin_• Yax Bill 3750 of j. S. - -•, J• E. Coon. .adopted on th;= call o_' the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in T,a;•gcaret _c:cr:in, to the City Solicitor and City Auditor, the complaint of Ers. liarr.aret Umb Umbaugh. of over taxation of lot on 17th &; ivadison btreets. :.domed on the call oa lite roll: i::•: .. .in: _ -s (7). .,.vi., ... ::.t Yor,r.. (7). n r, t,xd -.ad the ordinance Faad by _ 1. :: i. :., molts, Cnla, Davis, :: me offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in _•_srd to conour.in,. in the recommendation of the City Solicitor regardin_ Tax Bill j. S. - -•, J• E. 'Wilhelm, Executor. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in ref,:rrir:L to the City Solicitor, Tax Bill 892 of J. - Dickey for investigation. �dnpted on th6 call of the roll; Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen I i::•: .. .in: ;21.00 from Louis Lookofsky's Tax Bill 72251. Adopted on the call of the Louis Lookof3i•y, toll: _. -.. (7). i —,roer A °!craft re 9 -.�n entitled "nId O--DIN.;,NC--, Cri nzr ".._ 0- 0 090 R_E_ :n01.: ?`.on .t. _:. - .. .. ... R. ..t'.-.: 0. ,.. .._ .._h ..I:.., Or ln• ,12t etc. _V _:.._ /. .�. __. 1:. .. � r1 .� �l • ��. v.. .. _.:.:._i, V "...t.. ._. _ .-. :. J.I .....v. ...... _ a .._,:. 1lr :y, 1:. .__ CI1Y OF PAD'JC.a, ..........._L, 'i _. Lily B11, upon the call o:Y':... .,.vi., ... ::.t Yor,r.. (7). n r, t,xd -.ad the ordinance Faad by _ 1. :: i. :., molts, Cnla, Davis, Proceedings of-__ City of Paducah_ _ _'JULY bar.;e o _'tired !:,.ion ':o concur ir, the action o the BoLid of �ouncllmen in Paducah Granite re a='i -o ieferrin_ to the City Clork for investi_::.tion :.nd rei:ort, the communication Vonu..ent Co. of I'_ :il'J:1i: va..nitnt i.onwn,•nt corapuny, t,skin:- for exemption from taxation :ror five years . from ::. 19::3• Motion lost upon rho call of the roll: Hays (7). L:ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of vovncilmon Lot "18", Block in regard to deedint to Lrs. 'd. L. Bigham, Lot Do."18,"Block "411, Oak Grove Cemetery "4", Oak Grove Cemetery. .,. L. for or rno sum of (;37.50• Adopted on the cM of the roll. Yeas (7). Bigham. L;ember 3rooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in donating �t100.00 to the suffering citizens of Loraine, Ohio. Adopted on, $100.00 donated to Lorain, Ohio. the call of the roll: Yeas (7). hember Yopn offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Guy Harris. in referrin to the Police and Fire Committee, communication from Guy Harris. sdopted on the call of the roll. Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Covncilmen in Si Green. ratifying the appointment of Si Green on the Police Force. Adopted on the call of P.he roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in H. F. Beasley. ratifyinz the appointment of H. F. Beasley on the Police Force. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the•action of the Board of Councilmen in of JunChief of Chiu of Polito. receiving and fila the June report of Chief of Police. Ado trd on the call of the � � p p roll: Yeas (7)• Same offered motion to concur in the action,of the Board of councilmen in Juno report of Chief of receiving and filing the June report of the Chief of the Piro Department. Adopted on ?Virg Department. tre call of e::e roll. Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in referring to the -olice and Fire Committee crith por.,er to act, the communication Citi• .jail. from J. Ernest Fox, Health Officer, regardinj• the City Jail. rdop"d on the call o' L-- roll: Yeas (7). following Same offeredAmotion:As all other bonds have been paid by the City, o:- F,!!, City Clerk and City 'Treasurer, I move that City Clark and City 'Treasurer and all o..i•:ers thLt have already paid their bond, be refunded thr,.tr money. Adopted o!: .,. . _ -. .. c'li o: tr.,, �oll. Yr;aC (7). oY'.'e.red •.:otion to concur in the action of the Board of �m:ncilrun prevent °-:•:; �r.•-•:• in to instructing the Police to,,unnecessary blowini. of horns, derronstratin`r noi3o ri:in or autar;obileu, dela-rin traffic, an.i continuous unnAccs-:ury driviv. .4opted on the Gall of thr, roll: Yeas (7). o ::i'r,d rn;ion to r:enevr in the action oP the 3oard of Coancilmr,u Ike'. ., _'i'.c::ell. 1:, _.. ir: :,:nd os Brin F. Kitchell, mado by tl:n United .totes Filelit.y & ,>dopted or: tan Pali 01' tier, roll: Ycua (7). 0:: ,.",ion rA�etine adjourned.