HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 17, Page 325, July 19, 1926o_ No--- Proceedings of— i.,L, (.)- ALDZYMEN. Proceedingsof Paducah --City -__-._J_ULL.19_f', 1226 --_ --- --------------- -- the At a regular meeting of/Board-of :.ldermen . held on the Third Floor of the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, July the 19th, 1926, President Hannin presided, and upon the call of the roll the following answered to their names: Hannin, Bell, Choate, Cole, Dunbar, Rieke and Tyree (7). Minutes of July the 5th, 6th, 9th and 12th were adopted as read. Member Rieke offered motion that the pay roll in the amount of $7488.87 Pay roll. be allowed. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion that claims in the amount of 032,101.75 be Claims. allowed. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas: Iiannin, Bell, Choate, Dunbar, and Tyree. (5). Nays: Cole and Rieke (2). Member Rieke offered motion that the claim of Chas. i. Leake Company for. Claim of Chas.M.Leake ;238.00, and claim for 1'anufacturerel Record for ,'p37.45, be allowed, and same charged Co., Mfgrs. Record and to Hard Surface Street Improvement. Also claim of '.7ilbur 17atson +nd Associates for Wilbur Watson. 0300.00, be allowed, same charged to Island Creel: Bridge Fund. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion that the Special Engineering Pay Rolls be allowed in Special Engineering the amount of 0430.89, same charged to Hard Surface Street Fund. Adopted on the call Pay rolls. of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to allow Special Street Improvement Bonds and Coupons', Special St. Improv, cancelled in the amount of ',p1778.14. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Bonds & Coupons Same offered motion that an allowance from the General Fund be made to cancelled. pay Bond Interest on the following issues, due and payable August the lst, 1926: $31,000.00 N. 0. & U. R. R. R. Bonds................$660.40. ' Bond interest, $109,000.00 Street Improvement Bonds ...............2180.00. 21,500.00 City Hospital Bonds ...................... 430.00. "21,000.00 Market House Bonds ............ :......... 420.00. Adbpted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered the following: "Whereas, the City of Paducah is required by a decision of the Court, to refund the amount of 10,% Blanket Raise assessed on 10% Blanket real estate, and charged on Tax Bills for the year 1926. I move that the Clerk be raise refund. authorized to issue a warrant on the Treasurer for '-}1000.00, the approximate amount due the 'Pax Payers who have paid their full yearfs taxes, and that this amount be placed in a Special fund to enable the Treasurer to make the proper refunds. Adopted on the call'of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Rieke read a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION i�UTHOP,IZING AVI) Borrow _,T_71�^I'-r; 'j'T. I;;p;Y-OR Mill THd CITY TRi.;SURr;R OF THE CITY OF PADUC-H, KENTLIG17, TO 130-M"" money. I ( 'Cl -E S'ir: OF $100,000.00, AS THE Sr'VE PAY BE RFQUIRED TO L'.EET THE •:.D3 OP ';:. i ^ CITY, AND TO EXRCUTE 110 -PE OR NOTES THIS`?EFO? ON 101i,,LF OF 5_.I1) CITY." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of `he roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the cal'_ of the roll: Yeas (7). Same'of.fered motion that the 'Crr.asurer be authorized by proper warrant. Koller to pay Koller Plumbin7 Company ,;14,110.24, the amount collected for Sewer Laterals in Plumbing LIo, Zone No. 1, and effect final settlement on sale of bonds covering ten year agreement; also that the L'.ayor and Treasurer be authorized to have printed, execu'.c-' Inri sell such honds in the amount of ;;:18,939,34 , in aceordanee`with the procedure.'.as set forth in the Ken tacky Statutes governing ten year agreements. Adopted on the call of the roll: `leas ('i). Proceedings of—B3AR-D ZiF- ALDERI,ILN.. .._ No. 326. __ . City of Paducah. - JuLY .-in-TH,_ 192s_.