HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 53, April 21, 1924Proceedings of No.: '- __ City of Paducah - - .. .192 pmsolt,"_ ' , " , Minutes of meeting April 7th, l92.i , adopted as ro:d. Standard Oil Co. Bill of x156.42. 7 Y Street Light at 11th & Burnett and 12th and Y Harrison Sts. Co--munication from '—'ayor regard- ing water fran- chise. Resolution. Sanitary sewers C, Sewer Zone 1, Sub - Division C, Sewer District 3. Or. .qC 1 or ..;m0 c1e a v I iup on h,- I roll., yo): 3 -oi;ion r. 1. r.' :'n.; .-od nron 1! W' co, 111. Resolution. Sanitary Se".*ierz c....... L, Sewer Zone 2,_-Ub- Division E,Dist. 3. G Y pmsolt,"_ ' , " , Proceedings of.__BDA.R.D.0-F.AT-DWEM,v.-___ City of Paducah.__ __APRIL. PiST. ____1924. Same read a aeeolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CONSTRUCTION OF Reno'_ut.ion SANITARY SEDERS IN SE4MR ZONE NULiBER FOUR, IN SUB -DIVISION A & C, SEWER DISTRICT NUMBER .'overs, THREE, TO BE A NECESSITY, AND SETTING OUT IN GENERAL TERIIIS, THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE, .cr"one Sui -iiv, P,1^ II: OF TH : COST OF SAI..^.-.." A i Dist:. 3. On motion of same, same was given first passage on the c811 of the roll: Yeas: Keu.edy, Asiicaazt, Alliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp, (8). On motion of sa_tie the rules were suspended and said resolution was given passage by title on rite call of the roll. Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). Oil motion same was given second and final passage on the call of the roll by the followini vote: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke ana Yopp.(8). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CONSTRUCTION OF P.e elution Sanit r;; SANITARY SE'.sRS Iii SEWER ZONE NUMBER FITE, IN SUB -DIVISION A, SEWER DISTRICT NUMER ., :ter, zo wer zone 5,12ub- THREE, TO BE A NECESSITY, AND SET'_ING OUT IPI GENERAL TERMS THE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE Tist. OF THE COST 01' SALE." On motion of same, same was given first passage on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston , Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke, and Yopp. (8). On motion of same, the rules were suspended and said resolution was given passage by title on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cuchaan, Cole,Rieke-and Yopp. (8). On motion same was given second and final passage on the call of the roll by the solloaing vote: Yeas:fennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, ieke ant Yopp (8). Member Brooks offered motion to refer to the Street Committee for investigation, APpliction the application of Dave Council for Stable Boss of the City Stable. Adopted on the call l=ave Council for st.,ble oz the .oll by the following vote: Yeas (8). boco, 1Zember Cochran offered motion to receive and file the report of the Riverside ?overt for Hospital, 1•0a the monh of 1.:arch, 1922. Adopted upon the call of the .oll by the follow - !'arc: OP rise •^ :e Inv vote: Yeas (8). p......i e �1 Liembea Yopp offered motion that the Police and Fire Committee be authorized to exch>,-nee the old Lodge car in the Police Department, in the purchase of a new car, at an expanuiLuae not to exceed $1200.00, same to be charged to the Police Department. Adopt -,d un she call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: lennedy, Alliston, „ahcaart, B.00ka, Cochran, Cole and Yopp.(7). ?ay: Rieke (1). 9cmue. Cochran offered motion that, the Ci Ly Clerk be allowed to employ an e134lataant for th,: months of April and "_v, 1924, for the purpose of malting out the tax ibillu, at c aalaay of ($100.00) One Hundred Dollars per month. Adopted on the call of t;: .oil by Lhtollowir.F vote: Yean (8). Same offeaed motion to concur in Lho recommendation made by the Hospital, So'a'ea & Sanitation Com.-.1tt'e©, allowlnr. Dr. ox, thb City H.,altn Officer, tho aum of - "J 6400.00 pal drrum, tayable 25.00 monthly, out of the City Troanury, and same to be ciaaHr,d to tee conLir„ent teal. Adopted on the call of the roll b,a tno follorvina; vote: receive and file and Same offered L,)41on toneonour i!: tee recoz=rndation of tn�- joint Judiciary C.. ittco, in tot :ep:bllrg•, tha ordinance creating the office of Clark to the City Judt,e. Adoptel on :all of the roll by the folleain-, vote: Yeaa: (5). .we ofrertd notion that the oil'_ eT «none, z'oreman & Lackey, for bond for e:' ''71t;; CiLY Taaaeuaer, amo:ntin2 to $1i;;;.OS, be dies':._.