HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 5, January 7, 1924, .. ... •_. :?.Z �C1i?'�_T�(Joirt 1'oot1-*) ^In' IAOCAH 7 ] 24No. IIron call the roll the folloriirF� ar.swered to their names: Aldermen. C6iltm�t; i'bfl8i �'''Pt dCeei t{iFa,�;>i'Ytty'i�f�1's`tki�fi'�1 OeorF,e I.. A31iston, Mouis Y. Brooks, .i. -%.Cochran, Cole, ,I.B.."ernedy, 7 J,L:.Rieke, 17.J.3iopp. Alderman +12or• -shorrft, being, absent from this meeting. _192 �. •t a joint' meotiT:g of the Boord of Councilmen and Board of-Idermen on Id meeting being the first joint meotirg under the ITew Couneilmar,ie Form of voverrinent in the Council Chamber on the 3rd Ploor of the City Fall in the Cit,,, of Talucah, held on L:orday Jaimr_ry 7th 1924, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock The meeting .Jas called to order by Phesident lennedy, 11To prosiied over r• -^r. ,; •z ..pie ti,, -j folio :ir^ r:o ti or: i'hat the '1 ^ i �o into s o]'. ao, ,J', 11 h was a101" t. -,d 1u r. . .. �.�.. ..i ...... 1�. .,.. S'017oair.:r ::odor.. I pro^. ,. ... ..,�i-•h •! :i .. 1 :. 1e o t1;•.^.i t; o f , .l ... - . .. .. .. ';e ...... •il �•:.• .. 47' X0:9. ., , 1'J: .�l t"sr,31 canf,._,.., r J, goal ..! da, m'0. .... ... _ .. , -,1 .:'arc, •i; -s. :'61 z oi; , :.:'I; ,., the meeting. IIron call the roll the folloriirF� ar.swered to their names: Aldermen. OeorF,e I.. A31iston, Mouis Y. Brooks, .i. -%.Cochran, Cole, ,I.B.."ernedy, J,L:.Rieke, 17.J.3iopp. Alderman +12or• -shorrft, being, absent from this meeting. Councilmen: Henry Bougeno, J..�.Cochran, John •7.0rider, %eorge Jacobs, O.A.%erth, +a:orrison, •7.=.Owen, Charloa=iigglesberrer, R.l.Spicer, Iilus Stewart Coorme datts. Member Yopp made the following motion, to -:nit, That the follo'ving standirsr rules for the rovernment of the nrodeduro of the Aoard of-lderm:or- and Board of -' ..., -rig.: "s a.Ji:7ot Councilmen as set out in printed booklet form as adorted b, Colmcil February 7th 1V10, and adorted by the Board of Aldermer, -Q'ebruar,, 7th 1910, and si-r.ed by r,'curice I:oir.tpre, City Clerk. •adopted by a ntnndiz. z vote. R::'..'ARYS: Said Book of aules if filed with other miscal]aneons records ori-Tinating in meeting of the Aldermen of Mondry, January 7th 1924. .+lderrnn Brooks made the following motion: That 1'a,.>or Baffle, be notified ;i i that a -joint meeting of the Board of aldermen and Board of Councilmen is in _t ,Y. . Z. or -. j session and that L:a,-or Bailey be invited to attend said joint meeting. adopted b;i a staniine vote of both Boards. R..&.Cole made the following, Motion: +'hat the salar,r of the City < ivlitor be fined at :;,400.00 Ler year, end b^ motion of Councilmen orrison that the "it: ,• :i 1 for :stove mentioned motion to be •d1800.00 per year in :toad of ;2400.00 1•er year. 'he vote on the amoriment war, lost b,r the follovin, votes: A]1lstor... rot voting.. ;ays, Cochran, Cole, i:or:nody, Rieke, Yopp, Bonroro, Cochran, iter, hip;lesberror, icor, Sto:aart, •Intto. ihelve nays. "t• "oca.