HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 483, September 19, 1927No-- 483- -- Proceedings Proceedings of__,�'ca-rd_of�ldermen City of Paducah At a regular meeting of the Board of t.ldcrmen held on the third floor of the City hall in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, Sept. 19, 1927. President Hannin presided: And upon the call of the roll the £oll6wing answered to their names; Hannin, Bell, Davis, Dunbar and Rieke (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as_readt Pay rolls. 11ember Rieke offered motion that payrolls be allowed for $5955.36. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5) Claims/ Same offered motion to allow claims for ,16973.77. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5) Pay roll Member Davis offered motion that the Sept, half -month payroll for the Fire for the Fire Dept. Dept. which was not approved by the Finance Committee, be allowed and the Clerk be authorized to issue proper warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of :72185.05. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; Hannin, Bell, Davis and Dunbar (4) Nays; Rieke (1) i Pay roll Same offered motion that the Sept, half -month payroll for Riverside hospital for the Riverside which was not approved by the Finance Committee, be allowed and the Clerk authorized to Hospital. issue proper warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of' $813.37. Adopted on the cell of the roll: Yeas'; Hannin, Beal, Davis and Dunbar (4) Nays; Rieke (1). ^t,nary bills Same offered, motion that the sundry bills of Riverside hospital which were not _ver - side -Hos- annroved by the Finance Con:nitttee be allowed and the Clerk authorized to issue proper Hilal. warrants on the treasurer for the. amount of :72539.63. Adopted on the call of the roll:• Yeas; Hannin, Bell, Dunbar and Davis (4) pays; Rieke (1) Sundry Fire Same offer -d motion that the sundry Fire Dept, bills whish were not Approved by Dept. Bills the Finance Committee be allowed and the Clerk be authorized to issued proper "warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of ;>764.29. Aclopte& on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Davis and Atnbar (4) ?days; Rieke (1) 'embers Hendrick and Tyree came into meeting. Iiember Rieke offered motion to allow $1950.00 interest due October 1st, 1927, Bonds. on Paducah, Tennessee and Alabama RR. Co. Bonds. Adopted on the call of the roml.: Yeas: (7) Koller Same offered motion to allow the Koller Plumbing Co. p733.53 collected on sewer Plumbing bills in zones ##4 & 5. Comnany. _.dooted on the calf or the roue: leas: (7) gar -:e -L evea moLion that the Treasurer's report of collections and ten year D.J. Ryan egraemenf:s secured=on the D.J. Ryan Constr. Cols., contract #5, for hard surfacing Constr. 10th and Clay Streets be accepted and the TrTreasurer authorized to effect final set - 10th and Clay Sts. tlement upon sale of bonds covering the ten year agreements. Also that the I•'.ayor and Treasurer he authorized to have printed, executed and sell such bonds in the amount of :,;1511`4.57. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yes,s (7) Saie offerdd motion that the Treasurer's r6port of collections and ten year D.J. Ryan agreements secured on the D.J. Ryan Constr. Cols., contract #8, for hard surfacing Constr. Co. y , g stranding 5thand '"ash - 6th and '%ashington Streets be accepted'and the Treasurer authorized to effect final inf7ton Its. settlement upon sale of bonds, covering the ten year aE7reements. Also that the ISayor And Treasurer be authorized to have prnted, executed and sell such bonds in the amount of ;6000.10. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7) Southern Member Rieke offered motion that the City t'reasurer's report of collections and Roads Co. Surfacing ten year agreements secured on the Southerin Roads Co., contract #5 for hard surfacing - Fountain Ave. Founitain Avenue be accepted and the Treasurer be authorized to effect final settle - went upon the sale of bonds. Also: the I.;ayor and Treasurer be authorizer) to have prirt- ed and sell such bonds in the amount or';4073.33. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) No. 484 Proceedings of—_Beav__of..A_ldermen- __ ._--City of Paducah__�e_Tt,_ 1.'cY,elvey Constr. Co.. Same offered motion that the Treasurer's report of collections and ten year agreements secured on the EcKelvey Constr. Co., contract #7A be aecented and, the Treasurer authorized to effect final settlement upon sale of bonds. Also the ;^nyor and Treasurer be authorized to have printed and sell such bonds to the amount of 'V5253.53. Adopted on the call of theroll: Yeas (7) '11ember Cole comes into the meeting;. Member Rieke offered. motion that the Treasurer's report of collections and ten Southern Roads Co., surfacingyear agreements secured on the Southern Roads Co., contract #2 for hard surfacing Tennessee, Ohio and 15th streets. Tennessee, Ohio and 15th Streets be accented and .the Treasurer authorized to effect. final settlement unon sale of bonds, covering the ten year agreements. Also that the Yayor and Treasurer be authorized. to have printed, executed and sell such bonds in the,amount of .;3027.85. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (SID' T.".ember Cole, offered motion to accept contract ,f,12 £or sidewalks, curb and zatter Kattefjohn & Son, con- - tract for sidewalk, curb and constructed by G'.'.':. Katter$'ohn & Scn, as recommended by the Street Committee and, gutter. f the City Engineer, aibject to the ni,ovisions of an agreement signed by G.i7. Katterjohn Sr., Adopted on the call of .the roll:. Yeas;. (B) Same offered ciotio_z to accept contract �1 for sidewalk, driveways, curb and, M ��,._� %✓ 1n gutta -.,s fron J.L. Rouse contractor, as recommended by the Board of Public J.'.:. Rouse --2 ract.s 1 Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) game offered motion to extenu the ti�re of E..L. 1±oss for grading and gr:.velling Extension of time be granted to E.L. Rows-. contract on ulark street, until November 1st, L927; subject to approval of'Bonding- Company, as recommende by the Board of Public 17orks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (B) Extension of time granted Same offered motion to extend the time of J.1.:. Rouse for completion of bridge on X.M. Rouse for completion of bridge on 6th St. sixth street, until November lst, 1927, as recommended by the Board of Public "'orks: Subject to the approval of Bonding Company. Aq,'opted on the call of the roll: ve-as; (8) :ember Bell offered moti&n to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in receivin;; and filing maintenance bonds executed by the D.J. Ryan Constr. Co.on Bonds. (!�P.Ac 1 _ �a-L'e contract #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Also Southern Roads Company on contracts #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas (8) Same offered rnotion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen ir. re - ceiving and filing communication and resolution from tho American Legion, request- soldier's and Sailor's 1'cr.norial Bond Issue. ing the General Council to order removed from the ballot the cuestiOn of; No ---`` ---- Proceedings of �_Fd_of_Aldermen_ .-.----City of Paducah ._. _ _sept._19.,_ 1927. ":here a.5 said committee has carefully inspected the property, and agreed to a \e- h dr n rt'payment of such assessment on a basis of one-third to the property owner and two- rs ad th rd thirds to the City of Paducah, and settlement thereof has been made accordingly; " itysducah I move that the portion to be borne% by the city of Paducah, being 16629.53, w4P17� - with interest from tay 20, 1927, but without penalty, be. allowed and paid to the @� i.?cKelvey Constr. Co., and that same be charged to the"Special Sewer Fund" account. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) Same offerdd theifmllowing: In the matter of sewer tax bill #7650 assessed' Sewer tax bill of L.,!. and against the property of L.N. and S.C. Rielte, located on Clay Street, Zone #T, it J.C. ?ieke. appearing that the sewer line has been extended so as to place the sewer on the private property of said L.N. and J.C. Rieke, who have proposed to dedicateuthe ground necessary to extend Clay Street in uniform width to 25th Street in con- sideration of the payment of said Tax Bill by the City. "Ihereas the Committee of the General Council kias inspected said property , i .which is low and of small value, and has recommended the acceptance of the prop- I osition of said L.M. and-J.C. Rieke. I move that the Committee's recommendations be accepted, and that said Tax- 6111 of p486.771 be allcwed and paid to the McKelvey Constr. Co., with interest from May Cps31;,._(1e.. 20, 1927, but without penalty, upon receipt of said written dedication duly approved by the City Solicitor. Same offered motion that the request for a street light at the intersection of Street light at Flom Ave.Flora Avenue and hendrick Street be granted, and the Kentucky Utilities Company be Hehdrick. authorized to install same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas i8) Same offered motion that the request for a street light at the intersection of Street light at. Park Ave. Park Avenue and Boyd Street be granted, and the Kentucky Utilities Company be author�zeedl Boyd St. to install same. The light to be placed on Boyd Street about fifty feet from the i intersection of Park Abenue and Boyd Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) Same offered motion that the request for street light at 29th and Clark St, be 28th St. & Clark --St. refused. This iz in the new annexedrterritory and as several requests for a light linht. have been refused in the new annexed territory it is deemed advisable to refuse any requests for light this year. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin,.Bell, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick, Rieke,and Tyree (7) Nays; Cole (1) Member Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Pxr.enditures of Fire Dent. in referring to the Finance Committee and Police and Fire Committee, communication and River- .Rid- Hos- from the l.:ayor relative to expenditures of the Riverside Hospital and Fire Dept., ni'al. running more that their apnortionment. Adopted on the callcof the roll: Yeas : (8) Y,ember Rieke offered motion that Mrs. trances Allen, City'Treasurer be instructed' City Treas. to destrn" and directed to destroy fifty sewer bonds issued on Sexier Zone #2, sub-divisicn "B", 50 sexier bonds. district #3, aggregating $42,072.83, which have been executed by the Mayor and which have been reMised on account of erroneous date in assessment ordinance and for which there has been new bonds ordered. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) • No._486 ____ Proceedings of_ _Board_of_.Aldermen_. _..___City of Paducah Resonation authorizing the Member Dunbar read a resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION SUPFLEMENTING'A Payor to print and sell RrROLUTION ADOPTED ON TULY 18Th, 1927, AUTHORIZING THE I,'AYOR OF THE CITY OF PAD- sewer bonds. 1JCAH, KENTUCKY,. TO PRINT AND SEL_. SE7:ER BONDS FOR THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY, THE HOLDERS OF 'JHICH HAVE ACCEPTED THE TEP; YE-R PLAN IN ZONE'NO. 2,SUB`-DIVISICN B,, 2E'7ER DISTRICT NO. 3." ' On moticn same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Ye8s;(8) On motion the rules were .suspended and resolution was read by title on the call of the roll: Yens (.8) On motion same was giver_ second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas. (8) ;,ember Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council- .i Filing summons served on men in receiving and filing Sammons served on the Mayor for the City of Paducah. I the r,'ayor. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) Member Cole read an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AS"ES°.ING'THE ABUTTING Ordinance assessing property on both sides of Jefferson PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF JEFFERSON STREET, FROi:1 THE n-EST PROPERTY LINE OF 17TH � Street. STREET TO TEE EAST PROPERTY LI11E OF 19TH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, for the COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROAD:.7AY, CONSSTING OF A CONCRETE I FOUNDATION WITH A SHEET ASPHALT TOP, AS SHCYirI 0?I PLANS, TOGETHER 1"ITii ALL NECESSARY I MANHOLES; INTAKES, CATCH BASINS AND SE:7ER PIPE CODiVECTIONS, EXCEPT TEAT PORTION j TO BE PMD FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID.COST RAV BE PAID IN TEN ANNUAL I_ISTALMENTS BY COMPLIANCE '::ITH THE KENTUCKY STATUTES APPLICABLE THERETO, I On motion same was given first r•assage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) I i On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) I i On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) Same read an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTIIIG PROPERTY Ordinance assessing the r: ON BOTH SIDES OF GUTHRIE AVENUE, FROM, THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF THE YAYFIELD ROAD abutting property on both side of Guthrie Ave.' TO THE INTERSECTION OF 19TH STREP.T; 19TH STREET, FROM THE INTERSECTION OF GUTHRIE AVENUE TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROAD"JAY STREET AND JACKSON STREET FT?OTT THE 7,'EST PROPERTY LINE OF GUTHRIE AVENUE TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST STREET, I:? TFE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A HAYD SURFACE ROAD.7AY, CONSISTING OF A CONCRETE FOUNDATION WITH A SHEET ASPHALT TOP, AND CURBS AND GLITTERS, iiS'SHOWN ON PLANS, TOGETHER ',?ITH ALL NECESSARv MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH Bi.. ".INS, DRIVE7IAYS ARID SR:."EH PIPE CONNECTIONS, EXCEPT THAT PORTIOr TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST'YAY Bu: PPP D IN TEN ANNUAL INSTALL';ENTS UPON CO?FLIANCE i:'ITH THE PtOVISIONS OF THE KENTUCKY STATUTES A.PPLI'CABLE THERETO. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas;(8) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) On motion same was given second and final passage on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) Member Davis offered motion that the Board of Public "'orlcs be instructed to Ctty Light plant property, have removed to the rear part of the lot of the City Light Plant,property, the old tar sprinkler and other dilapidated machinery and to have the :e,eds cut on same; No___487 _ ___. _ Proceedings of aid pLAlaermen___City of Paducah _ __s_ept_._ls, 1927 ana also to nave taken aoiin the old :vise shutters on the west side of the Light plant building, as it is a. dangerous projection and niay cause trouble. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) Member Bell offered the following; "V.hereas the matter of settlement of ".est End Improvement_ Sevier Zone 7A, Tax- Bills 7927 to 7929) assessed against ,the property of "fest End Improv- ..omnany. ment Co., was referred to a Committee of the Liencral Council, and said Committee has made careful inspection of the grounds; and, ",'hereas, said Committee has agreed that said Tax Bills be borne on a basis i ls; 1on. of one-half to the property owners and one-half to the City of Paducah; i v. d I move that the recommendation of said Committee be accented and that the Cil sum of SB68.18, being the City's portion of same be allowed and paid with interest S. 1. from August 9th, 1927, to McKelvey Constr. Co., and that same be charged to the n3 Ac "SDecial Sewer Sand account." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (B) Same offered the following: "Clhereas the matter of settlement of Sewer Tax? E.R. Brad- Bill //7915, Zane 7A, assessed: against E.R. Bradshaw was referrAd to a Committee of the shaw General Council, and said Committee has made careful inspection of the grounds; and, 7..'hereas said Committee has agreed that said Tax Bill be borne on a basis of P one-third to the property owner and two-thirds, to the City of Paducah; �c � I move that the recommendations of said Committee be accepted, and that the ' 1• suInrof ?1239.64, being the City"s portion of same, be allowed and paid with interest Wm: 1 nd from August 9th, 1927, to McKelvey Constr. Co., and that same be charged to the special sewer fund account. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas LB) Poll tax Member Rieke offered motion to refund ;;1.50 poll tax against B'.M. Philley, refunded to which was included in tax bill of the tiechanics Trust & Savdngs Bank. Adopted on the B..`. Philley. call of the roll: Yeas (8) "'.F. Brady Same, offered motion to deduct ;;1.50 poll tax from the October -half of tax Doll tax. bill of "'.F. Brady, as he is a non-resident. Adopted on the call of the roll. Yeas:(8), Same offered motion to release the Maryland Casualty Company as, surety on Maryland bond for the City "ational Bank, for the opening of sidewalk at Fourth and Broadway. Casualty Company. AdnDted on the,eall of the roll: Yeas (8) Extension Same offered motion to refer to A.Y. martin the matter of securing right-of- ol Jefferson way for the extension of Jefferson 3trc,t from 28th to 32nd Street. Adopted on the Street. call of the roll: teas k8) Same offered motion to allow D.J. Ryan Constr. Co., $242.38 for moving trech D,J. Rvan, on Trimble Street. Same to be paid out of nevi construction. Adopted on the callof the or no ving trees. roll: Yeas; (8) Member pole read an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ;,SSESSING THE ABUTTING Ordinance, nce, PROPERTY FOR THE COST GF CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRL•TE SIDL,SALKS , BURBS AND GUT':'ERS, TO - sidewalks, curbs and GETH7P "ITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, 117,KES, CUTCH BASI115, SL"'r'.H PIPE: CONNECTIONS '.`?D nutters. C!