�aa, as h.: eor;a naL tflnk it sive for the City to D Y:-as.(8?. ay iia t` , -meq 3nro 'ia o_ 6lotel .,....:•ra. H ;r.ce, or. site oa'l' of the roll• . Yeas:Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooke, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On' i bt'i'oh' bf"eame, the rales were suspended and said ordinance was given passage by title upon'thb call of the roll-: •Yeas Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, 310�kc, 'C'oohrak, Cole, Rie7ce and Yopp. (8). oil motion, same was given second and final passage upon the call o.the aoll by the follo-ring vote: Yeaa: Xennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Riere and Yopp: (8). kiemr,cr Yopp offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in rorand to referring bids for painting Piro Stutions Nos. 1, 2,4 and 5 to tax ?ire & Police 70mmitteo. Adopted on the call of tho roll by the following vote. Yeas; Y.F-redy, Alliston, Aeheraft, Brooks, Cochran, iii Cole and Yopp.(?) Nays: Biece (1). Elemter Cochran'orferod motion to conour in tiX octlon of two Board Of cou::cil::.urX in regard .o t o Coc.uniCation from th7; Mayor, reFe:r.ilri' john 1icFadden. - - - -- - -- beiri;" tSfbZTed GaCai 10 t^6 Police & ?ire Co.-ini Gtee, wits, bower to net. Motion lost ppn t call or the Toll: lays: Lennedy. Alliston, .1hcraIt. Brooks, Cochran, Cols, Riexe and? Yopp. (8). No. ...-55._. _.. ... Proceedings of ---BOARD OFT.LDERIrN,_.Gley of Paducah____ APRIL 21. 192 4• Same offered motion that the bill of Boone, Foreman & Lackey for the bond for City assessor, in the amount of 5110.00, be disallowed as he does not think it .-rise for City :asessorls bond disallowed. the City to pay the bonds for elective officers. Adopted on the call of the aoll: Yeas (8):' Same offered motion that the bill of Frank B. Smith, for a bond for City Clerk, City Clerks bond disallowed, in the'amotnt of $50.00,.be disallowed, as he does not think it wise for the City to pay fok surety bonds'for elective officers. Adopted on the call of the r?11: Yeas (8). Saine*offered motion that, it appears that the City, on February the 6th, 1924, paid to'A. R.'Steel,Insr.rance'Agency, the stun- of $162.50, claim No. 513, through some mistmderytandings','premium:'os the-follovring City officers bonds 'Dr. J.'N. Bailey, Mayor..............................$So.00 Loroftzo-Embry;'Auditor .:............................. 20.00 " " Carl'H. Denker, City rtty .... :............... ......... 10.00 'James'Coyle,.City Jailer.:::.:: ...................... 20.00 City Employees John P. Reesman' Asst. City Jailer........ ........... 10.00 Bonds. Robt. F. Fisher,'lieat�& hlilk-Insp::.....:............ 10.00 Arthur Y. Curtin, City Solicitor ..................... 12.50 Wade Barton, Market Master ........................... 10.00 A. W. Leigh, Chief of Police ......................... 20.00 Total 1b2. U I'move that the above amounts be deducted from the check due the respective parties, ani the amount'be refunded to tke City Treasurer, and the proper account be credited with " Member'Cole' offered an amendment- to the above motions. That all the names except Dr. J. N. Bailey; Carl &, Denker°and James Coyle, be stricken from this motion. Adopted bh'the'Oall-of the roll -by- the following vote: Yeas (8). 'llember'Cbchran'offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen, regarding recommendation of the Board of Health in regard to the Mayor Venereal Clinic at Riverside Hosp. signinga'bbintract with thb'United•States•Health Service, for the operation of a Venereal'Clinic at'Riverside•Hospitai:••Adopted on the call of the _oll by the following ... vote-: Ycas•(8).... ........................... ..... . Member Ashcraft read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE Ordinance. B'JSINE�i$ OF ITIN&RANT MERCHANTS IN 'ME CITY OF PADUC,X, KENTUCKY,. FIXING A LICENSE Itinerant 'erchants. T= -FJ 70R, AND A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THERP.OF." On motion of same , same was given first passage on the call of the roll: Yeas:Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooke, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). On' i bt'i'oh' bf"eame, the rales were suspended and said ordinance was given passage by title upon'thb call of the roll-: •Yeas Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, 310�kc, 'C'oohrak, Cole, Rie7ce and Yopp. (8). oil motion, same was given second and final passage upon the call o.the aoll by the follo-ring vote: Yeaa: Xennedy, Alliston, Ashcraft, Brooks, Cochran, Riere and Yopp: (8). kiemr,cr Yopp offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in rorand to referring bids for painting Piro Stutions Nos. 1, 2,4 and 5 to tax ?ire & Police 70mmitteo. Adopted on the call of tho roll by the following vote. Yeas; Y.F-redy, Alliston, Aeheraft, Brooks, Cochran, iii Cole and Yopp.