-- 1.fember Rieke offered motion that the Treasurer be authorized by proper r;e.rrant to pay the Koller Plumbing; Company €-2676.03, the amount collected for server laterals in Zone No. 3, and effect: final zett:lenent on sale of bonds Koller Plumbing `'0. covering ten year agreement; also that the ;ayor and Treasurer be authorized to have printed, executed and sell such bonds in the amount of 5,1786.53, in accor- dance with the procedure as set forth in the Kentucky Statutes, governing ten ,year, agreements. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Uouncilmen in deducting ,367.80 from the Sewer Lateral Tax Bill of Willie and Victoria Hicks. and Victoria Hicks. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the report of the L. P..Molloy. City Solicitor, A. Y. Martin, in not reducing the assessed valuation of property of L. P. 7.1olloy, located at 1717 Madison Street. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered the following: "'.7hereas, the revenues of the City i of Paducah, as anticipated from the assessed value of property sub,lect to taxation, 1 and licenses provided by ordinance, has been depleted by reason of the loss of the Retrenchment uniform increase under the decision of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, making it resolution. I necessary to retrench in expenditures. Be it resolved by the General Council of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, as follows: That new construction be reduced to approximately $7000.00; that the Police Department be reduced in the sum of x$1500.00; that the Fire Department be reduced in the sum of ','x1500.00. In making such reductions the Police & Fire Committee is given full power to apply. same in such a way as they may deem proper for the best interest of said Llanartment s and the City. And further the Board of Park Commissioners is requested to reduce its apportionment in the sum of ?1000.00, and the Board of Health in the sum of ?1500.00, and all other departments are urged to co-operate in making reductions in expenditures. ,dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). !.;ember Choate offered motion to refer to the Board of Public Geo. P. Watson 23rd from Broadway'orks ;nd City Engineer, Protest against the improvement of 23rd Street from to Ky. Ave. Broadway to Kentucky Avenue, made by Geo. P. Watson. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion to refer to the Street Committee, Paving High Street the matter of paving Hi`h Street from Broadway to Jefferson Street. Adopted on the fromBway, to Jefferson St. call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion that an ordinance entitled Ordinance. "AN ORDINANCE PROVI )ING FOI? THE IMPROVEMENT OF 2211D STREET, FRO',.: TIE SOUTH PRuPERTY Grading and gravel -LINT, OF KEITT'UC':v E . from J1:hL� TO TIi SOU -1i P".OPERTY LIT. ? OF t:9.SRI1'C:TOl1 ST ?Y' ;T, IN THE ing 22nd St Ky. Ave. to Slash. CITY OF PJ:DUCtiH, I'EOTUCKY, BY G.i-7..;I:G AND GRAVELING OF S. -:YE, TOGiI.THIi -t ".,171 ;ATL St. 142Cc•S�., Y 1.;:„lIIOi+:3, I14T: i:i S, C %-CH 13_:SINS :.11D SE'.'IER CONNECTIONS, IN ACCO",.I'CI "'ITA TII1? PLANS AND SPECIFIC.,TIOI1: -P3 VI DED THEREFOR BY Tit CITY hIdGIId {'r.ii, AT THE, COST OF THE ABUTTING PROY^RTY 0':1:'•:':.::, ,1111 P tOVIDIiir TIT :T THE COST OF S!'Cii COlIGPRUCTION '.AY Br: PAID IN ACCORD,L`uis ''I'.'li 2HE' PROV1S101i5 0:+ 771E Tnr! Y^:.R Pl,DLi:11T PL.N," be given third and final passage, 11ayor's veto not-n•ith-standing. Same was given third end final passage, ;ayor's veto not -with -standing, upon the call of the -roll: Yeas (7). Proceedings of_3o: OF __City of Paducah JIJLY 19TH 19P6. _ -- IAenber Choate offered motion that the repairs of Brold St,-eet Bridge Broad Street across Coosa Creek, be taken out of apportionment of Street Department. adopted on Bridge, the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Scaffolding apnrovin the appointment b the Ila`or of A. S. Lindsey as Scaffolding Inspector. Inspector. g pp Y J Y A. S. Lindsey. