HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 400, March 7, 1927No._ 400_---- - .. Proceedings of_aot,r_D OF, .L7 `I.' 77 City of Paducah "%,1'GF'._7Tx,_igz7.,_ At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen held on the 3rd Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Hy., I.a.rch the 7th, 1927, President Fannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Rieke and Tyree. (6). 1,:inutes of the previous meeting; were adopted as reed. Lember Rieke offered motion that the pay roll for ::;10835.45 be allowed. Fav roll. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (�), Same offered motion that claims for ;x1457.48 be allowed. Adonted on Claims. the call of the roll: Yens (6). Some offered motion to allow G. C. Martin •;49.51, nay for time lost 0• C. Martin. on a.ocpunt of injuries sustained by on duty as a. Patrolman. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Lember Hendricks came into weetina. G. C. Liartin. Some offered motion to allow G. C. Martin, $4.95 hosnitel fee paid to Riverside Hosnital, as he was injured while on duty as Patrolr.en. Adonted on the call of th.e roll: Yeas (7). L:ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of Committee in Alfred " amen. Lot 6th and selling lot at 6th and Terrell Street to Alfred Marren, and directing that deed Terrell Sts. be drawn and delivered on payment of *;125.00. .Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Sarre offered motion to refer to the City Solicitor, surrmons served Summons on I,'ayor. Koller Plumb. Co. on the I'.ayor in case of Koller Plumbing Company vs. City of Paducah. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Ssrre offered motion to concur in the recommendation of the City Laevison 8 Solicitor in• refunding sewer tax to Laevison & Friedman. Adopted on the call of Fricdm,.n. Sewer Tax. the roll: Yeas (7). Sidewalks, curbs I:ember Uole offered motion that the City Solicitor bring in resolu- & gutters on tions for- sidetralks, curbs and nutters for the following streets: 9th Street, 9th etc; 12th, Jackson to Jones, Tennessee to Horton; lirelfth Street, Jackson to Jones; Adams Street, 19th to Adams, 19th to 21; Clark from l9th 21st; Clark Street from 19th to 21st Streetp; tadison Street, 19th. to 21st; to 21st; I'sd.frorr 19th to 21st: (S. side annroximately 200 feet west from 19th; north side, old sidel:,alk to 21st St; 14t.}, from Burnett to 21st Street); 14th Street (south side, Burnett to Flournoy,)• (north side 400 Flournoy; Burnett to Willett:Tri-ble feet west of Burnett Street 'to C'illett Street); and Trimble to Burnett. to Rurnett•.Tackson 9tR to lot%zcamn, Jackson Strcet 9th to 10th Street; Campbell Street,west side 6th to 9th; 7th qt. 6th to 9th: 7th, etc. Campbell Street,(south side Campbell to hollow east of Burnett Street; north side of to Barris and 9oyd e -ch of Ru -nett. Camnbell to Harris and Boyd to hollow east of Burnett Street). adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendricks erd Tyree (6). nays: Rieke (1). Sider:alks, curhs Same offered motion that the amity Solttor brine in Y resolutions 8- Butte^s on 14th frog: Clay to Tri,h. for sidewalks, curbs and gutters on the follor.irr- streets: 14th Street fro? Clay El.lis,10t:h to 12th; 10th,x'llis to 1st; to Trimble; Ellis Street, 10th to 12th; 10th Street, Ellis to 1st. Street vest of 9th,Triinhle to bu+•nett, etc. Palm; 9th Street (south side, Trimble to Burnett) (north side, Triable to Boyd); Burnett,9th ro 10th; 7th,"'Fish.to .Tac' -son; Burnett Street, 9th to 10th; 7th Street, '-.ashinrtor. to Jackson Pt.reets; Husbands Fusb:,nds .7th to llt.Yh; 9th t.o llth: Street(north side, 7th to 11th; south side, 9th to 11th); 10th Street, from 10th from Jories to loth; Bth,Trirhle Jones to the end of 10th Street; 8th �;treet, Trimble to Burnett; 13tb street to Burnett; 13th Faxon t.o Millett: south side, Faxon to '-illett, sider;sl'r.n only; 13th treet, north side, Harrnton 13th. Hamnton to Palm; Yy.AvP. 12th to Palm, ICent.uci:y t,venue, north side of 12th to 15th; Greer Avenue, 11th to to 15th; 0reer Av-. 