(?) Nays: Biece (1). Elemter Cochran'orferod motion to conour in tiX octlon of two Board Of cou::cil::.urX in regard .o t o Coc.uniCation from th7; Mayor, reFe:r.ilri' john 1icFadden. - - - -- - -- beiri;" tSfbZTed GaCai 10 t^6 Police & ?ire Co.-ini Gtee, wits, bower to net. Motion lost ppn t call or the Toll: lays: Lennedy. Alliston, .1hcraIt. Brooks, Cochran, Cols, Riexe and? Yopp. (8). No. ..._._56.._-------- - ._- Proceedings of _- BOARD of .-ALIl?:N----- City of Paducah___._.- _1924.. L:etaber Rieke offered motion to concur ir. the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to allowing the iolloerinG bills; as recommended by the Joint Finance COI:S.littee: City Hall Supplies and repairs .............................053.95 PrinGin" Postage and Supplies ............................ 156.80 Bonds of employees ......................................... 90.00 C1nir:3 Police Supplies ............................................ 454.87 allowed. Fire Dept.Snpplies........................................ 345.85 Street Dent. " 488.77 .......................... Li,:ht Plant ........................................... ... 284.26 'finite Tray .................................................. 410.00 Market House Supplies ...................................... 37.01 Engineering Supplies ....................................... 91.50 Parks ......................................•............... 1.35 City Scales ................................................ 2.06 Oak Gaove Supplies ......................................... 4.70 City Jail Supplies ............................. ... 85.03 Riverside Hospital Supplies.....................•.........j2231.60 Pest House Supplies ........................••............. 6.75 Health Dept. ........................................ 110.00 Incinerator,Supplies................................. 49.66 Genoral Charity Accounts .................................. 330.31 Coats & Suits. .................. 16.65 951.12 Also the following pay rolls: Mayor's Stenographer ..................................... 45.00 License Inspector ........................................ 62.50 c i-:. rual City.Hall.&mployees...................................... 57.50 iny-rbll. Police Dept..... ...................................... 1437.50 Dog Catcher .............................................. 55.00 Fire Department ........................................... 1477.50 Street Dept .............................................. 936.41 Newer Dent .........................•..................... 93.60 Light Plant .............................................. 302.50 Varket House ............................................. 85.00 Parks. ............................................. 61.50 City Scales .............................................. 37.50 CityJail ................................................ 100.00 Riverside Hosnita.................. ...................... 523.73 Sanitary Inspector ....................................... 41.66 Pest House Keeper ........................................ 25.00 3ngineering. .......................................... 126.97 New Construction ......................... ............... 94.00 Sevier Dist. No. 3 . ..................................... 326.50 Special Sevier Fund ....................................... 20.00 Oak Grove ................................................ 231.30 34d Dist. Server Fundi(/i:!(ti.................. ........... 178.76 319.4 Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: 'Kennedy, Alliston, Ashceaft,.Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (8). :,mo offered motion to concur in tiro action of the Board of councilmen in iecard ;.o allowing the fo11o7iing bills, as recommedded by the Joint Finance Cor ittee; paid from the.Cashier's Fund: Cit,; ia11 repairs.. .. .......................... $45.00 Prin-tine, Poo'�a_e and Supplies ......................... 15.70 Stro�,t kept. ....................................... 50.29 i:._.7 constauction....................................... 8.00 Lir'ht 'runt....... .... 8.00 Lair&et House. ..................................... 