HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 341, September 7, 1926No. 341. — - Proceedings City of Paducah t an a•i;ioarned mca,ting of the 13oa1'i of :1 iersaen held on the 'Thira Floor of t},n City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky. , Septersbor 7th, 1926, Presi lent iiannin presidod, nr +anon Hi,. sill of the roll tho follo.; Proceedings of --City of Paducah Board of 1lember Beti or'crr3 o". -ion that tri, ^.1 o" x.00 for nr.e o r„r Evaluation. the Board of by tuition be rallc.r;;r, Adont .i rn :rr< 11o_ f f 'he roll. Eember Dunbar offern,i r:otion to concur ir. :.,;c etion of t',e Bo• rd of Pierce Arrow City Councilmen acce ,Jn• Pierce Arvo (jit;r Service truck froc t -ie Genr:rnl i;,inufactur- Service truck. .inr, Company, St. ic�,is, i;o., as recommen General Mfg. Coded by the C'iief of thn P"u e ;r..nartment. --lopted on the cull of the roll: Yeas (5), ! Sa?:ae offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Additional men in referring to the Police & Fire Committee, to report bac',., the natter of for Fire Dept. ,�r:oloying tvie adiition:•.1 -en for Fire Dootirtment, to handle no:v t'ruciz. Edon) on she csll of t_ic roll: Ye;.,s (5). Report of Sane offered notion to concur in the action of the Bo ..•tl of Chief of Police. Councilmen in r ccivin,- :nl filing, report of the Chief of Police for the month of A=.ist, 1926. .-icnted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). III Scu::c orfered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Council - Report of i::cn in receivin r,nd filin;* the report of the Chief of the Fire Dennrtrent for Chief of .Fire Dept. tl-.e month of august, 1926. adopted on the call of the roll: yeaa (5). 'iw::e r_i;'ered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of Councilmen in referring to the City '�n;ineor and Fire Chief, the renort of the Paducah hater Co. Paluc :h 'Satcr Company under r1ato of 3cptember rhe 4th, 1926, of ,1,1ter n :ins l:..icl -�nl fire plugs lgcated. -=dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Siai:e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Report of Councilmen in receiving 4nd filing the report of the Cit; Jailer for the month of City Jailer. t:u„ust, 1926, ..dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Sar -:e offered motion to concur in the uction of the Board of Councilmen of elu!rust 16th, 1926, referring to the Board of Public '.forks and Edgewood Dairy Sevier Committee, .vith pov;er to act, the matter of 1'sdgewood Dairy Products Company Products Co. connecting :+ith Sevier on North 13th Street. Adopted on the call of 'he roll: Ye --s (5). Member Cole offered motion to allow the Fire Chief 5,¢35,00 to nay Fire Chief. ^is exnenses to attend the icntucky '_Fire Chiefrs Association at Louisville, Ky. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Bomber Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board City Auditor to of Councilmen in appointing the Cit7f Auditor to audit the books of the School audit books of School Board. Boarjd for the Fiscal Year ending June 1926. dopted on the call of the -roll: Ye:.+s (5). 11amber Ainbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Roa rd Condemnation of Councilmen instructing the City Solicitor to bring condemnation proceedings proceedings against M.Livingston & Co. ,lnst M. Livingston ec Cor.pany for strip of :;round at 11th and 'r;entnel;y .,venue, to be used for street purooscs. Adopted on the call of the roll; Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the hoard of Condemnation Councilmen inst'ructin,F,, the City Solicitor to briny, conderanatibn procoelinr*s proceedings against E. E. Lewis, ar.;,.inst E. E. Lewis for strip of ;round near '16th.Street to be used to extend .greet. Adopted on the cr:ll of the ro.l1: "e:as (5). :..er_ber 3611 offered motion to concur in the action of the Board Oak Grove Cemetery.of Councilr.en in 'referring to the Cemetery Committee, with po;,er to flet, the .,tter of bu.;ling a canvass 16 X 20, for Oak Grove Cer;etery. �',donted on tl 11 o% % e roll: Yetis (5). Same offered inotion to concur in d e. .action of tl:o Ro-ir l of Goimciluon 1n3tructin; the. Sexton of Oak Grove Cemetery to buy one oar 10,2,1 of' Snell Oak Grove Cemetery. Crushed stone, record rise crusued stone; also ono book, for kao.pin/*, records and one 16„Eclinac: .bwn book and lawn movie,- ',:071e•r• i:dopted on the eall of the roll: Ye:ae (5), No_ 343. -- Proceedings of BO, --D 011,I ._,T;--- ______ --City of Paducah..