_ST IRON DRAITI PIPES, n SHO'':'N BY THE CITY ENGINEE:RIS FINAL ESTIMATE AND ASSESSi.'FNT OF SA;1.E, I:" THF: Ai'OU".ITS hEPEINAFTET? PRO.YIDED, ON THE FOLLO':PING NA11ED STREETS, Iii THE CITY. OP FADUCAH, KFFTUCKY, TO-INIT: BOTH SIDES OF 14TH ST"ELT FRO1,t THE 1'ORTH PROPERTY LIEF OF CLAY STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIIBLE STREET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 14TH STREET FRO!.' THE NORTH PROR RTY LINE OI' TRIMBLE STREET TO THE PAST PROPERTY LI11R OF BURNETT STRFT?T AND FROF A POINT 400 FEET :'1i•;ST OF THE V!E"T PROPERTY LINE OF BURNETT STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 17ILLETT STRLET; 011 THE SOUTH SIDE OF 14TH STT'EET FRO!,; THE "'EST PROPERTY LINE OF BURNETT STREET TO THE Es ST CURB LINE OF FLOURN;OY STREET; Proceedings of Aoard�f- 21der'erL_ -City of Paducah-_.Eep.. _19,_ 1227- ------- ----------- -------- -- ON T^E ?NORTH SIDL OF MADISON STREET FROM THE OLD SILE':7ALK, CURB A`D GUTTcl? ABOUT 270 FEET ':EST OF 19TH STRE'E'T TO THE Ei+ST PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST STRFE,T; Oil THE SOUTH SIi�; OF MADISON STREET FRO11 THE *-EST CURB LI14E OF 19TH STREET TO A POINT 296 FEET c:3T OF 19TH STREET; ON THE 77E.ST SIDE OF CA1,1PBELL .STREET FROIv THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF 6TH STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STP.EET; ON THFi NCRTH SIDE OF 7TH STREET FROL: TIIE 7!iiST PROPERTY LIIiE OF CAMPBELL STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE i OF HARD!' ST7EET, AND FR -014 THE "!LST CURB LINE OI'' BOYD STREET TO THE ELST CURB LINE OF FINLEY STREET; ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 7TH STREET FROM TEE ;:LST PROPERTY LINE � OF CA::VBELL STREET TO THE EnST CURB LIME OF FINLEY STREET; ON THE !"I%ST SIDE OF ELLIS STREET FROL THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF 10TH STREET TO THE ,IORTH PROPERTY LI1E OF 12TH STREET; Oil THE ZiST SIDE OF ELLIS STREET FROM THE NORTH ''PROPERTY LINE OF LOT NO. 6, BLOCK NO. 5, NORTHVIh':! ADDITION TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE Ce• 12TH T; OP. THE SOUTH SIDE OF 10TH ST1?aET FRO;: THE :'.'EST PROPERTY LINE OF ELLIS I `::.:•.:' 1'O THE ':!EST LINE OF LOT NO. 4, NORTHVIRW ADDITION; ON THE '.ORTH SIDE CF i 9TH STREET FROL THE NORTH CUhb LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LIME OF 30YD STREET; ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 9TH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TRIMBLE STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF BURNETT STREET; BOTH SIDES OF 8TH STI?15_T FHOI+i THE NORTH CURB LIME OF TkIt.".BLE STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF BUR- i NETT STREET; ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 13TH STREET FROM THE FEST CURB LIVE OF HAMPTON AVENUE TO THE c:,.ST CURB LINE OF PALL: STREET; ON THE !':EST SIDE OF LANGSTAFF .AVENUE � FROIi THE SOUTH CURB LINE OF 13TH STREET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF I,:ILDRED STFEFT, ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF T?ILDRED STREET FROM THE ';'!EST CURB LINE OF 23rd STREET TO THE EAST CURB LINE OF 24th STREET; ON tHE 14ORTH SIDE OF JONES STREET FROM THE !'.EST i PROPERTY LIINE OF 11TH STREET TO THE EAST CURB LI1IE OF 12TH STREET; SIDF.!ALK ONLY Oil THE SOUTH SIDE OF 13TH STRisI:TI FRD;,i THE WEST CURB LINE OF FAXOPi STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 'NILLETT STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BEING THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID IMPROVELiENT, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY I THE CITY OF PALUCI+H, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT SI+ID COST L`AY BE PAID Itd TEN f ANNUAL INSTALLIMENTS BEING ONE E6CH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, BY EXECUTION OF i;GREEL:FPiTdS REQUIRED BY LAW. � ON MOTION same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: )B) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) I On motion same was given second and final passage on the call of the ro1L: Yeas; (8) Member Cole offered motion to accept street paving contract 47, for paving - Paving 6th St. and Broad It. by D.J. R.,*an Constr. 6th,from Tennessee to Broad .Street; Broad Street from 6th to Bridge Street. Con- j Co. strutted by D.J. Ryan Constr. Co., as recommended by the Board of Public !'Ierks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ycas; (8) Vember Bell read an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ASSES°IPG THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDE OE SIXTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPhRTY LIFE OF TENNESSEF. Ordinance assessing the STREET TO THE-:'':3ST PROPERTY LINE OF BROAD STRE'7 ; BROAD STREET FRO1: TI'E E!+ST PROP - property on both sides of 6th St. F.RTY LINE OF SIXTH STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPEPTY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET, III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCiiY, FOR THE COST OF COISTRUCTION OF A HARD S11RF!.CF F.OA7"/Y, COY- SISTING OF A CO"CRETE FOU1'DATION ':LITH A SHEET ASPHALT TOP, AS SHO7,T C, ?T PLANS Proceedings of_.Bo.,x,i_,,f.