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Geo. greif Councilmen in allowing Geo. Greif ;.7698.91 and Fritz E. Uetzger ?283.74 for strip of Fritz E. '.,round deeded to the City of Paducah for the extension of Jackson Street. Also allowing Metzger J.N.Bailey. J. N. Bailey, 1-:a7or, ;236.69-ut,en proper deed has been delivered to the City. Same,to be charged to street right of way fund. adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (ni). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen concurring in the action of the Mayor in disapproving a resolution entitled "a RESOLUTION Resolution. :. P!TITdG THE PATXJCAH R iIL'.AY C01.IPANY THE-iIGIIT TO OPE", TE BUSSES OVER CERTnIN STREETS Busses. Or THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KT;N'Ptu;KY, AND 1',`ODIFYING SECTION 10 OF THE F)IAI1ICHISE GR,lNTED ' lira Pa.DUCnH 'IATL"!,Y CO3'.:P:,11Y 01" '11Ia 4TH DnY OF APRIL, 1919." Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Myrtle If.. referring to the City Solicitor communication from L(yrtle N. Boyd regarding a refund Boyd. of :1:1.50 Poll Tax. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen W.E.Kelly. in referring to the City Solicitor, communnication from ';i. E. belly requesting a refund of Poll Tax of 1,1.50. Adopted on ['.he call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Parking instructin.� the Police & Fire Committee to bring in an ordinance amending that part:ion on 2nd St. from Bway. of Traffic Ordinance governing parking on Second Street from Broadway to iientucky to Ky.Ave. Avenue. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays: (7). Same offered motilin to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen' Meyers & in regard to intersection of Meyers and Clements Streets being improved by the Board Clements Sts. inter- of Public •;orks. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays: (7). section improved. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Sewer in in regard to sewer in alley between Jefferson and Monroe Street, extending from 19th alley btw. Jeff.&Lion. to 25th, being eliminated. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nays: (7), from 19th to 25th. Same read an ordinance entitled "ATT ORDIII..ANCE PROVIDING FOR Tiw IMPIOV PETIT OF PAXTON STREET FR01: T,tr; '.TEST CURB LINE OF BLOOM AVENUE TO Th'r; "' ST Glr `3. Ordinance. Grading & LINE OF ALFXAr4Dc�? AVENUE, IN TIi}-; CITY OF PADUCAH, K_IITTJC"r;l, BY THE GRI'DING e,ND GR:,VELING Graveling Paxton OF SAFE, TOGFTdFR -7ITH ALL NECESSARY MAN -HOLES, CATCH BASINS AILD SIT"TER PIPES, IN from Bloom Ave. to ACCORDANCE ",I'1H TriE PLATT ;.ND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED 'IHERl;1707� BY THE' CITY ENGINE;R, Alexander Ave. - - `= COST OF TH"i �,s^'ING 1173OPEFTY O"1NFR3, AND PROVIDINS THdT .FIE OUST OF SUCH f, 'C _UCTION L::,Y BE Pr.ID UNDER THE PROVI` TO;IS OF TIi ` TA:a Y:;AR P:LYT.IENT PLAN.'" Same lost first passage upon the call of the roll: J!nys: (7). Same read an ordinance entitled ",ul ORDIN s iCE PROVTDI IG FO --i THE, Ordinance. Hard sur- ' 'FYO: Tii? . jEST PROPERTY LI1rOF 9TH To T;r'. '.1'r:3T face Clay from 9th ' -'-" =IIl7 OF IOTHTRt E'T; lOTH .3TRi3ET h'R0,'.I THE ?ORTH P13OPE'RTY LINE OF CLP.Y 3TiOE4T to 10th; 10th from TI' TBF, '?OriTH PROPFH' l LIN'.] OF TRI.:BL 3TRu'ET, IN ':H; .,i,Y OF P-:DUC„H, .:.I'T!'CFiY, BY Clay to Trimble THS: CONS"'" "TIOII OF r', Hi QD`TT-FACE R1AD-'7.',Y, TOGETHER "1TH ,,LL NECis'SS.;iY Sts. C.TCH :3P."1'"S ,.ID ., .;a p111L CO;!TE,.?IOIIS, IN ACCORDANCn .ITII THE 1'1.:'.??`. _:;D _?O7 RZ 717 1-, r:I"'C ',Glt;.,.,'i, _. iH'. 005`I' OF PH v. 0:' :;TJ ;Ii CO:!.,r1;TT0?I 11AY 3E P.'