---=-PT._7rL,-- Eeu:ber sell offered :notion to concis in !,c action of th:• Tao: rd of uouncilrtcui -- Geo.A.Watts. in -, T,rd to one r:er-ber from each Board being appointed, .,.,ho, together with the iayor, be instructed to draft a letter of sympathy to tin bereaved family of the ln.te Counrilr.ien "r.or e ":alts. Adopted on she ci ll of the roll: Yeas (5). Member Bell was aopointed. Member Cole offered motion to concur in Elie action of the Board of Gounrileien Traffic Signals. in accepting traffic signals donated by the Sun Publishing Connany, and ,,llorrin, hill Sun Pub.Co. of :„180.00 for the insr,:.11ation of s,.Lrre, by Powell Bros. Electric Company, and th requested to write a letter to the Sun Publishing Company expressing thanks and ix ­i er,i:rtions oof tile City. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (5). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in Koller receiving* and filing estimates of ::,ork done by the Koller Plumbinm Company on servers Plumb. Co. Sewer Zone in Zones Nos. 2, 4, and 5, prior to Sent. 13t-, 1926. Adonted on ttie call of the roll: Noes. 2,4, and 5. "c- s (5) i.Iember Bell offered motion t.iat tl:e matter of purchasing dirt from Ryan Ryan Const: Construction Company for fill on Ashcraft -_venue, between Powell and Bridp;e Street, Co. to sell dirt for be ;referred to the Roa.r3 of Public '•:orks, 3trect Committee, :.nd City Engineer with no,rer 2ill on she aft to act. Adopted on t'ic call of the roll: Yeas (5). Ave. btw. Powell &Brad. Tiember Colc offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilcien Jackson St. instfuctirg the Gity Solicitor to brim; in a resolution for hard surface on Jackson :3traet from 19th to 21st Sts -from 19th to 21st Streets.-.doptea on -che call of the moll: Yeas (5). 14ember Bell read an ordinance entitled "Ail ff: DIN­T:CR P1OVIDING F03 ilii? Ordinance. I: ,, i0 ::'' ;'-T OF 24TH ITREi%T F'iOT1 Tiir; I10R'TR P'30PERTY LINE OF JI'sFF%R:;ON TRFET TO Tiiii IOTYPH Graveling &. Grading - „'," TY LINE 01: "0'.FiO,,. STREET, IN T9,' CIT`I OF PADUC !(;:CV, BY THE GRnDI:M .,`77 24th St. from Jeff. r .sr ?vIIIG 07 7IT11 ;LL N ,f, , ; , (' , :: IOL to Mon. Sts. C:;TCH S.i ,iIiS PIP' CONNECTIONS, IN ACCWDATICE :'ITH T11- YL .:. ;i'isCa_'I ; . P i0:I8 P130VIDED Til l;inl'013 8Y TIir. CITY E.TIGIN211R, AT THf> COST 03 ii' O':I(uRS, AND PHOVIDIi2rF 'Plit•.'C THE . CO"T OP .S:rCH CONSTRUCTION 11AY BE, P21 -ID IN [VCCUi ir.i'U I'r' THE PROVIiUONS OF THE TET! `G:,.R Yi:' is iiT PLr.T:. ° On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion the rules ,were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call o' the roll: Yeas (5) On motion same was given second and final passa«e upon the call of the ,II: 'leas (5). Same read an o-dinince entiticd "All 01-DINANC' P.tiO','i e7..: -. t Ordinance. OF J Gti'0N STPkET c'ROi_` 'N111. u 0'r' Ell. '.:HIL ii; Oltri DDITION O 1H ^_ LIN;: OF 25TH Grading & graveling „rnEr3'P, AND FROT+: C :-. "!EST CURB L=a c: OF .iJ_H?I A`:E UF, TO '1l-? "j . -,'3T P:iOPA4TY LINE OF 2l'T Jackson from Ihitt.Ii: THS CT-' 0' ' Add. to 25th BY HE GR -DING AND GH,'VGLIi:G Oi 1,17E,1,17E,, TOG BIER T to 21st Sts.° _L ;a C :'+'� i. -(� _ i ,:.... r,aTCH S: SIL 5 ..'! : "i,7,ER PIra 00:I::EC'I`IOIIS, IT; C,.. ".IT" Tt L...> Lill•. 0VI1)ED TH3REC'OH 3'.i THr CITY n.IGS::1;F.?, P 'i.:-. COT OF 1i;D i—OVIDITIC. TFi:'>'i PIi" Co3, OF :UCH 'Clio:; 1 .Y RE r:I ITJ AC co ? .1u PMI UONS OF 01PI: TlSii YEAR Pi,YTLIENT PLAN.;" On motion same was riven first passage upon the call of.the roll: Veas (5). On motion the rules were suspended and ordinance read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (5). On motion s:ime was ,,iven second and final passa Te upon the call of the roll: Member Bell offered motion that the :ontr<act for curbs and gutters be Geo."1.Katter- jobn & Son. "rded to Geo. :. 'r;atterjohn & Son, int tile ;r bid acconted. Lost upon the call Of t1IO Bell and Tyree (2). ays. Ii:a:::11n, Gole and 'unbar. (3). i No,- 7,14. Proceedings of.- -City of Paducah On motion -ertinp; adjourno.d. 1926. - I gk: -7 7 CIT,