--i'roo s, Jaaobs, i:erth, Yason, I:orrison, O. -ion. Sir ygyp. !-otion of •"..:.Coohrar the question o`docid1r- th ^il-r,- to be prid t -r. Cit.- : 41tor be Ioctlor.ed to a later tire of the At-. ,-Iolt0l h;- innr.i^ous .;te. r• -^r. ,; •z ..pie ti,, -j folio :ir^ r:o ti or: i'hat the '1 ^ i �o into s o]'. ao, ,J', 11 h was a101" t. -,d 1u r. . .. �.�.. ..i ...... 1�. .,.. S'017oair.:r ::odor.. I pro^. ,. ... ..,�i-•h •! :i .. 1 :. 1e o t1;•.^.i t; o f , .l ... - . .. .. .. ';e ...... •il �•:.• .. 47' X0:9. ., , 1'J: .�l t"sr,31 canf,._,.., r J, goal ..! da, m'0. .... ... _ .. , -,1 .:'arc, •i; -s. :'61 z oi; , :.:'I; ,., No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah -192 RA:- 0011-c.., tJi`_..._....:: 7T i.:JilCalt 7th 3924. No. !7 _192. .m. s read, The above motion was rdopted h;• the call of the roll b the follo', — i votes: Yeas. =•lliston. Brooks, Joehran, Cole, Bourero, Cochrar, Crider, I'asoni !'orrison, Spicer, Steuart and •'atts. Pays. i:enrody, Rieke and Yopp, Jacobs, i I:erth, Omer, rtirvlesberrer. i -ldermar.-'cieke makes the follosina motion: That wero into the i aenr election of Cit;; •ieirher. henry Lrders being elected by unanimous vote. Courcilmar. 1:erth made the following motion, to -wit: That the s Srston of Oak. Grove Cemeter.- be j election of I'rs. Billington to the office of ratified. Adopted b- the call of roll by the followinz votes: Yeas. e' «Iliston, Brooks, Cochran, Cole, Ko;nedy, Yopp, Bonaeno, Cochran, Crider, i 1:erth, 1'ason, L:orrison, Over, itierlesbergor, Spioar, Stewart, latts. hays. Jacobs, Risks. Councilman Korth made the follorir.c motion. to -wit: That the eloo- tion of Dr. nobert Lisher for Ci'tr %=ill: and feat Inspeotor be ratified. Lotion i • carried unanimousef i i Councilman Eorth made the follorrinr, motion., to -wit: That the election of henry Bailey to the office of Mcense Irspeetor, Ansl,3tart City ratified. r• iasessor and committee clerk. be/ I:otion carried unanimous y Aderman: ;.ieke made the following motion, to -wit. That the el -ration j of r'rark Brorm to the office of i,arf Laster be ratified.. Lotion carried unanimous alderman =iieke introduced a motion as follows, to-rdt: I desire to have a resolution introduced that 1'r. Foto =•cker be employed as assistant i ". `^r. `•: •:-'• `:=.t City 1'�reasurer ar.i other o`ff'ice duties, for not over two mothb at a salary of x200.00 per month. Counoilman Lorrisen offor,0 an amerdmont to the above motion that the salar;.1 shouli be x150.00 per month. Amendmar.t lost, b;• the follo Ar.'-- vote i:ays, z%II-Iston, brooks, Cochran, Colo. i -armed;•, • ioko, Yopr, Iloureno, Cochran, Crider, Jacobs, •r:orth, Cason, C ien, i�irzclosborFer, opioer, 'Mvaart, '7atts. Yea. L:orrison. The above mo tion, carried b^ • the• followir,r. vote: Yeas. A11 istor., i Zoei:raz., Colo, :•or.r:iey,=tioko, Yopp, bougeno, Cooiuran, ! ior. Jacob:;, i.erth, I'a:ior., Hiar'!esborgor, Spicer, Ste.7art and Jatts. ,.Idermar.. 