.ID II; :,CC,)': "C;, r ;u' •:;rr PL::i1. n No. R2G. Proceedings of- _u_o_nRn or' City of Paducah_ vLl 19, 1925. On iation same was Piven first pas-lazc upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Choate, Cole, Dunbar and•Tyreo (6). hays: Rie:e (1). On motion the rules dere suspended and ordinance rend by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas: Hannin, Bell, Choate, Colb, Dunbar an,I Tyree (6). Nays: Rieke (1). On motion same -was given Second and final passage upon the call of the roll: "'Cas: Hannin, Bell, C oatc, Cole, Dunbar and T-ree. (6). Nays: Rie',:e ( 1) . t Isombor Colo offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen reger-rin,g to the Street Committee, communication from Charles C. Rieke Chas. C. Rieke. Maplelawn Cemetery. regar-lin; the lines of 13th Streot along the i].aplelacm Cemetery. Adopted. on the call of the roll: Ycas (7). ]Member Dunbar offered motion to concur in the action of the Board 'Nater mains on of Councilmen referring to the Light and ''later Committee, petition:; for crater George St. from 6th to 7th Sts; along mains along George •street from 6th to 7th Streets; along 7th Street from 7th St. from Husbands ho Caldwell; N.13th Husbands to Caldwell, and alonC North 13th Street from Jefferson to 1'adison from Jefferson to Madison Sts. Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion -to concut in the action of the Board of Report of Councilmen heferrin, to the City nrineer and Fire Chief the report of the Paducah Paducah 'Vater Co. 'later Company under date of Jnly 17th, 1926. idopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Choate offered motion to concur in the oction pf the Board of Councilmen in regard to instructing the Chief of Police to rope off Rope off Bway. from Broadway from 7th to 8th Street from 7:30 to 8:30 P. I,i., each S nday evening 7th to 8th on Sunday evenings. so long as open hir services are conducted by the Y.Y;i.C.,i. Lost on the call of the roll: days. (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Light Plant and City Scales Lot for Councilmen in regard to the City offering the old Light Plant and City Scale sale. Lot for sale. Lost upon the call of the roll: Nuys (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Robert Thornton. Councilmen allowing Robert Thornton ,,;30.00 for services rendered to the General Council. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Rieke offered motion to concur in the action of the Cemetery deed to Board of Councilmen ratifying deed transferring Cemetery Lot No. 159, Bloc], J. M and J.F.Bichon. in Oak Grove Cemetery from L. S. DuBois to J. 1:1, and J. F. Bichon. idopted on the call of "the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of H.D.Taylor. Ccuncilmcn authorizing Tax ?fill ;?o. 3798 against II. D. Taylor to be cancelled. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Sac:e offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of councilmen authorizing the cancellation of Tax 'Bill elo. 2063 against R.O.Jones, IR. 0. Jones. Trustee. .adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (4). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Boar:i of Councilmen in reducing the assessed valuation of property on 6shcraft.' venue orrnod J. K. Poe. by J. K. Poe from $800.00 to '9"500.00. Adopted on the call of the roll: 'te°,:: (7) Same offered motion to concur in the action of the loan: of Thos. L. Ewing. Councilmen in refunding ,'1.50 Poll Tar. to '_"hos. L. Erring. P,donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). No_ -329. ------'-------- Proceedings of_ BOARD Ci .Ln e; N _ - ___City of Paducah. _.IUL7f 19, 1926,. ?.iember R cke regd an ordinance entitled "Ail 011 INANCE PENDING SECTI017 Ordinance. 37 OF AN O'iDIIT NCU,, ENTITLED, 1AII ORDINANCE TO CRTs..TE A11D 1;'37A3LISH A FitANCHI L TO Amending CONSTRUCT 0•.14 AC-�UIR,:D, LS:SIIT;+IId AND US3 N !'i.:"'FR ;PERKS PL,'=NT Sec.37 of , , :",]ID `.'IATLR DI ST RI31rTIN:. Plater Fran- 3'7TEM ""I CHIIt TH'7 CORPO?;..TE LI;.IT3 OF PADUCAH, ; IlD INVESTING THE PURCH? 931',R THEREOF chise. 'ITH THE FIGHTS, PO'7ER ;PTTs P'I'"ILEGE3 Hr;REIP1 SET FORTH, AND ILIPOSING UPON SIKH PURCFfASF.R THE DIJTI 5. .1;T7 RESPON°IRILIT?'