11th to 12th; 12th; and Ashcroft avenue from Por.ell to Sorell: Adonted on the call of the Ashcroft Ave. from Powell to SorNell. roll: Yeas: Hannin, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Lendr•icir send Tyree. (6). Kays Rieke (1), 1� Proceedings City of Paducah __I_r..cu 7_,__1927._______ _ Alleve; i..em.ber vole offered motion to receive and file communication from the Flournoy St. City Solicitor,relative to nurchasin[-. ,round for alley in Flournoy Street between h tv; ,13 th and 14th Sts.l:�th and 14th Streets. Adopted on .the call of the roll: Ycos (7). Eduard & y P"ember Nuphar offered motion to concur in the recommeriation of the City Howard Glis- Solicitor in refunding; poll tax to Edward and Howard Glisson, paid for the year 1925 end son. 1926. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). re,mber Bell came into meeting. (ember Cole read an ordinance entitled "AN OR DINA14CF PROVIDING FOR `i'F Hard surf. IT'PIOVEYENT OF JACKSON STREET FROP,' THE F:ST PROPERTY LINE OF GUTHRIE AVEFUE TO THF EPPT Jackson from Guthrie to PI'OPLRTY LINE OF T"'F.NTY-FIRST .STREXT, IN THE CITY OF PADI!CAH, KE:P,TUCK.Y, BY THE CON- .".1st �t. STRUCTIO"' OF A HARD SU".Fi,CFI I?OAD"'(.Y, TOGE'TRFR ' ITH ALL YECLSSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, DRIVE,7A'7S AILD SF:"LR PIPE 001ML•'CTIONS, IN ACCO'D;,!-GE •'ITR THE PLANS AND SPFCIFICA"IONS PnOVIDFD THFFFFOR BY THE. CITY :%tIGIPEhR, AT THE COST OF TEF; AB17TTITIG P'%OPFPTY OWNERS, ARID PPOVIDING T11AT ThCOST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION I:.AY BE PAID IN ACCO"MNCE "'ITH THE PROVISIOI:S OF 'fill•. TEN Ye:Ar P,cv1'.1,ITT FLAN," On -motion same Inas riven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the !. call of the roll: Yeas (8). On motion same was riven second and final nassag;e upon the call of the roll: Yeas (8). i Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE Hard surf. I''PPOVEMPITT OF CALD"RLL STREET F'ROIc THF EAST PROPFRTY LINE OF' T':'ELFTH STREET TO THE Caldwell St. from 12th P'OPF'TV LINE OF TENTH STREET; TENTH STPEKT PROP; THE NORTH P?CPERTY LINE OF CALUPF.I.l. to 10th; 10th from STRXET TO THF: 'OUTPI. PROPERTY LINT? OF TFITNESSLF STREET, IN THF; CITY OF PADUCAH, KF.?'TiiCRYj Caldwell to Tennessee. BY THF CONIMMCTION OF A HARD SIiRFACE ROi,D-'r•17, TOGETFI•.R ""ITh ;.LL P:F.CF;SSi,RY I'ANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH PASINS, DRIVE7.AYS ,:PrD SE':'LR PIPs COA:"ECTIONS, IN ACCORDANCE ':':ITH THE PLANS AND SPVCIFI CATIONS PROVIDFD TITER -FOR BY THE CITY EI'GIIEFR, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PnnPERTY O"'HERS, AND PROVIDING THAT TrE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTIOI' °:AY BE; PP.II) IN ACCOPDAYCE •"ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN Y'dAR PAYKFNT PLAN." On motion same was riven first passage upon the cell of the roll: Yeas:HBnnin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunhar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). 1,rys: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were. suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). Nays: Rieke (1). On notion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7), frays: Rieke (1). Hard surf. Same read an ordinance entitled "APT OP,DINA.NCE PROVIDIPIO POI TF.!.,,IVPPOVF'- Tenn.St, t1ENT OF TENNESSEE 3TREF,T FROV THE FAST PROPERTY LINE OF THIRD STREET TO TFF -EST P'ROPER'TY from 3rd to 2nd Sts. LINE OR SECOND STRFLT, IPI THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KFI'TICKY, BY THE CmNST-•tTCTIOPi OF A HARD SU'FA.CE 1UPD"P•Y, TOGFTHER '"ITH ALL YRCESSrRY P.'.