1oko introduced the following motion. to -:nit, <h^_t the rt '.1 rr: nr.til 2:00 o'cic^... .... :f .,r:r; 7th 1924. otior. carried rl"t r, ^'A 2:Gr) O'i;Iaol; i,",i`.ari^.* ;'t,u•_:; th 1924 theirr�:•:n:; .• n•,i1 •if thOr01), t0 -,';t: ..'11.:ton, I...:.. %:. ::i?R, .:n: c+i,', •�So;.n -: 1 ."t 1., :n,a ailrAn, '.:-, . •, i.,, .;b^ r, •.: ..:.r .. n.l :.r i:; ... ..... ...:... ;. jJii. :, :,. i..i... ..1'i©e•• .. !: .i ..: .. '•1.t t.. t:.-'.77 • .. _ _..".- .- _. :[.`. ..`:^. C'n14c r.'7tion, to -lit. ...... ... .... _ _ ...... .. ... .. .. /o :: •!. .'. � .; . •.Ran. �r9rdr:ert ,.v .•.•. G .t. ., ... ... .tn: No. � - t Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah -_ __ _ _ _192-_ .,., 11.. ii. PTO int meatir:r,) CJ:,':; .H:' 7 1924. No. �oiitinjsstohers"'Paaoeedrngs, Llty ctfsPstllt ixY -7 1921' Yeas. Llliston, Brooks, Jacobs, Yorrlson. hays. Cochran, Cole, Yere, FF. Bou.nedy, i ter' s^lar,; Con- RiekYo eE ero, Cochran, Crider, Earth, Eason, hirzPlesbermer, Spicer, Stewart ...:.d. •7atts. the foregoing motion of 43derman Cole, carried by bhe following: vote, to -wit: Yoas, Alliston, Cochran, Cole, Eannedy, Rioke, Yopp, BouPeno, Cochran, Crider, I:erth, Yason, ltip:vlesberper, ipicer, Ste•..Yr.rt and Watts. 1.'nys, Brooks, Jacobs, I:erth and I:orrison. -2dormar, Brooks made the followin r motion, to -wit: That the Communication from the Health jepartment, T-aducah, :.ontucky, under date of January 4th 1924, or. frD: aipsed by Jr. S,B.rulliam be received and filed. The motion carried unanimously. Alderman :7.�.Gochran, made the follwaing motion, to -nit: +'hat a resolu- tion accepting the service of Henry A.Pulliam as Consul.tira 9;nnineer without re- amreration pending the completion of the Sewer System no=r under construction in the city of Paducah, Lontuchy, be received and filed. Yotdon carried by a unanimous vo te. -lderman Jack Cole made a motion that the follo:rina resoluti=on be received and filed, as follows, to -wit: "Be it resolved by the General Council of radw ah, + lentucky, that the fire and Police Departments be put under the supervision of the Fire and Felice Committee of the joint council :lith the M,,,or actino as 1;x -officio ire ani lolice Je- i -rtmer,t. member." i:otion carried by a unanimous vote. j -lderman Cole made the follor-inr motion, ;.o -cit: That Clyde 7. Be 11 to the be elected to the office of Clerk of the Board of rublia :7orks and/City *nrtineer. "anri ofTu:iul%i-2 .torted unanimously upon =11 of the roll. .•oris, �1;•de ^ell. =,lderman Jack Cole made a motion that .Joseph Iulliam bp arrointed to the 71- office of Cit, Street Izapeetor of the Cit;* of Paducah. I ••.. .�.Ct.t. ..e✓t. Councilman Jacobs made amondment to the above motion, to -crit, That the ratification of street Innpeator be deferred and have a joint street Committee meet With t --.o T?oard of Iublia .7orks for further lnvostiration and r000rnendetion. Iir ook s, carried as follows: Yoas, i-Iliston,/Popp, Boagero, 'Co;hrar., Crider, Earth, I.:o^rison,=dir,,­leobcri•or, arioer. Stewart, Batts. ^ass, Cochrar, Aio}:.