-Aldermen_ __ City of Paducah _se_1s1927 TOGET" n ' ITR ALL "EC•r.'SSe RY I,SANHOLES, II:T,,KES, CATCH BASINS, DR1VE'7AYS AND SEWER PIPE CONNECTIONS, EXGii.PT THAT rQRTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID COST M.AY BE ?AID FOR BY THE CITY OF PAEUCAH, AND PROVIDING THAT .SAID COST FAV BE PAID IN TEN ANNUAL INSTALL-MENTS UPON COtIPLIANCE 7tITH THE KENTUCKY STATUTES .PPLICABLE THERETO. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: (8), On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas (8) On motion sane was given second and final passage on the call of the roll: I Yeas: (8) Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (•8) Member Hendrick wee} a resolution entitled,"A RESOLUTION E:{E;:PIING 1,7.S.Resolution exemnting Matthews & Sons, FROM THE PAYL;ENT OF AD VALORI--I.; TF.K. ON ITS FERSONAL PROPERTY TO THE S. I':atthews &. Sons. CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) On motion the rules were suspended and resolution was readiby title on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) On motion same was given second and final passage on the call of the roll: Yeas; (B) Member Cole read an ordinance entitled,"AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING Ordinance PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDLS OF THIMBLE STREET, NO"I PARK AVENUE, FROM THE '-;IST PROPERTY asses,ing property on LINE OF NINTH ST7,EET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF TEETH STREET, AND ON THE SOUTH both sides Trimble Str• SIDE THEREOF FROM THE ':'iE>T PROPERTY LINE OF TENTH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE I OF SIXTEENTH STREET, AND ON THE NORTH SIDE THEREOF FROM THE ,"LEST PROPERTY LINE OF v i TENTH STREET TO THE EAST CORNER OF OAK GROVE CEMETERY, EXCEPT THE INTERSECTIONS HERETCFO73 CONSTRUCTED AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION ABUTTING'CkiluiELL PARK 7.'HICH HAS ALREADY BEEN CONSTRUCTED, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTIO14 OF SIDE71ALKS, CURBS AND GLITTERS, AND THE NECESSARY t;AOLES, INTAKES, SEI`tER COPINECTIOTiS AND DRIVE':7A`IS, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PRO- VIDING THA'" SAID COS'_" MAY BE PAID IN TEN ANNUAL INSTALIAIENTS IT% COI.IPLI:'.NCE ':'ITA THE PROVISIONS OF THE KENTUCKY STATUTES ABPLICABLE TIIERT.O. On motion same was given first pasr;age upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) On motion same was given second and final passage on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council - Sanitary men in referring to Serer Committee, communication from the 311ayor relative to San- °er:er 1tary Sawer Zone being created; including Broadway -and Jefferson Streets from 25th �j to 32nd Street; and resolutions and ordinances be prepared for same. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (8) Member Tyree excused from the meeting. Member Dunbar read an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE CR;.ATIT.`G SF."iI:R ZONE Ordinance, 17-B, ITT FIB -DIVISION "A" OF Sr:NITARY SI:": ;R DISTRICT Tic). 3, IN ThECITY OF YADUCAH, Sewer -zone i 7B. KENT?1CK-, ARID PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORi,: AND SAPIITP.RY SE''iERS Iti COR' - BITTED FORT,`. ITT SAID 3E:;L:7 ZONE, AT THL COST OF THE PROPERTY 0':"NERS TIT:REIN, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH SE7h 'S SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PA10MENT ?LAN, AND NAI.ING":THE STREE"S AND ALLEYS ALONG AND MILDER 7.-HICII SAID SE•'!RR SHALL 9E CONSTRUCTED, r:ND SET TIG OUT IN GEIIE RAL TERMS THE PROPERTY BENEFIT:, -:D No. 490 _ Proceedings of_ Board -of .Aldermen__ __.._.__City of Paducah ___sept.19,_1A27 _ __ __ THEREBY, AND SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT FCh THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF SAMIE. On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Ytas;(7) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title on the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) On motion Same waa given second and final passage on the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) Ordinance assessing Same read an ordinance entitled, "ADI ORDINANCE ASGESSIFG THE LBUTTING PPOP-- pronerty on both sides Trimble Street, from ERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF TRIT,;BLF. STRhILT, I]OC! PARK AVENUE, FROM THE '.,EST PF.OPF.RTY tenth to 13th St. LINE OF 10TH STREET TO THE Ei,ST PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET; FROM TNF '':FST PROP- ERTY LINE OF 13TH STREET TO THE LEST PROPERTY LINE OF 17TH STRERT, IN THE CITY ar P._DUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROA D.'