HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 59, May 5, 1924No.- __5.9. _ _ -_ .____- Proceedings of.__BGARD Gr ALD~ :1 EN City of Paducah__- 1:SAY_5m -.__ .192 4 At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, held Liay the 5th, 1924, the meeting waa called to order by President Kennedy. Upon the call of the roll, the following answered to their names: 'Kennedy, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (7). Ashcraft came in after meeting opened. Linutes of the previous meeting of April the 2lat, 1921, were adopted as NO read. Member Cole read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE Resolution: CONSTRUCTION OF CO'CRETE SIDEWALKS ON BOTH SIDES OF II011ii0E STREET, FROM THE 'i13ST LINE Concrete sidewalks both sides of OF THE ILLINIM' CE1NT' AL RAILROAD RIGHT OF 'WAY, AT TENTH STREET `i0 THE EAST SIDE OF Yonroe St. from :.est line of I.C. 12TH STREET, AND OTH SIDES OF NORTH 11TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LIME Or -.R.Right of way, at Tenth St, to J: FFZRSOII STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINIE OF 1?ADISON STREET, TOGETHER 17IT.F. ALL E. side of 12th; Both sides of 11. NECESSARY '..:aIIHOL3S, INTA 8 BIND SE17ER PIPE C01117-CT'IOII IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH Y., Iii 11th Wit. etc. ACCORDANCE ":ITH TiIZ PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS `i0 BE FURNISHED BY THE CITY ENGI_NEER OF SAID CITY, AT THF. COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O':!NERS, AND PROVIDED THAT '' H '. ::A Z: 'MUL BE COINS'.RUCTED UPON THE 10 YEAR PBYLLNT PLAIT." On motion of same, some vias given first passage on the call of the rot'L: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (7). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and the resolution read by title, upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (7). On motion same vias given second and final passage on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yonp.(7). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE IL;PRO'JE- L'"^.iIT BY GRADING AND GRAVELING SO11E OF THE FOLLO:!ING STREETS III THE CI`T'Y OF PADICAH, Resolution: Gr—ing and KENTUCKY, TO -WIT; 127-MYUCZY AVE., FROM 20TH to 25TH STREET; CLARZ STREET FROM 17TH graveling Ky.l Je.n n n n n n STREET n Prom 2 L'r to ?.5t': -;O 21ST STREET, LEZCH AVENUE FROM 10TH STREET TO 11TH S_REET AND 11TH STREET PRO:.: Clark St., etc. IIEZCH A'T'I1UE TO HURirBTT STREET; JACKSON STREET FROIS THE II1i::RSE0TIOII 0^ 19TH STREET AND GUTHRIE AVENUE T'0 25TH STREET; LIONROE STREET FROId 21ST TO 25TH STREET, AND 21ST STR::ZT ?HO_': UONROE STREET TO THE ALLEY BETVIEEN MONROE STREET AI1D JEFFERSON STREET, '?ID 23rD STREET FROL4 1:OID?OE TO JEFFERSON STREET, AI1D 21ST STREET FROMBR00.D17r,Y TO C S n w 1 r n �.TI'•y 1 • R , ­CKION TREET, 23RD A1;D 24th STREETS B:. EII B_OAD'1.?Y AND KEENTI1CI.Y AVEIIUF. STREETS, _.0 22ND STREET FitCM BROAD,'IAY 'i0 JEFFER'ON STREET, IN ACCORDANCE 'iIIT'R ,WE PLATTE .F:CIFICAL'IOIIS OF TIC CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY AND AT THE COST OF T'H:. ABUT TING ,'D PROVIDE.: '.Hh_ Cris? SHELL BE CONSTRUCTFD ON TH:: • ::N: YPAR P.:Y- On motion o: same, came was Yiven first passage oLl the call of t e roll: 7- . :_ --oy, Allis Lon, :,shcruft, Brooks, Cochran., polo, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion o1 s a. -.e Lha: rules wore suspended and the resolution resid by I a upon Eno call of the .oll: Ynas: ::ennedy, Alliston, ;.shcraft, BrcokO, Cochrvn , aie'se end Yopp. (8). on motion soma :waa : iven necor.j and final puaoaro upon Lho call of the i.ohcraft' roll: Yr,,o: .%t:::edy, :.11iuton., 3r aka, Cochran, Cole, Rioko enid Yopp. (8). Womber Azhcraft read on ordinance raititlad "dvi ORDIN:­',C=. ?:OM TTIHG Or11r._ ' Csr:.ivale and S.SI7:i 7k. >'4M'iI-I_ OR LO B-' IN C1:Y !s:' .,;;.' 