<.ITHOLLS, INTAKES, CATGP BASINS, DRIVE:'.FYS' AND Q77; ;R PIPE CONPIECTTONS, IN ACCCWTV,p7CI•; "ITH "_'HE PLitNS PliD SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED TFFRE- FOR HY THp; CITY FdiGIP:hLR, AT �lti COST OF Tfi, xR17TIAG PPOPERTY 0"i,'EPS, AP1D PROVIDING THAT TII� CO^T OF "ITCH CONSTT'DCTION I -AV BE PAI') IN ACCORDANCE ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE TEN YEAR PP.YIIFNT PLAIT.," On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of bhe roll: Yeast Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, hendrick and Tyrci. (7). flays: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance reed by title upon the call of the roll: Yetis:Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunhar, Hendrick and Tyree:(7). Preys: lir-ke(1). On motion same was riven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yens: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree (7). P'oys: Pieke (1). Proceedings of_ Ro =D GFsiDr:1 rl:T:--_ __ ___City of Paducah__? r,TcH ?T �._>9?7, _ __ t:emher Cole read an, ordinance entitled "AN ORDIVIUCR P-OVIT)ITTG Fop TIIF. I1.°P 0?'R?"r:TIT OF GllTHRI?ti .Vh?ilPr, FRCh' THY. NORTH PF+OPRnIY LINK OF TPE ilAYFIT, LD Hard surface Guthrie '-ve. ROAD TO THE INTERSECTION OF NINRTEi:?!TH STREP?T; NINP:T1,J-17T14 ;TT'7ET FAO?; THI INTE?- from ?'ayf. Rd. to 19th St .etc. 7,POTION OF GUTHI'IF AVEt'lTE TO THE SOUTH P�IOPF.RTY LINE OF BI1oiD:'i.Y STPFh,T, IN THE CITY OF PATXTCAH, r?{NTUCPY, BY THE COITF:TR?TCTION OF A HAT'n Sl!^'FACE ROFTJ:'i.Y, T(5GETHER '"ITH e -.LL Y: ,NHOLES, CATCH BASINS, INTAKES, DRIVL7rYF AND SE':'ER PIPE CONNECTIONS, ITl i,CCO''1'r„T'CI: Y ITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFIC tiTIOIJS PFOVIDED THu:RF.- FOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PT'OPE�7TY O"I:EFS, AND PRO- ?'c Kee-Blivin VIDING Tllt.T THE COST OF STTCH CONSTRUCTION YAY RF }-AID IN ACCOIFu.NCi "TTA THE Button Co. PROVISIONS OF THi TEN YEAR PtYI:L.NT PLAT'.." On motion same was Given first passage upon the call of -the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree(7). Naysi, Rieke (1). Hard surface On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon S. 6th St.from the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick Nnd Tennessee to Tyree. (7). Nays: Rieke (1). Clark Sts. . On motion same was t.iven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree(7). Nays: Rieke (1). Member Rieke offered the followinp.: "I move that the richt-of-way grant from J. K. Ferl*uson be accepted, and that there be allov:ed the cost of the .T, :.Fe-•ru^on sewers constructed on the property of said J. K. Ferguson, in the amount shown by ;-rant. the Engineer's estimate therefor, which the City Treasurer is authorized to nay to the Contractor, Koller Plumbing; Company.” Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Y,ember Bell offered motion to refer to the Finance llomTittee, com- munication from the City Solicitor relative to ?dcKee-Blivin Button Company being ?'c Kee-Blivin exempted from Ad Valorem taxes. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Button Co. Member Cole read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE! PROVIDING, FOR THE IFPROVE7.`ENT OF SOUTH SIXTH STJhET FR01: THE. F.OUTH PPOPEFTY LINF. OF TENNESSEE Hard surface STREET TO THF. NORTH PROPEITY LINE OF CLARK STREb,T, IN THE CITY OF T'AIPCAH, S. 6th St.from Tennessee to KENTUCKY, BY Tilt: CONSTPUCTION OF A HARD SURFACE FOATFNPY, TOGETHE" ''ITB ALL TIFCFS- Clark Sts. DARY VANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, INTAKES, DRIVE;�;'AYF AT"D SW.' -ER PIPE CONT"E'CTIONS, IN ACCOPPuJfCh "'ITE THE PLAT'S AI•'D FPFCIFICATIONS PpOVIDE;D THEREFOR BY TFE. CITY FlIGINERR, AT THE COST OF THB P.i T'TTI1TG PrOPERTY 07-YEFS, AND PTzOVTDIT;C TH.I.T THE COST OF SUCH COI:STRTTCTION 1,11Y RE FAIT) III ACCORDANCE ':'ITH THE PT OVI `IONS OF THE TEN YEAR PAYVENT PLAN." On motion same was given first passace upon the call of the roll: Vice=s: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree(7). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion same was given second and final passafre upon the call of the roll: Yeas : Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree (7). Nays: Rieke (1). No__. 