!AY� CON - silting OF A CONCRETE FOUNDATION F!ITH A SHEET ASPHALT TOP, AS MO -7N ON PLANS, together '7ITH CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE NECESSARY I:ANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASIT'R, DRIVE':,AYS AND SBS.FSR CONNECTIONS, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY Ti'R CITY OF PADUCAIi, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID COST 17AY BE PAID IN TEN ANNUAL INSTALLT:]ENTS IN COT`PLIANCE :!ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE KENTUCKY STATUTES APPLICABLE -HERETO." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas;(7) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title on the call or the roll: Yeas; (7) On motion same was given second and final passagecon the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) Member Davis offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council - Ston light being placed at the ?','ash-- men in referring to the Police and Fire Committees, the matter of a stop light ' ington School. being placed in front of the ''ashington school on Broadway. Adopted on the call of' the roll:: Yeas; (7) Member Bell offered motion to concur in the actitrn of the Board of Council - Installation of water meters and men in granting the request of the Paducah ".Tater Co., for grades to install water water mains. meters and water mains and ordering that grades be given at once. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in Renort of Paducah referring to the City Engineer and Fire Chief, report.;; of Paducah '.".ater Company, "'gter CO. under date of August 31st, 1927, of water mains laid and fire plugs located. Adonted on the call of the roll; Yeas: (7) Same offered motion to concur in the action of Board of Councilmen in Loading zones for referring to the City Solicitor and Ordinance Committee, the matter of the City all busses. Solicitor bringing in an ordinance for loading zones for busses on all streets where busses now run. Alopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (71 L'.ember Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council - Zoning law for cities men relative to the President of each board appointing a committee of ohe from of second class. each Board to draft resolutions requesting the State Legislature to pass a zoning law for cities of second class. Ac copy to be sent to each member of said body, and one to each City of second class. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) ].'.ember Bell appointed. same offered notion to concur in the acts&n of the Board of Councilmen Placing of bus on relative to Kentucky Utilities Co. being requested to place a bus on South 6th south sixth Street. Street, and the company keen a record of the public served for a nertod of sixty days or more. Aaopted on the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) i I No. Proceedings Of Boar,i "l icrmen -------City of Paducah-.ae�i__19__ 1927_ . Ordinance I.'ember Hendrick read an ordinance ent`a1ed, "All oRDINANCE REYEALIT'G 1_I7 to sell the bonds of E\TITLED, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ELECTION BY THE '•UALIFUP;D ELECTORS OF THE CITE" of the City to the ca= OF FADUCgF, 'f.EN.MCK'Y', to be held on the REGULAR ELECTIO?7 DAY, NOVEMBER Bth, 1927, I'. .tent of ,200,000.On.TR7. CITY CF PA,UCAl1_ KENTUCKY, TO DETERMINE THE QUESTIOP ;7HETHGr THP' CITY OF PAMCfH .!ALL IS°.LTE AND SELL THE BONDS OF SaID CITY TO THE EXTL^:T OF T`;:0 H( "DHED THOU AND (`;200,000.000 DOLLARS FOR TI1E PURPOSE OF FROVIDING FOR THE PUI?CflASE OF SUITABLE SITE 1,71) FRECTIOIT OF A I,tEL:ORIAL BUILDI?'.G COI•'.TAINING fill AIIDITO'iIUIS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, iSF.NTUCKY, TO BE ii?Z0:'dN AS "I..'E IOpIAL TO TIME SOLDIERS AND S`ULORS", AT?D TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE PAYKIENT OF S''.ID B03IDS ': TIIP a ?•.:TJJRc, 'FD ALSO FOR THE PAYI.TENT OF i i IriTr•-'EST TITEREOi"." Or. motion same was given first nasss.ee upon the call of the roll: Yeas; (7) On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance was read by title on the call of the roll: `teas; (7) on motion sar..e was given second and final passage on the ca11_.of'the roll: i Yeas; (7) On motion meetir.z adjcurnect. dort.,^d 01(1f -3—a 1927_.pproved�. 130eru o i.l cle rr.en