'Y." tent s iuv3 pro- - hlbitei iron ai.^.a- Or, n,:ion of ar:a,, 3rre waa second :,nd final paQaapn, upon the ing in Pa3•�raiT. hall Of LU, rill Ly .he Yallo:rin;? vota: Yaws: ;.:rnr:ay, 41110ton, :,0hcraft, :ochran L, d Color. (5). +n7s: :r;.�[a, k1e4E .:;:i Yopp. (3). tip. CO..... ...._ PP'oceedin's of =o: =--_---City of f aducal --- -- - "Y 192 A. Member Cochran offered motion that upon recommendation the work covered by the CL ^Trunk Line Extension Contr_ct", be accepted and . R. Harding 6ompany paid the balance Co•"Trunk Line :xt. due them on their contract, including the special fund of 15w, with the exception of Contract. tl:e 2;. to be withheld in accordance with the contract, Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Keruredy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran;, Cole, Rieke and Yo -op. (8). ISember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmeni in allowing Cashiers Fund, <j797.44, and Clerk be authorizid to issue proper warrant Cashier's on Treasurer to re-imburse same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Fund „797.44 . Alliston, Ashcroft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Idcmber Rieke offered motion to concur in the action ofthe Board of Councilmen in regard to allowing the report of the Finance Committee for following amounts: Semi-monthly Semi l'onthly payroll..................„7893.28 payroll and claims against Claims against departments........... 809.29 Depts. Total $8702.57 and the Clerk be authorized to issue warrants on the Treasurer for same. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks; Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in abeepting the report of the Engineer's Department for work done during April 1924, Hard- in.r, Co. and instructing the Clerk to issue proper warrant on Treasurer to pay the E. R. Harding, Co., the amounts as follows: 3-A Sewer Contract ......................... ;4673.54 Trunk Line Extensions ...................... 114.03 For the use of Key Stone ,hovel ............. 135.00, oharginv same to newer District Ho. 3. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follow inn vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke end Yopp.(8). Same o:fered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in allaninc Yancy &. Johnson, for wort done in April, on street construction, and the Yancy & Treasurer be auth rized to issue Improvement 'Warrants to the above firm in the amounts Johnson.. Work done of: Contruct .,3 ................................ �j9713.34 In ..orifi. 1 ............................... 1236.01 saute oeirj 650 of tk.e tora1 u-iouu-, o: aoiY. lone, as provided by law. Adopted on the call oY to roll b7 Li --e follo.:in vete: 'teas: ::cn::edy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Colo, Rieke arrd Yocp. (8). M(='ar Ashcraft read a rouolution entitled "A RESOLUTION EX3P.�TIP:C ?RO11 IC=-A:;7FA:iQ.ING CO'..-'P.M,-OCAT_,D IMUR UIfION STATIOV IN _23F. CI, -'Y :_f.” Aicpted on Lhe call of tha roll by the Yo113:rinj, vote: Yeas: Kennedy, 4rQnk3, Cochran, Cole, ksieke and Yopp.(8). Wmbor Cole read an ordinance entitled "APP OnDIPPAPPC", v&.: R,."T, (:: Y ." PIU.1, PROt: .. .. _ _ ... ... .. .. Ile .t. .. C 1.-Y ti ., f T!. .1' . � -. .. _ 0:� 3:"C;:.., ::Y„ ,•.0 Fi-.aVIL '" .: } 7.. Y Oh .y .. OFA 7 "• On 'Gtion of Jb:'_ro. flit.= F'i1;+ iven ::::iL paa-.:Ave upon Lho c{til of the roll: Y•_ ..shcyart, -.Atka, Cochran. Cole: a:1 Yohp. ( 6 ). '.ietya : ..11iaton, L)n _...... ,_ a4... .... .:1 G-3 A9re 3G., .,.ia1 _.:I 'ii:O ordin_.enae r,:a•9 by Litie, 1L9n i' .... ... ...r7 roll Ly _... .911"i-'1:. votes: ',;.. .,. �e:n r�;dy, .-aycraft. 0211. No.— 61. Proceedings of of Paducah- _ . t:,,Y SmH-_. _. _.. ___ 192 a. On motion Sarre visa €riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: ::ennedy, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yopp.