403,-_ __ Proceedings of___Banun-aF_nLn t;:.r:._ _...City of Paducah Same Pearl an ordinance entitled "AN ORDI1iGTlCli PPOVIDIIlG FOP THE: IA'PT'0V=' F1'T OF HIGH 3TREFT FROT; THF: NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROAD:'AY STrKET TO THE SOUTH PP.OPEPT'Y Tsrd surface LINE, OF JEFFERROPi STREET, IN THE CITY OF PALUCAH, KFIT.t'CKY, BY THE CON4TRf1CTION OF Hie", It. Prom H 1,.", a, A HARD SUFF CF. 701_D"''AY, TOGI.TFF:R "'ITH k11 nNESSAR)t• MANHOLES, INTAKES, CI TCH BASINS, to Teffn.rson, etc. DRIVE'':AYS .,ND ."07ER PIPE C01J1IF,CTIONS, IN ACCORI)„NCE "ITH THE FLP.ES l,ND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED THEREFOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 07:NERS, AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION Y •Y 8111 PAID IN ACCORD6T E "'ITH THE; P71OVISIONS OF THE TrX YEAR PAIW.ENT PLAN." on motion same wus given first passage upon the oall of the roll: Yeas (8 ): On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (S). On motion same was Qiven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (B). I Same read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING F'OF THE I7PROJEW1FVT i i OF FOUNTAIN AVENUE ( 17TH STREET) FHOT' TPE NORTH PPOPEPTY LINE OF RROAIY:'A.Y STREET TO j THE LOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF YONROF, STRD?E;T, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BY THE Hard surf. Fountain CONSTRUCTION OF A HARD SOPPkCE 1?CVJ);V.Y, TOGI?TIiF:R ':'ITH i LL NECESSARY 1CANHOLES, INTAKES, Ave, from .r,v. to _ CATCH BASINS, AND Su"'ER PIPE COPT"F.CTIONS, -ND ALSO THE PECOT;HTr'UCTIOTD OF CUP•BS AND I GUTTERS '"HEREVER 1dcCRS Y, AS n110"N ON PL,.I:S,1N ACCORDAFCR ::ITH THE PLANS Q,'D SPECIFI CATIONS PROVIDED TFFRFFOR'BY ThE CIT" E.IIGII:isER TILE COST OF THE, ABUTTING PROPERTY 0"11RPS AND PPOVIDING TFAT THE -COST OF .°UCH COTV"TRD'CTIOTI 3;:Y RE PAID UNDER THE PRO- VI•°IONS OF THE: TEN YEi'.R PAYM.-ENT PLr.N." On motion same was -iven first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). Naysf Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree (7). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion same w,as riven second end final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree (7). Nays: Rieke (1). Same read an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F'OP THE I1'P'0VET.`P'T OF CLAY STREET FROM TEE L -EST P1tOPERTY LINE OF FOURTH STREET TO THE "EST i 'card' surf. PROPERTY LINE OF NITITI1 STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KF.I'T11CKY, BY THL COYSTPUCTIOT' Clay St. frog: 4th to OF A HARD SUT?FACE ROAU.';Y, TOGETHER PITH ALL I,'ECESSARY T:ANHOLES, INT,KPS, CLTCH BASINS, 9th Its. DRIVE 4`jS T't` Sr­rR PIPE CONNECTIONS, IN ACCORR NCE,; 'ITH THE PLANS AND 1PECIFI,'ATIONS PROVIDED THWR?,FOR BY THE CITY ENGINEER, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PFOPERTY 0"'17 -5, ANT) PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF S11CH COT:S'^-UCTION TeAY BE PAID IT: ACCO-TVNC?.: :'.ITH TF E, P"OVISI01I5 OF THF: 7E; T YEt_R P:,`T.:D?IIT PLAY." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). Neyst Rieke (1). On motion the rules e:ere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). T1nysL Rieke (1). On motion same was 1*iven'second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Fannin, Bell, Cole, Levis_iunbar, Hendrick and Tyree (7). *lays: Rieke (1). 0 No. 404. Proceedings of ._ n of _._.,DI:T,I+i N- City of Paducah ' Gil 7,_1927.._ LSo-,n:'•er Cole read an ordinance entitled "r•I' OTOI::INCE PFC'VInITO ENGINEER, A.T 7Hii COF.T OF TFk LBUTTING YPOPEP.TY 01::I'F1F,, AND PROVIDING THAT THE DOST ON P.UCH COT'STINUTION I::AY BE PP -ID IN ACCO?'DF.I»CE "TTP THF; P^0 VI°ICES OF THE TRU YF -.4 F'iYT;ENT PL:;N.” On motion same aras given first nas�age upon the all of the roll: yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). flays: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas; Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick. and Tyree. (7). Nays. (1). On motion same was riven second and final passace upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree(7). Nays: Aieke (1). Liember Cole offered motion to adopt plans and specifications Plans and specift- for 6ontract No. 1, for hard surfacing on IF.onroe Street from 12th to 13th; 13th rations Cont.111. Kara surf. Yonroe Street from .Jefferson to Lonroe; 12th Street from Broadway to Kentucky Avenue. 