•).:'aeon, :.il ;:•-ter. is'iaka cede th,! followim; motion, trait: That the--':our.cil.mer, a! 1 • ..:nr' -::; ^.:^ax lot.'] to dnterr.ir.e who should lona and short tern of office. %Dn"rar. =..tido _ren Trent to the shove motion as follo:vs, to -.1t: ..f^ " - .. ... ......., co roforre' t,, ._ _.,- ittee of three, such committee tc be arI'oir.to3 ' to irve:-t. .te t:n le;ralltp of drnwinr lots aal •._.`.e a reyart t0 .r:n .... .. ��J' ;11, th-i '+r 1, .^.rrl e1 1; th,! followine 7a to; ^rider, . %rte•, :'anon I rf r.nt., .icaleaterger, 47.1ear. ,,. ... .. n. n. 11 r•or :tfakn, Jncobs :'..Par aleke of era9 •;, in'... .'! n.. :, t tf:9 Cnrtif- t zJ3 nl'...2C4. Or .;8er" 'intro. •i.. . -i O" a •.lun},n^'Or ^:1 ;'enry , to, '.-. , .. .. ... , . c=ell' :1: •7 role. ,•,..'.'Zed y.,. . .. .. .. ..... --. .;; fill O. .. ' ! 0 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192 001 -Til (Tont 'J'")tinP) CIT.' 7th M19':'4. No. I'A. the office of Councilman. STEEL3 C. L.71A',ii:Ma ROY ST47ART. Commissioners." Yov. 9, 1923. STAT.". OF SS COUUTY EoGRACZ= ) C.L.Van1'eter and Roy kewpxt, duly authorised to canvass the return of the Count- of Nor'racken, do cortifthat , at an election hold in said Coimt- on the 6th lar of Kovember 1923, Henr,: Bow, was (W177 el-?cted to fill the ofiioe of Councilmen. A.R. STEEL:1 C.L.VAITIMER ROY ST-71ART. Commissioners. STAT' 0F:-TTV0rf Yov. 9, 2923. It SS COUI M1 0"' :".Qc, ACI:71. 'Ie, -.R.Steele, R.;3.Barnett and Hoy -Dtowart, duly authorized to canvass the return of the County of 1.'e0rooken -:,3,3sterz-3r do certify that at an election held in said Colmty on the 0: ea^Otlon 6th day of 11overnber 1923, Charles B.-Hirglesberger --ms duly elected to fill the office of Councilman. A. 2. STEMIZ R. S. BzIRVETT ROY STE'.W.RT, Commissioners. --lderman -lieke made the follovinp. motion-. 2h --t the election of Henry Bailey as License Inspector &nd other duties as not out in ordinance be 0 Ci i0encc ratified. "dopted unanimously by call of the roll. Councilman Enson made the follo-alnR motion- That Tom Gholson .",r. hloor. jailtor. be elected to fill the office of Janitor. :adopted unanimongly by call of tl,.o roll. Councilmar. 1-%oon made the follogina. motion: That Cl'.Tenoe ol )rotor Toole;, b3 ejectMy as elevajor/for City yn.31. Z01J.013 north made th-) folloAnp, motion. Thit J.B..—.,.,jo be ol"tail so -vn-.t,)r for Uitr Hall. 0111-ailroDi. Cochran *endo the follo,.virm motiol;: !hat I—I.Dolloo be olorator for Qir., Hall. -&ach a)Isr.z*,Te zPA;3 voted or, :7't?i oro roll call ar.,i *,*Gto .,jaL3 ea follogs.. C3aronoe To,)Iol,,, receiving the VJte of --.,Jko, jaoobz' and 13000114 applicant, reoelrlrM Votes so folloau: .-M.Aor. nnl Borth. 1. Vitri niplicant rooelvoi folio.Niyj.., T - r a Q k u. , ,;o lo. Yon'Xi 1:', "()11 -^1-1 or, `o:.,r1 nor, Lr"e :!or. ate: -rt, that 7 j, Ad N., 11 'r - Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _192 i