(6), hays; Alliston and Rieke. (2). Member Rieke offered motion to adopt. the following resolution: That the Cler.: be authorized to issue warrants upon receipt of the Heads of Gepan•tmeuts, , Emergency Bills. approved by the Mayor and countersigned by the Auditor , and the Treasurer be instruct- ed to pay sane and make report at the next regular. meeting of the general Council. This applies only to emergency bills. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: yennody, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Member Yopp offered motion to allow the bill of Hanks Motor Company in the Hanks Motor Co. amount of {)1200.00, balance on Chandler car, bought for the Police Department. ,:dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). "ember Yopp read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION, .112REAS, IT IS FOUND NECESSARY, IN '."HE ENFORCEIdENT OF TH^ LA:'?S IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, :2.11iUC::Y, : ND I11 '.... Resolution: Criminal Fund PROTECTION a',AINST CRIi0 AND THE ELILIINATION OF CRILIINALS FROM SAID CITY, YO INCUR Lol.lE $150.00 EXP'SNSES FOR DETEC'TIVE SERVICE, AIID FOR THF SERVICE OF PERSOIIS IN AID OF "H? POLICE DEP;,B':.E2dT, J1OUIiT11;G 20 ABOUT j150.00 PER MONTH. " On motion of same, same vias adopted upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft,.Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yopp. (7). Nays: Rieke(1). Mcmber Cochran, offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Chief of Malice Councilmen in regard to referring /! the bill of Chief of Police for x,;343.41, to the Bill, '343.41. Finance Committee to report back with detail statement. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas (8). Llember Brooks offered motion that license be granted to Bud Turner at 105 S. 2nd Street, for the sale of halt & Cereal Beverage UWAA. :dopted on the call Buy Turner 'alt L• Vernal of the roll: Yeas: Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Rieke and Yopp. (5). Nays:-Pnnedy, _,aerage License. Cochran, and Gole. (3). Lembefi Broo::s offered motion to table the application of J. H. Hanners for H. #Lnners, ;,.alt & Cereal Beverage License. Adapted on the call of the roll: Yeas: :alt & Cereal Beve,raae License•Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yopp. (7). Nays: Rieke (1). Same offered motion that license be granted to 4illiam Lunn on Broan btrcet for tti- uulo of Cult & Cereal Beverage. „dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas : 9hn L nn, Malt & Goreal Kennedy, Llliton, Aaheraft, Brooks, Cochran, Rieke and Yopp. (7). ?lays: Cole (1). !"Ovornf?o Lice 313. Llrr;br-r '.:ochrrn offered notion that the Ge•eral Council of the City of Pa.e CLP:, .-Y., doeo hereby consent for the Paducah Horne Telephone & TelegrLph Uompc:iy Trr;nsfer o: to sell or trar.::f,ar thni'r telepho::e pro!,erty in the City of Paducah, ::on,cucky, to the Yn•;urah ;:e -e Tel.. t. Tel. mac. C,-bbrliii9 Tolephonc &:r;lc; r:.; is Cc,:;r.:,::y '..iLh Lhc' understanding that this action does to : .bcrl.a.-.d . Te1.8TC1. CO. r.oL r,. :'.r io L..e rutoo for tolel:hone eOry:ct:. UerLtr Cola offr.reh an ccr:da:±:nt to the abovo r,:otion t1LAt the %atter be rca j;!:.% .•>l. & Tel. G=mIttee, anti City 5olioiLor to invootipato lru; L:... L: o:. ... .11 o; L'- ^.a roll by Lho foll.)c;.iri coLe: Yoaa: (8). ri:otion that tho follovrlwr ro:!olution be adopted: "...... .... ... ....... _ :. ...,,.:.1 � :.. I...... ... _,..?:.. I'.i i':' a.•.IL:.kATICi1 '.^' starers :... .. 0:: ._. _ ON ,... ,RiiA:.... .; __.. U`, 3111) 70 :. .. ak 9 Z all; �_. ..., ._... .......... .. ... OHIO .. .. .. • ...... .«. _..... -_� .. .. ..__. _..rte•_ . ...._ ... _., .•_ 3- .. _J.l." Proceedings of __ 5- AI of ; LD=_., _.