12th to 13th;13tb from Jeff. to Von; Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). 12th fror Rv -.y. to Ky. Ave. L:ember Davis offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Renortsof Chief of of Councilmen in receiving and filing montIDly reportsof the Chief of Police, Police, City .railer Fire Chief. City Jailer and Chief of the Fire Department. J•dopted on the call of the roll: Dire Yeas (6) Yember Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board "'atop mnins of Councilmen in referring* to Light & 7,'ater Committee, petition for water mains on 21st from Hinkle- on North 21st Street from Hinkleville Road to I:ildred Street. Adopted on the ville Rd, to F Vildred St. call of the roll: Yeas (8). I.jemher Rieke offered the following: "WHEREAS, an assessment has L'rs. Emma Sears. been made against the property of 6'rs. Emma Sears for the cost of the construction ' of Bridge Street abutting her property, which consist of the low ground located just on and beyond the line of the Corporate limits, amounting to the sum of i `y875._ and, Vlhereas, the said ?:rs. Emma Sears has refused to pay said assess - meets for the followin[r reasons, to -wit: (1) The greater portion of the improve- ment lies beyond the City Limits and the City was not authorized to fix a lien therefor; (2) That portion of the property lying 'sithin the cornorate limits is a ravine and Practically worthless; and, '-HPYF:bS, it is nog: proposed- by way of compromise agreement that I'rs. Sears will pay the sum of E100.00 on the cost of said improvetrert, and that the City of Pad,:cah will nay the valance of such costs as shorn by the special tax hill therefor, which has been turned over to the contractor, D. J. Ryan Con- struotion Company, and bears interest, together with a penalty of 105, thereon: % IT I:0'? 2i•:30LVED ?v THE GF:IL � I- COm;:CIL OF 711E CI rY OF Pf.DT'Ci.H, KFNTiICKY: PF.,.T Ilii? F'0?>1,�OIi'G P'OYU ITIO;' 6CCEPTED RAID RLTIF'IM)." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). FOS'. THE I?: I"OVI-T!•:1TT OF T,'ORTH SIXTH STFF'ET F4OV THE MUTE F ('r ;•._""Y LINE OF Hard surface on N. 6th 3t. frbm I'ad. YADIION ST" FF;T TO THF, SOUTF PPOPEuTY LIVE' OF TPIIiBLF STHLI%T, IN THF CITY OF PADUCAF� to Trimble Its. KEYTI-CKY, BY TRX CONSTRUCTION (F A F_L.- <r++F„CE P'U •.D':` Y, T06F.THET, "ITH ALL NECESSARY YANHOLRS, INTI KES, C:.TCH R:.SII:S, DPIV1,.`:AYS AND SFa`'ER PIPE CONTECTIONS, IN ACCOFD NCE-; -ITH TPE PL; -NS AND SPFCIFICi..TIUhS PrOVIDFD TEF:REFCP PV THE CITY ENGINEER, A.T 7Hii COF.T OF TFk LBUTTING YPOPEP.TY 01::I'F1F,, AND PROVIDING THAT THE DOST ON P.UCH COT'STINUTION I::AY BE PP -ID IN ACCO?'DF.I»CE "TTP THF; P^0 VI°ICES OF THE TRU YF -.4 F'iYT;ENT PL:;N.” On motion same aras given first nas�age upon the all of the roll: yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree. (7). flays: Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas; Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick. and Tyree. (7). Nays. (1). On motion same was riven second and final passace upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree(7). Nays: Aieke (1). Liember Cole offered motion to adopt plans and specifications Plans and specift- for 6ontract No. 1, for hard surfacing on IF.onroe Street from 12th to 13th; 13th rations Cont.111. Kara surf. Yonroe Street from .Jefferson to Lonroe; 12th Street from Broadway to Kentucky Avenue. 12th to 13th;13tb from Jeff. to Von; Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). 