6.00 Healt'r. Setartr..ora...................................... 1.50 G a:ea al Charity ...................................... 6.92 141.41 Fay rolls for "pocinl Sower Nork on 5_n_viuhaw CieeY, chargeable to 8coei.al Sewer fund. 120.40 7.6-f. 81 2=e offered motion to concur Jr. the action of the Board of Councilmen 1 n itg-w d to autcoriaing the Treasurer to transfer from tris , norai Fund to the zinking Fund, x11, 175.36, :or the purpose of paying bonds known or the Chasapeake,, Ohio 5, Senth*eutean iiailaoan, issued Lay the 27t'r., 1904, in the amowtt of $20,000.00, wit: accauad interest it the .9 o::rt o' .450.00, which wiLl beeomr due Lay the 2nd, 193•.. slue t::,L two ::irking: surd Cotmmission. ;-.mpcsed of tiro Mayor and the Yrosident oi' both 3oazda, be sutharized to Josue proper waraar,t on toe Yroseurer to paj from asii Sir ii ; Fund, .i.e ..Icunt due, as shown above. Adopted on the cal; of the roll: Ya as: r r;e�y, ..iliatcn, 4sharait, Brcoi;s, Cochren, Cole, Ricte and Yopp. (a). No._ -5¢,_- .. ..- -- .. Proceedings of—BOARD-OF-AbDERE s27 ----- City Of Paducah- -- APRI-L--21ST - 192 4 Member Brooke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of `P994-4.4ain Petition asking for Legard to a petition from citizens residing on the North Side of Clark Street betmeen alley Ifr.a citizens an North tide of 9th & 10th, asking .for alley, being referred to the Board of Public 79orka and Street Clark Strcet, btr.*. I 9th a 1Cth. Committee. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas:(8). Member Rieke offered motion that we refer the request of the Paducah Ice Company Paducah Ice Co. to City Solicitor to bring in a resolution exempting them from taxation according- to MO taxation. the iaw.and ordinance. Adopted on the call of the roll by the follovrina, vote: Yeas: (8). Member Brooks offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Crushed rccl-s for in regard to the Cemetery Committee being authorized to purchase a carload of crushed Cc:-etcry Streets and sewer repairedock _or use on cemetery streets, also to have the sower repaired for Sexton House. for Sexton House. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas (e). Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen City Enrinner in regard to the City Engineer being• instructed to survey and make a plat of all una-sed instructed to sur- vey ani make plat territory in Oak Grove Lemetery, so as to make available for immediate use the lots for of all unused territory in Cal burial. Adopted o_, the call of the roll: Yeas: (8). Grove. Member Brooks, offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council:: men regarding communication from the Board of Health in regard to painting the Peat Painting Pest ?souse. House being referred to the Public Improvement Committee with instructions to report back. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas. (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to the communication from the International Brotherhood of Electrical 17orkers Interr,,tlonal being received, and the City Solicitor being instructed to bring in an amendment to Brotncrhoed of `leetrica.l or :era the present ordinance so as to require permits to be obtained from th3Slectric Inspector before installing any electric wiring. Motion lost upon the call of the roll: Bays: Kennedy, Alliston, Ashcroft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp.(8). Sane offered motion that the claim of S. B. Gott, County Jailer, be referred C_eir.. of .B.Gott. to the Judiciary Committee and City Solicitor, ait'n instructions to report back. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Asheraft, Brooks, Cochra, Cole, Rieke, and Yopp. (7). Rays: Alliston (1). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Couneilnann in regard to the co=unication of Harding Company, regarding the accep,ance of Co ":sir Wain Sewer Extension" being referred to the Board of Public iorka, Joint Street aicn." vom.^attea and City --neineer. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). LEnooer Rieke offered motion to concur in the action o_ the Board of Council- +.C.::oaten b1l). of ren in regard to allowing bill of 3. C. Seaton in the amount of ,21.50, cost in the Coat ir: a'.:ae :sty of Pa•iucuh vo: ctae of City of :-aducah 7b: :1. Yancey. dopted on the call of the toll by the Yancey. followin- vote: Yena: Kencedy, Alliston, Asheraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (6). zerbar Brooks offered motion to concur in Lho action of the Board of Change oC Courcilmr,4 in regard to tho Board of .1dormon, chang±nst ti.eir mooting- ni^ht from nights. uon:ey a±•!:t to Tzeaday aiFht. lioti.on goat upon t'rn cal. 1. of the roll by the following Nayo: vote,: Yeas: Elliston, Asheraft, Broo[s, Cochran. (4).A Konnody, Cole, Rieke and Yopp. (4). lember Cole r.ai tin orainanen ♦xf;Ltled "Al ORDINANC7 PROHIBI:INO CARNIVALS Ordinance pro:,,,,.ieZ-r' OR »r'9-_ tHOWS 1-0 ElLiBI: OR DO 5';: Vl-Sb IN '.TF CIW OF PAL^CA.H, . =N7_;CKY." On motion carnivals or t.-r.t of s_.se. said ordinance was rivbn its first pas-a;re, upon the null of the roll shows to in Paduea-.. Yeas: is:anedy, ::histo Asheraft, Cochran, sn;i R ieice.(5). '�sys: Brooks, Cole, and Yopp. (.;.i. No.- 58. __ .__ PI'oCeeiin-S of -BOARD OF ALDE_RI.u^Ii—'---City of Paducah-------APRIL-2161T% ,lamber Rima offered motion to concur in the action of tiie Board of Councilmen - in ipCaid to instructing Hospital Committee and Superintendent of Hospitals, to buy SUS• _e^ . _ i•ivc'si,ie ti all supplies po3zible from 1'6bal wholesale concerns. adopted on the call of the roll '.!Orr. by the following vote: Yeas. (8). Member Cole offered motion to concur in the notion of the Board of Councilmen in regard to tile Street Vyigd{ Ifgi¢ and Public Improvement Committee having City Stable City Stcblcs.aepaiied. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Kennedy, Alliston, Asheraft, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, and Yopp. (7) Nays: Rieke (1). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard Petition fror: citizens ac'.: -to a petition from citizens asking for an extension of Clark Street from 21st Street ing for extoncicn of Cl rkt. to City Limits, being referred to the Joint Street Committee and Board of Public ''Works. fro-: 21st to Cit -I.- Limits. Adopted on the call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: (8). Lember Rieke offered motion that the Councilm=.:n be notified that we are ready to go into joint session to consider the matter of Mr. John McFadden. Adopted on the call John 'cFadden. e: the poll by the following vote: Yeas (8). Recessed at 11:10 R. L:., to go into joint meeting. Re -convened at 11:40 P. LI., and on motion meeting adjourned. ,TraTi^era'. Ga2rd :r��.1':icn:;.:. At a joint meeting of the General Council, held on the 3rd Floor of the City Ea'i, on Ap i1 the 21st, 1524, the meeting was called to order by President Ken::edy. Upon the call of the roll, tite following answered to their names: Kennedy, 'llisto:i, Asiaoraft, Brooks, P/. E. Cochran, Cole, Rieke, Yopp, watts, Bougeno, J. E. Coei- an, C,.ider', facets, Kerth, Mason, Llorrison, Owen, Riegleaberger, Spicer and 6tewart.(20). On motion the minutes of joint meeting of L4areb the 17th, were adopted as read. Member "ason offered motion that John McFadden be reduced in rank from Captain to Private. Lotion lost upon th+e call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas: .7. E. Coilizan, '..Eason, (2). Najs: Kerniedy, Alliston, Asheraft, Brooks, Cole, Rieke, Yopp, ::arts, Bous-eno, .. E. Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, 'North, Ltorrison, Owen, Riggleuberger, Spico� and Stewaat. L{eccei Lor, !son offered motion that the Chief of Police be called upon to mare a w atr;mont in -egard to I.ir. L'cFadden. Motion lost upon the call of tine roll: Yeas: S. E. B,eors, .ouluwl, Cole, Xaoon, Eorriaon and wpicer. (o). hays: Kennedy, Alliston, .i€hcraft, i:ieko, Yopp, '..atto, Bougono, J. -7. Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, Korth, Owen, Rip;?L,sberae,, sad :;tevert L'e:a.er Yopp offered motion that Lr. L'eFadden be suspended for five days without fay, ti limL o_ auLpeneion to eom7!once whin he waa 2u2 .ended by the Mayor. Cole made an s=.-nd.T.r:nt to the above motion that Mr. McFadden be suspended ',;nail tr., 'Let o' i.ay. Amr:ndm:nt Lost on the caLl of the+ roll.: Yoas: Alliston, Brooks, Coci:.an, Cole, Cri^_er, L'or.ison, and -picer(7). liyyn: Kennedy, :iuherat't, Rieke, YoFp. 8attz, Loureno, .. Cochran, Jacobs, Zerth, ::aeon, Dann, hii'!!Inober{her and 'he abe7F motion ^_ar:lad on tine eai. of the. roll by the followin,' vote: Ycae: Y6.:!edy, 4111stoL, Aarcra't, Jroo4t3, -ole, Rieke, Yopp, hatta, Boit::ono: Unbran, C,i•'61, J$coc e, te:th, Owen, :yigr">L^at'eT�?;T an,, �;tea'art. (15). Saya; .,. ... Cochran, i:azon. L'2rai:On u::9 -beer 141. Or motion meatin£ adjourndd.