=---- City of Paducah --- i.I aY-4,- __192 -192 4. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: 1:ennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, :ieke and Yopp. (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Vouncilmen in Transfer of a,th,rizin. the Treasurer to transfer ,x+,'12,000.00 from time deposits of the Third 1112000.00 from Dist. Sea. DisSever.ict Seer Fund, to the checking account to pay claims as allowed at this meeting.; Fund to Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran; checking acct. Cole, Riel;e and Yopp. (8). Ilember Ashcraft offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Sohn Councilmen in allo:ving refund of $5.00 to John J. Dorian, on account of duplicate Dorian. nay;%ent of auto license of 1924. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: (8). Member Alliston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of i Pest HouseCouncilmen in regard to the Improvement Committee being authorized to paint the Pest House and do necessary carpenter work.on same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). S B.Gott _ Member Brooks offered motion to allow the claim of S. B. Gott vs: City of Claim. )Pa.iucah and McCracken County, as recommended in the report of the Judiciary Committee. _ 1 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: •Xennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brookg, COahran, Not adopted) Re-consid- Cole,.Rieke and Yopp. (8). crud, Member Ashcraft read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE DECLARING A CERTAIN ILEY RU?d::IIdG FROM I -LI ERS AVENUE BETWEEN 9TH & 10TH STREETS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, EY., _'O:ARDS BACHLIAN STREET, TO a3 LINE OF 'flILLIARD DEAN -S PROPERTYi, AND RUNNING A" RIGH^1 ANGLES :ITH SAID ALLEY OVER AND ACROSS ANOTHER CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL iillir:r3 :Dean- Dedi- Cr GROUND BEL01MING TO WILLIARD DEAN, FRONTING Or 9TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 225 FEET cation of � alley. .O 9TH �'TREET, SAID __.LEY HAVING A WIDTH OF 10. FT., TO HAVE BEEN DEDICATED AIM HEREBY AC:'iP:_ING '=_ DEDICATION 2FEMBEOF.11 On motion of same, same was liven first passage upon the call of the roll: ._arredy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On =otion of same, the rules mere suspended and the resolution r•r:ad by title. l,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas, Lennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion sa:.e was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yens: is e: :.9/, ..piston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). aca,% resolution entitled "A REbOLU2ION P=OVIDING FOR THE II:IPF.O :-;1:':N' OF ACCORLhhCL ':IITF _r%F. PLANS AND SPI:CI= :I .Y FI'"Irr:'.' FROM BP.ID,E 4iREET(IdEP.R JONES COLD S'0'. AOF. OF CI':f OF PA.UCAtd. OR AT A CEN'. -IFR LII11E OF T117. COIdCR-r- I :10"NDAHY LIN? OF '_AID CITY, IN ':Hi'. CI'iY OF `rADUO::Y. , -' .-- 0r i i;iR:: OF ....:.:.._'17..., .::r.: M'. Y. ,.IID PR OVIDII7G 'THA:` THF: TON _Hi. 10 YEA:: PA'11_:.%_ L::_.." On sotlon of .,_c:r:, alx,4" waa [•iven :irat Faa::err upon the: cull oY the roll: 'i' :.. de:.i:: c , .. .L Lei:, ..ahcrafL, Brooks, Coeirv:, C:�ln, Rieke and Yopp. (0). On motion of a-,rs, th•. rules 'were suspended wind L^e resolution Bao road by -:1^. ... en :L5 :all o: L: -4i roil: Y(:ta$: i:enn,? dj, r.11i2ton, i,jheraft, Broo'l-'a. On z-3':ion acme ivxs rive, second and fitaa: paaua,e, upot. ti;.: call oi th.: roll: ...1lial:on, Au'��rtsfL, Brooks, C.ochrin, :pili:, i:ieke ar.1 Yopr.. (8). On cOtion of a;:;:a, anr;.'r: W/W ,'iven fir:;t passage upon the call of t'r roll: Yea'a. Kennedy, .illjjLon, .',shclaft, H-ook!;, Coohrarl, Vole, l:ieke and Yopp. (e). On MOL10r: Of „^,, r.11(s:; nnrc, aus['0rld6d arm filo resolution read by title. naopt06 on the call -if ti,=: roll: 'int,c:. I:e:nuidy, r.111eiton, .tshcrait, Brooks, ,.i.rr;::, Cele, :i1Fr.