12th fror Rv -.y. to Ky. Ave. L:ember Davis offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Renortsof Chief of of Councilmen in receiving and filing montIDly reportsof the Chief of Police, Police, City .railer Fire Chief. City Jailer and Chief of the Fire Department. J•dopted on the call of the roll: Dire Yeas (6) Yember Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board "'atop mnins of Councilmen in referring* to Light & 7,'ater Committee, petition for water mains on 21st from Hinkle- on North 21st Street from Hinkleville Road to I:ildred Street. Adopted on the ville Rd, to F Vildred St. call of the roll: Yeas (8). I.jemher Rieke offered the following: "WHEREAS, an assessment has L'rs. Emma Sears. been made against the property of 6'rs. Emma Sears for the cost of the construction ' of Bridge Street abutting her property, which consist of the low ground located just on and beyond the line of the Corporate limits, amounting to the sum of i `y875._ and, Vlhereas, the said ?:rs. Emma Sears has refused to pay said assess - meets for the followin[r reasons, to -wit: (1) The greater portion of the improve- ment lies beyond the City Limits and the City was not authorized to fix a lien therefor; (2) That portion of the property lying 'sithin the cornorate limits is a ravine and Practically worthless; and, '-HPYF:bS, it is nog: proposed- by way of compromise agreement that I'rs. Sears will pay the sum of E100.00 on the cost of said improvetrert, and that the City of Pad,:cah will nay the valance of such costs as shorn by the special tax hill therefor, which has been turned over to the contractor, D. J. Ryan Con- struotion Company, and bears interest, together with a penalty of 105, thereon: % IT I:0'? 2i•:30LVED ?v THE GF:IL � I- COm;:CIL OF 711E CI rY OF Pf.DT'Ci.H, KFNTiICKY: PF.,.T Ilii? F'0?>1,�OIi'G P'OYU ITIO;' 6CCEPTED RAID RLTIF'IM)." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). No. A05� Proceedings of.�o_ n�� �Lr�r-�-iN-City of Paducah H 7TH, 1927. L.emher Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Borerd of °treet Licht 22ndCouncilmen in referring to the Light & `:'ater Committee, petition for street light at n l r'onroe ts. 22nd and I:'onroe Streets. .-dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (6). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in' 1=(rO-t, of T'nIl,cah referring to the City Engineer and Fire Chief, report from the Paducah ':'ester Company .. .. `rr GO. under date of Parch 7th, 1927, of viater mains laid and fire plugs located. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). 1.1ississiroi Yomher Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Valley P.sso ,in tta7 Councilmen in receiving and filing communication from the Yississippi Valley Association requesting, '?100.00 donation from the City for river improvement. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Votor busses. in referring to the License Committee, the matter of bringing in an ordinance licensing, motor busses. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Member Oole read an ordinance &ntitled " AN ORDINTANCE PROVIDING FO"' TFE . IYP'I• V1.1.71iT OF NORTPi FOURTH STREET FRO1.' THE °OUTH PPOPERITY LINE. OF IJADISON S' REET TO THF Rard surf, NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLAY STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEATTUCKY; BY THP' CONSTRUCTION Y. 4th °.t. -. from 1'ad. OF A HA"D SURFACE LCrD'"''.Y, TOGETHEF .ITH ALL NECES!:ARY Ei-..NHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, to Clay. DRIVE"'AYS AND SE -ER PIPE. CONFEF TIO]19, IN LCCORDAYCE l:'ITH THE PL1-1I9, i.A:D SPECIFICATIONS PIOVI TED THRRFROR BY THE CITY RIMII+TEER, AT THE COST OF TITE kBUTTII G PROPERTY 0"NKRS, AND PROVIDING TH`,T 711;; COST OF STICH COY"•TRlTCTIOti L:r,Y RE PAID IAd ACCOpDl;NCE :':ITH THE PROVISIONS OF THr TEN YEAR PavP,'.ENT PLAY." i On motion same vias given first, nassage upon the call of the roll: veas:jiannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree (7). NaysL Rieke (1). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree(7). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion same was liven second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Cole, Davis, Dunbar, Hendrick and Tyree (7). Nays: Rieke (1). I.;ember Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of "'est Enrl Councilmen in referring to the City Engineer the matter of assessing, the '.:est End Imrrov.Co. feet ,Irprovement Company for street improvements on 15.47/more ground than they own. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). Annua 1 1.'ember Bell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of reno^t of Councilmen in receiving and filing the annual financial report of the Paducah Plater Pa d,;r, ah "aerr Co, Company. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). orr,nIs Same offered motion to concur in t'r.e action of the Board of Councilmen Clrih, P,zhlir in receivin^ and filing communication from the P/oman's Club relative to Public Health Ffralth Leaoae, Learzue. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (8). F on Lember Dunbar offered motion to concur in Lhe action of the Board of ^s 21st from Cor.ncilmen in referring; to the Server Committee, petition from citizens for se•:rers on F'ir,�icville 91. to 21st Street from Hinkleville Road to l:ildred Street; also requesting* thet same be ildred ; Grade and graded nod graveled. Adonted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). ,ravel 21st . etc. ?'ember Tyree excused from meeting. Member 3ell offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of rs T. Billir.rton:Councilman in referring to the City Solicitor, the matter of refunding 'w?P2.23 to 1'rs. S. J. Billinpton, over assessment on property on the Cairo Road for the year 1926. Adonted an the call of the roll: Yeas (7). No. 4r6. Proceedings of Bo "D or : 1 ;Irr ;:rr _ _ ___City of Paducah - t: LF0H _ 7TH, 1927, Yember Rileke offered the following: "P7HLREAS the Carnegie Public Library Board has indicated a willingness to compromise the claim heretofore pre- C..,rno-ie Public sented for said Library against the City of Paducah by accentint, w10g000.00 apportionment for the year 1927, and the recognition of an indebtedness by said City to said Library in the sun! of ;;5800.00, to be paid in equal portions during the years 1928-29; and, 11:711.LYPi=.S said Library Board has agreed that a suit may be filed and ,judgment entered in accordance e:ith this agreement., in order to definitely and finally release tP,e City from any claim that may he asserted by said Library Board on account of the difference arising from previous annual arrortionments and an amount based upon 50% of the fines of the Paducah Police Court, to the end that the City may obtain a quietus on such claim, and that the law may be construed I for the purpose of guiding the city in future appottionments in favor of said Library. "The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to make defense to such suit and to see that judgment is entered in accordance with the terms hereof affecting all claims aF;ainst the City in favor of said Library up to this date. "That the r,ayor be, and he is hereby, authorized, as a part con- sideration for said compromise agreement, to execute and deliver to said Library Board a deed of conveyance of the property located at Ninth Street between Broad::,ay and Kentucky Avenue, provided it, is stipulated in said deed that said property shall be used for Library purposes only, and shall not be sold i,.ithout the consent of the General Council." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7), Yember Davis offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in allowing the Lieutenants of the Fire Department an increase in Lieutenants of salary of .x„•'5.00 per month. Lost upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Fire Denartrrent. Dunbar and Hendrick(3). Nays: Bell, Cole, Davis and Rieke (4). On motion meeting^ adjourned. ADOPTED: ti 1927. 4PPROVED: f T41ESII-El" 730,;:D OF I.LI)1`1Prat•:. CITY Gl,* ';:.