.; 'IET OUT IN THIS OS?DI'IANCE", &DCPTIsD BY THE GENE7;t ff COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF P:.DUC-iH ON CIIE 22ND D,iY OF ;:::Y, 1926, AND DIRECTING "?I'r P.')UC:11 "ATER C01.'P•.NY TO L,Y n 'TATER 11 ;IN ON COX -,Y ST" "ET AS EXTENDED." On motion same was given first passage upon the call vpan the roll: Yeas(7). On motion the rules ::ere suspended and ordinance read by title upon the i cell o" the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final Passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Member Cole offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen in regard to Chemist locing employed by the City to make test of all materi-•1r, Chemist used in the construction of hard surface streets. -dented on the call of the roll: to be employed by Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen City. it " , —'` iri,,§ssuiri bu-lling permit to A. V. Bauer to erect a filling station at the S. E. Corner A.V.1Bauer Station 13th of 13th and Clair Streets. Adopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). k Clay Sts. Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Councilmen Board of approving the action of the T'layor appointing members of the Board of Plumbing Examiners Plumbing Examinersas follows: Virgil Chastaine,and J. R. Anderson, Master Plumbers and J. Li. Reed and Jack Coulson' as Journeymen Plumbers, -donted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same read a resolution entitled "A RESO,UTION PROVIDING F07 TILE IL:PROV1ZjT2IT OF "iASHIP.'GTON STREET FROLS 1'17 nAST P'?OPE:ITY LI11E OF 7TH STREET TO THE hj,ST PROYER'CY Resolution. LINE OF 6^1 II SCiL,T, :,111) 6TIP ,TR,"T FR01.' THE .SOUTH P?OP:`RTY 1,I177, OY 'k,SHINGTON STRF10,T Hard sur- face Stash. St. from TO THE NORTH P^OPERTY LINE OF CL,Rf STREHT, IN THE CITY OF PADUC.IH, KENTUCKY, BY TIH, 7th to 6th; 6th from CONS'r^'UCTION OF A HARD SURFACE ROi,J 17AY, TOGETHEl? iITII ALL iPdCE33ARY MAI1 HOLES, INTAKES, ;lash. to Clark. CATCH 9i,SINS AND SE:PER PIPE =T::FCTIONS, IPI ACCO40,,UCE '7IIIi THE PI;.•.:"; ID SPECIFIO'ATIONS PROVIDED THFRLrOR BY THE CITY EIIGINE?R, AT CHE COST OF THT.'s ABUTTING 2j':0'-1:RTY 0":'?i?'?3 AND ?,;cCRACY,EPi COUNTY, THE .SnI D i:icCR,CY,EN COUNTY IIAVING AGREED TO APPROPRInT� ITS PO 711011 OF S;ID COST, AND P-.OVIDING UH,T THR C0ST OF SUCH CONSTRUCTION ASSESSABLE .•.. IN';T TIG: P'?nPERTY O'VAIERS P'AY RE P',ID IN -,CCORDn!r':1 '•'ITII THF, P`iOVISIONS OF 51E TEII PLAN." On motion same was given first passage upon the call of the roll: Yeac (7). On notion the rules were suspended and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passage upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). ,name offered motion to'concur in the action of the Board of Councilman J. P. Smith. accepting deed from J. P. :;with, Executor for J. 3. Smith Es-ki`'e, for strip of -,round, ground to far extending Caldwell Street from 5th to 7th Streets. Adopt�n the call of the extend 4, Caldwell roll: Yeas (7). from 5th to 7th Sts. . Member Choate react a resolution entitled "A RES0LUTIO1l GRn?ITING TO ThE 'ROP? RTY ONF?S TO GRiDE AND GR.,7EL J.,C,: 0:1 STRE'T FROF 213T 3TRE"T TO T?''' Resolution. 7 GPE F ST LIdI, I.I THE CITY OF PiDiC.',H,..IN eCCORDANC 'iITIt Cii PLA?7 _Grade and gravel Jackson St. %PrF TFI C:;' IONS VnOV1 r= D TiI i:P"sl*'0 7 RY THE CITY ,XIB:IECT TO TII1? SUPF..RV1 .-(111 from 21st to Geo.'"J. '0"TapL OF rHc "30,:_QD OF PUf3LIC '70RK ." Greif west line. On motion same was given first pas.^,are upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). I No. 33C. -- Proceedings__..__City of Paducah On motion the rules were su,nend-:d and resolution read by title upon the call of the roll: Yeas (7). On motion same was given second and final passafe upon the call of the roll: 'Leas (7). Iembcr Choate offered motion -to concur in the action of the Board of Refunding Bonds Councilmen in receiving and filing, communication from A. Y. I.iartin relative to cancelled from x;33,000.00 old Refunding Bonds cancelled and returned from Block, Fetter & Trost, B1ock,Fetter & Trost. , and ordering same destroyed. i+dopted on the call of the roll: Yeas (7). Same offered motion to concur in the action of the Board of Cbdncilmen in receiving and filing communication from the Mayor relative to filing communica- Koller Plumbing bo, tion of Koller Plumbing Company, as permanent records in Cit; Clerkvs Office. Adopted on the call of the roll: Ydas (7). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED:) -+c P 1326. - APPROVED r CITY CLERK. I t . U ,e