•: a::i Your.. (E3). On .4.Gti Oli 9 ^;[e 1YaF ivf,n :i, -Dona !e id :inal I•avaupa upon t1:a call o! toe .:Ohcraft, :r"')gco, VOwhl"n,-')1f•, ..iei!A ari'1 yopo.(8). No. 63. Proceedings of. Bo_RD of _,LDERL_EN __ _ _-City of Paducah MAY 5TH._ __ _. _.192.4 Member Cole,read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING I,,OR THE IMpROVE12NT Reso. Sidoe;all:s, BY THE COIlSi'RUCTION OF COVCR ET E SID_E'i ALiw, CURBS �Ull) !UTTERS, INCLUDING ALL INTFRSF.CTIONS curb h Gutter, both side 13tH St•,Tenn . NOT HERETOFORE CONS `rlcam AS '"FULLY SHO'!IN BY TIC: PLANS OF THE CITY ENGINEER TTHEREFOR, St., II. 11th St. ronroe St., etc. TOGETHER '.7ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, IId^Ai, S, CATCH BASIIdS, SECT -ER PIPE CONNECTIONS AND CAST IRON DRAIN PIPES, OF THE FOLLV1IIIG NAI --D STREi•:Ts, TO .WIT: BOTH SIDES OF 13TH STREET FROM =H:' NORTH CURB LIME OF TENNESSEE STREET ^10 THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF JAC.SON STREET; BOTH SIL25 OF TE;:NE;EEE STREET FROi.: TH:: NEST CURB LINE OF 16TH STREET TO THE NORTH CURB :.INE OF GUTHRIE AVENUE; BOTH SIDES OF NORTH 11TH STREET FROI.? THE i;ORTH "YRO?FRTY LINE OF .1LIDISON STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET{ BOTH SIDES OF MONROE STREET FROM !HF ViEST PROPERTY LINE. OF FOUNTAIN AVENUE (17TH STREET) TO THE EAST CURB LIFT' OF 19TH STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 20TH STREET, 21ST STREET, 2211D STREET, 23RD STREET, 24TH STREET AIID 25TH STREET 01! THE EAST SIDE ONLY, FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BRO:DVIAY STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET; BOTH SIDES OF M:DISON AND HARRISON STREETS FROM THE "[EST PROPERTY LIFT' OF 12TH STRE' T TO TF-. EAST PROPERTY LINE OF HARRIHAN BOULEVARD (15TH STREET); BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH 5TH STREET FROM _HE SOUTH CURB LINE OF JACKSON STREET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF NORTON STREET% BO'T'H SIDES OF 20TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROAD71YY 'i'0 THE NORTH PROPERTY LIME OF :a:NTUCKY AVENUE; BOTH SIDES OF NORTH 6TH STREET AITD NORTH 7TH STREET FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF MADISON STREET TO 'THE SOUTH CURB LIFT' OF :RIL'BLB STREET; BOTH bIDRS OF CIAY STREET FROM SEE '!!ES^t CURB LINT. OF 19TH STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF 21ST STREET, IF EXTENDED, ALL IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, XENT' C. -Y, IN ACCORD XE '. ITH THE PL AI:: :.IID SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'•NERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON TH_ TEN YEAR PAYI!TNT PLAN. 11 On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy,Alliston, Asheraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and the resolution read by title. ndopted on the call of the roll: Yeas. Kennedy, allieton, ;,shcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, �shcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Member Cole read a resoldtion entitled "A RESOLU"ION PROVIDING FOR '_'HE Imp. l:urre l l ':lv d. and Caldwell, i %::O ;r.!. :::': OF '.Ur'%ELL BOULEVARD( SOU' H 10TH STREET) FROM TWF SOUTH LINE OF TENNESSEE 9tc. S:R: Proceedings ofur_ , City of Paducah _ _ 1;, Y 5Ta_ _ __. 192 q _ name lead a resolution entitled "A mCLo_,U2ION PI;OVIDING FOR _HE II1P4'OV.•:!^;I!T . BY :» CO:: '_: ;7I0ii OF CURB $ GU P'iI RS OF CONCRETE ::ar1 Fesc. ImprSTR ET OF ROC7 ASPHALT, OF 15TH Curb & Gutters, ,. �,I: _H' :.OUTH P':O? RTY LIN_; OF BROADw;.Y TO H SOUTH CURB LINE OF KEIITUC::Y & St. of lothCtphalt......,r3 :LITH ALL NECESSARY 1;AN HOLES, INT.uia:S, CATCH BASIZ!S, Dil'.II1 PIPES .,IID S IbDDRIVE1 .;YS, IN _:iE CITY OF PADUCAH, rr,14TUCxY, IN ACCORDANCE ITH �2ECIFICS2I0!IS FURTMI EED BY 2117, CI_TY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF TH' ABUTTING o :,.;Y ;iS, ..ND PROVIDING .'H::'. S.d,.E 6HALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON '-:'HE TEN Y'...A.t PAYMENT On motion of same, same was given first passaVe upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Lennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion of same, the rul:es::were suspended and resolution was read by title,: upon the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp, (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon call of the roll: Yeaa: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Ord'_nance Same read an ordinance entitled "Aid ORDIIIA10E PROVIDING FOR THE OILING Or Oiling ''Vel GRAVEL STREETS Ii: .3E CITY OF PADUCAH, KEN^1UC:Y, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY �..reets. On motion of same, same visa given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yopp. (7). Nays: Rieke(1). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Williston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the poll by the following vote: Yeas: Kennedy, slliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole and Yopp.(7). Naga: Rieke (1). ;~ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of = Counoilm:en in regard to allowing bill from the Tropical Paint Company for $31.30, and insell i'efert'ing labor bill of Lunnell Smith for :j22.50, for painting parking lines, to the Police & Fire Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). L'.ewoer Yopp offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen r`=p in rcFard to recoivina and filing the report of the Chief of the Fire Department for the Of c :'ept• month of April, 1924. Adopted on the call of the troll: Yeas: (8). kcmber Rieko offered notion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmoo in r::;-u.d to adopting a resolution allowing Goo. H. Wilson the privilege of having oc4a and 1_,niin;. hio ferz-y boat at the foot of Elisabeth Street, the ferry boat r. raGu betaeon Livi:,Yat:/n Point and Panne.: ::y. Adopted on the call of the :. (5)4 Ll=,,cr Brooka o:ferod ".tion to concur in tho action of the Board of in n-_ and Lha,. all rrintin; be let to lo'sost bidrior, all bi11a ;26.00 or over, Lc Ge Placed lty bias only; all other bills to be pluoed oy auditor, City Clork anti [UrV.a ai%...Pe7a• Motion 1031 on ".he 0311 oa o:.•: roll 9y Lh+: follo:'rill+• Vo LO: :lays: Alit, -.on, .:a:^.craft, ";woks, ^,ocnran. Cole, Riol:r: an;i YoPp•(7). =::er 'lops offered motion -,o co:cur in the action of thr: ::bard o: Ceancilmen in :e�ferrirg rcce realu.nullon oz L. B. Litehali nf:r1 Fred Lorry, to the Police :?a.siEr:ailo:x ?ire "o::z1ttea :•Jr iF:v :sti> tion unfd moor.. .,00tea on tr:r• call oi' ter_ roll: Fred a'.err; Yeas: (8). No._ 65 Proceedings of_____Bo-=_CF_,mmR zN_____City of Paducah_.____..._UAY.D.... .192'_ Member Alliston offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council - Post Mouse men in regard to the repair bill for the Pest House being charged to the contingent fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: (8). Member Cole offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Street Flusher in -egard to the Board of Public Plorks on Street Committee to get bids on street flusher .;n:1 Oiler. and oiler and report back at next meeting with recommendations. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to referring to the Street Committee a report from Henry A. Pulliam as to the Henry A.Pulliam.. cost of operating horse dracm street flushers for bne year, and costs of operating a motor flusher for one year. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion meeting adjourned. ri Att + C8 YGow / 192 SL �' _ ._ Xro ,Hoard. of •3Glcnlaera.----��-..__.._— City Clark